In Vitro Selection and Biochemical Characterization of Trivalent Metal Ion Dependent RNA-cleaving DNAzymes

In Vitro Selection and Biochemical Characterization of Trivalent Metal Ion Dependent RNA-cleaving DNAzymes
Author: Mahsa Vazin
Total Pages:
Release: 2016

DNAzymes are DNA sequences with catalytic activity. So far, all known DNAzymes have been isolated using the high-throughput in vitro selection method. DNAzymes have been used for analytical, biomedical, and nanotechnology applications. All known DNAzymes require metal ions for activity. Therefore, a particularly interesting direction is the isolation of DNAzymes that function only in the presence of specific metal ion cofactors. Metal-specific DNAzymes can be used for developing metal ion biosensors and also provide insights into the interaction between metal ions and DNA. Since the first DNAzyme was reported in 1994, most metal dependent-DNAzymes have been isolated using divalent metal ions, such as Pb2+, Zn2+, Hg2+, UO22+, Cu2+ and Cd2+. Recently, a few monovalent metal dependent DNAzymes were also reported. However, relatively little is known about trivalent metal ions. Compared to DNAzymes using monovalent metal ions, those using divalent metal ions are usually more efficient. Therefore, we suspect that trivalent metal ions may result in even more efficient DNAzymes. At the same time, trivalent metal ions are also very important for technological applications. Hence, the main goal of this thesis is to select and characterize DNAzymes using trivalent metal ions as cofactors, in the hope of developing biosensors for this category of metal ions. There are three types of trivalent metal ions used in this work, including trivalent lanthanide ions (Ce3+, Yb3+ and Lu3+), Group 3A metal ions (Al3+, Ga3+, In3+ and Tl3+), and Cr3+. Different selection strategies were employed to fulfill each metal ion criteria. Among the various types of DNAzymes, this thesis is focused on those cleaving RNA. In each chapter, the conditions and processes of the in vitro selection with the target metal ion are described and the results are discussed. Biochemical studies of the selected DNAzymes are also presented. The first chapter of this thesis gives a general introduction to DNA and DNAzymes, as well as some of their applications. In chapter two, the in vitro selection with Ce3+ was described, which resulted in the reselection of the Ce13d DNAzyme. Ce13d was previously reported in a Ce4+-dependent selection carried out by another member of the Liu lab. This DNAzyme appears to be an optimal sequence for Ce3+, but it is also highly active with all the trivalent lanthanides, Y3+, and to a lesser extent with Pb2+. Interestingly, by changing the cleavage junction from the normal phosphodiester to phosphorothioate (PS), the enzyme has a decreased activity with lanthanide but shows a high activity with all thiophilic metals. Since Ce13d is an interesting DNAzyme, a carful biochemical study of the enzyme was performed. In chapter three, in order to find more specific DNAzymes that distinguish each lanthanide, two new in vitro selections were conducted with Yb3+ and Lu3+, respectively. The new Lu12 DNAzyme was selected. Lu12 is more active with smaller lanthanides and has the lowest activity with the largest lanthanide, Lu3+. Lu12 was extensively studied and some interesting characters of the enzymes were found, such as a pH-rate slope of 2, using pro-Sp for metal binding at the cleavage site, and acceptance of a diverse range of cleavage junctions. Such properties were never previously reported for any known RNA-cleaving DNAzymes. In chapter four, efforts toward the isolation of DNAzymes specific for the group 3A metal ions using in vitro selection were described. Four independent selections were carried out with Ga3+, In3+, Al3+ and Tl3+; however, no specific DNAzymes were identified. The failure in the selection with this group of metal ions was probably due to the very low pKa of these metal ions in aqueous solution, and also their inability to tightly bind to phosphate group of the DNA molecule. The Tl3+-dependent selection was also repeated with PS-modified library, but the selection still did not work, because Tl3+ can desulfurize the substrate back to the normal PO substrate. While no new DNAzymes were isolated in this work, this study has enhanced our understanding of the interaction between Group 3A metals with DNA, and this information is useful for future in vitro selection works using these metals. In chapter five, the cleavage of the previously selected DNAzyme, Ce13d, by Cr3+ was studied, initially. This preliminary study gives us information about the condition for the efficient activity of Cr3+. Then, two new Cr3+-dependent selections were conducted to isolate a specific DNAzyme. To discourage a Ce13d type of sequence, a blocking DNA and a smaller N35 library were tested separately. However, the Cr3+ selections resulted in obtaining a non-specific cleaving DNAzyme as the major product, and accompanied with a small fraction of 17E, suggesting the Ce13d as an optimal sequence for Cr3+. Cr3+ is a highly important metal and is also an environmental contaminant. This study suggests the possibility of using DNAzyme for Cr3+ detection.

