Author: Vivian Siahaan
Total Pages: 374
Release: 2023-06-29
Genre: Computers

The dataset used in this book consists of daily weather observations from various locations in Australia spanning a 10-year period. The target variable is "RainTomorrow," which predicts whether it will rain the following day. The dataset comprises 23 attributes, including: DATE: The date of observation.; LOCATION: The name of the weather station's location.; MINTEMP: The minimum temperature in degrees Celsius.; MAXTEMP: The maximum temperature in degrees Celsius.; RAINFALL: The amount of rainfall recorded for the day in mm.; EVAPORATION: Class A pan evaporation in mm for the 24 hours until 9 am.; SUNSHINE: The number of hours of bright sunshine in a day.; WINDGUSTDIR: The direction of the strongest wind gust in the 24 hours until midnight.; WINDGUSTSPEED: The speed of the strongest wind gust in km/h in the 24 hours until midnight.; WINDDIR9AM: The direction of the wind at 9 am. The project utilizes several machine learning models, including K-Nearest Neighbor, Random Forest, Naive Bayes, Logistic Regression, Decision Tree, Support Vector Machine, Adaboost, LGBM classifier, Gradient Boosting, and XGB classifier. Three feature scaling techniques, namely raw scaling, MinMax scaling, and standard scaling, are employed. These machine learning models are utilized to analyze the weather attributes and make predictions about the occurrence of rainfall. Each model has its strengths and may perform differently based on the characteristics of the dataset. Additionally, a GUI is developed using PyQt5 to visualize cross-validation scores, predicted values versus true values, confusion matrix, learning curves, decision boundaries, model performance, scalability, training loss, and training accuracy. These visualizations within the GUI provide a comprehensive understanding of the model's performance, learning behavior, decision-making boundaries, and the quality of its predictions. Users can leverage these insights to fine-tune the model and improve its accuracy and generalization capabilities. In addition, the GUI developed using PyQt5 also includes the capability to visualize features on a year-wise and month-wise basis. This functionality allows users to explore the variations and trends in different weather attributes across different years and months. With the year-wise and month-wise visualizations, users can gain insights into the temporal patterns and trends present in the weather data. It enables them to observe how specific attributes change over time and across different seasons, providing a deeper understanding of the weather patterns and their potential influence on rainfall occurrences.


