Nullform (Book #1): RealRPG Series

Nullform (Book #1): RealRPG Series
Author: Dem Mikhailov
Publisher: Magic Dome Books
Total Pages: 369
Release: 2022-12-28
Genre: Fiction
ISBN: 8076198917

In this world, everyone starts with no memory and no recollection of their past life. In this world, you have nothing — even your limbs are rented, and you'll have to pay up every day. In this world, you must complete tasks assigned to you by the System or be fined and stripped of everything, including your arms and legs. In this world, you're under unrelenting supervision. But in dark corners hidden from the System's watchful eye, violence, brutality, and lawlessness abound. In this world, you're assigned a number. You're a volitional Nullform. Now it's up to you to adapt to this reality and try to survive without ending up crippled. Just don't mess up, or you'll be wishing you were dead as you dig yourself deeper into an endless pit of debt. This world will not take pity on you. You'll have to work tirelessly to earn the right to live another day… Read the first book in a new series from the author who brought you Clan Dominance: The Sleepless Ones. An author who helped create the cult LitRPG genre. An author who never ceases to amaze!

Nullform (Book #2): RealRPG Series

Nullform (Book #2): RealRPG Series
Author: Dem Mikhailov
Publisher: Magic Dome Books in Collaboration with 1c-Publishing
Total Pages: 448
Release: 2021-06-30
Genre: Fiction
ISBN: 9788076193703

In any world, even the most terrible, survival is possible if you have a plan and stick rigidly to it, if you aspire to achieve your goal without looking back, and most importantly, if you do not settle for the small, but constantly strive toward the large. Number 11 was once regarded by the inhabitants of the Outskirts as an easy target who would not survive a single day. Now the name of Elb is uttered with fear and respect. And those who previously considered themselves the top dogs in that district now keep their own counsel concerning him, for the simple reason that the dead do not speak. The system is harsh but fair, and if you are determined to move forward and raise your level, you will have to grab every opportunity. But to become the new "king of the Outskirts" is too small a goal, and besides, sooner or later you will be eaten by other, bigger predators. The time has come to venture into places given a wide berth by others due to their perennial fear. What lurks in the poisonous fog under the bridge that leads to Drainagetown? Even the system has no authority there, since the sphere controlling the sector has long been damaged. The time has come to find out. Elb the goblin and his team are not afraid of peeking into the farthest and most dangerous corners of the Outskirts of the World. Read the continuation of this RealRPG series by Dem Mikhailov, author of the legendary Clan Dominance: The Sleepless Ones series, and creator of a new, murky world whose popularity among fantasy fans grows with every day.

Die Nullform (Buch 1)

Die Nullform (Buch 1)
Author: Dem Mikhailov
Publisher: Magic Dome Books
Total Pages: 444
Release: 2021-10-21

In dieser Welt beginnt jeder neu, ohne Gedächtnis und ohne Erinnerung an sein früheres Leben. In dieser Welt hast du nichts - sogar dein Körper ist gemietet und du musst jeden Tag dafür bezahlen. In dieser Welt musst du Quests erfüllen, die dir vom System zugewiesen werden, oder du erhältst eine Geldstrafe und verlierst alles, einschließlich deiner Arme und Beine. In dieser Welt stehst du unter unerbittlicher Überwachung. Doch in den dunkelsten Ecken, verborgen vor dem wachsamen Auge des Systems, herrschen Gewalt, Brutalität und Gesetzlosigkeit. In dieser Welt erhältst du eine Nummer. Du bist eine gewollte Nullform. Nun liegt es an dir, dich an diese Realität anzupassen und zu versuchen, zu überleben, um nicht als Krüppel zu enden. Vermassele es nur nicht, sonst wirst du dir wünschen, tot zu sein, während du immer tiefer in einem bodenlosen Loch von Schulden versinkst. Diese Welt wird kein Mitleid mit dir haben. Du wirst unermüdlich arbeiten müssen, um dir das Recht zu verdienen, einen weiteren Tag zu leben ... Lies das erste Buch der neuen Serie des Autors von der "Herrschaft der Clans: Die Rastlosen". Der Autor, der das kultige LitRPG-Genre mitbegründet hat. Ein Autor, der es immer wieder schafft, dich zu begeistern und zu verblüffen!

Clan Dominance

Clan Dominance
Author: Dem Mikhailov
Total Pages: 422
Release: 2020-05-25
ISBN: 9788076191761

If someone offers you to make a few quick and easy bucks, there's got to be a catch somewhere. A seemingly trifling quest in the virtual world of Waldyra is an excellent opportunity to earn some money, right? It's just that things never quite work out that way. Rostislav Grokhotov does not want to become anyone's pawn. Therefore, his unexpected acquisition makes him ponder his own goals. Having become the sole owner of a unique spell coveted by top-ranking clans, he no longer wants to go with the flow. That way would only lead to ruin and obscurity. He'd need to go all in-and to have a good plan. With several more contingency plans for good measure. What are the opportunities available to someone in the possession of a unique spell capable of dispelling the veil over the unexplored continent of Zar'Graad? What is the mystery of the legendary Silver Legend set of armor? And what exactly is the game played by the Albatross clan that has hired him? Those are but the first few questions bothering Rostislav, on his way to become a legend in the game world of Waldyra. Prepare for immersion into the stunning world of the famed series that has earned recognition as one of the best examples of the LitRPG genre-Clan Dominance: The Sleepless Ones. Rostislav's adventures online and offline will keep you on the edge of your seat. This legendary LitRPG classic now available in English!

