Live互動英語 2022 年 2 月號 No.250 【有聲版】

Live互動英語 2022 年 2 月號 No.250 【有聲版】
Author: LiveABC編輯群
Publisher: 希伯崙股份有限公司
Total Pages:
Release: 2022-01-25
Genre: Study Aids

4 Live關鍵時事新聞 9 焦點話題 10 大師名作選 The Fisherman and His Soul 〈漁夫與他的靈魂〉 14 旅遊好去處 Queenstown: New Zealand's Adventure Capital 皇后鎮:紐西蘭的探險之都 18 生活情境對話 Sports Fever 一起瘋運動 21 英語聽力測驗1 22 全球總覽 The World on Show 世界博覽會:全球科技文化之窗 26 生活訣竅 Healthy Habits for Your Financial Future 理財習慣從小做起 30 素養專欄 My Chocolate Valentine 情人節巧克力表心意 35 英語聽力測驗2 36 生態科學 Warmer Planet, Smaller Birds 鳥類因暖化而變小了 38 焦點人物 Awkwafina: A Girl from Queens 亞裔金球影后:奧卡菲娜 42 天南地北說英語 43 主題式會話 Bargain Hunting 怎麼買最划算? 46 克漏字 Tempura: A Portuguese Treat? 驚!天婦羅來自葡萄牙? 48 動物趣聞 Penguins: Amazing Birds of the Southern Seas 企鵝:令人驚奇的鳥類 52 唱歌學英語 Studying English with Songs: Feels Like 葛蕾西.亞伯拉罕:〈Feels Like〉 53 翻譯練習 Translation Practice 翻譯練習 56 全民英檢中級模擬聽力試題 58 電影快報 60 看預告片學英文 61 全民英檢中級模擬試題解答 65 中文翻譯與解答

CNN 互動英語 2021 年 7 月號 No.250【有聲版】

CNN 互動英語 2021 年 7 月號 No.250【有聲版】
Author: LiveABC編輯群
Publisher: 希伯崙股份有限公司
Total Pages:
Release: 2021-07-01
Genre: Foreign Language Study

政治 On the Move 拜登首次國會聯席演說 主訴經濟、國內議題 Joe Biden’s New Proposals on the Table in His First Congress Speech 美國總統拜登在上任100日前夕發表首場國會聯席會議演說,聚焦新冠病毒疫情、經濟、就業機會、教育、種族平權等議題。 商業 The Money Farm 比特幣挖礦熱 恐引發全球能源危機?! The Hunt for Cryptocurrencies Is Causing an Energy Strain 隨著比特幣價格水漲船高,也掀起一股數位挖礦淘金熱,但這種極為耗電的行為竟可能引發一場能源危機?! 人物 From the East to the West 亞裔女導演第一人 趙婷奪奧斯卡最高榮譽 Chloé Zhao Becomes the First Asian Woman to Win an Oscar for Best Director 中國導演趙婷憑藉電影《游牧人生》,接連贏得金球獎、英國電影學院獎及奧斯卡獎的最佳影片及最佳導演獎,為亞裔女導演立下新標竿。 社會 Formosa at Risk 曾經的防疫模範生 台灣為何面臨新冠疫情大爆發? Taiwan Enters Level-3 Restrictions As It Seeks to Contain COVID-19 Outbreak 過去一年多成功防堵新冠病毒疫情的台灣近來本土病例激增,政府緊急發布疫情三級警戒。CNN記者分析台灣此波疫情爆發的原因。 保育 Giants in the Jungle 深入山林 造訪瀕危山地大猩猩 Richard Quest Comes Face-to-Face with Wild Mountain Gorillas 在保育工作的推助下,一度瀕危的山地大猩猩在東非山區復育有成。理查.奎斯特隨嚮導深入牠們的棲地,一訪這種美麗的動物。 社會 A Flame of Remembrance 日本大地震十週年 東奧聖火傳遞希望 Survivors from the 2011 Tsunami to Carry the Olympic Flame 日本大地震、海嘯發生迄今已十年,災難為日本人民心靈造成的傷害仍在癒合中。數名倖存者在東京奧運聖火傳遞活動中說出自己的故事。 政治 Ending the War 阿富汗戰爭二十年 美國宣布全面撤軍 US Troops to Withdraw from Afghanistan after 20 Years 拜登政府上任後的重要任務之一,就是在九一一恐怖攻擊事件二十週年之前,將美軍全數撤離阿富汗。 藝文 Art Is Life 設計趨勢新亮點──首爾東大門設計廣場 Immersive Exhibits Wow Audiences at Seoul’s DDP Building 首爾的東大門設計廣場是許多展覽、服裝秀、會議等重要活動的舉辦地。最新、最潮的韓國趨勢,在這裡都找得到! 旅遊 Premature Flowering 日本櫻花提早盛開 創歷史紀錄 Japan’s Famous Cherry Blossoms Bloom Early because of Global Warming 一年一度的日本櫻花季今年來得特別早,此現象不只意味遊客必須提前賞花,科學家更警告,從宏觀角度來看,這是全球暖化威脅生態系的徵兆。 文化 The Land of Carpets 乘著土耳其地毯 來場穿越時空的魔幻之旅 Richard Quest Discovers the Art of Turkish Rug Making 土耳其地毯不只實用、美觀,更具有深遠的歷史、文化意義,是一項穿古越今的珍貴工藝。 焦點話題 CNN 全球瞭望 India’s Coronavirus Crisis 印度的新冠病毒疫情危機 Royal Marines Test “Iron Man” Suit 英國皇家海軍陸戰隊測試「鋼鐵人」裝 Pipeline Cyberattack 美東輸油管公司遭網路攻擊 CNN主編教你唸 證券交易所名稱 單字聯想地圖 股市交易 知識大圖解 新聞片語通 全方位搞懂CNN The Billion-Dollar Breakup 比爾.蓋茲與梅琳達宣布離婚 億萬資產分配受矚目


