Satya Nadella : el director ejecutivo que transformó Microsoft

Satya Nadella : el director ejecutivo que transformó Microsoft
Publisher: Max Editorial
Total Pages: 92
Release: 2024-07-27
Genre: Social Science
ISBN: 1779718497

Satya Nadella es un nombre que se ha convertido en sinónimo de la revitalización de Microsoft. Desde que asumió el cargo de CEO en 2014, ha liderado una notable transformación de la empresa, impulsándola a la era de los servicios de software y computación en la nube, y ampliando sus horizontes hacia nuevos mercados. Este libro es una biografía completa de Satya Nadella , que explora su viaje desde sus orígenes en la India hasta convertirse en uno de los líderes más influyentes de la industria tecnológica. Cubriremos su ascenso en Microsoft, las audaces estrategias que implementó como director ejecutivo y su visión para el futuro de la empresa y la tecnología en general. Satya Nadella nació en Hyderabad , India en 1967. Desde temprana edad demostró talento para la tecnología y la ingeniería. Después de graduarse en ingeniería eléctrica en ManipalInstituteof Tecnología , se mudó a Estados Unidos para estudiar en la Universidad de Wisconsin-Milwaukee , donde obtuvo una maestría en informática. En 1992, Nadella se unió a Microsoft, donde rápidamente ascendió en los rangos de la compañía debido a su inteligencia, visión estratégica y habilidades de liderazgo. Ha ocupado varios puestos de alto nivel, incluido el de vicepresidente senior de investigación y desarrollo en la plataforma en línea de Microsoft y vicepresidente del grupo de Soluciones Empresariales . En 2014, Satya Nadella fue nombrado director ejecutivo de Microsoft, sucediendo a Steve Ballmer . La empresa se enfrentaba a un momento crucial, con el auge de la computación en la nube y los dispositivos móviles desafiando su modelo de negocio tradicional basado en software de escritorio. Nadella rápidamente se puso a trabajar para revitalizar Microsoft. Adoptó la computación en la nube como el nuevo enfoque estratégico de la empresa y lanzó Microsoft Azure , que se convirtió en un actor importante en el mercado. También impulsó a Microsoft al mercado de servicios de software, con productos como Office 365 y LinkedIn , que se han vuelto esenciales para empresas y profesionales de todo el mundo. Descubra mucho más...

Oprime refrescar

Oprime refrescar
Author: Satya Nadella
Publisher: HarperCollins Espanol
Total Pages: 202
Release: 2017-10-24
Genre: Biography & Autobiography
ISBN: 0718097238

Oprime refrescar es un conjunto de reflexiones, meditaciones y recomendaciones presentadas como algoritmos de parte de un líder con principios que busca el progreso para sí mismo, para una empresa con amplia trayectoria y para la sociedad. El CEO de Microsoft narra la historia de transformación constante desde dentro de la empresa, trazando su viaje personal desde su infancia en la India hasta dirigir algunos de los cambios tecnológicos más importantes de la era digital, y ofrece su visión para la era de tecnologías inteligentes que se avecina. Oprime refrescar habla del cambio individual, de la transformación que se está produciendo dentro de Microsoft y de la llegada de la ola de tecnología más emocionante y perturbadora que la humanidad ha experimentado hasta hoy, que incluye aspectos como la inteligencia artificial, la realidad mixta y la computación cuántica. Analiza cómo las personas, las organizaciones y las sociedades pueden y deben actualizarse en su búsqueda constante de nuevas energías, nuevas ideas, relevancia continua y reinvención. En esencia, el libro trata sobre los seres humanos y sobre cómo una de nuestras cualidades básicas, la empatía, será cada vez más valiosa en un mundo cuyo statu quo se verá trastornado como nunca antes por el avance tecnológico. Además de sus reflexiones sobre estos impresionantes avances científicos, Satya Nadella habla de su infancia antes de emigrar a Estados Unidos y de cómo aprendió a liderar durante el proceso. También comparte sus meditaciones al ocupar el cargo de CEO, siendo casi un desconocido que sucedía al inteligente Bill Gates y al dinámico Steve Ballmer. Explica cómo la compañía redescubrió su alma y lo transformó todo, desde su cultura y sus alianzas empresariales hasta el paisaje tremendamente competitivo de la industria. Nadella concluye estableciendo una ecuación para restaurar la confianza digital: principios éticos al diseñar la tecnología y crecimiento económico para todos. Hit Refresh is a set of reflections, meditations, and recommendations presented as algorithms from a principled, deliberative leader searching for improvement—for himself, for a storied company, and for society. Hit Refresh is about individual change, about the transformation happening inside of Microsoft and the technology that will soon impact our lives—the arrival of the most exciting and disruptive wave of technology humankind has experienced. Microsoft’s CEO tells the inside story of the company’s continuing transformation, tracing his own personal journey from a childhood in India to leading some of the most significant technological changes in the digital era. Satya Nadella explores a fascinating childhood before immigrating to the U.S. and how he learned to lead along the way. He then shares his meditations as a sitting CEO—one who is mostly unknown following the brainy Bill Gates and energetic Steve Ballmer. He tells the inside story of how a company rediscovered its soul—transforming everything from culture to their fiercely competitive landscape and industry partnerships. As much a humanist as engineer and executive, Nadella concludes with his vision for the coming wave of technology and by exploring the potential impact to society and delivering call to action for world leaders.