The Nightmare Game

The Nightmare Game
Author: Raymond Johnson
Publisher: Spectrum Publishing
Total Pages: 500
Genre: Fiction

A game designed to shatter the minds of the people who play it. A thief on a mission to save his sister. An ambitious demon masquerading as an artificial intelligence When Ramzan steals from the Chechnyan Mafia to create a better life for his sister, he knows he’s pissing off the wrong people. They want their money, and they’ve created a diabolical method of extracting information from their enemies. Full Immersion Virtual Reality sounds great, until he learns the horrors this incredible technology can cook up. Now, he must keep his wits up and his sanity points high as he battles hordes of fearsome abominations on his quest to escape. Zombies, lycanthropes, slime monsters and more stand in his way, controlled by a devious programmer that doesn’t play fair. Can Ramzan protect his secrets and maintain his sanity against this psychological onslaught? Will he succumb to the terror, and become the monster he set out destroy? He’s gotta stay sharp, and he’s gotta stay sane, if he has a hope of escaping… The Nightmare Game System. The original MMORPG Murder, Mutilation, Offensive, Repulsive Player Game

Easy Meat

Easy Meat
Author: Arthur Stone
Total Pages: 355
Release: 2021-06-17

Welcome to the challenge. You're an absolute nobody here--nothing; a zero; a useless lump of meat filled with bones. You're but a delicious morsel for your antagonists and those who got lucky at the start. The only goal you can have in your miserable existence is to kick the bucket as soon as possible.

Town Under: A Post-Apocalyptic LitRPG

Town Under: A Post-Apocalyptic LitRPG
Author: Tao Wong
Publisher: Starlit Publishing
Total Pages: 486
Release: 2021-10-26
Genre: Fiction
ISBN: 9781990491504

What's worse than Australian wildlife? Mutated Australian wildlife. The System Apocalypse has come to Australia, altering native organisms and importing even more menacing creatures to the most dangerous continent on Earth. For Kira Kent, plant biologist, the System arrives while she's pulling an all nighter at work with her pair of kids in tow. Now, instead of mundane parental concerns like childcare and paying the bills, she's got to figure out how to survive a world where already deadly flora and fauna have grown even more perilous - all while dealing with the minutiae of the System's pesky blue screens and Levels and somehow putting together a community of survivors to forge a safe zone to shelter her son and daughter. It almost makes her miss the PTA fundraising sales. Almost. Town Under is the first book in a new series, The System Apocalypse: Australia. It's set in the same universe as Tao Wong's The System Apocalypse and starts in the same time period as Life in the North but focuses on the changes in the deadliest of continents, Australia. Fans of the original series, LitRPG, fantasy, science-fiction and post-apocalyptic novels will want to take a look.

Idea (Starting Point Book #1)

Idea (Starting Point Book #1)
Author: Vasily Mahanenko
Publisher: Magic Dome Books
Total Pages: 394
Release: 2021-09-22
ISBN: 9788076194182

Vasily Mahanenko's new LitRPG series set in the universe of his World of the Changed! Modern times. Genius physicist Artyom Kuchaev found himself facing the darker side of the world we live in. Integrity is met with a laugh, the rat race instead full of people out to grab whatever they can. Where big money is on the line, no betrayal, even of loved ones, is a bridge too far. But Artyom couldn't bring himself to conform. Instead, he decided to make a change in himself if not in the world around him. His work, surroundings, country... However, the world wasn't ready to let the genius go. It was benefiting too much from him. In one moment, everything was turned upside down: Artyom's freedom was exchanged for prison, his noisy colleagues for morose cellmates, and his spacious labs for tiny offices in a restricted research institute. All that remained was his drive to make the world a better place. And that just left the tiny detail of how to actually make that happen.

Mind Games

Mind Games
Author: Marc Whipple
Total Pages: 282
Release: 2020-07-09

A #1 New Release in Post-Apocalyptic Science Fiction!A Top 50 Bestseller in Paranormal & Urban Fantasy!Eight Internet friends have an "IRL" meeting in a mountain cabin. But instead of the long weekend get-together they planned, they're suddenly caught up in the end of the world as they knew it!They just met for the first time in real life last night, and today's group wake-up call is strange messages floating in the air telling them that something called a "System Start" has just happened. Now magic works, and technology doesn't. Cell phones won't work, cars won't start, and it's ten miles to the nearest town. Some of them have families to worry about. Some of them don't even believe this is real. And all of them have secrets they'll have to overcome if they're going to work together and make it back to town alive. On the way, they'll meet other survivors, also confused, scared, and questioning what's happening. Ten miles doesn't seem that far, but by the end of it, they'll have faced some of the worst that the System can throw at them.And then things really get interesting.The small Tennessee town they're trying to reach is isolated, cut off, and surrounded by a new and terrifying world. Outside the town, ordinary creatures are becoming things out of nightmare. And inside the town, legends are coming to life...Mind Games is a new GameLit/LitRPG novel in the tradition of Tao Wong's "System Apocalypse". If you enjoy books by William Arand, Scottie Futch, and other contemporary LitRPG writers, you'll love Mind Games!

Age of Stone

Age of Stone
Author: Jez Cajiao
Publisher: Mah Publishings
Total Pages: 352
Release: 2021-04-24
ISBN: 9781838363642

In all the games Matt has played, Dungeons are places to raid, places you dream of conquering, but when the world is stripped of electricity, and the first mana-twisted beasts start to prowl, the games all come to an end... Matt's just an ordinary guy, but when he's beaten, robbed, and left for dead, bleeding out at the bottom of a gully, it all has to change as he grasps frantically at his only chance for survival, coming as it does in the form of a glowing, dangerously pulsing light. With his reality forever altered, Matt must quickly find a suitable place to deploy the Dungeon Core, fighting his way through the hundreds of people between him and safety, because if he doesn't do it soon, a Core Detonation will solve all of his problems for him... permanently.