Semigroups Underlying First-Order Logic

Semigroups Underlying First-Order Logic
Author: William Craig
Publisher: American Mathematical Soc.
Total Pages: 298
Release: 2006
Genre: Mathematics
ISBN: 0821841491

Boolean, relation-induced, and other operations for dealing with first-order definability Uniform relations between sequences Diagonal relations Uniform diagonal relations and some kinds of bisections or bisectable relations Presentation of ${\mathbf S}_q$, ${\mathbf S}_p$ and related structures Presentation of ${\mathbf S}_{pq}$, ${\mathbf S}_{pe}$ and related structures Appendix. Presentation of ${\mathbf S}_{pqe}$ and related structures Bibliography Index of symbols Index of phrases and subjects List of relations involved in presentations Synopsis of presentations

The Hilbert Function of a Level Algebra

The Hilbert Function of a Level Algebra
Author: A. V. Geramita
Publisher: American Mathematical Soc.
Total Pages: 154
Release: 2007
Genre: Mathematics
ISBN: 0821839403

Let $R$ be a polynomial ring over an algebraically closed field and let $A$ be a standard graded Cohen-Macaulay quotient of $R$. The authors state that $A$ is a level algebra if the last module in the minimal free resolution of $A$ (as $R$-module) is of the form $R(-s)a$, where $s$ and $a$ are positive integers. When $a=1$ these are also known as Gorenstein algebras. The basic question addressed in this paper is: What can be the Hilbert Function of a level algebra? The authors consider the question in several particular cases, e.g., when $A$ is an Artinian algebra, or when $A$ is the homogeneous coordinate ring of a reduced set of points, or when $A$ satisfies the Weak Lefschetz Property. The authors give new methods for showing that certain functions are NOT possible as the Hilbert function of a level algebra and also give new methods to construct level algebras. In a (rather long) appendix, the authors apply their results to give complete lists of all possible Hilbert functions in the case that the codimension of $A = 3$, $s$ is small and $a$ takes on certain fixed values.

Limit Theorems of Polynomial Approximation with Exponential Weights

Limit Theorems of Polynomial Approximation with Exponential Weights
Author: Michael I. Ganzburg
Publisher: American Mathematical Soc.
Total Pages: 178
Release: 2008
Genre: Mathematics
ISBN: 0821840630

The author develops the limit relations between the errors of polynomial approximation in weighted metrics and apply them to various problems in approximation theory such as asymptotically best constants, convergence of polynomials, approximation of individual functions, and multidimensional limit theorems of polynomial approximation.

Galois Extensions of Structured Ring Spectra/Stably Dualizable Groups

Galois Extensions of Structured Ring Spectra/Stably Dualizable Groups
Author: John Rognes
Publisher: American Mathematical Soc.
Total Pages: 154
Release: 2008
Genre: Mathematics
ISBN: 0821840762

The author introduces the notion of a Galois extension of commutative $S$-algebras ($E_\infty$ ring spectra), often localized with respect to a fixed homology theory. There are numerous examples, including some involving Eilenberg-Mac Lane spectra of commutative rings, real and complex topological $K$-theory, Lubin-Tate spectra and cochain $S$-algebras. He establishes the main theorem of Galois theory in this generality. Its proof involves the notions of separable and etale extensions of commutative $S$-algebras, and the Goerss-Hopkins-Miller theory for $E_\infty$ mapping spaces. He shows that the global sphere spectrum $S$ is separably closed, using Minkowski's discriminant theorem, and he estimates the separable closure of its localization with respect to each of the Morava $K$-theories. He also defines Hopf-Galois extensions of commutative $S$-algebras and studies the complex cobordism spectrum $MU$ as a common integral model for all of the local Lubin-Tate Galois extensions. The author extends the duality theory for topological groups from the classical theory for compact Lie groups, via the topological study by J. R. Klein and the $p$-complete study for $p$-compact groups by T. Bauer, to a general duality theory for stably dualizable groups in the $E$-local stable homotopy category, for any spectrum $E$.

On Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for $L^p$-Estimates of Riesz Transforms Associated to Elliptic Operators on $\mathbb {R}^n$ and Related Estimates

On Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for $L^p$-Estimates of Riesz Transforms Associated to Elliptic Operators on $\mathbb {R}^n$ and Related Estimates
Author: Pascal Auscher
Publisher: American Mathematical Soc.
Total Pages: 102
Release: 2007
Genre: Mathematics
ISBN: 0821839411

This memoir focuses on $Lp$ estimates for objects associated to elliptic operators in divergence form: its semigroup, the gradient of the semigroup, functional calculus, square functions and Riesz transforms. The author introduces four critical numbers associated to the semigroup and its gradient that completely rule the ranges of exponents for the $Lp$ estimates. It appears that the case $p2$ which is new. The author thus recovers in a unified and coherent way many $Lp$ estimates and gives further applications. The key tools from harmonic analysis are two criteria for $Lp$ boundedness, one for $p2$ but in ranges different from the usual intervals $(1,2)$ and $(2,\infty)$.

