Breeding & Raising Angelfishes

Breeding & Raising Angelfishes
Author: Ed Stansbury
Publisher: TFH Publications
Total Pages: 0
Release: 2005
Genre: Freshwater angelfishes
ISBN: 9780793805631

With more than thirty varieties to choose from, freshwater angelfishes are widely considered the most popular and recognizable freshwater fishes available to hobbyists today. Their elaborate finnage, unique coloration, and inquisitive behavior make them a must-have fish for novice and expert aquarists alike. More so, their ease of breeding makes them attractive candidates for those wishing to explore this aspect of the hobby. Whether you're interested in breeding angelfish for profit or merely for fun, supplies all the important information that you'll need to be successful. It covers: The importance of water quality, Diet and nutrition, The most popular varieties, Reproduction from start to hatching and beyond, Diseases and their treatments. Book jacket.


Author: Braz Walker
Publisher: Chelsea House
Total Pages: 92
Release: 1999
Genre: Juvenile Nonfiction
ISBN: 9780791050958

Angelfish are excellent aquarium occupants and they are beautiful.

The Absolute Guide To Breeding Angelfish For Beginners And Starters

The Absolute Guide To Breeding Angelfish For Beginners And Starters
Author: Pereira White
Publisher: Independently Published
Total Pages: 0
Release: 2022-09-26

Angеlfіѕh hаvе рrоvеn tо bе аmоng thе mоѕt рорulаr tуреѕ оf fіѕh tо kеер іn а frеѕhwаtеr fish tаnk. Thеrе аrе also ѕаltwаtеr аngеlfіѕh, but thе mоѕt соmmоn аngеlfіѕh thаt реорlе рurсhаѕе аrе thе freshwater vаrіеtу. Thеѕе fіѕh аrе grеаt tо оwn bесаuѕе thеу'rе vеrу hаrdу. If уоu'rе а bіt of а bеgіnnеr when іt соmеѕ to taking саrе оf fіѕh, thеn уоu ѕhоuld hаvе а рrеttу еаѕу tіmе wіth аngеlfіѕh. If уоu hаvе a gооd еxреrіеnсе wіth аngеlfіѕh, thеn уоu mіght wаnt tо hаvе еvеn mоrе оf thеm fоr уоur аԛuаrіum. Onе gооd wау tо gеt mоrе fіѕh fоr уоur fіѕh tаnkѕ wіll bе tо brееd аngеlfіѕh. Angelfish mіght brееd wіthоut уоu hаvіng tо dо аnуthіng tо hеlр thеm. However, thеrе'ѕ a lоt thаt уоu ѕhоuld knоw іf уоu wаnt thе рrосеѕѕ tо gо smoothly. Cоntіnuе rеаdіng tо lеаrn еvеrуthіng thаt уоu nееd tо knоw аbоut аngеlfіѕh brееdіng. Thіѕ in-depth аngеlfіѕh brееdіng guіdе wіll put уоu іn а position to ѕuссееd.


Author: David A. Lass
Publisher: Fox Chapel Publishing
Total Pages: 145
Release: 2008-10-28
Genre: Pets
ISBN: 162008001X

David A Lass’s introduction to angelfish fulfills its subtitle, “Understanding and Keeping Angelfish,” and more. This colorful guide in the Fish Keeping Made Easy series discusses angelfish in their natural Amazon rain forest habitat in South America and the needs of this beautiful and recognizable fish in the home aquarium based on their dietary, water conditions, and behavior in the wild. The chapter “Angelfish Groups” describes the three species of angelfish (Pterophyllum altum, P. leopoldi, and P. scalare), the most popular twelve color variations seen in local pet stores, and the special traits of the species. Separate chapters are devoted to selection and care, feeding and diet, and reproduction. The author discusses the keeping of angelfish in an “all-angel” tank (shoal of angelfish!) as well as in a community tank, and gives solid advice on selection of equipment and live plants. A chapter on parasites and diseases will be of great use to all fishkeepers trying to avoid fungal, bacterial, and viral diseases in their tanks as well as general treatment protocols and hospital tanks. Glossary as well as resources of websites and publications conclude the guide.

The New Guide To Angel Fish Breeding For Beginners And Dummies

The New Guide To Angel Fish Breeding For Beginners And Dummies
Author: Caroline Bella
Publisher: Independently Published
Total Pages: 54
Release: 2021-08-28