Hit Refresh

Hit Refresh
Author: Satya Nadella
Publisher: Bentang Pustaka
Total Pages: 377
Release: 2018-09-28
Genre: Self-Help
ISBN: 602291504X

Microsoft dikenal sebagai salah satu penyokong besar revolusi digital. Tanpanya, kita semua tak akan menikmati betapa cepat dan nyamannya bekerja menggunakan personal computer. Namun, seiring berjalannya waktu, dunia komputasi mengalami perubahan yang luar biasa cepat. Tanpa inovasi yang benar-benar spektakuler, perusahaan ini diramalkan tak akan mampu mempertahankan popularitasnya. Inovasi tergantikan birokrasi. Kerja tim tergantikan politik internal. Microsoft mulai tertinggal. Hit Refresh berkisah tentang transformasi terbesar yang tengah berlangsung dalam tubuh Microsoft di bawah kepemimpinan Satya Nadella, sang CEO. Selama ini, ketika mendengar kata Microsoft, orang akan langsung mengaitkannya dengan Bill Gates yang cemerlang atau Steve Ballmer yang super energik. Nadella nyaris tak masuk ke radar para selebritas teknologi. Namun dalam tahun-tahun pertamanya memimpin, Nadella melakukan banyak gebrakan baru. Salah satunya adalah menciptakan budaya perusahaan yang menggabungkan antara empati dan teknologi. Dia juga membuat pertaruhan besar dalam beberapa teknologi kunci, seperti artificial intelligence (AI atau kecerdasan buatan) dan cloud computing (komputasi awan), yang membuat Microsoft menjadi unik. Di tangan Nadella, Microsoft mengubah fokusnya dari sekadar perusahaan pencari keuntungan menjadi perusahaan humanis yang berkontribusi bagi masa depan umat manusia. [Mizan, Bentang Pustaka, Pengembangan Diri, Motivasi, Inovasi, Remaja, Dewasa, Indonesia]


Author: Jagmohan S. Bhanver
Publisher: Hachette India
Total Pages: 68
Release: 2014-11-10
Genre: Biography & Autobiography
ISBN: 9350098911

An insightful account of Satya Nadella the man and the professional and what his appointment as the third CEO of Microsoft means for the future of the tech industry. The appointment of Satya Nadella, the man from Hyderabad, as CEO of Microsoft Corp. has sent waves of curiosity, speculation and expectation through the tech world at home and abroad. What drives the man chosen to lead tech giant Microsoft into the future? What does Nadella's appointment in particular herald for Microsoft and indeed for the tech industry as a whole? Will Satya Nadella be able to reinvent and re-imagine the company that once captured the imagination of every techie and customer in the world? The Changing Face of Microsoft provides a comprehensive look at: Nadella's years of growing up in Hyderabad - his family education and early influences Microsoft's recent history with particular emphasis on the organization's functioning and fortunes during the Ballmer era. Nadella's constant engagement with innovation, his stellar achievements and rise within Microsoft's ranks. Events within the organization that led to Nadella's appointment including an overview of the closest contenders for the post. The challenges and opportunities ahead for the Indian-born CEO of the fourth largest company in the world from the perspective of those been closely associated with Microsoft as well as other stalwarts in the tech industry. The changes that Microsoft has seen in the last few months and what they indicate for the direction ahead. Engaging and informative this account of the most-watched man of the moment in the IT business arena and the company he leads will enlighten as much as it will inspire.

