Western religion alone is to blame for the cruelty to animals

Western religion alone is to blame for the cruelty to animals
Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Total Pages: 11
Release: 2021-04-30
Genre: Religion

Is it possible for me, who loves animals, to learn how to get more power than I have to help them in their sufferings? Why do the noblest animals suffer so much at the hands of men? I need not enlarge or try to explain this question. Cities are torture places for the animals who can be turned to any account for use or amusement by man! And these are always the most noble. Why should a harmless creature be burnt alive, or vivisected? Suffering is the cause of knowledge, so that the incarnating entity gains experience, although the organism is tortured to death. In China frogs are under the protection of law. We award the palm of superiority to the Chinese over the English legal documents, for the mellifluous, kindly, and fatherly appeal of the philobatrachian Chinese is far superior to dry, commaless, and incomprehensible legal twaddle of the British lawyer.

The Birch Grove and Other Stories

The Birch Grove and Other Stories
Author: Jaros?aw Iwaszkiewicz
Publisher: Central European University Press
Total Pages: 290
Release: 2002-01-01
Genre: Fiction
ISBN: 9789639241459

Jaroslaw Iwaszkiewicz (1894-1980) was a significant Polish novelist and poet. Besides his literary work, he fulfilled various social roles during his long life. He studied law in Kiev, worked as a civil servant at the newly created Polish parliament (Sejm) after WW1, served at embassies in Copenhagen and Brussels, joined anti-nazi resistance during WW2, became member of parliament after the war, was president of the writers' union, received Lenin Prize for peace movement acitivities etc. His books are considered classics and even today they still sell well in Poland; some have been adapted into internationally successful films.

Truth is exiled from the press because it is not as beguiling as falsehood

Truth is exiled from the press because it is not as beguiling as falsehood
Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Total Pages: 17
Release: 2021-04-17
Genre: Religion

Truth is systematically boycotted and exiled from the Press because truth is not as sensational as falsehood — it fails to tickle the reader’s bump of gossip and love of slander as effectually as a cock-and-bull story. Colenso’s insults, shielded under the cloak of anonymity, are cowardly and contemptible acts of moral violence. Human sacrifice is being offered to public prejudice by editors who know next to nothing about Theosophy, and yet each has to propitiate his subscribers, hence to besmear with literary mud all men and things unpopular in the sight of his readers. Truth pure and simple, dearly beloved Knights-errant of the quill and pencil, is often stranger than fiction. The venomous Billingsgate of the Religio-Philosophical Journal, having poisoned but itself, it is now reduced to a clawless and toothless drivelling idiot. Ignorance goes hand in hand with malevolence. A bullying descendant of Ananias, in the Agnostic Journal, pontificates that the theosophical doctrines are “phallic worship.” Can an Atheist be a Theosophist? The Theosophical Society is an international and unsectarian body of kindred souls. While showing respect for every religion and school of thought, it prides itself on belonging to none, save to the Spirit of Truth or Theosophy. In other words, our Society is a brotherhood of men and women in search of Absolute Truth — an uncompromising Republic of Conscience. Narrow-mindedness, scepticism, and worldly philosophy have no room in it. Gautama Buddha is the pre-eminent Theosophist of all ages. Haweis and Headlam transformed their pulpits into oratorial tribunes similar to those in ancient Athens, where feminine beauty in general, and Aspasia and Company in particular, were defended. There are two Jesuses: The real Jesus, a Master of Wisdom, and Jesus travestied by pseudo-Christian fancy and clad in pagan robes borrowed from heathen gods. Thus the exalted Christianity of Jesus has been degraded to “Church” Christianity.

Prometheus, the Light-bringer, hurled down to the bowels of the earth

Prometheus, the Light-bringer, hurled down to the bowels of the earth
Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Total Pages: 37
Release: 2021-04-17
Genre: Religion

Annie Besant, one of the most intellectual women of this age, publicly announced her failure to find truth in the current wave of scientific materialism. Having entered upon the royal highway of true Freethought, she now stands on a secure spot, wherein every collateral path lies in the sunlight of Truth in Nature, and where no personal preconception, no partisan fanaticism, is ever permitted to overshadow it. Our Deity is a universal, Absolute Principle manifesting in Humanity as in Nature, the Spirit in both being one and inseparable, hence the true Spiritual Brotherhood of Man. There is a darkness thrown over the heathen word “theosophy” through the fanciful etymology it has been given in dictionaries compiled by monotheistic lexicographers. Slander and malicious poppycock levelled against Theosophists. From the London “Globe,” the “Weekly Times and Echo,” the “Christian Commonwealth,” a spiritualistic “weekly,” the “Evening Express” of Liverpool Our sincerest condolences to the Chief of the Detective Department of the Government of India. The antipathy between the Russian and British Governments is fanned by the Conservative party. English books proscribed in Russia. Angels and ministers of grace, defend us! A poor boast dictated by wounded vanity. From the New York “Sunday Times.” Beware! He who makes of the Science of sciences a sinful pretext for worldly motives should tremble. The Theosophical Ideal is so high, that few will fully realize. For the true Theosophist is he who makes Theosophy a living power in his life. From a “Pall Mall” interview of Grant Allen. Great minds think alike! From the “Methodist Times” and their Madras ally, the “Christian College Magazine” Amuck! In the name of Christ! An old fugue in the orchestra of slander. False accusations lavished on innocent men and women when the life and reputation of such became a danger to those who envied or feared them. More from the firebrand of the American Free Methodist Church and civic ethics from a French vivisector. Madame Blavatsky appeals to the law. The Theosophical Society and its detractors. À tous les Membres to la Société Théosophique en France. To all the Members of the Theosophical Society in France. The allegations that Madame Blavatsky was a Russian spy were quietly dropped.

Why the misery of ill-being cannot be relieved

Why the misery of ill-being cannot be relieved
Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, Alexei Maximovich Peshkov
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Total Pages: 10
Release: 2023-05-21
Genre: Religion

Misery is a vital element in human nature, and is as necessary to some as pleasure is to others. The religious philanthropist does not do good just for the sake of doing good, but also with an eye to his own salvation. The secular philanthropist, socialist at heart, hopes to make men happy by helping them materially. Ill-being is not only endurable but agreeable to those who endure it, not from love of vice but from love of that very state which the wealthy classes call misery. Kind and considerate regard for others will sometimes bring out the worst qualities of those who led a fairly presentable life, when kept down by pain and despair. Indiscriminate benevolence can be severely harmful as all, but those blind in their love of the suffering of the poor, are compelled to admit. Practical charity is not one of the declared objects of our Society though the flame of brotherly love and sympathy in action with every living creature, whether man or beast, burns silently in the heart of every true Theosophist. A heartfelt appreciation of Theosophy will help to soften the atrocities of life by creating the charity which afterwards, and of its own accord, makes itself manifest in practical works. Even the hollow men prize their vice and live by it.