Author: Plato
Publisher: Editorial Ink
Total Pages: 39
Release: 101-01-01


Author: Clare Anderson
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Total Pages: 493
Release: 2022-01-13
Genre: History
ISBN: 1108840728

A new global history perspective on the relationship between convict mobility and governance, nation building, imperial expansion, and knowledge formation.

Gifts from Jerusalem Jews to the Austro-Hungarian Monarchs

Gifts from Jerusalem Jews to the Austro-Hungarian Monarchs
Author: Lily Arad
Publisher: Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG
Total Pages: 443
Release: 2022-06-21
Genre: History
ISBN: 3110767619

Presentations of offerings to the emperor-king on anniversaries of his accession became an important imperial ritual in the court of Franz Joseph I. This book explores for the first time the identity constructions of Orthodox Jewish communities in Jerusalem as expressed in their gifts to the Austro-Hungarian Kaisers at the time of dramatic events. It reveals how the beautiful gifts, their dedications, and their narratives, were perceived by gift-givers and recipients as instruments capable of acting upon various social, cultural and political processes. Lily Arad describes in a captivating manner the historical narratives of the creation and presentation of these gifts. She analyzes the iconography of these gifts as having transformative effect on the self-identification of the Jewish communities and examines their reception by the Kaisers and in the Austrian and the Palestinian Jewish press. This groundbreaking book unveils Jewish cultural and political strategies aimed to create local Eretz-Israel identities, demonstrating distinct positive communal identification which at times expressed national sentiments and at the same time preserved European identification.

OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: Slovak Republic 2024

OECD Environmental Performance Reviews: Slovak Republic 2024
Author: OECD
Publisher: OECD Publishing
Total Pages: 121
Release: 2024-04-18
ISBN: 9264605096

This is the third Environmental Performance Review of the Slovak Republic. It provides an evidence-based assessment of the country's progress towards its environmental goals over the past decade. The 29 recommendations aim to help Slovakia improve its environmental performance, giving special focus to biodiversity and forests in the context of climate change.

When the Pine Needles Fall

When the Pine Needles Fall
Author: Katsi’tsakwas Ellen Gabriel
Publisher: Between the Lines
Total Pages: 159
Release: 2024-09-17
Genre: Political Science
ISBN: 1771136510

There have been many things written about Canada’s violent siege of Kanehsatà:ke and Kahnawà:ke in the summer of 1990, but When the Pine Needles Fall: Indigenous Acts of Resistance is the first book from the perspective of Katsi’tsakwas Ellen Gabriel, who was the Kanien’kehá:ka (Mohawk) spokesperson during the siege. When the Pine Needles Fall, written in a conversational style by Gabriel with historian Sean Carleton, offers an intimate look at Gabriel’s life leading up to the 1990 siege, her experiences as spokesperson for her community, and her work since then as an Indigenous land defender, human rights activist, and feminist leader. More than just the memoir of an extraordinary individual, When the Pine Needles Fall offers insight into Indigenous language, history, and philosophy, reflections on our relationship with the land, and calls to action against both colonialism and capitalism as we face the climate crisis. Gabriel’s hopes for a decolonial future make clear why protecting Indigenous homelands is vital not only for the survival of Indigenous peoples, but for all who live on this planet.

