Pattern Recognition Technologies and Applications: Recent Advances

Pattern Recognition Technologies and Applications: Recent Advances
Author: Verma, Brijesh
Publisher: IGI Global
Total Pages: 454
Release: 2008-06-30
Genre: Computers
ISBN: 1599048094

The nature of handwriting in our society has significantly altered over the ages due to the introduction of new technologies such as computers and the World Wide Web. With increases in the amount of signature verification needs, state of the art internet and paper-based automated recognition methods are necessary. Pattern Recognition Technologies and Applications: Recent Advances provides cutting-edge pattern recognition techniques and applications. Written by world-renowned experts in their field, this easy to understand book is a must have for those seeking explanation in topics such as on- and offline handwriting and speech recognition, signature verification, and gender classification.

Multi-Objective Optimization in Computational Intelligence: Theory and Practice

Multi-Objective Optimization in Computational Intelligence: Theory and Practice
Author: Thu Bui, Lam
Publisher: IGI Global
Total Pages: 496
Release: 2008-05-31
Genre: Technology & Engineering
ISBN: 1599045001

Multi-objective optimization (MO) is a fast-developing field in computational intelligence research. Giving decision makers more options to choose from using some post-analysis preference information, there are a number of competitive MO techniques with an increasingly large number of MO real-world applications. Multi-Objective Optimization in Computational Intelligence: Theory and Practice explores the theoretical, as well as empirical, performance of MOs on a wide range of optimization issues including combinatorial, real-valued, dynamic, and noisy problems. This book provides scholars, academics, and practitioners with a fundamental, comprehensive collection of research on multi-objective optimization techniques, applications, and practices.

Analysis of Biological Data

Analysis of Biological Data
Author: Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay
Publisher: World Scientific
Total Pages: 353
Release: 2007
Genre: Computers
ISBN: 9812708898

Bioinformatics, a field devoted to the interpretation and analysis of biological data using computational techniques, has evolved tremendously in recent years due to the explosive growth of biological information generated by the scientific community. Soft computing is a consortium of methodologies that work synergistically and provides, in one form or another, flexible information processing capabilities for handling real-life ambiguous situations. Several research articles dealing with the application of soft computing tools to bioinformatics have been published in the recent past; however, they are scattered in different journals, conference proceedings and technical reports, thus causing inconvenience to readers, students and researchers. This book, unique in its nature, is aimed at providing a treatise in a unified framework, with both theoretical and experimental results, describing the basic principles of soft computing and demonstrating the various ways in which they can be used for analyzing biological data in an efficient manner. Interesting research articles from eminent scientists around the world are brought together in a systematic way such that the reader will be able to understand the issues and challenges in this domain, the existing ways of tackling them, recent trends, and future directions. This book is the first of its kind to bring together two important research areas, soft computing and bioinformatics, in order to demonstrate how the tools and techniques in the former can be used for efficiently solving several problems in the latter. Sample Chapter(s). Chapter 1: Bioinformatics: Mining the Massive Data from High Throughput Genomics Experiments (160 KB). Contents: Overview: Bioinformatics: Mining the Massive Data from High Throughput Genomics Experiments (H Tang & S Kim); An Introduction to Soft Computing (A Konar & S Das); Biological Sequence and Structure Analysis: Reconstructing Phylogenies with Memetic Algorithms and Branch-and-Bound (J E Gallardo et al.); Classification of RNA Sequences with Support Vector Machines (J T L Wang & X Wu); Beyond String Algorithms: Protein Sequence Analysis Using Wavelet Transforms (A Krishnan & K-B Li); Filtering Protein Surface Motifs Using Negative Instances of Active Sites Candidates (N L Shrestha & T Ohkawa); Distill: A Machine Learning Approach to Ab Initio Protein Structure Prediction (G Pollastri et al.); In Silico Design of Ligands Using Properties of Target Active Sites (S Bandyopadhyay et al.); Gene Expression and Microarray Data Analysis: Inferring Regulations in a Genomic Network from Gene Expression Profiles (N Noman & H Iba); A Reliable Classification of Gene Clusters for Cancer Samples Using a Hybrid Multi-Objective Evolutionary Procedure (K Deb et al.); Feature Selection for Cancer Classification Using Ant Colony Optimization and Support Vector Machines (A Gupta et al.); Sophisticated Methods for Cancer Classification Using Microarray Data (S-B Cho & H-S Park); Multiobjective Evolutionary Approach to Fuzzy Clustering of Microarray Data (A Mukhopadhyay et al.). Readership: Graduate students and researchers in computer science, bioinformatics, computational and molecular biology, artificial intelligence, data mining, machine learning, electrical engineering, system science; researchers in pharmaceutical industries.