Investigation of Metal-dependence in DNAzymes and Applications of DNAzymes and Aptamers for Diagnostics

Investigation of Metal-dependence in DNAzymes and Applications of DNAzymes and Aptamers for Diagnostics
Author: Debapriya Mazumdar
Publisher: ProQuest
Total Pages: 174
Release: 2009
ISBN: 9781109223293

DNA molecules with catalytic activity, called DNAzymes, were first isolated in 1994 by a combinatorial biology technique called in vitro selection. Most DNAzymes are metalloenzymes which require divalent metal ion cofactors for optimum functionality; however, knowledge about the structural and functional roles of these metal ions as DNAzyme cofactors is limited.

A New Na+-specific DNAzyme Mutant from in Vitro Selection

A New Na+-specific DNAzyme Mutant from in Vitro Selection
Author: Lingzi Ma
Total Pages: 62
Release: 2017

Sodium is one of the most ubiquitous metal ions in both intracellular and extracellular fluids. Many fluorescent sensors have been designed to measure Na+ concentrations. However, Na+ binding to biomolecules such as DNA has long been considered to be non-specific. In the past few years, RNA-cleaving DNAzymes have emerged as promising tools for detecting Na+ due to their metal-specific activity. DNAzymes are DNA-based catalysts which require specific metal ions as cofactors for their catalytic activity. The initial goal of this research is to select DNAzymes that require Co(NH3)63+ as an intended cofactor through in vitro selection. However, new mutants of a previously reported Na+-specific DNAzyme were obtained instead. An in vitro selection was preformed following a standard protocol using Co(NH3)63+ as the intended cofactor. After 6 rounds of selection in pH 6 buffer, an active sequence was successfully enriched and isolated. However, this sequence named CoH1 shows catalytic activity in the presence of Na+, instead of Co(NH3)63+. The secondary structure prediction revealed a well-defined Na+ binding domain in its catalytic core, which explained the Na+-dependent activity. After a careful comparison, the structure of CoH1 was found to be highly similar to a previously reported Na+-dependent DNAzyme, NaA43. However, two nucleotides in NaA43 that are known to be critical for its activity were mutated to different bases in CoH1. Indeed, further mutation studies indicated that any changes to these mutated positions may completely abolish the activity of CoH1. As a new mutant of NaA43, CoH1 exhibited novel catalytic activity. With 10 mM Na+, CoH1 displays a fast cleavage rate of ~0.07 min-1, which is ~3.5-fold higher than NaA43. At pH 6, CoH1 has a stronger Na+-binding affinity with a Kd value of 4.3 ± 0.6 mM Na+, suggesting a great potential in Na+ detection at low concentrations. Based on our results, pH is important for distinguishing CoH1 from NaA43. Overall, CoH1 displays higher cleavage activity at pH below ~6.5, while NaA43 is more active at higher pH. In addition, 2-aminopurine (2AP) was used as a fluorescence probe in converting the CoH1 DNAzyme into a folding-based Na+ sensor. 2AP is a fluorescent adenine analog whose fluorescence is strongly dependent on its local base stacking environment. By introducing a 2AP in the substrate strand, binding of Na+ induces ~80% signal enhancement. The Na+ sensor was demonstrated to be highly sensitive (a detection limit of 3.0 mM Na+) and selective over other monovalent ions. The 2AP probes also revealed the Na+-induced folding of the DNAzyme and provided important insights to the reaction mechanism.