CNN 互動英語 2023 年 5 月號 No.272 【有聲版】

CNN 互動英語 2023 年 5 月號 No.272 【有聲版】
Author: LiveABC編輯群
Publisher: 希伯崙股份有限公司
Total Pages: 77
Release: 2023-05-01
Genre: Foreign Language Study

科技 AI Reveals Its Dark Side 發脾氣、狂示愛──AI 聊天機器人展現黑暗面 Disturbing Reponses from the New Bing Chatbot Raise Eyebrows 微軟搶搭ChatGPT人工智慧熱潮,在自家新一代搜尋引擎Bing加入聊天機器人功能,但記者實測時竟引出了AI的黑暗面,令人不寒而慄。 人物 Women Are Superheroes CNN 專訪奧斯卡首位亞裔影后楊紫瓊 Michelle Yeoh on Breaking Out of Hollywood’s Gender Box 楊紫瓊以電影《媽的多重宇宙》中王秀蓮一角成為奧斯卡史上第一位亞裔影后,她接受CNN專訪,暢談接演該片的心路歷程。 商業 When Crypto Goes Boom NFT 價格大起大落 名人遭控炒作 Celebrities May Be Dragged to Court for Endorsing Famed NFTs 無聊猿NFT在近兩年掀起熱潮,儼然成為一種身分象徵,不過隨著加密貨幣退燒、NFT價格暴跌,多位曾為無聊猿宣傳的名人也因被控炒作而面臨集體訴訟。 娛樂 BTS’s HYBE Man BTS 之父談韓流國際化經營之道 Richard Quest Sits Down with the Mastermind of K-Pop 打造出世界級韓流團體BTS的HYBE 娛樂公司老闆房時爀分享韓流發展的現況,以及眾多粉絲關心的BTS兵役問題。 科技 Smarter, Better, Faster 綠色運輸未來式──高速減碳超迴路列車 Hyperloop Technology May Be the Future of Sustainable Transportation 超迴路列車具有超高速、低耗能的特性,且造價較低,勢將為未來運輸帶來一波新革命。 商業 Bizarrely Big Business 當披薩遇上豬血糕 台灣必勝客奇異口味闖出一片藍海 Pizza Hut Taiwan Stays Ahead of the Curve with Unusual New Flavors 台灣必勝客推出香菜皮蛋豬血糕披薩、鹽酥雞披薩、肉圓披薩等新奇的限量版口味,並以網路社群口碑行銷,在新冠疫情期間逆勢成長。 環境 American Dust Bowl: Part 2 美國大鹽湖縮水中 恐釀有毒沙塵暴 Scientists Warn of Ecological Disaster as Great Salt Lake Shrinks 美國大鹽湖由於數十年的過度開發及日益加劇的氣候變遷,水量不斷縮減,科學家擔心淤積於湖底的重金屬會化作有毒沙塵,帶來另一場生態浩劫。 藝文 Light and Shadow 《戴珍珠耳環的少女》 17世紀光影大師維梅爾特展 World’s Most Complete Vermeer Collection on Display in Amsterdam 荷蘭國家博物館展出有史以來最完整的維梅爾特展,囊括28幅畫家真跡,帶領觀眾進入《戴珍珠耳環的少女》、《倒牛奶的女僕》等名作的光影世界。 保健 Keeping the Doctor Away 每週運動多久最健康?研究大解密 Ten-Year Study Finds Moderate Daily Exercise Extends Lives 一項為期十年的研究發現,運動可有效降低死亡、心臟疾病,甚至癌症的風險,且就算只是每週75分鐘的運動,對健康也有不小的益處。 科學 An Alien Ocean 尋找太空生命 探測器前進木星衛星歐羅巴 Probes Will Explore Jupiter’s Mysterious Moon Europa 科學界認為木星衛星歐羅巴的外殼下有水源存在,使人好奇是否可能有蘊含生命的證據。歐洲太空總署和美國太空總署將派遣探測器探勘。 焦點話題 CNN 全球瞭望 Panic Begins to Build as Large Banks Fail 矽谷銀行破產引發美國民眾恐慌 UAE Sends Its First Astronaut on a Long-Term Mission 首位阿聯太空人執行長期任務 Prince Harry and Meghan Are Evicted from Their London Residence 哈利王子和梅根被逐出倫敦住所 談天說地話英文 全方位理解CNN Hogwarts’ Controversial Legacy 哈利波特電玩遊戲上市 J.K. 羅琳過往言論惹議 新聞片語通 CNN主編教你唸 台灣小吃 單字聯想地圖 逛夜市

Negotiating with the Devil

Negotiating with the Devil
Author: Pierre Hazan
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Total Pages: 226
Release: 2024-02
Genre: Law
ISBN: 1911723111

Insider reflections on the political and ethical "red lines" that shape talks with armed interlocutors, be they states or insurgents.