Publisher: Odile Jacob
Total Pages: 433
ISBN: 2738178367

Cities and Metropolises in France and Germany

Cities and Metropolises in France and Germany
Author: Evelyn Gustedt
Publisher: BoD – Books on Demand
Total Pages: 214
Release: 2022-11-04
Genre: Science
ISBN: 3888381126

In both countries, France and Germany, there is great pressure to change and adapt towards new forms of urbanity and to conceive new strategic approaches with limited public finance and a need for economic efficiency. Not all types of urban areas are equally affected by these issues. The book aims to do justice to this situation, considering in both cases the context of the national urban systems. As it proved impossible to address all the topics relevant to the spatial development of urban and rural areas, the authors decided to concentrate on a number of important topical themes which are undoubtedly relevant in both countries, albeit in different ways, and which could be significant for a comparison. The focus is thus on issues related to metropolises, small and medium-sized towns and particularly current issues of urbanity, sustainability, Smart Cities, transport and mobility, and the role of cross-border urban development. The structure of the chapters is conceived in these terms. Besides scientific and theoretical approaches, the authors also consider the practical planning perspective and methodological aspects of the topic at hand. They mainly address three relevant factors: the differences between the two institutional systems, the development paths and historical constants, and how new challenges are addressed on both sides of the border.

The West-African City

The West-African City
Author: Jérôme Chenal
Publisher: EPFL Press
Total Pages: 370
Release: 2014-05-08
Genre: Social Science
ISBN: 0415750210

Rapid growth, unmanageable cities, urban crisis, macrocephali... The cities of west Africa are no longer ‘plannable’ – at least not using traditional urban development tools. Without negating the importance of participatory processes in city creation, it nonetheless seems crucial to return to city plans and models, to what cities convey, and how they are built. But to understand the city in all its depth and richness, we must also hit the streets. The West African City proposes a dual perspective. At the urban scale, it analyses historical trajectories, spatial development, and urban planning documents to highlight the major trends beyond the plans. At the second level – that of public space – the street is discussed as the city’s lifeblood. By innovating approaches and testing new methods, The West African City offers an unconventional look at Nouakchott, Dakar and Abidjan, the three study sites for this investigation. The city of today, in Africa or elsewhere, must re-examine its many social, economic, cultural, political, and spatial dimensions; for this, urban research has begun challenging its own methods. This book is also the companion of Chenal's MOOC African cities.

Réseaux Urbains en Europe

Réseaux Urbains en Europe
Author: Denise Pumain
Publisher: John Libbey Eurotext
Total Pages: 268
Release: 1996
Genre: Cities and towns
ISBN: 9782742000661

Examines the emergence of European urban networks and their consequences for the new position that each city has acquired through the internationalization of trade. Describes the networking process from the point of view of transport infrastructure, accesibility, and the new economic and political links that are growing up between cities. Covers mainly the period from 1970 to 1990.

Beyond the Networked City

Beyond the Networked City
Author: Olivier Coutard
Publisher: Routledge
Total Pages: 256
Release: 2015-12-14
Genre: Science
ISBN: 1317633695

Cities around the world are undergoing profound changes. In this global era, we live in a world of rising knowledge economies, digital technologies, and awareness of environmental issues. The so-called "modern infrastructural ideal" of spatially and socially ubiquitous centrally-governed infrastructures providing exclusive, homogeneous services over extensive areas, has been the standard of reference for the provision of basic essential services, such as water and energy supply. This book argues that, after decades of undisputed domination, this ideal is being increasingly questioned and that the network ideology that supports it may be waning. In order to begin exploring the highly diverse, fluid and unstable landscapes emerging beyond the networked city, this book identifies dynamics through which a ‘break’ with previous configurations has been operated, and new brittle zones of socio-technical controversy through which urban infrastructure (and its wider meaning) are being negotiated and fought over. It uncovers, across a diverse set of urban contexts, new ways in which processes of urbanization and infrastructure production are being combined with crucial sociopolitical implications: through shifting political economies of infrastructure which rework resource distribution and value creation; through new infrastructural spaces and territorialities which rebundle socio-technical systems for particular interests and claims; and through changing offsets between individual and collective appropriation, experience and mobilization of infrastructure. With contributions from leading authorities in the field and drawing on theoretical advances and original empirical material, this book is a major contribution to an ongoing infrastructural turn in urban studies, and will be of interest to all those concerned by the diverse forms and contested outcomes of contemporary urban change across North and South.

