Samuel Shaw to the Commissary about Provisions, 3 January 1783

Samuel Shaw to the Commissary about Provisions, 3 January 1783
Author: Samuel Shaw
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1783

Writes, Please to issue to Prince Darby of the Massa. Artillery, fifteen days provision from the 4th instant - he being ordered on command with officers horses. By order of the Comdt. Note on verso signed illegibly.

Samuel Shaw to the Commissary, 1 January 1783

Samuel Shaw to the Commissary, 1 January 1783
Author: Samuel Shaw
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1783

Writes, Please to issue provisions, from this day to the 12th inclusive, to Benjamin Jenkins, soldier in the Rhode Island Regiment on command from Saratoga, he having been served up to the 31st ulto. as per certificate from Col. Olney commanding said regiment. Note on verso signed illegibly.

Order to Issue Army Rations from Samuel Shaw for Stephen A. Hopkins to the Commissary at West Point, 1 August 1783

Order to Issue Army Rations from Samuel Shaw for Stephen A. Hopkins to the Commissary at West Point, 1 August 1783
Author: Samuel Shaw
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1783

Order issued by Major Shaw, an aide-de-camp to General Knox, telling the commissary at West Point to issue 31 complete rations for Stephen A. Hopkins who was employed by the engineering department engraving cannons. Docket signed by the mark of a Sarah [Waner] stating that contractors delivered the rations.

Return of Rations Issued to Thirty-one Prisoners, 27 January 1783

Return of Rations Issued to Thirty-one Prisoners, 27 January 1783
Author: Samuel Shaw
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1783

Covers five days. Includes information for some regiments from Massachusetts, Connecticut, Maryland, and New York. Signed by Shaw as aide-de-camp to General Henry Knox, commander at West Point. Also signed by Captain Richard Douglass. Sergeant Benjamin Brooks signs a note on verso confirming receipt of provisions.

Request for Extra Rations, 29 March 1783

Request for Extra Rations, 29 March 1783
Author: Samuel Shaw
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1783

Request for three days' worth of provisions for two watermen. Creator signature illegible. Countersigned by Samuel Shaw with a note from Robert Matthews. Place taken from note.

Request for Extra Officers Rations, 8 March 1783

Request for Extra Officers Rations, 8 March 1783
Author: Samuel Shaw
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1783

Request for a week's worth of provisions. Signed by a John K. (rest of the surname is illegible), countersigned by Samuel Shaw and includes a note on the verso from Joseph Banks.

Samuel Shaw to Tench Tilghman Regarding Margaret Corbin and Her Application to Keep Her Ration of Liquor, 10 September 1782

Samuel Shaw to Tench Tilghman Regarding Margaret Corbin and Her Application to Keep Her Ration of Liquor, 10 September 1782
Author: Samuel Shaw
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1782

Writes that it is not in his power to send him Congress's resolve of 6 July 1779, concerning Margaret Corbin. Explains that her case is peculiar: Her husband and son killed and herself wounded in the services, were misfortunes of so aggravated as justly rendered her worthy of public attention. Congress has provided her with a complete ration per day, and half pay for life, which Colonel [Lewis] Nicola helped her apply for, but she has received very little of the rations and pay she deserves. Explains that [h]er present application is in consequence of the rum or whiskey which completes part of her ration being stopped by the commissary agreeable to his common custom in the issues to women of the army in general. Hers being so singular a case, she thinks that this regulation should not extend to her. If she receives what is owed her, the items will render her present wretchedness a little more tolerable. Adds, finally, that I am sorry to trouble you again on this subject, but the woman is truly an object of compassion. Her present husband is a poor crippled invalid who is of no other service to her but rather adds to her trouble. She herself in bad health and far advanced in her pregnancy. See GLC02437.01591 and GLC02437.01597 for related information.