Author: Vivian Siahaan
Total Pages: 979
Release: 2022-04-29
Genre: Computers

PROJECT 1: SUPERMARKET SALES ANALYSIS AND PREDICTION USING MACHINE LEARNING WITH PYTHON GUI The dataset used in this project consists of the growth of supermarkets with high market competitions in most populated cities. The dataset is one of the historical sales of supermarket company which has recorded in 3 different branches for 3 months data. Predictive data analytics methods are easy to apply with this dataset. Attribute information in the dataset are as follows: Invoice id: Computer generated sales slip invoice identification number; Branch: Branch of supercenter (3 branches are available identified by A, B and C); City: Location of supercenters; Customer type: Type of customers, recorded by Members for customers using member card and Normal for without member card; Gender: Gender type of customer; Product line: General item categorization groups - Electronic accessories, Fashion accessories, Food and beverages, Health and beauty, Home and lifestyle, Sports and travel; Unit price: Price of each product in $; Quantity: Number of products purchased by customer; Tax: 5% tax fee for customer buying; Total: Total price including tax; Date: Date of purchase (Record available from January 2019 to March 2019); Time: Purchase time (10am to 9pm); Payment: Payment used by customer for purchase (3 methods are available – Cash, Credit card and Ewallet); COGS: Cost of goods sold; Gross margin percentage: Gross margin percentage; Gross income: Gross income; and Rating: Customer stratification rating on their overall shopping experience (On a scale of 1 to 10). In this project, you will perform predicting rating using machine learning. The machine learning models used in this project to predict clusters as target variable are K-Nearest Neighbor, Random Forest, Naive Bayes, Logistic Regression, Decision Tree, Support Vector Machine, LGBM, Gradient Boosting, XGB, and MLP. Finally, you will plot boundary decision, distribution of features, feature importance, cross validation score, and predicted values versus true values, confusion matrix, learning curve, performance of the model, scalability of the model, training loss, and training accuracy. PROJECT 2: DETECTING CYBERBULLYING TWEETS USING MACHINE LEARNING AND DEEP LEARNING WITH PYTHON GUI As social media usage becomes increasingly prevalent in every age group, a vast majority of citizens rely on this essential medium for day-to-day communication. Social media’s ubiquity means that cyberbullying can effectively impact anyone at any time or anywhere, and the relative anonymity of the internet makes such personal attacks more difficult to stop than traditional bullying. On April 15th, 2020, UNICEF issued a warning in response to the increased risk of cyberbullying during the COVID-19 pandemic due to widespread school closures, increased screen time, and decreased face-to-face social interaction. The statistics of cyberbullying are outright alarming: 36.5% of middle and high school students have felt cyberbullied and 87% have observed cyberbullying, with effects ranging from decreased academic performance to depression to suicidal thoughts. In light of all of this, this dataset contains more than 47000 tweets labelled according to the class of cyberbullying: Age; Ethnicity; Gender; Religion; Other type of cyberbullying; and Not cyberbullying. The data has been balanced in order to contain ~8000 of each class. The models used in this project are K-Nearest Neighbor, Random Forest, Naive Bayes, Logistic Regression, Decision Tree, Support Vector Machine, Adaboost, LGBM classifier, Gradient Boosting, XGB classifier, LSTM, and CNN. Three feature scaling used in machine learning are raw, minmax scaler, and standard scaler. Finally, you will develop a GUI using PyQt5 to plot cross validation score, predicted values versus true values, confusion matrix, learning curve, decision boundaries, performance of the model, scalability of the model, training loss, and training accuracy. PROJECT 3: HIGHER EDUCATION STUDENT ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS AND PREDICTION USING MACHINE LEARNING WITH PYTHON GUI The dataset used in this project was collected from the Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Educational Sciences students in 2019. The purpose is to predict students' end-of-term performances using ML techniques. Attribute information in the dataset are as follows: Student ID; Student Age (1: 18-21, 2: 22-25, 3: above 26); Sex (1: female, 2: male); Graduated high-school type: (1: private, 2: state, 3: other); Scholarship type: (1: None, 2: 25%, 3: 50%, 4: 75%, 5: Full); Additional work: (1: Yes, 2: No); Regular artistic or sports activity: (1: Yes, 2: No); Do you have a partner: (1: Yes, 2: No); Total salary if available (1: USD 135-200, 2: USD 201-270, 3: USD 271-340, 4: USD 341-410, 5: above 410); Transportation to the university: (1: Bus, 2: Private car/taxi, 3: bicycle, 4: Other); Accommodation