Parental Alienation and Factitious Disorder by Proxy Beyond DSM-5: Interrelated Multidimensional Diagnoses

Parental Alienation and Factitious Disorder by Proxy Beyond DSM-5: Interrelated Multidimensional Diagnoses
Author: Michael R. Bütz
Publisher: Routledge
Total Pages: 247
Release: 2020-05-11
Genre: Family & Relationships
ISBN: 1000066916

Using Munchausen’s Syndrome by Proxy / Factitious Disorder by Proxy and Parental Alienation as exmplars, this book advances a new diagnostic category for addressing complex pathological phenomena that integrates individual characteristics and symptoms, family as well as other system dynamics, under one diagnosis. The author examines why current diagnostic categories within the DSM-5 are inadequate and provides a framework for this new category—Interrelated Multidimensional Diagnosis—to better capture the complexity of MSBP / FDBP and Parental Alienation. The book begins with case studies and other examples to make the material accessible, and then proposes step-wise processes of examining family systems to determine if the phenomena exist to a reasonable degree of scientific certainty. After new diagnostic process and criteria are provided, several interventions and recommendations for treatment are offered in a novel way that attends to the core aspects of these pathologies. This text will provide practitioners, professionals, and researchers with a unique vantage point from which to understand and treat these pathologies.

New Normal Beyond The Pandemic: Rethinking Alienation From Local To Global / Pandemiyle Birlikte Yerelden Küresele Yabancılaşmayı Yeniden Düşünmek

New Normal Beyond The Pandemic: Rethinking Alienation From Local To Global / Pandemiyle Birlikte Yerelden Küresele Yabancılaşmayı Yeniden Düşünmek
Author: Zeynep Banu Dalaman
Publisher: Transnational Press London
Total Pages: 403
Release: 2021-11-16
Genre: Political Science
ISBN: 1801350868