Hit Refresh: A Memoir by Microsoft’s CEO

Hit Refresh: A Memoir by Microsoft’s CEO
Author: Satya Nadella
Publisher: HarperCollins UK
Total Pages: 288
Release: 2017-09-26
Genre: Business & Economics
ISBN: 0008247676

The Quest to Rediscover Microsoft’s Soul and Imagine a Better Future for Everyone Microsoft’s CEO tells the inside story of the company’s continuing transformation, while tracing his own journey from a childhood in India to leading some of the most significant changes of the digital era.

Satya Nadella : The CEO who Transformed Microsoft

Satya Nadella : The CEO who Transformed Microsoft
Publisher: Max Editorial
Total Pages: 85
Release: 2024-07-15
Genre: Social Science
ISBN: 1779718225

Satya Nadella is a name that has become synonymous with the revitalization of Microsoft. Since assuming the role of CEO in 2014, he has led a remarkable transformation of the company, propelling it into the era of cloud computing and software services, and expanding its horizons into new markets. This book is a complete biography of SatyaNadella , exploring his journey from his origins in India to becoming one of the technology industry's most influential leaders. We'll cover his rise at Microsoft, the bold strategies he implemented as CEO, and his vision for the future of the company and technology as a whole. Rise to Leadership SatyaNadella was born in Hyderabad , India in 1967. From an early age, he demonstrated a talent for technology and engineering. After graduating in electrical engineering from ManipalInstituteof Technology , moved to the United States to study at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee , where he earned a master's degree in computer science. In 1992, Nadella joined Microsoft, where he quickly rose through the company's ranks due to his intelligence, strategic vision and leadership abilities. He has held several senior roles, including senior vice president of research and development at Microsoft's online platform and vice president of the Business Solutions group . Revitalizing Microsoft In 2014, SatyaNadella was named CEO of Microsoft, succeeding Steve Ballmer . The company was facing a pivotal moment, with the rise of cloud computing and mobile devices challenging its traditional desktop software-based business model. Nadella quickly set to work revitalizing Microsoft. He adopted cloud computing as the company's new strategic focus, launching Microsoft Azure , which became a major player in the market. It also propelled Microsoft into the software services market, with products like Office 365 and LinkedIn , which have become essential for businesses and professionals around the world. Acquisitions and Expansion Nadella 's leadership , Microsoft has also made important strategic acquisitions, the most notable being the $26.2 billion purchase of LinkedIn in 2016. This acquisition significantly expanded Microsoft's reach into the professional social networking market and strengthened its position as a leader in business productivity solutions. Nadella also oversaw Microsoft's expansion into new markets such as artificial intelligence, augmented reality and virtual reality. The company invested heavily in these areas, betting on the future of technology and seeking to remain at the forefront of innovation. Find Out Much More...

Satya Nadella

Satya Nadella
Author: Arpita Agnihotri
Total Pages:
Release: 2021
Genre: Diversity in the workplace
ISBN: 9781529764314

The case discusses the initiatives undertaken by Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft Corporation (Microsoft) since 2014, to improve the market-based performance of the company. Unlike his predecessor, Steve Ballmer, Nadella followed a collaborative approach to competition. He also did away with the myopic management of Windows, an approach used by Ballmer during his tenure as CEO (2000-2013). In addition, Nadella pushed for growth in areas such as cloud computing and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Nadella also invested in inclusive design innovation by introducing technology products that were useful for differently-abled users. Industry experts believed that if Nadella continues with the pace of organic and inorganic growth (i.e., expanding through developing competencies internally and acquisitions respectively), it would be difficult for competitors to outpace him. However, Microsoft lacked inclusivity within the organization, with poor representation of minorities and women in the workforce. In November 2019, Nadella was trying to make Microsoft more innovative. What areas should Nadella explore for inclusive innovation? What growth strategies can he opt for? Is infusing inclusivity at Microsoft vital towards delivering inclusive innovative products and services?