Development and Territorial Restructuring in an Era of Global Change

Development and Territorial Restructuring in an Era of Global Change
Author: Elisabeth Peyroux
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
Total Pages: 356
Release: 2023-08-29
Genre: Business & Economics
ISBN: 1786306530

Thinking about development and the environment simultaneously is one of the biggest scientific and societal challenges of the 21st century. Understanding the interactions between biophysical systems and human activities in an era of global change requires overcoming disciplinary divides and opening up new epistemological perspectives. This book explores these challenges using a territorial lens. Combining various scales of analyses (from global to local) and contexts (both urban and rural) in the North and in the South, it analyzes the relationships between environment and development through a variety of geographical objects (i.e. cities, rural and agricultural areas, coastlines, watershed), themes (i.e. ecological transitions, food, energy, transport, agriculture, mining activities) and methodologies (i.e. qualitative and quantitative approaches, modeling, in situ measurements). By engaging in a dialogue between social science and natural science disciplines, within different fields and with a variety of forms of knowledge production, this book provides essential information for understanding and reading the complexity of a globalized world. This book is targeted at academics and students in social sciences and at stakeholders in the field of territorial and environmental management.

Le système d'approvisionnement en terres dans les villes d'Afrique de l'Ouest

Le système d'approvisionnement en terres dans les villes d'Afrique de l'Ouest
Author: Alain Durand-Lasserve
Publisher: World Bank Publications
Total Pages: 196
Release: 2015-06-24
Genre: Business & Economics
ISBN: 1464805350

Les marchés fonciers urbains et périurbains des villes d’Afrique de l’Ouest en expansion rapide opèrent dans des contextes où coexistent des régimes fonciers différents et où les procédures d’accès aux terrains sont complexes. Un cadre d’analyse faisant défaut jusqu’ici, ce livre propose une approche systémique et l'applique à la zone urbaine et périurbaine de Bamako et à son hinterland rural. La méthode repose sur une analyse des différentes filières d’approvisionnement en terres et identifie, depuis la mise en circulation des terres agricoles pour répondre aux besoins en terrains à usage résidentiel, les changements de tenure et types de transactions qui accompagnent le passage aux terrains urbains, ainsi que les interactions entre les différentes filières. L'analyse montre que l’approvisionnement en terre est à l’origine assurée par la filière coutumière, qui prédomine dans les zones périurbaines, et par la filière publique et parapublique où l’État alloue des terrains à usage d’habitation aux individus ou les cède à des sociétés de promotion foncière et immobilières. Ces filières alimentent la filière privée formelle qui met ensuite sur le marché, à des prix élevés, des parcelles viabilisées avec titre de propriété. Les parcelles peuvent être cédées successivement, avec un degré d'informalité qui dépend de la tenure, de la légalité de la transaction et de son enregistrement. Alors que le développement du marché formel est entravé par des facteurs structurels, le marché foncier informel offre peu de sécurité. Adapté aux revenus moyens et bas, le marché informel attire aussi les acheteurs aisés et introduits auprès de l’administration et du pouvoir politique, et qui peuvent plus facilement obtenir une formalisation de la tenure. Prix des terrains et coûts de transaction élevés, conflits fonciers, procédures de formalisation longues et complexes, et diversité des acteurs se combinent dès lors pour entraver l’accès au foncier des pauvres en milieu urbain.

Urban Transport Environment and Equity

Urban Transport Environment and Equity
Author: Eduardo Alcantara Vasconcellos
Publisher: Routledge
Total Pages: 344
Release: 2014-05-01
Genre: Political Science
ISBN: 1134201346

Traditional transport planning has generated transport systems that propagate an unfair distribution of accessibility and have environmental and safety issues. This book highlights the importance of social and political aspects of transport policy and provides a methodology to support this approach. It emphasizes the importance of co-ordinating urban, transport and traffic planning, and addresses the major challenge of modifying the building and use of roads. The author makes suggestions for innovative and radical new measures towards an equitable and sustainable urban environment.