Home Health Aide On-The-Go In-Service Lessons: Vol. 2, Issue 5: Activities of Daily Living and Your Role

Home Health Aide On-The-Go In-Service Lessons: Vol. 2, Issue 5: Activities of Daily Living and Your Role
Publisher: Beacon Health, a Division of Blr
Total Pages: 0
Release: 2007-12-31
ISBN: 9781601464842

This lesson on Activities of Daily Living and Your Role includes a complete training packet. Each in-service packet takes approximately one hour to complete and fully meets the Medicare in-service training requirements. As aides need training, you can make as many copies as you want - there's no restriction when used with aides assigned from your office location. Remember that Home Health Aides must have 12 hours of in-service training every year. LESSON OBJECTIVES Upon completion of this program, the home health aide will be able to: * Name three core activities that are part of ADLs. *List two reasons patients need assistance with ADLs. * Name three techniques for assisting patients to improve their ability to perform ADLs. OVERVIEW While there is some variation, there are commonly six activities considered to be the activities of daily living (ADLs). They are feeding, bathing, dressing, toileting, transferring, and mobility. Studies indicate that the prevalence of personal assistance needs increases with age and by age 65, 4.1% of the total population in the United States require help in one or more ADL. The prevalence is much higher among homecare patients. When home health aide visits are ordered in homecare, it is almost always to assist with ADLs. Historically, except for patients receiving therapy services, most home health aides were assigned to assist with personal care with little emphasis placed on helping patients achieve greater independence in performing ADLs. Home health aides themselves often viewed their roles as providing direct care, not in promoting greater independence. The benchmarking capabilities of the Outcome and Assessment Information Set (OASIS) reports provide agencies with comparative data on patient improvement in performance of ADLs. The data have helped agencies develop quality improvement activities aimed at increasing independence levels of patients. Home health aides are crucial to success in this goal.

Home Health Aide On-The-Go In-Service Lessons: Vol. 10, Issue 5: Safety with Adls

Home Health Aide On-The-Go In-Service Lessons: Vol. 10, Issue 5: Safety with Adls
Author: April Perry
Publisher: Beacon Health, a Division of Blr
Total Pages: 0
Release: 2011-01-19
ISBN: 9781601468444

Home Health Aide On-the-Go In-service Vol 10, Issue 5, Safety With ADLs OVERVIEW Assisting in activities of daily living (ADL) is a fundamental role of the home health aide. In caring for patients in their home, it is imperative that patients be able to safely perform their ADLs. This in-service describes how aides can demonstrate to patients and their families ways to safely perform ADLs, such as maintaining personal hygiene and using equipment to move about the home. LESSON OBJECTIVES After completion of this program, the home health aide will be able to: Define how to feed a patient safely Describe methods that will assist in performing personal hygiene safely at home Discuss ambulating and using mobility devices safely in the home Contents of this lesson: A clearly written fact sheet A 10-question post-test to measure understanding of the subject matter An answer sheet with a place for the instructor's comments and signature An illustrative, homecare-specific case study Suggested supplemental learning activities An attendance log and certificate of completion

Home Health Aide On-The-Go In-Service Lessons: Vol. 10, Issue 3: Discharge to Community

Home Health Aide On-The-Go In-Service Lessons: Vol. 10, Issue 3: Discharge to Community
Author: Paula Long
Publisher: Beacon Health, a Division of Blr
Total Pages: 0
Release: 2011-01-19
ISBN: 9781601468420

Home Health Aide On-the-Go In-service Vol 10, Issue 3, Discharge to Community OVERVIEW Patient discharge preparation is a crucial element in completing a successful transition of care. By using their relationship with the patient to encourage adherence to the plan, home health aides play a valuable role in getting the patient ready for discharge. This in-service outlines the role aides play in the discharge process and details how they can promote patient self-management skills, as well as obedience to diet, medication, and exercise regimens. LESSON OBJECTIVES After completion of this program, the home health aide will be able to: Describe his or her role in preparing the patient for discharge Identify patient self-management skills Describe specific activities of daily living (ADL) the patient/caregiver must master safely prior to discharge Identify and discuss expected patient outcomes prior to discharge Contents of this lesson: A clearly written fact sheet A 10-question post-test to measure understanding of the subject matter An answer sheet with a place for the instructor's comments and signature An illustrative, homecare-specific case study Suggested supplemental learning activities An attendance log and certificate of completion

Home Health Aide On-The-Go In-Service Lessons: Vol. 5, Issue 9: Safe Transfers

Home Health Aide On-The-Go In-Service Lessons: Vol. 5, Issue 9: Safe Transfers
Publisher: Beacon Health, a Division of Blr
Total Pages: 0
Release: 2007-12-31
ISBN: 9781601465276

This lesson on Safe Transfers includes a complete training packet. Each in-service packet takes approximately one hour to complete and fully meets the Medicare in-service training requirements. As aides need training, you can make as many copies as you want - there's no restriction when used with aides assigned from your office location. Remember that Home Health Aides must have 12 hours of in-service training every year. LESSON OBJECTIVES Upon completion of this program, the home health aide will be able to: Describe different types of movement with which an aide may assist, the risks of injury, and safe methods for carrying out the movement. Identify the primary type of injury an aide might experience when transferring or lifting patients, and List three types of equipment an aide might use to help transfer or lift a patient. OVERVIEW Back injuries are the major cause of work related injury and lost work for health care workers. Home health aides are particularly prone to such injuries, because their work with patients involves frequent lifting and moving. Their work is also likely to be with the most dependent patients. Since movement is part of every activity, its risk is often overlooked. Following simple guidelines and maintaining awareness can make a big difference in patient and employee outcomes. Good body mechanics, maintaining a safe environment, and knowledge of appropriate equipment can help protect the patient as well as the aide. This in-service offers a summary of each of those, as well as practical guidance on the aide's role.

