Mini-Scripts for the Four Color Personalities

Mini-Scripts for the Four Color Personalities
Author: Keith Schreiter
Publisher: Fortune Network Publishing Inc.
Total Pages: 102
Release: 2019-11-01
Genre: Business & Economics
ISBN: 1948197359

The perfect prospect. The perfect presentation. And our prospect says, “No.” What happened? Our prospect did not connect with or understand our presentation. Our presentation is clear to us, but our prospect understands the world differently. Yes, our prospect understands a different language. There are four different color personalities, and each of those personalities interprets our world differently. They have their own viewpoint and their own language. They make their decisions based upon their viewpoint, and the language we use to present to them has to match their personality. When we talk their language, magic happens. Our prospects understand and appreciate what we offer them. Once we have this connection, prospecting, selling, sponsoring, and presenting are easy. Learning the other color personalities’ languages is easy. We simply modify our most common phrases to match their viewpoints. If our yellow personality prospect wants to serve and help the world, then why not present our opportunity from that viewpoint? It is just that easy. In this book we will quickly learn the different personalities and how to identify them. Then, we will learn proven phrases for connecting, prospecting, selling, and sponsoring for each color personality. The reactions of our prospects will be amazing. As network marketing leaders, we want to move people to take positive actions. Using their own color language is how we will do it.

The Four Color Personalities for MLM

The Four Color Personalities for MLM
Author: Tom "Big Al" Schreiter
Total Pages: 108
Release: 2018-03-20
Genre: Business & Economics
ISBN: 9781948197083

Instant bonding, instant communication, and how to get your network marketing prospects to fully understand and act on your message = fun!This is the most fun of the 25 skills of network marketing. Our prospects have a different point-of-view than we do. So how do we give them our message in a way they ¿get it" and enjoy it?By quickly identifying their color personality.This isn¿t a boring research textbook on the four different personalities. This book is a fun, easy way to know how your prospects think, and the precise magic words to say to each of the four personalities. The results are stunning. Shy distributors become confident when they understand how their prospects think. Experienced distributors have short conversations that get prospects to join immediately.Why be frustrated with prospects? Instead, quickly discover the four personalities in a fun way that you will always remember. You will enjoy observing and analyzing your friends, co-workers and relatives, and you'll see the way they see the world. It feels like you have 3-D glasses in your network marketing career.Of the 25 skills, this is the first skill that new distributors should learn. Why? It gives new distributors instant confidence. It eliminates rejection. It helps prospects listen with open minds.It gets instant results. What could be better than that?You won¿t have to look for great prospects when you know the four color personalities. You will have the ability to turn ordinary people into hot prospects by knowing their color personality and by saying the right words.By using humorous, slightly exaggerated examples of the four personality traits, you will remember and use this skill immediately. Life is more fun when you are the only one with the 3-D glasses.This is the one skill that you'll use every day for the rest of your life!Get ready to smile and achieve quicker rapport and results.

The Four Color Personalities For MLM

The Four Color Personalities For MLM
Author: Tom “Big Al” Schreiter
Publisher: Fortune Network Publishing Inc.
Total Pages: 102
Release: 2019-12-05
Genre: Business & Economics
ISBN: 1892366339

Mind reading = fun! When we know how prospects think, selling and sponsoring are easy. Read deep inside our prospects’ minds with this easy skill. Our prospects have a different point-of-view. So how do we talk to prospects in a way they "get it" and enjoy our message? By quickly identifying our prospect’s color personality. Discover the precise magic words to say to each of the four personalities. This isn’t a boring research textbook on the four different personalities. This book shows a fun, easy way to talk to our prospects based on how they see and feel about the world. The results are stunning. Shy distributors become confident when they understand how their prospects think. Experienced distributors have short conversations that get prospects to join immediately. Why be frustrated with prospects? Instead, quickly discover the four personalities in a fun way that we will always remember. We will enjoy observing and analyzing our friends, co-workers and relatives, and we will see the way they see the world. It feels like we have 3D glasses in our network marketing career. Of the 25 skills, this is the first skill that new distributors should learn. Why? 1. It gives new distributors instant confidence. 2. It eliminates rejection. 3. It helps prospects listen with open minds. 4. It gets instant results. What could be better than that? We won’t have to look for great prospects when we know the four color personalities. We will have the ability to turn ordinary people into hot prospects by recognizing their color personalities and by saying the right words. By using humorous, slightly exaggerated examples of the four personality traits, we will remember this skill and can use it immediately. Life is more fun when we are the only one with the 3D glasses. This is the one skill that we will use every day for the rest of our lives! Get ready to smile and achieve immediate rapport and quick results. Order your copy now!