The Covid-19 crisis, with all the horrors it has caused, has offered humanity an opportunity to reflect on itself and evaluate its point, even if it is delayed. In a very short time, we found ourselves worried about whether we could reach the objects we needed, whether we would lose our jobs or keep our freedom. Alienation is described as withdrawing or separation of a person or a person's affections from an object or position of former attachment: alienation viewed as a sense of detachment from the values of one's society, family, and even from one's own feelings from the values of one's society and family (S. L. Halleck). Different forms of alienation, such as cultural alienation, professional alienation, and religious alienation, are among the current issues. It is obvious that we need to define different forms of alienation along with the pandemic. I believe this book will not be the first nor the last research book published on the Covid-19 pandemic. Our aim is to leave a resource on the subject for the next generation of researchers. I would like to thank everyone who contributed to the book and hope it will be beneficial for the academic community. Covid-19 krizi yaşattığı tüm dehşetle birlikte insanlığın kendi üzerinde düşünmek, gelmiş bulunduğu noktayı değerlendirmek için de, gecikmeli olsa bile bir imkan sunmuştur. Kendimizi çok kısa bir süre içerisinde ihtiyacımız olan nesnelere ulaşıp ulaşamayacağımız, işimizi kaybedip kaybetmeyeceğimiz ya da özgürlüklerimizi elimizde tutup tutamayacağımız hakkında kaygılanır bulduk. Kelime anlamı itibarı ile yabancılaşma bir şeyin veya kimsenin başka bir şeyden veya kimseden uzaklaşması, başka bir şeyle veya kimseyle olan fonksiyonel veya anlamsal paylaşımının sona ermesi durumunu ifade etmektedir (S.L.Halleck). Kültürel yabancılaşma, mesleki yabancılaşma, dinsel yabancılaşma gibi farklı yabancılaşma biçimleri de günümüzün aktüel konularındandır. Pandemi ile birlikte farklı yabancılaşmaları da tanımlamamız gerektiği aşikârdır. Bu kitabın amacı, yeni sürecin yarattığı yabancılaşmayla birlikte, melezleşme sürecini yeniden inşa etmek, küresel ve yerel arasındaki kültürel karşılaşmalara alternatif yaklaşımları anlamaya katkı sunmaktır. CONTENTS PREFACE / SUNUŞ COVID-19: The Great Unequalizer - Göran Therborn PART 1. IMPACTS OF COVID-19 PANDEMIC ON SOCIAL POLICIES AND RESEARCHES /Covid-19 Pandemisinin Sosyal Politikalara ve Araştırmalara Etkileri Protective Face Mask-wearing Behaviour Patterns in Turkey and Across the Globe in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic / COVID-19 Pandemisi Bağlamında Türkiye'de ve Dünya Genelinde Koruyucu Yüz Maskesi Kullanma Davranış Kalıpları - Nilufer Narlı, and Solveig Beyza Narlı Evenstad Mexico's Health System in the Face of Neo-liberalism, Its Commodification and Covid-19 / Neoliberalizm Karşısında Meksika'nın Sağlık Sistemi Metalaşması ve Covid-19 - Rodolfo García Zamora, Selene Gaspar Olvera, Dellanira Ruíz de Chávez Ramírez, Cristina Almeida Perales, and Pascual García Zamora Pending Agenda for Post-Pandemic Social Protection - An Integral Systematic Interdisciplinary Look From the Law of Emergency / Post-Pandemi Dönemi Sosyal Koruma için Bekleyen Gündem - Olağanüstü Hal Kanunu Üzerinden Bütünleyici Sistemli Disiplinlerarası Bir Bakış - Jorge Isaac Torres Manrique Riskler ve Belirsizlikler Kıskacında Pandemide Araştırmacı Olmak: Otoetnografik Bir Çalışma / Being a Researcher in a Pandemic in the Grip of Risks and Uncertainties: An Autoethnographic Study - Cemre Erciyes, Aleyna Yıldırım, and Meryem Erol Aggrievement and Identity during a Pandemic Due to Conflicts, Policy Decisions and the Media / Çatışmalar, Politika Kararları ve Medya Nedeniyle Salgın Sırasında Mağduriyet ve Kimlik - William L. Rosenberg PART 2. IMPACTS OF COVID-19 PANDEMIC ON GLOBAL POLITICS / Covid-19 Pandemisinin Küresel Politikaya Etkileri Covıd-19 Pandemisi Sırasında Yakın Çevrede Türkiye’nin Güvenliğiyle İlgili Gelişmeler / Developments related to Turkey's Security nearby of its Region during the Covid-19 Pandemic - Celalettin Yavuz Covid-19 Salgınında Türkiye’deki Hava Yolcu Trafiğinin Durumu: Sosyo-Ekonomik Açıdan Bir Değerlendirme / The Situation of Air Passenger Traffic in Turkey in the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Socio-Economic Evaluation - Gülaçtı Şen and Erhan Bütün Yeni Düşman Pandemiden Sonra Uluslararası Sistem / The International System After the New Enemy Pandemic - Ali Poyraz Gürson and Can Telemeci Küresel Sistem ve Korona Virüs Salgını: Yerelleşen Küreselleşme / Global System and Corona Virus Outbreak: Localized Globalization - Suat Dönmez A Crisis Like No Other: Will Covid-19 Change Capitalism? / Diğerlerine Benzemeyen Bir Kriz: Covid-19 Kapitalizmi Değiştirecek mi? - Gökhan Ak Kamu Diplomasisi Olarak Türkiye’nin Covid-19 Yardımları / Covid-19 Aid and Public Turkish Public Diplomacy - Abdulmennan Baycar PART 3. THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL IMPACT OF COVID-19 PANDEMIC ON WOMEN / COVID-19 Pandemisinin Kadınlar Üzerindeki Ekonomik ve Sosyal Etkisi Pandemide Kadınların Durumu ve Artan Ev içi Şiddet / Women in Pandemic and Increasing Domestic Violence - Aslıhan Ardıç Çobaner and Canan Dural Tasouji Impact of Covid-19 on Female Labour Force in Turkey / Covid-19'un Türkiye'de Kadin İşgücü Üzerindeki Etkisi - Zeynep Banu Dalaman Covid-19 Pandemisinde Uzaktan Çalışma, 7/24 Mesai ve Gözetim: Sıradan Bir Yabancılaşmanın “Olağan” Anatomisi / Teleworking, 24/7 Working and Surveillance in the Covid-19 Pandemic: The Extra “ordinary” Anatomy of an Ordinary Alienation - Hasan Saf PART 4. IMPACT OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC ON THE EDUCATION AND TRAINING SYSTEM / Covid-19 Pandemisinin Eğitim ve Öğretim Sistemine Etkileri School and Lockdown in Italy – Pandemic and Education / İtalya'da Okul ve Kilitlenme – Pandemi ve Eğitim - Anna Di Giusto Eğitimde Hizmet Kalitesinin Ölçüm Metotları ve Covid-19 Süreci / Measurement Methods of Service Quality in Education and the Covid-19 Pandemic - Bora Gündüzyeli Education in 'New Normal': Problems and Prospects of Tertiary Level Students in Bangladesh / Eğitimde ‘Yeni Normal’: Bangladeşte Meslek Eğitimindeki Öğrencilerin Problemleri ve Geleceği - Manzuma Ahsan Using Classroom Pedagogy to Promote Mental Health in Secondary School Setting / Ortaokul Ortamında Ruh Sağlığını Geliştirmek için Sınıf Pedagojisini Kullanmak - Madhuvanti Mukherjee, Priyanka Ghosh, and Indrani Banerjee PART 5. REFLECTIONS OF COVID-19 PANDEMIC ON MARKETING COMMUNICATION AND MEDIA / Covid-19 Pandemisinin Pazarlama İletişimi ve Medyaya Yansımaları Pandemi Sürecinde Marka İletişimini Analiz Etmek: KİĞILI / Analyzing Brand Communication in the Pandemic Process: KİĞILI - Arzu Kızbaz and Bahşende Çoban Pandemi Sürecinde Sürdürülebilir Pazarlama: United Colors of Benetton Marka İncelemesi / Sustainable Marketing During the Pandemic: United Colors of Benetton Brand Review - Bahşende Çoban and Arzu Kızbaz Covid-19 Salgınını İklim Krizi İle Birlikte Düşünmek: Türkiye’de İklim Haberleri Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme / Thinking Climate Crisis with The Covid-19 Pandemic: Reflecting on Climate News in Turkey - Aslıhan Ardıç Çobaner PART 6. REFLECTIONS OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC ON CINEMA AND LITERATURE / Covid-19 Pandemisinin Sinema ve Edebiyata Yansımaları Ütopik Kurgudan Distopik Gerçekliğe: Pandemi Yönetimi Perspektifinde Güney Kore ve Japon Sineması / From Utopic Fiction to Dystopic Reality: South Korean and Japanese Cinema in the Pandemic Administration Perspective - Sevil Zengin and Özlem Bapbacı Mapping Alienation, Intimacy and Loneliness onto Cinematic Existence / Yabancılaşma, Mahrem ve Yanlızlığı Sinematik Eksende Anlamak - Sweta Kushwaha Eski İspanyol Nezlesinin Puslu Perdesinde Yeni Dünya Düzeni, Yeni Hayat ve Yeni Edebiyatın Yüz Yıllık “Yeni Normal” İzleri / The Centenarian “New Normal” Traces of New World Order, New Life and New Literature at the Hazy Curtain of the Old Spanish Flu - Nuri Sağlam