type in Cyprus: (1: rental, 2: dormitory, 3: with family, 4: Other); Mother's education: (1: primary school, 2: secondary school, 3: high school, 4: university, 5: MSc., 6: Ph.D.); Father's education: (1: primary school, 2: secondary school, 3: high school, 4: university, 5: MSc., 6: Ph.D.); Number of sisters/brothers (if available): (1: 1, 2:, 2, 3: 3, 4: 4, 5: 5 or above); Parental status: (1: married, 2: divorced, 3: died - one of them or both); Mother's occupation: (1: retired, 2: housewife, 3: government officer, 4: private sector employee, 5: self-employment, 6: other); Father's occupation: (1: retired, 2: government officer, 3: private sector employee, 4: self-employment, 5: other); Weekly study hours: (1: None, 2: <5 hours, 3: 6-10 hours, 4: 11-20 hours, 5: more than 20 hours); Reading frequency (non-scientific books/journals): (1: None, 2: Sometimes, 3: Often); Reading frequency (scientific books/journals): (1: None, 2: Sometimes, 3: Often); Attendance to the seminars/conferences related to the department: (1: Yes, 2: No); Impact of your projects/activities on your success: (1: positive, 2: negative, 3: neutral); Attendance to classes (1: always, 2: sometimes, 3: never); Preparation to midterm exams 1: (1: alone, 2: with friends, 3: not applicable); Preparation to midterm exams 2: (1: closest date to the exam, 2: regularly during the semester, 3: never); Taking notes in classes: (1: never, 2: sometimes, 3: always); Listening in classes: (1: never, 2: sometimes, 3: always); Discussion improves my interest and success in the course: (1: never, 2: sometimes, 3: always); Flip-classroom: (1: not useful, 2: useful, 3: not applicable); Cumulative grade point average in the last semester (/4.00): (1: <2.00, 2: 2.00-2.49, 3: 2.50-2.99, 4: 3.00-3.49, 5: above 3.49); Expected Cumulative grade point average in the graduation (/4.00): (1: <2.00, 2: 2.00-2.49, 3: 2.50-2.99, 4: 3.00-3.49, 5: above 3.49); Course ID; and OUTPUT: Grade (0: Fail, 1: DD, 2: DC, 3: CC, 4: CB, 5: BB, 6: BA, 7: AA). The models used in this project are K-Nearest Neighbor, Random Forest, Naive Bayes, Logistic Regression, Decision Tree, Support Vector Machine, Adaboost, LGBM classifier, Gradient Boosting, and XGB classifier. Three feature scaling used in machine learning are raw, minmax scaler, and standard scaler. Finally, you will develop a GUI using PyQt5 to plot cross validation score, predicted values versus true values, confusion matrix, learning curve, decision boundaries, performance of the model, scalability of the model, training loss, and training accuracy. PROJECT 4: COMPANY BANKRUPTCY ANALYSIS AND PREDICTION USING MACHINE LEARNING WITH PYTHON GUI The dataset was collected from the Taiwan Economic Journal for the years 1999 to 2009. Company bankruptcy was defined based on the business regulations of the Taiwan Stock Exchange. Attribute information in the dataset are as follows: Y - Bankrupt?: Class label; X1 - ROA(C) before interest and depreciation before interest: Return On Total Assets(C); X2 - ROA(A) before interest and % after tax: Return On Total Assets(A); X3 - ROA(B) before interest and depreciation after tax: Return On Total Assets(B); X4 - Operating Gross Margin: Gross Profit/Net Sales; X5 - Realized Sales Gross Margin: Realized Gross Profit/Net Sales; X6 - Operating Profit Rate: Operating Income/Net Sales; X7 - Pre-tax net Interest Rate: Pre-Tax Income/Net Sales; X8 - After-tax net Interest Rate: Net Income/Net Sales; X9 - Non-industry income and expenditure/revenue: Net Non-operating Income Ratio; X10 - Continuous interest rate (after tax): Net Income-Exclude Disposal Gain or Loss/Net Sales; X11 - Operating Expense Rate: Operating Expenses/Net Sales; X12 - Research and development expense rate: (Research and Development Expenses)/Net Sales X13 - Cash flow rate: Cash Flow from Operating/Current Liabilities; X14 - Interest-bearing debt interest rate: Interest-bearing Debt/Equity; X15 - Tax rate (A): Effective Tax Rate; X16 - Net Value Per Share (B): Book Value Per Share(B); X17 - Net Value Per Share (A): Book Value Per Share(A); X18 - Net Value Per Share (C): Book Value Per Share(C); X19 - Persistent EPS in the Last Four Seasons: EPS-Net Income; X20 - Cash Flow Per Share; X21 - Revenue Per Share (Yuan ¥): Sales Per Share; X22 - Operating Profit Per Share (Yuan ¥): Operating Income Per Share; X23 - Per Share Net profit before tax (Yuan ¥): Pretax Income Per Share; X24 - Realized Sales Gross Profit Growth Rate; X25 - Operating Profit Growth Rate: Operating Income Growth; X26 - After-tax Net Profit Growth Rate: Net Income Growth; X27 - Regular Net Profit Growth Rate: Continuing Operating Income after Tax Growth; X28 - Continuous Net Profit Growth Rate: Net Income-Excluding Disposal Gain or Loss Growth; X29 - Total Asset Growth Rate: Total Asset Growth; X30 - Net Value Growth Rate: Total Equity Growth; X31 - Total Asset Return Growth Rate Ratio: Return on Total Asset Growth; X32 - Cash Reinvestment %: Cash Reinvestment Ratio X33 - Current Ratio; X34 - Quick Ratio: Acid Test; X35 - Interest Expense Ratio: Interest Expenses/Total Revenue; X36 - Total debt/Total net worth: Total Liability/Equity Ratio; X37 - Debt ratio %: Liability/Total Assets; X38 - Net worth/Assets: Equity/Total Assets; X39 - Long-term fund suitability ratio (A): (Long-term Liability+Equity)/Fixed Assets; X40 - Borrowing dependency: Cost of Interest-bearing Debt; X41 - Contingent liabilities/Net worth: Contingent Liability/Equity; X42 - Operating profit/Paid-in capital: Operating Income/Capital; X43 - Net profit before tax/Paid-in capital: Pretax Income/Capital; X44 - Inventory and accounts receivable/Net value: (Inventory+Accounts Receivables)/Equity; X45 - Total Asset Turnover; X46 - Accounts Receivable Turnover; X47 - Average Collection Days: Days Receivable Outstanding; X48 - Inventory Turnover Rate (times); X49 - Fixed Assets Turnover Frequency; X50 - Net Worth Turnover Rate (times): Equity Turnover; X51 - Revenue per person: Sales Per Employee; X52 - Operating profit per person: Operation Income Per Employee; X53 - Allocation rate per person: Fixed Assets Per Employee; X54 - Working Capital to Total Assets; X55 - Quick Assets/Total Assets; X56 - Current Assets/Total Assets; X57 - Cash/Total Assets; X58 - Quick Assets/Current Liability; X59 - Cash/Current Liability; X60 - Current Liability to Assets; X61 - Operating Funds to Liability; X62 - Inventory/Working Capital; X63 - Inventory/Current Liability X64 - Current Liabilities/Liability; X65 - Working Capital/Equity; X66 - Current Liabilities/Equity; X67 - Long-term Liability to Current Assets; X68 - Retained Earnings to Total Assets; X69 - Total income/Total expense; X70 - Total expense/Assets; X71 - Current Asset Turnover Rate: Current Assets to Sales; X72 - Quick Asset Turnover Rate: Quick Assets to Sales; X73 - Working capitcal Turnover Rate: Working Capital to Sales; X74 - Cash Turnover Rate: Cash to Sales; X75 - Cash Flow to Sales; X76 - Fixed Assets to Assets; X77 - Current Liability to Liability; X78 - Current Liability to Equity; X79 - Equity to Long-term Liability; X80 - Cash Flow to Total Assets; X81 - Cash Flow to Liability; X82 - CFO to Assets; X83 - Cash Flow to Equity; X84 - Current Liability to Current Assets; X85 - Liability-Assets Flag: 1 if Total Liability exceeds Total Assets, 0 otherwise; X86 - Net Income to Total Assets; X87 - Total assets to GNP price; X88 - No-credit Interval; X89 - Gross Profit to Sales; X90 - Net Income to Stockholder's Equity; X91 - Liability to Equity; X92 - Degree of Financial Leverage (DFL); X93 - Interest Coverage Ratio (Interest expense to EBIT); X94 - Net Income Flag: 1 if Net Income is Negative for the last two years, 0 otherwise; and X95 - Equity to Liabilitys. The models used in this project are K-Nearest Neighbor, Random Forest, Naive Bayes, Logistic Regression, Decision Tree, Support Vector Machine, Adaboost, LGBM classifier, Gradient Boosting, and XGB classifier. Three feature scaling used in machine learning are raw, minmax scaler, and standard scaler. Finally, you will develop a GUI using PyQt5 to plot cross validation score, predicted values versus true values, confusion matrix, learning curve, decision boundaries, performance of the model, scalability of the model, training loss, and training accuracy. PROJECT 5: DATA SCIENCE FOR RAIN CLASSIFICATION AND PREDICTION WITH PYTHON GUI This dataset contains about 10 years of daily weather observations from many locations across Australia. RainTomorrow is the target variable to predict. You will determine rain or not in the next day. This column is Yes if the rain for that day was 1mm or more. Observations were drawn from numerous weather stations. The daily observations are available from The dataset contains 23 attributes. Some of them are as follows: About some of them are: DATE - The date of observation; LOCATION - The common name of the location of the weather station; MINTEMP - The minimum temperature in degrees celsius; MAXTEMP - The maximum temperature in degrees celsius; RAINFALL - The amount of rainfall recorded for the day in mm; EVAPORATION - The so-called Class A pan evaporation (mm) in the 24 hours to 9am; SUNSHINE - The number of hours of bright sunshine in the day; WINDGUESTDIR - The direction of the strongest wind gust in the 24 hours to midnight; WINDGUESTSPEED- The speed (km/h) of the strongest wind gust in the 24 hours to midnight; and WINDDIR9AM - Direction of the wind at 9am. The models used in this project are K-Nearest Neighbor, Random Forest, Naive Bayes, Logistic Regression, Decision Tree, Support Vector Machine, Adaboost, LGBM classifier, Gradient Boosting, and XGB classifier. Three feature scaling used in machine learning are raw, minmax scaler, and standard scaler. Finally, you will develop a GUI using PyQt5 to plot cross validation score, predicted values versus true values, confusion matrix, learning curve, decision boundaries, performance of the model, scalability of the model, training loss, and training accuracy.