An Offer They Can't Refuse

An Offer They Can't Refuse
Author: Keith Schreiter
Publisher: Fortune Network Publishing Inc.
Total Pages: 130
Release: 2023-08-01
Genre: Business & Economics
ISBN: 1956171169

Two offers One offer is okay. The other offer? Wow! Which offer will we choose? It won't take a rocket scientist to figure this out. Better offers rock! We make offers every day in our network marketing businesses. What would happen if our offers were better? Our prospects would say "yes" immediately. Isn't that what we want? So how good are our offers now? Symptoms of a bad offer: · Prospects say they are not interested · No one gives us an appointment · Friends walk on the other side of the street · Prospects roll their eyes before falling asleep Signs of a great offer: · Prospects want to know more · Smiles · Drooling · Eyes dilate with excitement Let our competition work hard trying to sell their mediocre offers. Let them plead, beg and suffer frustration. We don't have to join them. Instead, let’s take our present offers and use the 14 tools in this book to make them ... awesome! There is magic in offers. We could be just one awesome offer away from changing our careers forever. Let's discover how to create that "life-changing" offer now.

Be the Top 1% in Network Marketing

Be the Top 1% in Network Marketing
Author: Keith Schreiter
Publisher: Fortune Network Publishing Inc.
Total Pages: 102
Release: 2022-11-01
Genre: Business & Economics
ISBN: 1956171118

Want to be successful in network marketing? Want to be in the top 1%, but don't know how? We saw the dream. We saw what is possible. The opportunity is there, but ... now we wonder, "Do I have to be special? Will I have to master superpowers? Do I need to take bullets of rejection and walk through brick walls? Will I need personality steroid injections?" If we have these attributes, great. But, we won't need them to be in the top 1% of all network marketers. Our journey to the top is much easier than we think. Why? First, most of the competition isn't even trying. We left them behind with our first baby step forward. They are busy scrolling social media looking for cat videos, while we are busy building our teams. Second, our competition doesn't have an easy-to-follow plan that works. It is impossible for them to get a headstart when they don't even know where to start. We have the exact step-by-step successful plan in this book. This feels achievable, so what is the difference between us and the 99% who admire our success? It is not about superpowers or extra effort. It is about doing the right things. Simple steps anyone can follow. Steps we can put into action immediately. Ready? Let's begin building our story of success now.

The Everyday Networker

The Everyday Networker
Author: Keith Schreiter
Publisher: Fortune Network Publishing Inc.
Total Pages: 80
Release: 2024-09-12
Genre: Business & Economics
ISBN: 1956171207

Is Network Marketing too good to be true? You are probably well aware of the possibilities the direct selling industry offers, including exceptional income potential and the ability to earn luxury travel and other achievement awards. Then there are the often-unexpected benefits of personal development and professional growth that change people’s lives in countless ways. When you’re looking up from the bottom of the career ladder, the success of those who have reached the very top of your company may appear out of reach--maybe even too good to be true. You may even wonder if those incredible rewards are for everyone . . . or only the elite few who know all the secrets. Here’s the truth: Network marketing is a tool YOU can use to build your dream life. Using any tool effectively and efficiently requires training and practice. You can certainly dive in and learn as you go. Or you can benefit from others’ experience and wisdom and dramatically speed up the learning process. Yes, there are aspects of this business--behaviors, mindsets, and habits--that make this tool more effective and efficient, but they aren’t secrets. They are available to you right now. In The Everyday Networker, we invited ten up-and-coming network marketers to share their insights and lessons they’ve learned along the way. Their inspiring stories, varied backgrounds, and different personalities are a reminder that with the right training and practice, people from every walk of life can use network marketing to create a life they love. The practical strategies they share will equip you to take the next step forward in your business. You’ll learn how to . . . - set and achieve your goals. - find mentors who will propel your progress. - improve your sales and recruiting skills. - manage your mindset and focus on what’s possible. - deal with setbacks and make the most of your wins. - build a successful business based on what is important to you. Learn how to use this tool to your advantage. Discover how to make network marketing work for you.