The Generalized Triangle Inequalities in Symmetric Spaces and Buildings with Applications to Algebra

The Generalized Triangle Inequalities in Symmetric Spaces and Buildings with Applications to Algebra
Author: Michael Kapovich
Publisher: American Mathematical Soc.
Total Pages: 98
Release: 2008
Genre: Mathematics
ISBN: 0821840541

In this paper the authors apply their results on the geometry of polygons in infinitesimal symmetric spaces and symmetric spaces and buildings to four problems in algebraic group theory. Two of these problems are generalizations of the problems of finding the constraints on the eigenvalues (resp. singular values) of a sum (resp. product) when the eigenvalues (singular values) of each summand (factor) are fixed. The other two problems are related to the nonvanishing of the structure constants of the (spherical) Hecke and representation rings associated with a split reductive algebraic group over $\mathbb{Q}$ and its complex Langlands' dual. The authors give a new proof of the Saturation Conjecture for $GL(\ell)$ as a consequence of their solution of the corresponding saturation problem for the Hecke structure constants for all split reductive algebraic groups over $\mathbb{Q}$.

Weakly Differentiable Mappings between Manifolds

Weakly Differentiable Mappings between Manifolds
Author: Piotr Hajłasz
Publisher: American Mathematical Soc.
Total Pages: 88
Release: 2008
Genre: Mathematics
ISBN: 0821840797

The authors study Sobolev classes of weakly differentiable mappings $f: {\mathbb X}\rightarrow {\mathbb Y}$ between compact Riemannian manifolds without boundary. These mappings need not be continuous. They actually possess less regularity than the mappings in ${\mathcal W}{1, n}({\mathbb X}\, \, {\mathbb Y})\, $, $n=\mbox{dim}\, {\mathbb X}$. The central themes being discussed a

KAM Stability and Celestial Mechanics

KAM Stability and Celestial Mechanics
Author: Alessandra Celletti
Publisher: American Mathematical Soc.
Total Pages: 150
Release: 2007
Genre: Mathematics
ISBN: 0821841696

KAM theory is a powerful tool apt to prove perpetual stability in Hamiltonian systems, which are a perturbation of integrable ones. The smallness requirements for its applicability are well known to be extremely stringent. A long standing problem, in this context, is the application of KAM theory to ``physical systems'' for ``observable'' values of the perturbation parameters. The authors consider the Restricted, Circular, Planar, Three-Body Problem (RCP3BP), i.e., the problem of studying the planar motions of a small body subject to the gravitational attraction of two primary bodies revolving on circular Keplerian orbits (which are assumed not to be influenced by the small body). When the mass ratio of the two primary bodies is small, the RCP3BP is described by a nearly-integrable Hamiltonian system with two degrees of freedom; in a region of phase space corresponding to nearly elliptical motions with non-small eccentricities, the system is well described by Delaunay variables. The Sun-Jupiter observed motion is nearly circular and an asteroid of the Asteroidal belt may be assumed not to influence the Sun-Jupiter motion. The Jupiter-Sun mass ratio is slightly less than 1/1000. The authors consider the motion of the asteroid 12 Victoria taking into account only the Sun-Jupiter gravitational attraction regarding such a system as a prototype of a RCP3BP. for values of mass ratios up to 1/1000, they prove the existence of two-dimensional KAM tori on a fixed three-dimensional energy level corresponding to the observed energy of the Sun-Jupiter-Victoria system. Such tori trap the evolution of phase points ``close'' to the observed physical data of the Sun-Jupiter-Victoria system. As a consequence, in the RCP3BP description, the motion of Victoria is proven to be forever close to an elliptical motion. The proof is based on: 1) a new iso-energetic KAM theory; 2) an algorithm for computing iso-energetic, approximate Lindstedt series; 3) a computer-aided application of 1)+2) to the Sun-Jupiter-Victoria system. The paper is self-contained but does not include the ($\sim$ 12000 lines) computer programs, which may be obtained by sending an e-mail to one of the authors.

Invariant Means and Finite Representation Theory of $C^*$-Algebras

Invariant Means and Finite Representation Theory of $C^*$-Algebras
Author: Nathanial Patrick Brown
Publisher: American Mathematical Soc.
Total Pages: 122
Release: 2006
Genre: Mathematics
ISBN: 0821839160

Various subsets of the tracial state space of a unital C$*$-algebra are studied. The largest of these subsets has a natural interpretation as the space of invariant means. II$ 1$-factor representations of a class of C$*$-algebras considered by Sorin Popa are also studied. These algebras are shown to have an unexpected variety of II$ 1$-factor representations. In addition to developing some general theory we also show that these ideas are related to numerous other problems inoperator algebras.

Operator Valued Hardy Spaces

Operator Valued Hardy Spaces
Author: Tao Mei
Publisher: American Mathematical Soc.
Total Pages: 78
Release: 2007
Genre: Mathematics
ISBN: 0821839802

The author gives a systematic study of the Hardy spaces of functions with values in the noncommutative $Lp$-spaces associated with a semifinite von Neumann algebra $\mathcal{M .$ This is motivated by matrix valued Harmonic Analysis (operator weighted norm inequalities, operator Hilbert transform), as well as by the recent development of noncommutative martingale inequalities. in this paper noncommutative Hardy spaces are defined by noncommutative Lusin integral function, and it isproved that they are equivalent to those defined by noncommutative Littlewood-Paley G-functions. The main results of this paper include: (i) The analogue in the author's setting of the classical Fefferman duality theorem between $\mathcal{H 1$ and $\mathrm{BMO $. (ii) The atomic decomposition of theauthor's noncommutative $\mathcal{H 1.$ (iii) The equivalence between the norms of the noncommutative Hardy spaces and of the noncommutative $Lp$-spaces $(1