Diez ensayos liberales

Diez ensayos liberales
Author: Carlos Rodríguez Braun
Publisher: LID Editorial
Total Pages: 367
Release: 2008-05
Genre: Political Science
ISBN: 8483565935

Carlos Rodríguez Braun analiza la sociedad libre y sus enemigos, y defiende la libertad desde perspectivas poco habituales, como la moral.

Toward a New World Order

Toward a New World Order
Author: Carlos Del Ama
Publisher: Carlos del Ama
Total Pages: 260
Release: 2008
Genre: Philosophy
ISBN: 1434329925

The international relations have developed prevailing the law of the strongest. The result is the Empire. The author analyzes the present American Empire and he compares it with the international relations within the European Union, but What is the European Union? Why have a European Union? What is the European Union for? On examining the identity, reason and mission of the European Union this book contributes to eliminating the ideological deficit, which is still argued and underlies the difficulties involved in approving the Constitution. Also the Islamic fundamentalism is analyzed, explaining its ideology. Finally, the author proposes a model to harmonize the international relations in a globalised world and to assure peace.

La era secular

La era secular
Author: Charles Taylor
Publisher: Editorial GEDISA
Total Pages: 722
Release: 2015-04-15
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 8497848926

En los últimos siglos Occidente ha ensanchado el abanico de las opciones de la creencia, ya sean religiosas, ateas u otras difíciles de clasificar. Un proceso paulatino de declive de la fe y retirada de la religión de la vida pública. Este retroceso supone un cambio impactante si pensamos en el papel que hasta hace poco jugaban las iglesias cristianas en el mundo Occidental. ¿Por qué ha sucedido todo esto? ¿Cuáles son los rasgos del nuevo paisaje espiritual? La era secular es el ensayo escrito más ambicioso y sobresaliente sobre el complejo proceso de secularización en Occidente que aún sigue en marcha. El filósofo Charles Taylor desgrana, en este segundo volumen, el cambio de las condiciones de la fe que desde la Ilustración socavaron las viejas formas y sentaron las bases de una nueva alternativa humanista. Sin embargo, este debilitamiento de las representaciones anteriores no ha sido incompatible con la persistencia de cierto anhelo de religiosidad, lo cual se traduce en nuestros días, en el florecimiento de múltiples alternativas —a veces contradictorias— y en un novedoso pluralismo en cuestión de espiritualidad.

Hacerse cargo

Hacerse cargo
Author: Manuel Cruz
Publisher: Editorial GEDISA
Total Pages: 162
Release: 2015-11-15
Genre: Political Science
ISBN: 8497849779

Uno de los pilares sobre los que se sostiene la visión del mundo hegemónica en la actualidad es el de la importancia fundamental atribuida a los individuos, entendidos como seres libres y soberanos, y, en consecuencia, responsables. Sin embargo, no está claro que semejante defensa de la libre responsabilidad sea la actitud realmente más extendida en nuestra sociedad, en la que lo que parece generalizado en creciente medida es la sistemática búsqueda de argumentos exculpatorios que minimicen la aceptación de responsabilidad por parte de los individuos (el ambiente familiar, el contexto económico, la inestabilidad emocional...). Desde el punto de vista teórico, estaríamos ante una paradoja. De tanto exculpar al individuo a base de responsabilizar a las estructuras, hemos terminado por convertirle en el eslabón más débil de la cadena. La misma modernidad que en un principio pretendía hacer descansar el sentido del mundo sobre el ser humano, convirtiéndolo en la nueva clave para justificar lo real, al final ha terminado por considerarlo un elemento incapaz de sostener nada ni hacerse cargo de acción alguna a poco que ésta tenga consecuencias negativas.

Revisiting Richard Rorty

Revisiting Richard Rorty
Author: Pedro Góis Moreira
Publisher: Vernon Press
Total Pages: 275
Release: 2020-05-05
Genre: Philosophy
ISBN: 1622739205

Richard Rorty is considered one of the most original philosophers of the last decades, and he has generated warm enthusiasm on the part of many intellectuals and students, within and outside the field of philosophy. The collection opens with an essay by Robert Brandom, in which he continues the discussion of Rorty’s “vocabulary vocabulary” that he began in Rorty and his Critics, and ends with an interview in which Brandom talks about Rorty himself as a teacher and friend. The collection is then divided into three further sections, each addressing an aspect of Rorty’s thought. First, a political section contains several essays discussing Rorty’s notorious “prophecy” in Achieving our Country and the idea that he would have foreseen the rise of a political “strongman.” Also discussed are Rorty's view of the cultural left, his view of the relation between truth and democracy, and Rorty on the concept of fraternity. In a second, epistemological section, several essays address Rorty’s historicism, anti-representationalism, and his views on truth and on religion, often through the lenses of his critics (Putnam, Habermas, Dews). A final section addresses the relations between Rorty and other philosophers such as Hume, Heidegger, and Ortega y Gasset. This works contains valuable essays in three languages — English, Portuguese, and Spanish — and is a small example of the reach of Rorty’s thought and its expansion beyond the Anglo-Saxon world in only ten years after his death. It will appeal to Rorty’s scholars and researchers as well as any student of pragmatism and anti-foundationalist thought.

The Deconstruction of Employment as a Political Question

The Deconstruction of Employment as a Political Question
Author: Amparo Serrano-Pascual
Publisher: Springer
Total Pages: 353
Release: 2018-07-20
Genre: Social Science
ISBN: 3319936174

The wide-ranging European perspectives brought together in this volume aim to analyse, by means of an interdisciplinary approach, the numerous implications of a massive shift in the conception of ‘work’ and the category of ‘worker’. Changes in the production models, economic downturn and increasing digitalisation have triggered a breakdown in the terms and assumptions that previously defined and shaped the notion of employment. This has made it more difficult to discuss, and problematise, issues like vulnerability in employment in such terms as unfairness, inequality and inadequate protection. Taking the ‘deconstruction of employment’ as a central idea for theorising the phenomenon of work today, this volume explores the emergence of new semantic fields and territories for understanding and regulating employment. These new linguistic categories have implications beyond language alone: they reformulate the very concept of waged employment (including those aspects previously considered intrinsic to the meaning of work and of being ‘a worker’), along with other closely associated categories such as unemployment, self-employment, and inactivity.