High Confidence Network Predictions from Big Biological Data

High Confidence Network Predictions from Big Biological Data
Author: Rasmus Magnusson
Publisher: Linköping University Electronic Press
Total Pages: 86
Release: 2020-05-04
Genre: Electronic books
ISBN: 9179298877

Biology functions in a most intriguing fashion, with human cells being regulated by multiplex networks of proteins and their dependent systems that control everything from proliferation to cell death. Notably, there are cases when these networks fail to function properly. In some diseases there are multiple small perturbations that push the otherwise healthy cells into a state of malfunction. These maladies are referred to as complex diseases, and include common disorders such as allergy, diabetes type II, and multiple sclerosis, and due to their complexity there is no universally defined approach to fully understand their pathogenesis or pathophysiology. While these perturbations can be measured using high-throughput technologies, the interplay of these perturbations is generally to complex to understand without any structured mathematical analysis. There is today numerous such methods that put the small perturbations of complex diseases into relation of interactions among each other. However, the methods have historically struggled with notable uncertainty in their predictions. This uncertainty can be addressed by at least two different approaches. First, mechanistically realistic mathematical modelling is an approach that has the capacity to accurately describe almost any biological system, but such models can to-date only describe small systems and networks. Secondly, large-scale mathematical modelling approaches exist, but the faithfulness of the models to the underlying biology has been compromised to achieve algorithms that are computationally effective. In this Ph.D. thesis, I suggest how high confidence predictions of network interactions can be extracted from big biological. First, I show how large-scale data can be used when building high-quality ODE models (Paper I). Secondly, by developing the software LASSIM, I show how ODE models can be expanded to the size of entire cell systems (Paper II). However, while LASSIM showed that powerful non-linear ODE-modelling can be applied to understand big biological data, it still remained a machine learning-based approach in contrast to hypothesis-driven model development. Instead, two more studies revolving around large-scale modelling approaches were initiated. The third study suggested that ambiguities in model selection and interaction identification greatly compromise the accuracy of available tools, and that the novel software of Paper III, LiPLike, can be used to remove such predictions. Intriguingly, while LiPLike was able to effectively discard false identifications, the accuracy of predictions remained relatively low. This low accuracy was thought to arise from model simplifications, and therefore the next study aimed at finding methods that come closer to the true biological system (Paper IV). In particular, the study aimed at predicting protein abundance -the true mediators of biological functionality- from the much more easily accessible mRNA levels, and found that such models could be used to get several new insights on protein mechanisms, which was exemplified by the identification of important biomarkers of autoimmune diseases. The analysis of big biological data and the underlying networks is a centrepiece of understanding both diseases and how cell functionality is orchestrated. The work that is presented in this Ph.D. thesis represents a journey between fields with different views on how these networks should be inferred. In particular, it aimed to combine the accuracy of small-scale mechanistic modelling with the system-spanning potential of large-scale linear system modelling, and this thesis thus provides a tool-bench of methods and insights on how knowledge can be extracted from big biological data, and in extension it is a small step towards a generation of new comprehensions of biological systems and complex diseases. Biologiska system är komplexa att förstå och det är först relativt nyligen man på ett strukturerat sätt börjat att analysera biologiska data genom matematisk analys. Ett av de tydligaste områden där en matematisk analys av biologiska system behövs är vid studier av komplexa sjukdomar. Sådana sjukdomar, till vilka åkommor som multipel skleros, diabetes typ II och allergi hör, uppstår genom en komplicerad kombination av arv och miljö som inte är helt förstådd. Studier av komplexa sjukdomar har dock kunnat identifiera många små potentiella störningar över hela det biologiska systemet, men ingen av dessa störningar är individuellt avgörande för att utveckla en