Computer Science -- Theory and Applications

Computer Science -- Theory and Applications
Author: Edward Hirsch
Publisher: Springer
Total Pages: 348
Release: 2012-08-11
Genre: Computers
ISBN: 364230642X

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 7th International Computer Science Symposium in Russia, CSR 2012, held in Nizhny Novgorod in July 2012. The 28 full papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 66 submissions. CSR 2012 was one of the events of the Alan Turing Year 2012, the topics dealt with cover substantial parts of theoretical computer science and its applications.

Computer Science – Theory and Applications

Computer Science – Theory and Applications
Author: Pascal Weil
Publisher: Springer
Total Pages: 347
Release: 2017-05-03
Genre: Computers
ISBN: 3319587471

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 12th International Computer Science Symposium in Russia, CSR 2017, held in Kazan, Russia, in June 2017. The 22 full papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 44 submissions. In addition the book contains 6 invited lectures. The scope of the proposed topics is quite broad and covers a wide range of areas such as: include, but are not limited to: algorithms and data structures; combinatorial optimization; constraint solving; computational complexity; cryptography; combinatorics in computer science; formal languages and automata; algorithms for concurrent and distributed systems, networks; applications of logic to computer science, e.g. proof theory, model checking and verification; formal and algorithmic aspects of bio-informatics; current challenges such as quantum computing.

Fine-grained complexity analysis of some combinatorial data science problems

Fine-grained complexity analysis of some combinatorial data science problems
Author: Froese, Vincent
Publisher: Universitätsverlag der TU Berlin
Total Pages: 185
Release: 2018-10-10
Genre: Computers
ISBN: 3798330034

This thesis is concerned with analyzing the computational complexity of NP-hard problems related to data science. For most of the problems considered in this thesis, the computational complexity has not been intensively studied before. We focus on the complexity of computing exact problem solutions and conduct a detailed analysis identifying tractable special cases. To this end, we adopt a parameterized viewpoint in which we spot several parameters which describe properties of a specific problem instance that allow to solve the instance efficiently. We develop specialized algorithms whose running times are polynomial if the corresponding parameter value is constant. We also investigate in which cases the problems remain intractable even for small parameter values. We thereby chart the border between tractability and intractability for some practically motivated problems which yields a better understanding of their computational complexity. In particular, we consider the following problems. General Position Subset Selection is the problem to select a maximum number of points in general position from a given set of points in the plane. Point sets in general position are well-studied in geometry and play a role in data visualization. We prove several computational hardness results and show how polynomial-time data reduction can be applied to solve the problem if the sought number of points in general position is very small or very large. The Distinct Vectors problem asks to select a minimum number of columns in a given matrix such that all rows in the selected submatrix are pairwise distinct. This problem is motivated by combinatorial feature selection. We prove a complexity dichotomy with respect to combinations of the minimum and the maximum pairwise Hamming distance of the rows for binary input matrices, thus separating polynomial-time solvable from NP-hard cases. Co-Clustering is a well-known matrix clustering problem in data mining where the goal is to partition a matrix into homogenous submatrices. We conduct an extensive multivariate complexity analysis revealing several NP-hard and some polynomial-time solvable and fixed-parameter tractable cases. The generic F-free Editing problem is a graph modification problem in which a given graph has to be modified by a minimum number of edge modifications such that it does not contain any induced subgraph isomorphic to the graph F. We consider three special cases of this problem: The graph clustering problem Cluster Editing with applications in machine learning, the Triangle Deletion problem which is motivated by network cluster analysis, and Feedback Arc Set in Tournaments with applications in rank aggregation. We introduce a new parameterization by the number of edge modifications above a lower bound derived from a packing of induced forbidden subgraphs and show fixed-parameter tractability for all of the three above problems with respect to this parameter. Moreover, we prove several NP-hardness results for other variants of F-free Editing for a constant parameter value. The problem DTW-Mean is to compute a mean time series of a given sample of time series with respect to the dynamic time warping distance. This is a fundamental problem in time series analysis the complexity of which is unknown. We give an exact exponential-time algorithm for DTW-Mean and prove polynomial-time solvability for the special case of binary time series. Diese Dissertation befasst sich mit der Analyse der Berechnungskomplexität von NP-schweren Problemen aus dem Bereich Data Science. Für die meisten der hier betrachteten Probleme wurde die Berechnungskomplexität bisher nicht sehr detailliert untersucht. Wir führen daher eine genaue Komplexitätsanalyse dieser Probleme durch, mit dem Ziel, effizient lösbare Spezialfälle zu identifizieren. Zu diesem Zweck nehmen wir eine parametrisierte Perspektive ein, bei der wir bestimmte Parameter definieren, welche Eigenschaften einer konkreten Probleminstanz beschreiben, die es ermöglichen, diese Instanz effizient zu lösen. Wir entwickeln dabei spezielle Algorithmen, deren Laufzeit für konstante Parameterwerte polynomiell ist. Darüber hinaus untersuchen wir, in welchen Fällen die Probleme selbst bei kleinen Parameterwerten berechnungsschwer bleiben. Somit skizzieren wir die Grenze zwischen schweren und handhabbaren Probleminstanzen, um ein besseres Verständnis der Berechnungskomplexität für die folgenden praktisch motivierten Probleme zu erlangen. Beim General Position Subset Selection Problem ist eine Menge von Punkten in der Ebene gegeben und das Ziel ist es, möglichst viele Punkte in allgemeiner Lage davon auszuwählen. Punktmengen in allgemeiner Lage sind in der Geometrie gut untersucht und spielen unter anderem im Bereich der Datenvisualisierung eine Rolle. Wir beweisen etliche Härteergebnisse und zeigen, wie das Problem mittels Polynomzeitdatenreduktion gelöst werden kann, falls die Anzahl gesuchter Punkte in allgemeiner Lage sehr klein oder sehr groß ist. Distinct Vectors ist das Problem, möglichst wenige Spalten einer gegebenen Matrix so auszuwählen, dass in der verbleibenden Submatrix alle Zeilen paarweise verschieden sind. Dieses Problem hat Anwendungen im Bereich der kombinatorischen Merkmalsselektion. Wir betrachten Kombinationen aus maximalem und minimalem paarweisen Hamming-Abstand der Zeilenvektoren und beweisen eine Komplexitätsdichotomie für Binärmatrizen, welche die NP-schweren von den polynomzeitlösbaren Kombinationen unterscheidet. Co-Clustering ist ein bekanntes Matrix-Clustering-Problem aus dem Gebiet Data-Mining. Ziel ist es, eine Matrix in möglichst homogene Submatrizen zu partitionieren. Wir führen eine umfangreiche multivariate Komplexitätsanalyse durch, in der wir zahlreiche NP-schwere, sowie polynomzeitlösbare und festparameterhandhabbare Spezialfälle identifizieren. Bei F-free Editing handelt es sich um ein generisches Graphmodifikationsproblem, bei dem ein Graph durch möglichst wenige Kantenmodifikationen so abgeändert werden soll, dass er keinen induzierten Teilgraphen mehr enthält, der isomorph zum Graphen F ist. Wir betrachten die drei folgenden Spezialfälle dieses Problems: Das Graph-Clustering-Problem Cluster Editing aus dem Bereich des Maschinellen Lernens, das Triangle Deletion Problem aus der Netzwerk-Cluster-Analyse und das Problem Feedback Arc Set in Tournaments mit Anwendungen bei der Aggregation von Rankings. Wir betrachten eine neue Parametrisierung mittels der Differenz zwischen der maximalen Anzahl Kantenmodifikationen und einer unteren Schranke, welche durch eine Menge von induzierten Teilgraphen bestimmt ist. Wir zeigen Festparameterhandhabbarkeit der drei obigen Probleme bezüglich dieses Parameters. Darüber hinaus beweisen wir etliche NP-Schwereergebnisse für andere Problemvarianten von F-free Editing bei konstantem Parameterwert. DTW-Mean ist das Problem, eine Durchschnittszeitreihe bezüglich der Dynamic-Time-Warping-Distanz für eine Menge gegebener Zeitreihen zu berechnen. Hierbei handelt es sich um ein grundlegendes Problem der Zeitreihenanalyse, dessen Komplexität bisher unbekannt ist. Wir entwickeln einen exakten Exponentialzeitalgorithmus für DTW-Mean und zeigen, dass der Spezialfall binärer Zeitreihen in polynomieller Zeit lösbar ist.

