Henry Jackson to Henry Knox on the Elections for President and Vice President, 6 December 1792

Henry Jackson to Henry Knox on the Elections for President and Vice President, 6 December 1792
Author: Henry Jackson
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1792

Introduces a Colonel [John] Tyler to Knox as Tyler has been appointed by the Electors of the State to carry on their votes of President and Vice President to Philadelphia, and by what I can learn they are unanimous for the present old servants, referring to the re-election of President George Washington and Vice President John Adams. Also recommends him for a post in the infantry or cavalry, as Tyler had served under him previously and he knows Tyler's abilities.

Henry Jackson to Henry Knox about Election Results and Politics, 12 April 1789

Henry Jackson to Henry Knox about Election Results and Politics, 12 April 1789
Author: Henry Jackson
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1789

Received his last letter, with its enclosure for Mr. [James] Swan. Writes that Mr. [possibly Sylvanus or, more likely, Congressman Shearjashub-only provides a first initial, S] Bourne arrived the previous Thursday with election results declaring John Adams to be Vice President. Mentions how Adams will travel to New York, including making a stop to visit Governor [John] Hancock. Writes that General [Benjamin] Lincoln likely will not be elected Governor, as Hancock has probably won reelection, with Mr. [Samuel] Adams elected Lieutenant Governor. Adds information about local elections. Advises Knox not to write back as he will be setting off to visit New York on 22 April and will likely see him by the end of the month.

Henry Jackson to Henry Knox Discussing the Elections and Other Political Matters, 11 January 1789

Henry Jackson to Henry Knox Discussing the Elections and Other Political Matters, 11 January 1789
Author: Henry Jackson
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1789

States I believe their is no doubt who will be president and Vice - people talk pretty loud and open that Mr. J. A. [John Adams] must & will be the man for V - don't let this come from me - but you may be assured the other person [John Hancock] will stand no chance - if it was merely his want of health it would be sufficient - he has not been out of his chamber more than once since you left here, and is now confined to his Bed with the Gout - the breach between him and the Lt. Gov. [Benjamin Lincoln] grows wider & wider, how or when it will end is impossible to determine. Indicates that the Federalists overall did well in elections for federal government offices. Discusses political maneuverings by supporters of Elbridge Gerry. Watermarked L Paine and with a hunting horn inside a crest with G R underneath.

Henry Jackson to Henry Knox on Business Matters, 19 December 1792

Henry Jackson to Henry Knox on Business Matters, 19 December 1792
Author: Henry Jackson
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1792

Notes he received Knox's post and is all anxiety to learn that you have fin'd the business with Mr. B [William Bingham?] - and also concluded with Mr [William] Duer... Informs Knox that he has sent all of the copies out and that [Jean-Baptiste] de la Roche has left for the Eastern Lands in a very good mood. Free stamped on address leaf with no signature.

Henry Jackson to Henry Knox Discussing the Federal Elections, 28 December 1788

Henry Jackson to Henry Knox Discussing the Federal Elections, 28 December 1788
Author: Henry Jackson
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1788

Addresses letter to My dear Harry. Writes about a severe snow storm, the most of any we have had this winter - for ten days past, we have had the severest cold Season, known for many years. Goes on to discuss the Federal elections. Notes that Mr. Ames will gain a seat by only a small margin, not the large majority that Jackson expected. Says most believe Mr. [Elbridge] Gerry will be chosen by Middlesex. Sends his love to Knox's family. Watermarked L Paine.

Henry Jackson to Henry Knox about the New Government and Waldo Land Business, 29 March 1789

Henry Jackson to Henry Knox about the New Government and Waldo Land Business, 29 March 1789
Author: Henry Jackson
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1789

Thanks him for his recent letter. Comments on Knox's accusation that Jackson did not write him when he was supposed to, but provides an excuse. Writes, What a misfortune, that the new government is not yet formed - the Feds are uneasy, & the Antis are rising tip toe in consequence of the delay - however, we keep up our spirits and hope for the best. Discusses the election of the Vice President, and the desire of the people of Boston to support the Federal Government. Reports that he and Benjamin Hichborn are delayed in departing for their visit to New York because Hichborn must remain on the Supreme Court, which is still in session. Mentions that Captain [Thomas] Vose has not returned from the eastward yet, but has written friends that he likes his situation (as one of Knox's agents in the Waldo patent lands). Discusses his attempts to locate high quality fish. Sends his love to Lucy Knox and their children.

Henry Jackson to Henry Knox Regarding Deeds, Contracts, and Other Business Related to Land, 2 December 1792

Henry Jackson to Henry Knox Regarding Deeds, Contracts, and Other Business Related to Land, 2 December 1792
Author: Henry Jackson
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1792

Informs Knox that the survey of the lands is done and also mentions deeds, contracts, and other business related to land. A portion of the letter starting near the end of page three and most of page four, is written in a different hand. Jackson states the Winslows are disappointed that Knox has ignored their correspondence on some matter. Informs that Mrs. Flucker and the children are well. Mentions that his mother is dying.

Henry Jackson to Henry Knox Informing Knox that He Has Given Land Deeds to Madame de Leval and Mr. de la Roche and Other Business Matters, 6 December 1792

Henry Jackson to Henry Knox Informing Knox that He Has Given Land Deeds to Madame de Leval and Mr. de la Roche and Other Business Matters, 6 December 1792
Author: Henry Jackson
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1792

Informs Knox that he has given deeds of land to Madame de Leval and Mr. de la Roche and that they are now finally satisfied. Discusses bonds and other business. States that his parent, most likely his mother, has now passed away. Free stamped on address leaf with no signature.