Data Mining with Rattle and R

Data Mining with Rattle and R
Author: Graham Williams
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
Total Pages: 382
Release: 2011-08-04
Genre: Mathematics
ISBN: 144199890X

Data mining is the art and science of intelligent data analysis. By building knowledge from information, data mining adds considerable value to the ever increasing stores of electronic data that abound today. In performing data mining many decisions need to be made regarding the choice of methodology, the choice of data, the choice of tools, and the choice of algorithms. Throughout this book the reader is introduced to the basic concepts and some of the more popular algorithms of data mining. With a focus on the hands-on end-to-end process for data mining, Williams guides the reader through various capabilities of the easy to use, free, and open source Rattle Data Mining Software built on the sophisticated R Statistical Software. The focus on doing data mining rather than just reading about data mining is refreshing. The book covers data understanding, data preparation, data refinement, model building, model evaluation, and practical deployment. The reader will learn to rapidly deliver a data mining project using software easily installed for free from the Internet. Coupling Rattle with R delivers a very sophisticated data mining environment with all the power, and more, of the many commercial offerings.

Artificial Intelligence with Python

Artificial Intelligence with Python
Author: Prateek Joshi
Publisher: Packt Publishing Ltd
Total Pages: 437
Release: 2017-01-27
Genre: Computers
ISBN: 1786469677

Build real-world Artificial Intelligence applications with Python to intelligently interact with the world around you About This Book Step into the amazing world of intelligent apps using this comprehensive guide Enter the world of Artificial Intelligence, explore it, and create your own applications Work through simple yet insightful examples that will get you up and running with Artificial Intelligence in no time Who This Book Is For This book is for Python developers who want to build real-world Artificial Intelligence applications. This book is friendly to Python beginners, but being familiar with Python would be useful to play around with the code. It will also be useful for experienced Python programmers who are looking to use Artificial Intelligence techniques in their existing technology stacks. What You Will Learn Realize different classification and regression techniques Understand the concept of clustering and how to use it to automatically segment data See how to build an intelligent recommender system Understand logic programming and how to use it Build automatic speech recognition systems Understand the basics of heuristic search and genetic programming Develop games using Artificial Intelligence Learn how reinforcement learning works Discover how to build intelligent applications centered on images, text, and time series data See how to use deep learning algorithms and build applications based on it In Detail Artificial Intelligence is becoming increasingly relevant in the modern world where everything is driven by technology and data. It is used extensively across many fields such as search engines, image recognition, robotics, finance, and so on. We will explore various real-world scenarios in this book and you'll learn about various algorithms that can be used to build Artificial Intelligence applications. During the course of this book, you will find out how to make informed decisions about what algorithms to use in a given context. Starting from the basics of Artificial Intelligence, you will learn how to develop various building blocks using different data mining techniques. You will see how to implement different algorithms to get the best possible results, and will understand how to apply them to real-world scenarios. If you want to add an intelligence layer to any application that's based on images, text, stock market, or some other form of data, this exciting book on Artificial Intelligence will definitely be your guide! Style and approach This highly practical book will show you how to implement Artificial Intelligence. The book provides multiple examples enabling you to create smart applications to meet the needs of your organization. In every chapter, we explain an algorithm, implement it, and then build a smart application.