The Happy Network Marketer

The Happy Network Marketer
Author: Keith Schreiter
Publisher: Fortune Network Publishing Inc.
Total Pages: 107
Release: 2022-09-01
Genre: Business & Economics
ISBN: 1956171088

Struggling against the restraints in the dentist’s chair, I could smell his sadistic and evil garlic breath. The lights dimmed. Terror. I knew what was coming next – the drill. I braced myself as the whirring drill ground deep into my tooth. My nervous system short-circuited. I only saw stars. He chuckled, “Hurt? I am only getting started.” I felt panic. “Now, you can sit here in the chair while I drill deeper, much deeper … or you can escape now, and go out cold prospecting for your network marketing business. Rejection is only a few steps away.” I replied, “Drill deeper!” The drill pierced my tooth and now entered my jaw. I could feel the blood pouring into my mouth. The dentist took my muffled screams as a challenge. “How about now? Ready to go out prospecting?” Of course, I replied, “Drill deeper!” Fear, procrastination, stress, anxiety, shortness of breath, and no motivation. Familiar? How do we feel before dental surgery? What is our mindset if we must juggle three flaming chainsaws? Do we fear going to a midnight party with flesh-eating werewolves? And finally, how will we act when we don’t enjoy building our network marketing business? We won’t last long if we don’t enjoy the journey. Forget motivational rah-rah sessions. Stop making goal-plated vision boards. Cease the morning affirmation chants of, “Face the fear!” Instead, how about learning how to build our business within our comfort zone? Make every day a happy day. Let’s look forward to the business-building activity we will love to do. Pick wealth, freedom, and happiness. The fun way to build our future.

Mind Reading for Network Marketing

Mind Reading for Network Marketing
Author: Keith Schreiter
Publisher: Fortune Network Publishing Inc.
Total Pages: 106
Release: 2023-03-01
Genre: Business & Economics
ISBN: 1956171134

Tired of guessing what our sales prospects are thinking? Need a superpower to turbocharge our sales message? Serve our prospects better now by mastering the art of mind reading. Now we can know exactly what our prospects are thinking, and exactly what they want! What if we could mentally know what our prospects are going to say so that we are not caught unprepared? What if we knew exactly the objections and feelings that hold our prospects back? What if we could give our prospects a winning custom solution that fits immediately? What if our prospects felt we were a trusted source that helps them, instead of a salesperson trying to sell them? This is our chance to take our sales message to a higher level, where we are talking with the exact conversation that is already in our prospects' minds. They will love it! Instant bonding and rapport! Don't waste time on the wrong conversations. Now we can save time by engaging with the honest thoughts and feelings of our prospects. We know they want what we have to offer. All we have to do is talk to the correct conversation they have in their minds. Mind reading is not about being psychic or manipulative. It's about understanding what our prospects are thinking and helping them achieve what they want. Here are the easy tools and techniques to give us this mind reading superpower now.

Hooks! The Invisible Sales Superpower

Hooks! The Invisible Sales Superpower
Author: Keith Schreiter
Publisher: Fortune Network Publishing Inc.
Total Pages: 81
Release: 2021-11-16
Genre: Business & Economics
ISBN: 1956171053

We talk. Our prospects have a choice. #1. Continue thinking about their interesting lives, or #2. Stop what they are thinking, and listen to someone they don’t care about. Ouch. We can’t succeed if no one listens to our message. But how do we get prospects to pay attention to us? With hooks—strong openings that capture their curiosity. What kinds of hooks can we learn? • Curiosity hooks. • Magic phrases. • Humor hooks. • Shocking facts. • Quiz openings. • Challenges. • Story hooks and more. We want our prospects to think, “This is interesting. Please continue.” We don’t have to be creative. Let the simple lessons, examples, and templates in this book help us create professional hooks that work. No more presentations to people who fake their attention. No more nerve-racking encounters with uninterested prospects. Let’s feel confident that we can deliver our message to attentive prospects every time.

What Smart Sponsors Do

What Smart Sponsors Do
Author: Keith Schreiter
Publisher: Fortune Network Publishing Inc.
Total Pages: 112
Release: 2020-11-27
Genre: Business & Economics
ISBN: 1948197839

Prospecting? Presentations? Closing? Enrolling? These are the easy steps. Now the hard work begins. Our new team members know ... nothing. They think, “What do I do first? I don’t have a business plan. I only have the skills from my old profession, but not the ones I need for this new network marketing profession. Where do I start?” Here is the problem. New team members don’t know what they don’t know. They don’t know what they should ask us. This is how they start, and yet we expect them to be successful on their own. This book shows us how we can serve our new team members better. We will learn how successful sponsors kickstart their team’s success by building the strongest foundation possible. Here are just a few of our new team members’ questions that we need to answer: - Which direction do I go first? - How long is “long-term?” - What if I feel unmotivated? - How can I handle resistance? - What if others tell me I made a bad decision? - How can you keep me on track? We will use the best teaching skills available - like analogies and stories - to develop successful mindsets in our new team members. Get ready to become an awesome sponsor.