Home Health Aide On-The-Go In-Service Lessons: Vol. 6, Issue 12: Personal Wellness

Home Health Aide On-The-Go In-Service Lessons: Vol. 6, Issue 12: Personal Wellness
Publisher: Beacon Health, a Division of Blr
Total Pages: 0
Release: 2007-12-31
ISBN: 9781601465436

This lesson on Personal Wellness includes a complete training packet. Each in-service packet takes approximately one hour to complete and fully meets the Medicare in-service training requirements. As aides need training, you can make as many copies as you want - there's no restriction when used with aides assigned from your office location. Remember that Home Health Aides must have 12 hours of in-service training every year. LESSON OBJECTIVES Upon completion of this program, the home health aide will be able to: Identify three signs of stress Define burnout, and Explain two ways to deal with stress. OVERVIEW Since the home health aide's job is to care for others, most of your day is spent directly caring for another person. In addition to that, you have your own professional and personal obligations. It is common for all people, and especially for caregivers, to experience some stress and even "burnout" due to the pressures and responsibilities of caregiving. This in-service reviews the importance of caring for yourself first. It outlines how to do that by recognizing and dealing with stress. In addition, the in-service explains burnout and suggests ways to manage it effectively.

Home Health Aide On-The-Go In-Service Lessons: Vol. 5, Issue 6: Aide/Patient Conflicts

Home Health Aide On-The-Go In-Service Lessons: Vol. 5, Issue 6: Aide/Patient Conflicts
Publisher: Beacon Health, a Division of Blr
Total Pages: 0
Release: 2007-12-31
ISBN: 9781601465245

This lesson on Aide/Patient Conflicts includes a complete training packet. Each in-service packet takes approximately one hour to complete and fully meets the Medicare in-service training requirements. As aides need training, you can make as many copies as you want - there's no restriction when used with aides assigned from your office location. Remember that Home Health Aides must have 12 hours of in-service training every year. LESSON OBJECTIVES Upon completion of this program, the home health aide will be able to: Better understand why patients may exhibit difficult behavior List techniques to handle difficult patients, and Explain the importance of reporting and documenting events regarding difficult patients. OVERVIEW For the most part, home health patients are pleasant and welcoming to the presence of home health aides, and are eager to do what it takes to get better. Occasionally, however, the home health aide will experience a conflict due to behavioral issues with the patient. A patient may be having a hard time learning to live with a disease or adjusting to the lifestyle changes an injury or disease requires. The patient may take out these frustrations on the caregiver. The patient may be resistant or bitter and even, at times, aggressive. The patient may also have mental status changes directly related to disease or to aging. Instead of reacting negatively and making the situation worse, a home health aide can use techniques to build a more solid, trusting relationship with the patient. Understanding the potential causes of the behavior helps aides know how to respond effectively. This inservice looks at some of the possible reasons a patient may be difficult and offers tips on dealing with such patients.

Violence in the Workplace

Violence in the Workplace
Publisher: Beacon Health, a Division of Blr
Total Pages: 0
Release: 2007
ISBN: 9781601464804

This lesson on Violence in the Workplace includes a complete training packet. Each in-service packet takes approximately one hour to complete and fully meets the Medicare in-service training requirements. As aides need training, you can make as many copies as you want - there's no restriction when used with aides assigned from your office location. Remember that Home Health Aides must have 12 hours of in-service training every year. LESSON OBJECTIVES Upon completion of this program, the home health aide will be able to: * List two reasons home health aides are at increased risk of violence * State three preventive measures to reduce the potential for violence when driving a car * State three preventive measures to reduce the potential for violence when walking on the street, and * Recognize three possible warning signs of violence. OVERVIEW Today there are more assaults on workers in the health care and social services industries than in any other. By the nature of their work in community settings and homes, home health aides have extensive contact with the public. This contact, especially if it occurs during evening or early morning hours or in high-crime areas, greatly increases their vulnerability. It is a fact that violence in the workplace ranks as the leading cause of occupational death for women according to the National Employment Law Project, Inc. One of the most important measures to reduce workplace violence is to educate staff in preventive measures as well as how to recognize and deal with escalating hostility. Home health aides, like all other employees are at some risk of violence from co-workers, but they are especially at risk from patients, families, or strangers they encounter during their work day.