Logical Foundations of Computer Science

Logical Foundations of Computer Science
Author: S. I. Adi︠a︡n
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
Total Pages: 456
Release: 1997-05-28
Genre: Computers
ISBN: 9783540630456

A Sobolev gradient of a real-valued functional is a gradient of that functional taken relative to the underlying Sobolev norm. This book shows how descent methods using such gradients allow a unified treatment of a wide variety of problems in differential equations. Equal emphasis is placed on numerical and theoretical matters. Several concrete applications are made to illustrate the method. These applications include (1) Ginzburg-Landau functionals of superconductivity, (2) problems of transonic flow in which type depends locally on nonlinearities, and (3) minimal surface problems. Sobolev gradient constructions rely on a study of orthogonal projections onto graphs of closed densely defined linear transformations from one Hilbert space to another. These developments use work of Weyl, von Neumann and Beurling.

Computer Science Logic

Computer Science Logic
Author: European Association for Computer Science Logic. Conference
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
Total Pages: 639
Release: 2006-09-20
Genre: Computers
ISBN: 3540454586

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 20th International Workshop on Computer Science Logic, CSL 2006, held as the 15th Annual Conference of the EACSL in Szeged, Hungary in September 2006. The 37 revised full papers presented together with 4 invited contributions were carefully reviewed and selected from 132 submissions. All current aspects of logic in computer science are addressed, including automated deduction and interactive theorem proving, constructive mathematics and type theory, equational logic and term rewriting, automata and formal logics, modal and temporal logic, model checking, logical aspects of computational complexity, finite model theory, computational proof theory, logic programming and constraints, lambda calculus and combinatory logic, categorical logic and topological semantics, domain theory, database theory, specification, extraction and transformation of programs, logical foundations of programming paradigms, verification of security protocols, linear logic, higher-order logic, nonmonotonic reasoning, as well as logics and type systems for biology.