China in International Society Since 1949

China in International Society Since 1949
Author: Y. Zhang
Publisher: Springer
Total Pages: 354
Release: 1998-10-05
Genre: Political Science
ISBN: 0230373925

This book is a reinterpretation of China's international relations since 1949. Employing the notion and theory of international society, it offers a systematic examination of China's unique relationship with the society of states from its alienation in the 1950s and the 1960s to its political socialisation and economic integration in the 1980s and the 1990s. It explores how such a unique relationship has shaped and is likely to shape Chinese foreign policy. This book provides an entirely new perspective for our understanding of forces influencing Chinese foreign policy behaviour.

Embracing Alienation

Embracing Alienation
Author: Todd Mcgowan
Publisher: Watkins Media Limited
Total Pages: 179
Release: 2024-04-09
Genre: Political Science
ISBN: 1915672236

The left views alienation as something to be resisted or overcome, but could it actually form the basis of our emancipation? In Embracing Alienation, Todd McGowan offers a completely different take on alienation, claiming that the effort to overcome it is not a radical response to the current state of things but a failure to see the constitutive power of alienation for all of us. Instead of trying to overcome alienation and accede to an unalienated existence, it argues, we should instead redeem alienation as an existential and political program. Engaging with Shakespeare’s great tragedies, contemporary films such as Don’t Worry Darling, and even what occurs on a public bus, as well as thinkers such as Descartes, Hegel, and Marx, McGowan provides a concrete elaboration of how alienation frees people from their situation. Relying on the tradition of dialectical thought and psychoanalytic theory, Embracing Alienation reveals a new way of conceiving how we measure progress — or even if progress should be the aim at all.

Alienation. Recuperating the Classical Discussion of Marx et al.

Alienation. Recuperating the Classical Discussion of Marx et al.
Author: Asger Sørensen
Publisher: BRILL
Total Pages: 148
Release: 2024-04-22
Genre: Philosophy
ISBN: 9004697535

Nowadays alienation is naturally discussed as an existential condition of human beings, but in the 20th century, a strong Marxist current claimed alienation to be implied by capitalism, in particular by private property and the social division of labor. Alienation should therefore be criticized as part of the critique of capitalism and political economy, and might therefore also possibly be overcome. Today, under the hegemony of neo-liberal capitalism, the basic logic of Marx’s idea of alienation is more relevant than ever, having, as is argued in this book, critical social as well as constructive pedagogical and political potential.

The Evolution of Alienation

The Evolution of Alienation
Author: Lauren Langman
Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield
Total Pages: 336
Release: 2006
Genre: Psychology
ISBN: 9780742518353

Building on the Marxian view of alienation as the inevitable consequence of wage labour that divests human beings of control over their life forces, this book provides insights into contemporary conditions. It explores how alienation is fostered not only by television freak shows and shock music, but also by programmed schooling.

Alienation and Wellbeing

Alienation and Wellbeing
Author: Chris Yuill
Publisher: Policy Press
Total Pages: 171
Release: 2023-12-21
Genre: Social Science
ISBN: 1529219310

Marx argued that capitalist society acts against the core capacities, skills and talents of human beings, and that it also limits their realisation or channels them into activities related to profit rather than need. Bringing Marx’s theory of alienation forward to the present day, this book uniquely links it to health and well-being. Using case studies and vignettes of workers across different industries, it reveals their lived experiences, offering crucial insights into the insidious ways in which capitalism continues to damage human well-being. This is a resounding call for how society can change for the better.

Beyond the Chains of Illusion

Beyond the Chains of Illusion
Author: Erich Fromm
Publisher: A&C Black
Total Pages: 196
Release: 2001-01-01
Genre: Psychology
ISBN: 9780826413369

First published in 1962, this is a book about Marx and Freud - the two intellectual giants of the 20th century. It introduces many of readers to unknown aspects of Marx and Freud, as it also serves as an introduction to the life and mind of Erich Fromm as well.