The Funniest People in Music, Volume 2: 250 Anecdotes

The Funniest People in Music, Volume 2: 250 Anecdotes
Author: David Bruce
Total Pages: 110
Release: 2016-07-23
Genre: Humor
ISBN: 9780557050529

Print edition. This book contains 250 anecdotes about music, including this one: Woody Guthrie taught fellow folksinger Pete Seeger the art of busking-getting money for playing music in a bar. Here is what you do: Go into a bar with your guitar strapped ostentatiously on your back. Buy a beer for a nickel and sip it slowly. Soon, someone will ask about the guitar, "Can you play that thing?" Say, not too eagerly, "Maybe, a little." A little later, someone will say, "Kid, I've got a quarter for you if you pick us a tune." "Then," Mr. Guthrie would conclude, "you play your best song." Mr. Seeger did a lot of busking during his traveling days.


Author: David Bruce
Total Pages: 110
Release: 2016-08-28
Genre: Humor
ISBN: 9780557079841

Print edition. This book contain 250 anecdotes, including this one: Long ago, singer/songwriter Billy Bragg made a music video for a song called "The Boy Done Good" with some of his nieces and nephews. During a visit, a niece mentioned the video, and Billy's son, who was a toddler when the video was made, wanted to see it. So Billy spent a week looking everywhere in his home for the video, including getting out a ladder so he could look in the attic. Finally, he gave up and telephoned his niece to ask, "Where did you see the video? 'Cause I can't find it anywhere. Have you got a copy?" She replied, "Duh, Uncle Bill, it's on YouTube." Perhaps unnecessarily, Billy says, "I felt such an idiot, such an old guy."

The Funniest People in Books and Music

The Funniest People in Books and Music
Author: David Bruce
Publisher: iUniverse
Total Pages: 135
Release: 2005-11-01
Genre: Humor
ISBN: 0595378986

"The Funniest People Who Write Books and Make Music" contains such anecdotes as these: When Peg Bracken started writing, she would often type the first page of a famous short story for inspiration. Often, she discovered that the page did not look as impressive typed on a sheet of paper as it did printed on a page in a book, so sometimes she would imitate her English professor and write on the sheet of paper: 'You can do better than this, Mr. Faulkner." Andri Previn played jazz with a couple of American-African musicians. Afterwards, he went into a diner, where two white men asked him, 'Why the hell don't you play with your own kind?" Mr. Previn replied, 'To tell you the truth, I wanted to, but I couldn't find two other Jews who swing." Soccer and Cup Final day are important in England. Once, the noted conductor Sir Thomas Beecham held a rehearsal on Cup Final day. The rehearsal had been going on for only a short time when a giant television was delivered to the rehearsal area. Sir Thomas then said, 'Now, gentlemen, let's get down to the most important business of the day-watching the match."

From the "Iliad" to the "Odyssey": A Retelling in Prose of Quintus of Smyrna’s "Posthomerica"

From the
Author: David Bruce
Total Pages: 202
Release: 2014-10-23
Genre: Fiction
ISBN: 131213979X

Homer created the epic poems ""Iliad"" and ""Odyssey."" The "Iliad" tells only a small part of the story of the Trojan War. For example, the "Iliad" does not tell the story of the Trojan Horse although Homer knew about the Trojan Horse and assumed that his audience knew its story. Other, shorter epic poems that made up the Epic Cycle told the rest of the story of the Trojan War. The ""Iliad"" and the ""Odyssey"" have survived to the present time, but the other epic poems of the Epic Cycle have been lost since ancient times. Fortunately, Quintus of Smyrna wrote an epic poem that retold the tales recounted in the lost epic poems of the Epic Cycle. He told the story of the Trojan War from the end of the ""Iliad ""to when Odysseus sets sail for home in the "Odyssey" after Troy has fallen. In this retelling, as in all my retellings, I have tried to make the work of literature accessible to modern readers.

The Funniest People in Music

The Funniest People in Music
Author: David Bruce
Total Pages: 0
Release: 2022-09-14

This is a short, quick, and easy read. Most of these anecdotes are probably just OK (humor is hard!), but there should be at least one or two that you will want to tell your friends. Anecdotes are retold in my own words to avoid plagiarism. Most of these anecdotes are meant to be funny, but some are meant to be thought-provoking. Some samples: 1) Blues singer Muddy Waters first heard his voice on a recording in the early 1940s. His impression of his voice was positive; afterward, he said, "I thought, man, this boy can sing the blues. And I was surprised because I didn't know I sang like that." 2)At age 13, William F. Buckley was sent to an English boarding school, where his piano teacher offered to teach him the first movement of Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata." However, William's old piano teacher had warned him that playing the "Moonlight Sonata" before one was ready was simply wrong; therefore, he wrote her for permission to learn to play its first movement. Quickly, he received a letter from her in reply, and she did not give him permission to learn the first movement. She explained that if one was unable to learn the third and difficult movement, then one should not learn the first movement. She also explained that the first movement required a "maturity" that William was too young to have acquired. Mr. Buckley writes that this letter helped teach him that "good music is a very serious business." 3) Herman's Hermits was a very popular pop group in the 1960s, recording such hits as "Mrs. Brown, You've Got a Lovely Daughter," "Dandy," and "I'm Henry VIII, I Am." These days, they perform before nostalgic audiences often consisting of women in their 40s and 50s. According to lead singer Peter Noone, "Girls used to throw underwear at us. We still get some, but it's bigger than it used to be." 4) World-renowned conductor Pierre Monteux was once denied a room at a hotel, but when the manager discovered that Mr. Monteux was famous, he said that he could arrange a room for him because Mr. Monteux was "somebody." Mr. Monteux refused the room and departed, saying, "Everybody is somebody."

The Funniest People in Comedy and Relationships: 500 Anecdotes

The Funniest People in Comedy and Relationships: 500 Anecdotes
Author: David Bruce
Total Pages: 214
Release: 2006-09-01
Genre: Humor
ISBN: 1847287808

This book contains such anecdotes as these: 1) In his Answer Man column, film critic Roger Ebert answered a question by Matt Sandler about who was the world's most beautiful woman by saying that she was Indian actress Aishwarya Rai. In a later Answer Man column, a reader stated that Mr. Ebert should have answered the question by saying, "My wife." However, Mr. Ebert had a good reason for not answering the question that way: "Matt Sandler asked about women, not goddesses." 2) To advertise its Razzles candy, Mars Candy decided to use a Cleveland, Ohio, show in which comedian Ron Sweed, aka The Ghoul, hosted several mostly bad horror movies. The Ghoul criticized the candy for weeks, and the more he criticized it, the more its sales went up. In gratitude, Mars Candy delivered a case of Razzles to The Ghoul. The case of candy remained on the set of The Ghoul's show for year--unopened.

The Funniest People in Comedy: 250 Anecdotes

The Funniest People in Comedy: 250 Anecdotes
Author: David Bruce
Total Pages: 112
Release: 2015-03-25
Genre: Humor
ISBN: 9781312998827

Paperback edition. This book is one-half of my previous book "The Funniest People in Comedy and Relationships: 500 Anecdotes." This book contains 250 anecdotes about comedians, including this one: When Jack Benny was ill, he had to get shots in his backside twice a week. His nurse gave him his shots in alternate cheeks, but sometimes she had trouble remembering which cheek should receive the next shot. So finally Mr. Benny walked into the doctor's office, dropped his pants, and on one cheek was printed "Tues" and on the other, "Thurs."