¿Qué sucede cuando las mujeres oran?

¿Qué sucede cuando las mujeres oran?
Author: Evelyn Christenson
Publisher: Editorial Clie
Total Pages: 144
Release: 1979
Genre: Prayer
ISBN: 9788472283725

Having been tested in hundreds of prayer seminars all over the world, these teachings have enabled both men and women to learn to pray in more personal and believing ways. Move into the dynamic that occurs when people pray--it just might change your life, your family, and your church.

Cuando Las Mujeres Oran

Cuando Las Mujeres Oran
Author: T D Jakes
Publisher: Unilit
Total Pages: 0
Release: 2023-04-05
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 9780789926531

Encuentra el poder en tu oración como nunca antes con esta guía inspiradora del obispo T.D. Jakes, autor del bestseller n° 1 del New York Times. En una época en la que las mujeres tienen más influencia que cualquier otra generación, el poder de la oración nos recuerda que no tenemos que llevar nuestras cruces solas. Necesitamos que la oración cuide nuestros corazones y nuestras mentes, y los corazones y las mentes de nuestras familias. Las mujeres de hoy están pasando las barreras y forjando nuevos caminos en el mundo. Cuando las mujeres oran es un aviso para que las mujeres continúen su marcha de empoderamiento soñando como sus hijas y orando como sus abuelas. A través de la exploración de las vidas de 10 mujeres bíblicas llenas de oración, el obispo Jakes enfatiza el poder transformador que tienen las mujeres cuando encuentran su identidad, su fuerza, su sanidad y sus voces en Cristo. Find power in your prayer like never before with this inspiring guide from #1 New York Times bestselling author Bishop T.D. Jakes. In a time when women carry more influence than any other generation, the power of prayer has never been more important to remind us that we do not have to bear our crosses alone. We need prayer to stand guard over our hearts and minds and over the hearts and minds of our families. Women today are shattering glass ceilings and forging new paths in the world. When Women Pray is a clarion call for women to continue their progressive march of empowerment by dreaming like their daughters and praying like their grandmothers. Through exploring the lives of 10 prayer-filled women of the Bible, Bishop Jakes emphasizes the life-changing power that women have when they find their identity, their strength, their healing, and their voices in Christ.

El Poder de la Mujer Que Ora

El Poder de la Mujer Que Ora
Author: Stormie Omartian
Publisher: Unilit
Total Pages: 0
Release: 2002
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 9780789910585

La serie más vendida de Stormie Omartian, El poder la oración (más de 28 millones de copias vendidas), se reedita con nuevas portadas y nuevo material para llegar a un mercado aún creciente de lectores deseosos de descubrir el poder de la oración para sus vidas. Puede parecer más fácil orar por su cónyuge, sus hijos, sus amigos y su familia extendida, pero Dios también quiere escuchar sus peticiones para su vida. A Él le encanta que usted acuda a Él por las cosas que necesita y le pida que le ayude a convertirse en la mujer que siempre ha anhelado ser. El Poder de la Mujer que Ora(R) es justo para ti. Encontrarás ilustraciones personales, Escrituras cuidadosamente seleccionadas y oraciones sinceras que te ayudarán a confiar en Dios con anhelos profundos, no sólo con necesidades apremiantes cubrir cada área de la vida con la oración mantener un corazón recto ante Dios Cada capítulo concluye con una oración que puedes seguir o usar como modelo para tus propias oraciones. Las mujeres de todas las edades encontrarán esperanza y propósito para sus vidas con El Poder de la Mujer que Ora(R). Stormie Omartian's bestselling The Power of a Praying(R) series (more than 28 million copies sold) is rereleased with fresh new covers and new material to reach a still-growing market of readers eager to discover the power of prayer for their lives. It may seem easier to pray for your spouse, your children, your friends, and your extended family, but God wants to hear your requests for your life too. He loves it when you come to Him for the things you need and ask Him to help you become the woman you have always longed to be. The Power of a Praying(R) Woman is just for you. You'll find personal illustrations, carefully selected Scriptures, and heartfelt prayers to help you trust God with deep longings, not just pressing needs cover every area of life with prayer maintain a right heart before God Each chapter concludes with a prayer you can follow or use as a model for your own prayers. Women of all ages will find hope and purpose for their lives with The Power of a Praying(R) Woman.

When Women Pray

When Women Pray
Author: Kathleen Beckman
Publisher: Sophia Institute Press
Total Pages: 177
Release: 2017
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 1622823869