komplex sjukdom. Denna svåröverskådlighet förhindrar traditionella analyser för att finna ursprunget till sjukdomen, och går det inte förstå en sjukdom försämras möjligheterna att till exempel hitta nya läkemedel eller att ställa diagnos. För att förstå hur systemen bakom komplexa sjukdomar fungerar, eller inte fungerar, tas olika prover vilka ofta resulterar i enorma mängder data. Dessa datamängder är oftast så stora att vi människor inte kan tolka dem genom att bara läsa talen, utan vi måste använda olika typer av matematiska modeller och datorprogram för att sådan data ska berätta något för oss. Inom två överlappande fält som kommit att kallas systembiologi och bioinformatik har metoder för att analysera biologiska data haft en snabb utveckling de senaste 50 åren. Dessa metoder har haft som mål att svara på flertalet frågor, och ett framträdande mål har varit att identifiera skillnader mellan hur friska och sjuka celler fungerar. En stor del av cellens funktioner regleras av olika nätverk av proteiner, och ett annat mål har varit att förstå hur dessa nätverk regleras. Ytterligare ett mål har varit att identifiera mätbara värden, så kallade biomarkörer, som kan användas för att identifiera sjukdom hos patienter. De metoder som används för att svara på dessa frågor kan grovt delas in i två grupper, mekanistisk modellering och storskalig modellering, med respektive styrkor och svagheter. Mekanistisk modellering har potentialen att ge mycket träffsäkra prediktioner, men kräver mycket manuellt arbete och har därför varit en alltför tidskrävande metod för att applicera på stora biologiska datamängder. Storskalig modellering klarar enkelt av stora datamängder, men har i stället haft en så låg tillförlitlighet att metoder vars förutsägelser är bättre än slumpen i många fall kunnat betraktats som bra. Denna doktorsavhandling kretsar kring utvecklingen och användandet av metoder för att analysera stora mängder av biologiska data, och har i fyra arbeten ämnat att förbättra metoder inom både småskalig mekanistisk modellering (artikel I och II) och storskalig modellering (artikel III och IV). Artikel I analyserade hur diabetes typ II påverkar fettcellers svar på insulin och hur denna insulinsignal kan beskrivas matematiskt. Detta första arbete var begränsat till just små modeller, och en naturlig utveckling var att undersöka om mekanistiska modeller kan skalas upp och beskriva system som täcker en större del av cellens funktionalitet. Detta möjliggjordes i artikel II genom LASSIM, en metod och programvara som kan expandera små mekanistiska modeller till mångdubbel storlek. Under skapandet av LASSIM stod det dock klart att storskalig modellering förblir en metod som är mycket tidskrävande. Därför syftade artikel III till att förbättra tillförlitligheten för prediktioner från befintliga metoder som kan hantera stora datamängder. Mer specifikt föreslog artikel III en ny algoritm, LiPLike, som kan användas för att ta bort prediktioner som saknar konfidens i data. Även om det gick att observera hur LiPLike kunde förbättra tillförlitligheten för etablerade metoder var flera av LiPLikes prediktioner fortfarande fel, vilket kunde antas bero på att den underliggande biologin skiljer sig från det matematiska modellantagande som låg till grund för studien. Därför inleddes den sista delen i denna avhandling, vilken syftade att utreda hur data kan beskrivas på mer biologiskt relevanta sätt. Även om det är proteiner som främst reglerar cellens system, baseras majoriteten av matematiska modeller på ett förstadium till proteiner som kallas mRNA. Anledningen till detta är att det både är svårt och kostsamt att mäta proteiner i ett prov, vilket gör att man istället förlitar sig på mRNA. I artikel IV användes matematisk modellering för att prediktera mängden protein i olika typer av immunceller. Dessa modeller visade sig vara användbara för att identifiera mätbara markörer för olika sjukdomar. Därmed går det använda mRNA-data på sätt som tar modeller närmare verkligheten, och som i förlängningen kan höja tillförlitligheten hos matematiska prediktioner. Forskningen är bara i början av ett långt arbete för att förstå hur celler fungerar, samt hur komplexa sjukdomar uppstår. En central del i detta arbete är att systematiskt beskriva de underliggande system som styr cellen, och detta går nästan enbart att uppnå genom en strukturerad matematisk analys. Denna avhandling kan sammanfattas som en serie arbeten som dels skalar upp storleken på modelleringsmetoder som tidigare varit begränsade till små modeller, och dels höjer tillförlitligheten på mer beräkningseffektiva modeller. Dessa bidrag kommer förhoppningsvis ligga till grund för en ökad förståelse för hur biologiska system bör analyseras och i förlängningen hur komplexa sjukdomar kan motverkas.

