Bolometer Diagnostics on Alcator C-mod

Bolometer Diagnostics on Alcator C-mod
Author: Brian Joaquin Youngblood
Total Pages: 152
Release: 2004

Bolometry is a diagnostic technique common to most tokamak fusion experiments. Bolometers are so widespread because they provide an important measure of the energy lost from confined plasmas as radiation, as well as being relatively simple and resilient in their construction. Here the bolometric diagnostics of the Alcator C-mod tokamak, their function, limitations, and the details of their calibration, operation, and maintenance are covered. In addition, the results of a variety of investigations into the behavior of C-mod plasmas as observed by bolometers are presented and discussed. The measurements dealt with are either measurements of total power radiated by the plasma or measurements of radial emissivity profiles. Measurements of the first kind are suitable for studying the effects of factors like net input power while measurements of the second kind are useful for studying the effects of factors like local temperature profiles and plasma composition.

Diagnostic Systems on Alcator C-Mod

Diagnostic Systems on Alcator C-Mod
Author: Nils Plesner Basse
Total Pages: 92
Release: 2005

An overview of the diagnostics installed on the Alcator C-Mod tokamak [I. H. HUTCHINSON et al., Phys. Plasmas, Vol. 1, p. 1511 (1994)] is presented. Approximately twenty-five diagnostic systems are being operated on C-Mod. The compact design of the machine and the cryostat enclosing the vacuum vessel and magnetic field coils make access challenging. Diagnostics are used to study four focus areas: Transport, plasma boundary, waves and macrostability. There is significant overlap between these topics and they all contribute towards the burning plasma and advanced tokamak thrusts. Several advanced and novel diagnostics contribute to the investigation of C-Mod plasmas, e.g. electron cyclotron emission, phase-contrast imaging, gas-puff imaging, probe measurements and active magnetohydrodynamic antennas.

Phase Contrast Imaging on the Alcator C-Mod Tokamak

Phase Contrast Imaging on the Alcator C-Mod Tokamak
Author: Alexander Mazurenko
Total Pages: 320
Release: 2001

Phase Contrast Imaging (PCI) is a new diagnostic that was built for the Alcator C-Mod tokamak. It measures line-integrated (along 12 vertical chords) plasma density perturbations with good temporal (2-500 kHz) and wavenumber (0.5-12 /cm) resolution. The Quasi-Coherent (QC) fluctuation mode was studied using the PCI and other diagnostics. The mode was found to cause fluctuation of density, electric and magnetic field in the plasma edge with typical frequency of 100 kHz and typical poloidal wavenumber of about 5/cm. The mode was found to be responsible for confinement properties of the "Enhanced D-alpha H-mode" (a particularly favorable regime of tokamak operation). Through numerical modeling, the physical origin of the fluctuations was tentatively identified as "resistive X-point" mode (a kind of resistive ballooning mode strongly affected by the X-point configuration of magnetic field lines). The PCI system has been upgraded to detect waves in the ion cyclotron range of frequencies (ICRF, 40-80 MHz) by means of optical heterodyning - a technique based on modulation of the diagnostic laser beam near the wave frequency. The upgraded system was then used to study propagation of the Fast Magnetosonic Waves. These waves, which have never been measured in detail in past experiments, are being used to heat the tokamak plasma at the megawatt power level. The measured results were compared to the simple cold-plasma dispersion relation and to predictions of the full-wave 3D numerical modeling.

Investigation of Triggering Mechanism of Internal Transport Barriers on the Alcator C-Mod Tokamak Using Thomson Scattering Diagnostic

Investigation of Triggering Mechanism of Internal Transport Barriers on the Alcator C-Mod Tokamak Using Thomson Scattering Diagnostic
Author: Kirill Zhurovich
Total Pages: 185
Release: 2007

Internal transport barriers (ITBs) in tokamak plasmas are characterized by the reduction of transport in one or more of the particle, momentum, or energy channels in the core plasma region. On Alcator C-Mod, significant contributions to ITB studies were made possible with the core Thomson scattering (TS) diagnostic, which measures profiles of electron temperature (0.03