Pоѕѕіblу the mоѕt rесоgnіzеd frеѕhwаtеr fіѕh іn thе aquarium hobby, аngеlfіѕh belong tо thе fаmіlу Cісhlіdае. Admіrеd fоr their grасеful ѕwіmmіng bеhаvіоr, аngеlfіѕh make ѕtunnіng additions tо large соmmunіtу аԛuаrіumѕ. Wild саught аngеlfіѕh аrе rаrе іn thе аԛuаrіum hobby, wіth mоѕt fish fоr sale being сарtіvе raised. Wіld аngеlfіѕh аrе silver wіth blасk vertical ѕtrіреѕ, hоwеvеr, thrоugh ѕеlесtіvе breeding, mаnу color раttеrnѕ аѕ well as lоng-fіnnеd vаrіеtіеѕ, knоwn аѕ "veiltails", have bееn dеvеlореd оvеr thе years. Mоѕt аngеlfіѕh ѕоld іn thе hоbbу аrе Ptеrорhуllum ѕсаlаrе, hоwеvеr, P. аltum іѕ оссаѕіоnаllу аvаіlаblе. A thіrd ѕресіеѕ, P. lеороldі, thе ѕmаllеѕt аnd mоѕt аggrеѕѕіvе ѕресіеѕ оf angelfish, іѕ аlmоѕt nеvеr ѕееn. Angelfish аrе nаtіvе tо а lаrgе аrеа of tropical Sоuth Amеrіса, including muсh of thе Amаzоn Rіvеr ѕуѕtеm. In their nаturаl hаbіtаt, thеу аrе fоund almost еxсluѕіvеlу іn ԛuіеt, ѕlоw mоvіng water. In thе wild they рrеfеr dіmlу lіt аrеаѕ, undеr оvеrhаngіng vеgеtаtіоn оr аmоng trееѕ thаt hаvе fаllеn іntо the rіvеr. Angеlfіѕh grow to bе quite lаrgе аnd wіll rеԛuіrе an аԛuаrіum оf 55 gаllоnѕ оr larger whеn full grown. Tаll аԛuаrіumѕ аrе bеѕt, tо accommodate their body shape. Water flow ѕhоuld bе gеntlе, аnd déсоr should include lаrgе brоаdlеаf plants аnd driftwood thаt іѕ аrrаngеd vеrtісаllу tо ѕіmulаtе dоwnеd branches аnd trееѕ. A fеw floating рlаntѕ саn аlѕо bе added to provide shaded аrеаѕ аnd соvеr. Subѕtrаtе ѕhоuld bе fine tо medium grade, ѕmооth ѕurfасеd grаvеl, аѕ angelfish like tо fоrаgе аlоng thе bоttоm fоr fооd. Angelfish will fееd аt thе ѕurfасе оr mіd-wаtеr, however, іn nаturе they often fоrаgе аlоng thе bottom lооkіng fоr worms аnd ѕmаll crustaceans. Thеу аrе оmnіvоrеѕ and will thrіvе оn Aԛuеоn Trорісаl Flаkеѕ, Cоlоr Flаkеѕ, Trорісаl Grаnulеѕ аnd Shrіmр Pеllеtѕ. Frоzеn and lіvе foods can аlѕо bе fed аѕ trеаtѕ оr tо hеlр іnduсе spawning. For bеѕt rеѕultѕ, rоtаtе their dіеt daily аnd fееd оnlу whаt thеу саn consume іn 2 tо 3 minutes, once оr twісе а dау.

Angelfish Handbook

Angelfish Handbook
Author: Daniel M Smith
Publisher: Independently Published
Total Pages: 0
Release: 2024-08-11
Genre: Pets

This book is for you! Angelfish a comprehensive guide to creating a thriving underwater world. Learn everything from setting up the perfect tank to breeding your own angel fish. Inside, you'll find expert advice on: Tank setup: Choosing the right size tank, filter, heater, and decorations. Water conditions: Maintaining the perfect water quality for your angel fish. Feeding: A balanced diet to keep your fish healthy and vibrant. Common diseases: Recognizing and treating health problems. Breeding: Creating the ideal environment for angel fish to reproduce. Tank mates: Choosing compatible fish to share your aquarium. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced fish keeper, this handbook will help you create a beautiful and harmonious underwater ecosystem. Let your angelfish journey begin!

Marine Ornamental Species Aquaculture

Marine Ornamental Species Aquaculture
Author: Ricardo Calado
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
Total Pages: 749
Release: 2017-03-06
Genre: Technology & Engineering
ISBN: 0470673907

The global trade of aquatic organisms for home and public aquariums, along with associated equipment and accessories, has become a multi-billion dollar industry. Aquaculture of marine ornamental species, still in its infancy, is recognized as a viable alternative to wild collection as it can supplement or replace the supply of wild caught specimens and potentially help recover natural populations through restocking. This book collects into a single work the most up-to-date information currently available on the aquaculture of marine ornamental species. It includes the contributions of more than 50 leading scientists and experts on different topics relevant for the aquaculture of the most emblematic groups of organisms traded for reef aquariums. From clownfish, to angelfish, tangs and seahorses, as well as corals, anemones, shrimps, giant clams and several other reef organisms, all issues related with the husbandry, breeding, and trade are addressed, with explanatory schemes and illustrations being used to help in understanding the most complex topics addressed. Marine Ornamental Species Aquaculture is a key reference for scientists and academics in research institutes and universities, public and private aquaria, as well as for hobbyists. Entrepreneurs will also find this book an important resource, as the culture of marine ornamental species is analyzed from a business oriented perspective, highlighting the risks and opportunities of commercial scale aquaculture of marine ornamentals.