Text Analytics with Python

Text Analytics with Python
Author: Dipanjan Sarkar
Publisher: Apress
Total Pages: 397
Release: 2016-11-30
Genre: Computers
ISBN: 1484223888

Derive useful insights from your data using Python. You will learn both basic and advanced concepts, including text and language syntax, structure, and semantics. You will focus on algorithms and techniques, such as text classification, clustering, topic modeling, and text summarization. Text Analytics with Python teaches you the techniques related to natural language processing and text analytics, and you will gain the skills to know which technique is best suited to solve a particular problem. You will look at each technique and algorithm with both a bird's eye view to understand how it can be used as well as with a microscopic view to understand the mathematical concepts and to implement them to solve your own problems. What You Will Learn: Understand the major concepts and techniques of natural language processing (NLP) and text analytics, including syntax and structure Build a text classification system to categorize news articles, analyze app or game reviews using topic modeling and text summarization, and cluster popular movie synopses and analyze the sentiment of movie reviews Implement Python and popular open source libraries in NLP and text analytics, such as the natural language toolkit (nltk), gensim, scikit-learn, spaCy and Pattern Who This Book Is For : IT professionals, analysts, developers, linguistic experts, data scientists, and anyone with a keen interest in linguistics, analytics, and generating insights from textual data

Python Machine Learning

Python Machine Learning
Author: Sebastian Raschka
Publisher: Packt Publishing Ltd
Total Pages: 455
Release: 2015-09-23
Genre: Computers
ISBN: 1783555149

Unlock deeper insights into Machine Leaning with this vital guide to cutting-edge predictive analytics About This Book Leverage Python's most powerful open-source libraries for deep learning, data wrangling, and data visualization Learn effective strategies and best practices to improve and optimize machine learning systems and algorithms Ask – and answer – tough questions of your data with robust statistical models, built for a range of datasets Who This Book Is For If you want to find out how to use Python to start answering critical questions of your data, pick up Python Machine Learning – whether you want to get started from scratch or want to extend your data science knowledge, this is an essential and unmissable resource. What You Will Learn Explore how to use different machine learning models to ask different questions of your data Learn how to build neural networks using Keras and Theano Find out how to write clean and elegant Python code that will optimize the strength of your algorithms Discover how to embed your machine learning model in a web application for increased accessibility Predict continuous target outcomes using regression analysis Uncover hidden patterns and structures in data with clustering Organize data using effective pre-processing techniques Get to grips with sentiment analysis to delve deeper into textual and social media data In Detail Machine learning and predictive analytics are transforming the way businesses and other organizations operate. Being able to understand trends and patterns in complex data is critical to success, becoming one of the key strategies for unlocking growth in a challenging contemporary marketplace. Python can help you deliver key insights into your data – its unique capabilities as a language let you build sophisticated algorithms and statistical models that can reveal new perspectives and answer key questions that are vital for success. Python Machine Learning gives you access to the world of predictive analytics and demonstrates why Python is one of the world's leading data science languages. If you want to ask better questions of data, or need to improve and extend the capabilities of your machine learning systems, this practical data science book is invaluable. Covering a wide range of powerful Python libraries, including scikit-learn, Theano, and Keras, and featuring guidance and tips on everything from sentiment analysis to neural networks, you'll soon be able to answer some of the most important questions facing you and your organization. Style and approach Python Machine Learning connects the fundamental theoretical principles behind machine learning to their practical application in a way that focuses you on asking and answering the right questions. It walks you through the key elements of Python and its powerful machine learning libraries, while demonstrating how to get to grips with a range of statistical models.