Data-driven, Free-form Modeling of Biological Systems

Data-driven, Free-form Modeling of Biological Systems
Author: Theodore William Cornforth
Total Pages: 309
Release: 2014

The quantity of data available to scientists in all disciplines is increasing at an exponential rate, yet the insight necessary to distill data into scientific knowledge must still be supplied by human experts. This widening gap between data and insight can be bridged with data-driven modeling, in which computational methods shift much of the work in creating models from humans to computers. Traditional approaches to data-driven modeling require that the form of the model be fixed in advance, which requires substantial human effort and limits the complexity of problems that can be addressed. In contrast, a newer approach to automated modeling based on evolutionary computation (EC) removes such restrictions on the form of models. This free-form modeling has the potential both to reduce human effort for routine modeling and to make complex problems more tractable. Although major advances in EC-based modeling have been made in recent years, many challenges remain. These challenges include three features often seen in biological systems: complex nonlinear behavior, multiple time scales, and hidden variables. This work addresses these challenges by developing new approaches to ECbased modeling, with applications to neuroscience, systems biology, ecology, and other fields. The contributions of this work consist of three primary lines of research. In the first line of research, EC-based methods for the automated design of analog electrical circuits are adapted for the modeling of electrical systems studied in neurophysiology that display complex, nonlinear behavior, such as ion channels. In the second line of research, EC-based methods for symbolic modeling are extended to facilitate the modeling of dynamical systems with multiple time scales, such as those found throughout ecology and other fields. Finally, in the third line of research, established EC-based algorithms are extended with the capability to model dynamical systems as systems of differential equations with hidden variables, which can contribute in an essential way to the observed dynamics of a physical system yet historically have presented a particularly difficult challenge to automated modeling.

Systems Medicine

Systems Medicine
Publisher: Academic Press
Total Pages: 1571
Release: 2020-08-24
Genre: Science
ISBN: 0128160780

Technological advances in generated molecular and cell biological data are transforming biomedical research. Sequencing, multi-omics and imaging technologies are likely to have deep impact on the future of medical practice. In parallel to technological developments, methodologies to gather, integrate, visualize and analyze heterogeneous and large-scale data sets are needed to develop new approaches for diagnosis, prognosis and therapy. Systems Medicine: Integrative, Qualitative and Computational Approaches is an innovative, interdisciplinary and integrative approach that extends the concept of systems biology and the unprecedented insights that computational methods and mathematical modeling offer of the interactions and network behavior of complex biological systems, to novel clinically relevant applications for the design of more successful prognostic, diagnostic and therapeutic approaches. This 3 volume work features 132 entries from renowned experts in the fields and covers the tools, methods, algorithms and data analysis workflows used for integrating and analyzing multi-dimensional data routinely generated in clinical settings with the aim of providing medical practitioners with robust clinical decision support systems. Importantly the work delves into the applications of systems medicine in areas such as tumor systems biology, metabolic and cardiovascular diseases as well as immunology and infectious diseases amongst others. This is a fundamental resource for biomedical students and researchers as well as medical practitioners who need to need to adopt advances in computational tools and methods into the clinical practice. Encyclopedic coverage: ‘one-stop’ resource for access to information written by world-leading scholars in the field of Systems Biology and Systems Medicine, with easy cross-referencing of related articles to promote understanding and further research Authoritative: the whole work is authored and edited by recognized experts in the field, with a range of different expertise, ensuring a high quality standard Digitally innovative: Hyperlinked references and further readings, cross-references and diagrams/images will allow readers to easily navigate a wealth of information

Networks of Networks in Biology

Networks of Networks in Biology
Author: Narsis A. Kiani
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Total Pages: 215
Release: 2021-04-01
Genre: Science
ISBN: 1108690858

Biological systems are extremely complex and have emergent properties that cannot be explained or even predicted by studying their individual parts in isolation. The reductionist approach, although successful in the early days of molecular biology, underestimates this complexity. As the amount of available data grows, so it will become increasingly important to be able to analyse and integrate these large data sets. This book introduces novel approaches and solutions to the Big Data problem in biomedicine, and presents new techniques in the field of graph theory for handling and processing multi-type large data sets. By discussing cutting-edge problems and techniques, researchers from a wide range of fields will be able to gain insights for exploiting big heterogonous data in the life sciences through the concept of 'network of networks'.