Grain Deterioration of Sorghum (Sorghum Bicolor (L.) Moench) as Affected by High Relative Humidity at Physiological Maturity and Pre-harvest Fungicide Spray

Grain Deterioration of Sorghum (Sorghum Bicolor (L.) Moench) as Affected by High Relative Humidity at Physiological Maturity and Pre-harvest Fungicide Spray
Author: B.M. Deo
Total Pages: 80
Release: 1985

"Cosor 5" Sorghum was grown from April to August 1984 under UPLB condition to have the stage of physiological maturity (PM) coincide with high relative humidity (RH). Five treatments of systemic fungicides namely: Benomyl (50% a.i.) 0.05%, Mancozeb (72% a.i.) 0.25%, Oxycarboxin (20% a.i.) 0.4%, Carboxin (75% a.i.) 0.3% were applied two weeks before flowering, at flowering and two weeks after flowering. Seed characterization were studied starting from flowering up to six months after harvest. Fourteen days after anthesis seeds were able to germinate. Seed dry matter accumulation was highest 34 days after flowering (d.a.f.) with 31 percent moisture content. Germination at PM was 34 percent and its speed index was 4.5. At harvest, germination increased to 51 percent in the standard germination test, and 84 percent after accelerated ageing test (AAT). Under a light bank, seedling emergence was 73 percent. Speed of germination at harvest averaged 16. Evidences indicated that the seeds underwent after ripening which could be overcome by exposure to 40oC for six days. Seeds at harvest were found to be infected with 13 kinds if fungi among which Curvularia spp, Fusarium moniliforme, Ascochyta sorghina were predominant. Preharvest fungicide application decreased fungal infection by five to seven percent. Spraying two weeks before flowering and at flowering, gave better seed protection against fungi. Within the six months storage period the seeds lost viability by 17 percent in standard germination test and 34 (...).

Grain deterioration of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L) Moench) at affected at high relative humidity at physiological maturity and pre-harvest fungicide

Grain deterioration of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L) Moench) at affected at high relative humidity at physiological maturity and pre-harvest fungicide
Author: M. D. Bhatt
Total Pages: 160
Release: 1985

The field experiment with ' Cosor 5' variety of sorghum was conducted in the Central Experiment Station of UPLB starting from the third week of April 1984. The crop experienced high Rh (78 average) from flowering to seed maturity. One systemic fungicide, out of four kinds, was applied to each plot two weeks before flowering, at flowering and two weeks after flowering to control fungal infection in developing seeds. Seed dry matter accumulation, moisture content, vaibility and vigor were studied at regular intervals starting two weeks after flowering. Seed health and other characteristics were assessed at harvest and the different seed lots were stored under ambient open storape for the succeeding six months to study deterioration every month through the test of germination, AAT, GADA, MC and speed of germination. During storage, germination decreased from an initial 90 percent to 73 percent. Seedsfrom plants sprayed two weeks before, followed by at flowering consistently exhibited higher viability. On the average, a 34 percent loss in viability was observed during storage period as indicated by AAT. Significantly higher germination in AAT only during the later half of thestorage period was shown by seeds obtained from plants sprayed at theearlier two stages. Benomyl and Carboxin treatments as preharvest sprays resulted in better protection from seed-borne fungi as well as in better quality seeds on viability, vigor and storage life. Seeds obtained from the firtsstage of spraying were the in over all performace followed by those from the second spraying stage. The sprays were applied only once and the results were not consistently encouraging in all aspects, thus, it is advisable to apply the systemic fungicides more thanonce. Based on the results of this experiment, the following can be recommended for farmers, seed producers and for further studies. The residual dormancy prevalent in this variety could be over-come by treating seeds at 40 C for six days. Pre-harvest fungicides suitable againstabove mentioned fungi should be applied during the stages: two weeks before flowering (at the emergence of the ear), and at flowering.


Total Pages: 884
Release: 1986
Genre: Agriculture

In Vitro and Field Based Evaluation for Grain Mold Resistance and Its Impact on Quality Traits in Sorghum (Sorghum Bicolor (L.) Moench)

In Vitro and Field Based Evaluation for Grain Mold Resistance and Its Impact on Quality Traits in Sorghum (Sorghum Bicolor (L.) Moench)
Author: Sandeep Singh Tomar
Total Pages:
Release: 2016

Grain mold (GM) is an important biotic constraint limiting yield and market value of sorghum grains. It results in kernel discoloration and deterioration. Such kernels have reduced seed viability, low food and feed quality. Breeding for grain mold resistance is challenging because of the complex nature of host-pathogen-environment interactions. This complex task could be made simpler by utilizing molecular markers. Utilization of marker resources may help to find genomic regions associated with grain mold resistance. In this study, three sets of field and laboratory based experiments were performed which will help in finding potential grain mold pathogens responsible for kernel deterioration in the studied environment and search for genotypes with better kernel quality and grain mold resistance. In the first part of the study, in vitro screening of 44 grain mold resistant sorghum genotypes developed and released by Texas A & M AgriLife Research. This study was aimed at identifying sources resistance to grain mold infection through laboratory screening. The result revealed that genotypes Tx3371, Tx3373, Tx3374, Tx3376, Tx3407, Tx3400, and Tx3402 were have high level of resistance and were identified as potential sources of grain mold resistance as each showed minimal fungal infection and higher grain quality traits. The second experiment was performed to optimize surface sterilization protocol for the extraction of fungal pathogens from the kernel surface (pericarp) and to study the effect of bleach percentage and time period on pathogen extraction. Seven treatments using sterilized double distilled water (0 % bleach (v/v)) and different bleach (NaOCl) concentrations (2.5, 5, 7.5, 10, 12.5 and 15 %) were used with a time interval of 2.5, 5, 7.5 and 10 min. Optimized surface sterilization in the range of 7.5 to 15 % bleach (v/v) for 7.5 to 10 min resulted least contamination and fungal genera isolation from the surface of the kernel. The third study was aimed at characterizing genotypes (sorghum association panel) for grain mold pathogen F. thapsinum and by using genome wide association (GWA) tool in order to find genomic regions associated with grain mold resistance. We studied the effect of different agronomic and panicle architecture traits on grain mold incidence and severity. Effects of grain mold on kernel quality traits were also studied. We reported two loci associated with grain mold resistance. Based on first year field screening results, 46 genotypes having grain mold ratings 1-5 (1 = 1% panicle kernel molded; 5 = 50% panicle kernel molded) were selected for a detailed study aimed at understanding grain mold x fungal pathogen interactions to physical and chemical kernel traits. Seed germination test, vigor index, and tetrazolium viability test were performed to study effect of grain mold infection on kernel viability and vigor. Alternaria, Fusarium thapsinum, F. verticillioides and F. proliferatum were the main fungal genera isolated from bisected kernels. Based on two year screening, SC623, SC67, SC621, SC947 and SC1494 were most resistant based on both PGMR and TGMR rating while SC370, SC833, SC1484, and SC1077 showed the most susceptible reaction and this was consistent for individual location analysis. SC309, SC213, SC833, SC971 and SC1047 are genotypes having identified loci for grain mold resistance.