Home Health Aide On-The-Go In-Service Lessons: Vol. 6, Issue 4: Therapy Patients

Home Health Aide On-The-Go In-Service Lessons: Vol. 6, Issue 4: Therapy Patients
Publisher: Beacon Health, a Division of Blr
Total Pages: 0
Release: 2007-12-31
ISBN: 9781601465351

This lesson on Therapy Patients includes a complete training packet. Each in-service packet takes approximately one hour to complete and fully meets the Medicare in-service training requirements. As aides need training, you can make as many copies as you want - there's no restriction when used with aides assigned from your office location. Remember that Home Health Aides must have 12 hours of in-service training every year. LESSON OBJECTIVES Upon completion of this program, the home health aide will be able to: Discuss the different types of therapy home health patients may receive Explain three ways to support a therapy plan of care, and State three reasons a patient might receive therapy services OVERVIEW A rehabilitation program in the home may require the skills of physical therapists, occupational therapists, and speech-language pathologists. However, a patient's care doesn't stop with the therapists. Home health aides are dedicated to supporting a program's daily requirements. They offer encouragement that can be a determining factor in the patient's recovery. Observing, documenting, and reporting even the slightest change in a patient's health can have a significant impact on a patient's therapy plan. This in-service focuses on the role of the home health aide when working with therapy patients. It looks at the different therapies prescribed for patients suffering from common diseases and injuries. It also offers examples of how home health aides carry out portions of the therapy program as directed by the therapists. Finally, it emphasizes the home health aide's role as being instrumental in helping a therapy patient reach his or her full potential and recovery.

Home Health Aide On-The-Go In-Service Lessons: Vol. 2, Issue 8: Dealing with Behavior Problems

Home Health Aide On-The-Go In-Service Lessons: Vol. 2, Issue 8: Dealing with Behavior Problems
Publisher: Beacon Health, a Division of Blr
Total Pages: 0
Release: 2007-12-31
ISBN: 9781601464873

This lesson on Dealing with Behavior Problems includes a complete training packet. Each in-service packet takes approximately one hour to complete and fully meets the Medicare in-service training requirements. As aides need training, you can make as many copies as you want - there's no restriction when used with aides assigned from your office location. Remember that Home Health Aides must have 12 hours of in-service training every year. LESSON OBJECTIVES Upon completion of this program, the home health aide will be able to: * Identify three behaviors that may reflect alterations in cognitive or emotional status * List two warning signs of impending physical aggression * Name three measures to take when dealing with patients with behavior problems * Name two reasons for behavior problems. OVERVIEW Mental disorders causing behavior problems are very common. The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) estimates that one in five adults in the United States suffers from a diagnosable mental disorder in a given year. Of the ten leading causes for disability, four of them are mental disorders. In addition to the diagnosable mental disorders, patients may suffer acute anxiety following surgery or a major illness. Therefore, many homecare patients have some degree of alteration in mental processes or behaviors that may interfere with the goals of the medical and nursing treatment. Often the behavior problems diminish the patient's ability to achieve optimal day-to-day functioning. Working with patients with behavior problems is challenging to home health aides. While their basic curriculum included emotional needs and ways to work with patients, they often feel somewhat ill-at-ease when patients display inappropriate or hostile behavior. Many aides are fearful of saying or doing the wrong thing. The fact that they are often alone with patients in their homes can add to the discomfort in working with patients who have behavior problems. This in-service is designed to explain some common behavior problems encountered in homecare patients. It provides tips for dealing with these patients with the goal of increasing the aide's comfort level.

Home Health Aide On-The-Go In-Service Lessons: Vol. 10, Issue 2: Preventing Hospitalization/Emergent Care

Home Health Aide On-The-Go In-Service Lessons: Vol. 10, Issue 2: Preventing Hospitalization/Emergent Care
Author: Paula Long
Publisher: Beacon Health, a Division of Blr
Total Pages: 0
Release: 2011-01-19
ISBN: 9781601468413

Home Health Aide On-the-Go In-service Vol 10, Issue 2, Preventing Hospitalization/Emergent Care OVERVIEW The transition of care between homecare and the hospital must be seamless, as flaws in this process lead to expensive rehospitalizations, frustrated patients, and poor public perception of an agency's quality of care. Home health aides play a vital role in this process and can impact the success of the transition. This in-service defines the aide's role in managing the complications associated with patient transition from the hospital to homecare. Aides will learn how they can help prevent rehospitalization by recognizing patient risk for falls, pressure ulcers, and other conditions. LESSON OBJECTIVES After completion of this program, the home health aide will be able to: Discuss the prevention of hospitalization/emergent care in homecare patients Discuss risk assessment for hospitalization, falls, and pressure ulcers Define and discuss the home health aide's role in preventing rehospitalizations and emergent care Understand the role and importance of risk assessment, patient education, disease and medication management, prevention of falls and pressure ulcers, and effective care transitions in reducing rehospitalizations Discuss the importance of effective communication techniques Contents of this lesson: A clearly written fact sheet A 10-question post-test to measure understanding of the subject matter An answer sheet with a place for the instructor's comments and signature An illustrative, homecare-specific case study Suggested supplemental learning activities An attendance log and certificate of completion