The Book of R

The Book of R
Author: Tilman M. Davies
Publisher: No Starch Press
Total Pages: 833
Release: 2016-07-16
Genre: Computers
ISBN: 1593276516

The Book of R is a comprehensive, beginner-friendly guide to R, the world’s most popular programming language for statistical analysis. Even if you have no programming experience and little more than a grounding in the basics of mathematics, you’ll find everything you need to begin using R effectively for statistical analysis. You’ll start with the basics, like how to handle data and write simple programs, before moving on to more advanced topics, like producing statistical summaries of your data and performing statistical tests and modeling. You’ll even learn how to create impressive data visualizations with R’s basic graphics tools and contributed packages, like ggplot2 and ggvis, as well as interactive 3D visualizations using the rgl package. Dozens of hands-on exercises (with downloadable solutions) take you from theory to practice, as you learn: –The fundamentals of programming in R, including how to write data frames, create functions, and use variables, statements, and loops –Statistical concepts like exploratory data analysis, probabilities, hypothesis tests, and regression modeling, and how to execute them in R –How to access R’s thousands of functions, libraries, and data sets –How to draw valid and useful conclusions from your data –How to create publication-quality graphics of your results Combining detailed explanations with real-world examples and exercises, this book will provide you with a solid understanding of both statistics and the depth of R’s functionality. Make The Book of R your doorway into the growing world of data analysis.

Deep Learning With Python

Deep Learning With Python
Author: Jason Brownlee
Publisher: Machine Learning Mastery
Total Pages: 266
Release: 2016-05-13
Genre: Computers

Deep learning is the most interesting and powerful machine learning technique right now. Top deep learning libraries are available on the Python ecosystem like Theano and TensorFlow. Tap into their power in a few lines of code using Keras, the best-of-breed applied deep learning library. In this Ebook, learn exactly how to get started and apply deep learning to your own machine learning projects.

Data Science and Big Data Analytics

Data Science and Big Data Analytics
Author: EMC Education Services
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
Total Pages: 432
Release: 2014-12-19
Genre: Computers
ISBN: 1118876229

Data Science and Big Data Analytics is about harnessing the power of data for new insights. The book covers the breadth of activities and methods and tools that Data Scientists use. The content focuses on concepts, principles and practical applications that are applicable to any industry and technology environment, and the learning is supported and explained with examples that you can replicate using open-source software. This book will help you: Become a contributor on a data science team Deploy a structured lifecycle approach to data analytics problems Apply appropriate analytic techniques and tools to analyzing big data Learn how to tell a compelling story with data to drive business action Prepare for EMC Proven Professional Data Science Certification Get started discovering, analyzing, visualizing, and presenting data in a meaningful way today!

Data Mining and Data Warehousing

Data Mining and Data Warehousing
Author: Parteek Bhatia
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Total Pages: 514
Release: 2019-06-27
Genre: Computers
ISBN: 110858585X

Written in lucid language, this valuable textbook brings together fundamental concepts of data mining and data warehousing in a single volume. Important topics including information theory, decision tree, Naïve Bayes classifier, distance metrics, partitioning clustering, associate mining, data marts and operational data store are discussed comprehensively. The textbook is written to cater to the needs of undergraduate students of computer science, engineering and information technology for a course on data mining and data warehousing. The text simplifies the understanding of the concepts through exercises and practical examples. Chapters such as classification, associate mining and cluster analysis are discussed in detail with their practical implementation using Weka and R language data mining tools. Advanced topics including big data analytics, relational data models and NoSQL are discussed in detail. Pedagogical features including unsolved problems and multiple-choice questions are interspersed throughout the book for better understanding.