Development of Functional DNA-based Sensors and Investigations Into Their Mechanism

Development of Functional DNA-based Sensors and Investigations Into Their Mechanism
Author: Nandini Nagraj
Total Pages:
Release: 2010

The discovery that nucleic acids could perform functional roles in addition to being genetic materials carriers opened doors to a new paradigm in nucleic acid chemistry. Catalytic DNA molecules also known as deoxyribozymes or DNAzymes were first isolated in 1994 through an in vitro selection procedure and have since been engineered and isolated to perform various functions that include both RNA and DNA cleavage and ligation. The 8-17 DNAzyme is an RNA-cleaving DNAzyme that has shown high selectivity for Pb2+ under different selection conditions. It has been explored extensively in terms of its applications for bio-sensing as well as for exploring its mechanism from a more fundamental perspective. A critical barrier of DNA-based sensors for practical applications, such as environmental monitoring, is their highly variable sensing performance with changing temperatures, due to the reliance of sensor design on temperature-dependent hybridization. In Chapter 2, this issue has been addressed through the introduction of mismatches in the DNA hybridization arms of this Pb2+-specific 8-17 DNAzyme and these fluorescent sensors can resist temperature-dependent variations from 4 °C to 30 °C. The strategy of using mismatches to tune the temperature dependence is a novel and inexpensive method that can be applied in other nucleic acid sensors for either metal ions or other molecular targets. Currently there is no structure, (either X-ray or NMR) available for the 8-17 DNAzyme. Hence, understanding its mechanism has posed a challenge, particularly in regard to the high selectivity of Pb2+ for this DNAzyme. In Chapter 3, the systematic activity, folding and structural studies of the 8-17 DNAzyme with both monovalent and divalent metal ions has been carried out. The results obtained suggest a clear trend between the folding and activity of all the metal ions studied, the lower the activity, the lesser the folding and vice-versa. Structural studies based on CD and folding studies based on FRET have demonstrated that Pb2+ behaves in a manner that is different from other metal ions and hence it is hypothesized that the 8-17 DNAzyme may have a specific binding pocket for Pb2+. The possibility that the 8-17 DNAzyme might have a metal ion binding pocket for Pb2+ has been investigated in Chapter 4, through systematic phosphorothioate (PS) modifications on the backbone of the DNAzyme. Kinetic assays with the PS modified bases have shown that there are specific bases on the enzyme strand which are important for activity mainly in the presence of Pb2+. The activities of the identical PS modified enzymes are, however, not significantly altered in the presence of Mg2+ and Cd2+. 31P NMR has been used as an additional tool to directly visualize the backbone phosphates since a single PS modification shifts the signal of the phosphate downfield by ~50 ppm. These results, in conjunction, have led to the identification of a proposed metal ion binding site, specifically a potential Pb2+-binding site for the 8-17 DNAzyme. The starting point towards the development of a successful functional nucleic acid-based sensor is its isolation and this is done through in vitro selection. In vitro selection to isolate DNAzymes for Hg2+ and Cd2+ and the use of negative selections to overcome Pb2+ interference at various stages of selection has been described in Chapter 5. Chapter 6 describes the structure-switching strategy to isolate DNA aptamers specific for endotoxins. It is anticipated that the results obtained from the current study and future characterizations will lead to the development of functional DNA sensors for endotoxins.


Author: Qayyum Husain
Publisher: Springer Nature
Total Pages: 341
Release: 2019-09-03
Genre: Science
ISBN: 3030250237

This book introduces readers to industrially important enzymes and discusses in detail their structures and functions, as well as their manifold applications. Due to their selective biocatalytic capabilities, enzymes are used in a broad range of industries and processes. The book highlights selected enzymes and their applications in agriculture, food processing and discoloration, as well as their role in biomedicine. In turn, it discusses biochemical engineering strategies such as enzyme immobilization, metabolic engineering, and cross-linkage of enzyme aggregates, and critically weighs their pros and cons. Offering a wealth of information, and stimulating further research by presenting new concepts on enzymatic catalytic functions in basic and applied contexts, the book represents a valuable asset for researchers from academia and industry who are engaged in biochemical engineering, microbiology and biotechnology.