Nihil obstat: Fr. Hugh Barbour, O. Praem., Censor Librorum Imprimatur: Most Reverend Kevin W. Vann, J.C.D., D.D., Bishop of Orange, February 24, 2017 Here is a book that will inspire a new outpouring of prayer for healing and holiness. This timely work proclaims the joy of prayer and wealth of grace entrusted to praying women. Through poignant personal stories and Church teaching, eleven Catholic women magnify the Marian vocation of living as contemplatives in action. For personal or group retreats, each chapter ends with spiritual reflections: “Ponder, Practice, Pray”, and the “Feminine Wisdom” of women saints. The Eucharist, Scripture and Mary are beautifully highlighted in chapters from these Catholic women: Kathleen BeckmanJohnnette BenkovicDr. Ronda ChervinDr. Pia de SolenniDr. Mary HealyLisa M. HendeyJoan LewisKathyrn Jean LopezMarilyn QuirkVicki ThornKelly Wahlquist The Foreword by Sr. Regina Marie Gorman, OCD speaks to every woman’s heart. You’ll journey with these authors through joys and sorrows to discover the transformative joy of prayer. You’ll also learn: How prayer is a willed, practiced response to LoveScriptural lessons on how Mary praysWhy spiritual mothers are “God’s special weapons against evil”How a pierced, broken heart praysHow the Holy Spirit releases the power of prayerHow prayer can heal hurting womenHow a women’s prayer impacts the family

365 oraciones de bolsillo para mujeres

365 oraciones de bolsillo para mujeres
Author: Tyndale
Publisher: Tyndale House Publishers
Total Pages: 321
Release: 2017-07-04
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 1496421914

Llegue al corazón de lo que desea expresar a Dios con este libro de 365 oraciones para mujeres. La vida cotidiana puede contener momentos de esperanza y gozo, así como de dolor y decepción. La Biblia promete que Dios siempre está allí para ayudarnos a través de cualquier situación que enfrentemos a diario. Él nos invita a venir a él en oración, pero a veces es difícil saber cómo hablar con él o específicamente por qué orar. Permita que 365 oraciones de bolsillo para mujeres le ayude a conectarse con Dios y a expresarle a él lo que desea en lo más profundo de su corazón. Get to the very heart of what you want to express to God with 365 oraciones de bolsillos para mujeres [365 Pocket Prayers for Women]. Daily life can bring hope and joy as well as heartache and disappointment. The Bible promises that God is always there to help us through any situation we face in life. He invites us to come to him in prayer, but sometimes it's hard to know how to talk to him or what to pray for. Let 365 oraciones de bolsillo para mujeres [365 Pocket Prayers for Women] help you connect with God and get to the very heart of what you want to say to him.

The Prayer of Jabez for Women

The Prayer of Jabez for Women
Author: Darlene Marie Wilkinson
Publisher: Multnomah
Total Pages: 114
Release: 2010-12-29
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 0307769321

The phenomenal impact of The Prayer of Jabez is shown by reports of changed lives, expanded ministries, and spiritual breakthroughs among believers everywhere. Now women have their own unique version, shared by Bruce Wilkinson's lifetime partner in marriage, that is full of significance for women's roles and ministry opportunities in God's kingdom. A must-read for every woman, whether she is familiar with The Prayer of Jabez or not, this book addresses important questions such as, How can a busy mom expand her territory without neglecting the most important territory she already has, her family? Darlene Marie Wilkinson's warm, personable approach reaches out to her reader, encouraging her to become like Jabez and experience the extraordinary life.

What God Does When Women Pray

What God Does When Women Pray
Author: Evelyn Christenson
Publisher: W Publishing Group
Total Pages: 292
Release: 2005-05
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 9780849906978

Sharing personal accounts of real-life women whose lives have been revolutionized by a renewed commitment to prayer, Christenson encourages readers to persistently and fervently embrace the power of prayer.

La Oración de Jabes Para Mujeres

La Oración de Jabes Para Mujeres
Author: Darlene Wilkinson
Publisher: Unilit
Total Pages: 0
Release: 2011-12-17
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 9780789920140

Sin duda, cada una de las mujeres desea que Dios la bendiga en abundancia. Si está preparada para dejar atrás lo mundano y alcanzar una vida en la que los milagros ocurren con frecuencia, está preparada para La oración de Jabes para mujeres. Luego del poderoso mensaje del éxito de ventas La oración de Jabes, este nuevo libro está dirigido a las necesidades de la mujer en el mundo de hoy. En este libro, su autora reta a las mujeres a confiar en Dios y a reconocer que Él las creó para algo grande. Así que las invita a pedir, a vivir sin límites, y a dirigirse sin riesgos hacia el éxito, pues cuando Él interviene, los milagros suceden. Undoubtedly, every woman wants God to bless her in abundance. If you are ready to leave the ordinary behind and embrace a life in which miracles often happen, you are ready for The Prayer of Jabez for Women. Following the powerful message of the best-selling The Prayer of Jabez, this new book addresses the needs of women in today's world. In this book, the author challenges women to trust God and recognize that He created them for something great. So, she invites them to ask, to live without limits, and to move safely towards success, because when He acts, miracles happen.

100 Extraordinary Stories for Courageous Girls

100 Extraordinary Stories for Courageous Girls
Author: Jean Fischer
Publisher: Barbour Kidz
Total Pages: 0
Release: 2025
Genre: Juvenile Nonfiction
ISBN: 9781636099989

Just for girls in your life, ages 8 and up, this collection of 100 extraordinary stories of women of faith--from the Bible, history, and today--will empower them to know and understand how women have made a difference in the world and how much smaller our faith (and the biblical record) would be without them.