Hit Refresh Intl

Hit Refresh Intl
Author: Satya Nadella
Publisher: HarperBusiness
Total Pages: 288
Release: 2018-08-21
Genre: Biography & Autobiography
ISBN: 9780062880314

“At the core, Hit Refresh, is about us humans and the unique quality we call empathy, which will become ever more valuable in a world where the torrent of technology will disrupt the status quo like never before.” – Satya Nadella from Hit Refresh “Satya has charted a course for making the most of the opportunities created by technology while also facing up to the hard questions.” – Bill Gates from the Foreword of Hit Refresh The New York Times bestseller Hit Refresh is about individual change, about the transformation happening inside of Microsoft and the technology that will soon impact all of our lives—the arrival of the most exciting and disruptive wave of technology humankind has experienced: artificial intelligence, mixed reality, and quantum computing. It’s about how people, organizations, and societies can and must transform and “hit refresh” in their persistent quest for new energy, new ideas, and continued relevance and renewal. Microsoft’s CEO tells the inside story of the company’s continuing transformation, tracing his own personal journey from a childhood in India to leading some of the most significant technological changes in the digital era. Satya Nadella explores a fascinating childhood before immigrating to the U.S. and how he learned to lead along the way. He then shares his meditations as a sitting CEO—one who is mostly unknown following the brainy Bill Gates and energetic Steve Ballmer. He tells the inside story of how a company rediscovered its soul—transforming everything from culture to their fiercely competitive landscape and industry partnerships. As much a humanist as engineer and executive, Nadella concludes with his vision for the coming wave of technology and by exploring the potential impact to society and delivering call to action for world leaders. “Ideas excite me,” Nadella explains. “Empathy grounds and centers me.” Hit Refresh is a set of reflections, meditations, and recommendations presented as algorithms from a principled, deliberative leader searching for improvement—for himself, for a storied company, and for society.

Satya Nadella : Business, Investing and Corporate Lessons from the CEO of Microsoft ( Bill Gates Paul Allen Steve Ballmer )

Satya Nadella : Business, Investing and Corporate Lessons from the CEO of Microsoft ( Bill Gates Paul Allen Steve Ballmer )
Author: Peter Parish
Total Pages: 114
Release: 2018-09-09
ISBN: 9781720179153

Do you want to know the proven principles that have made the world's greatest CEOs become billionaires?Do you want to implement them in your own life to emulate their success and become a billionaire yourself?Do you have what it takes to become the next business icon like Satya Nadella and Tim Cook?If you said yes to those, then this book is for you.

Satya Nadella

Satya Nadella
Author: Daniel D Lee
Publisher: Skycuration
Total Pages: 0
Release: 2024-04-22
Genre: Biography & Autobiography

"Satya Nadella: Mastermind of Microsoft" is a comprehensive exploration into the profound impact Satya Nadella has had on Microsoft and the broader technology landscape. Through meticulous research and analysis independent of Microsoft's influence, this book delves deep into how Nadella's leadership has been pivotal in redefining the company's trajectory. The chapters detail Nadella's transformative approach to integrating artificial intelligence across Microsoft's suite of products, emphasizing not only technological advancement but also a rigorous commitment to ethical practices and cybersecurity. The narrative begins with Nadella's early years, tracing his education and formative influences that shaped his technological ethos. It follows his journey to America and his initial roles at Microsoft, setting the stage for his rapid ascent through the ranks. The book offers a nuanced look at his philosophy of leadership, the cultural shift he drove within Microsoft focusing on empathy, inclusivity, and growth mindset, and his strategic decisions that led to significant business innovations. Key sections of the book focus on Nadella's push towards cloud computing and AI, detailing major partnerships, acquisitions, and Microsoft's strategic pivot to become a leader in these areas. It examines how these technologies have been applied to global retail, healthcare, and beyond, showcasing the real-world implications of Nadella's vision. Further, the book discusses the broader impact of Nadella's strategies on Microsoft's culture, the global technology environment, and his advocacy for social responsibility. It looks into his personal life, balancing work with personal values, and his efforts to foster a diverse and inclusive workplace at Microsoft. "Satya Nadella: Mastermind of Microsoft" is not just a chronicle of a CEO's impact on a company but an insightful look into how visionary leadership can drive a corporation to the forefront of global innovation while steering it through ethical and social challenges. This detailed account is an essential read for anyone interested in the intersections of technology, leadership, and corporate ethics.