Milk of Human Kindness

Milk of Human Kindness
Author: Eva Quim
Publisher: Gulliver Noir
Total Pages: 51

They're big, beautiful, and out of control! Having escaped from the Network laboratories on their own, Hitomi and Rowan rejoin Adam, Ebony and Caleb in their tropical island hideaway. During captivity, Hitomi has been cured, released from the chemical bonds of the Fountain as Rowan struggles with withdrawal and the trio is reunited. Ebony clashes with Hitomi as she makes her bid to become a part of the Big Beautiful Family. Adam seeks a place in the raid on the Icelandic laboratory where Nadine is being held as tensions simmer and explode in fits of uncontrollable passion. Caleb ponders his place in the family as they wait for the Resistance to send an envoy to confer over the Icelandic raid. Adam struggles for control as irresistible tides of lust sweep over the island threatening to tear them all apart. For a time Adam Link had everything—love overflowing, the good fight, and god-like power. But for all of this he has paid a terrible price… the loss of Nadine, the woman who haunts his dreams. He must rescue her to save them all from an erotic catastrophe!