Arbitraje Y Resolucion Extrajudicial De Conflictos
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Author | : Martin C. Euwema |
Publisher | : Springer |
Total Pages | : 337 |
Release | : 2019-05-28 |
Genre | : Psychology |
ISBN | : 3319925318 |
This open access book opens up the black box of mediation in collective conflicts through the analyses and comparisons of various systems. Mediation and related third party interventions such as conciliation and facilitation are discussed as effective prevention and regulation tools for different types of collective labor conflicts. These interventions fit in a new developed five-phase model of collective conflicts in organizations, going from capacity building in latent conflicts, through conciliation, mediation and arbitration in escalating phases, to rebuilding of trust after hot conflicts. The authors promote understanding and discussion with regards to labor mediation systems, presenting comparative research on the perspectives of mediators and users of mediation. This book describes and analyses laws, regulations and practices of mediation in seventeen countries, with a relative strong emphasis on Europe. Part 1 presents theoretical frameworks on conciliation and mediation in collective labor conflicts. Part 2 presents regulations and practices in 12 European countries: Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, France, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Spain, The Netherlands, and the United Kingdom. Part 3 discusses mediation in these collective conflicts in Australia, China, India, South Africa and the USA. Part 4 offers conclusions and ways forward. This book offers analyses, good practices and developments for third party intervention in collective labor conflicts in global and local changing environments. This book is a must-read for policy makers, , social partners at different levels, as well as scholars and practitioners in industrial relations, human resources management and conflict management, particularly conciliators and mediators.
Author | : Kevin Brown |
Publisher | : Cambridge Scholars Publishing |
Total Pages | : 292 |
Release | : 2018-10-29 |
Genre | : Political Science |
ISBN | : 1527520625 |
Every mediator recalls how difficult it was to break into the field of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) and how gaining initial experience was near impossible. This eye-opening book provides insights into what success looks like in a mediation practice. The Annual World Mediation Summit brings some of the most forward-thinking international conflict experts together in this book sharing their accounts of how mediation is used to resolve interpersonal and international conflicts so that participants walk away from the conflict with win-win solutions. This book will appeal to anyone interested in practical experiences in mediation across the globe, or wanting to discover how the most successful mediators operate. It is also appropriate for anyone interested in learning from successful judges, lawyers and mediators. Furthermore, this book will be useful to anyone who wants to learn about how mediation works worldwide and to learn from mediators’ challenges and capitalize on their successes. The twenty plus chapters here are written by authors from across the globe supporting the use of mediation in place of other more complicated systems. Their experiences are thoughtfully and clearly described in this book.
Author | : Mavis Maclean |
Publisher | : Bloomsbury Publishing |
Total Pages | : 315 |
Release | : 2019-12-12 |
Genre | : Law |
ISBN | : 1509928537 |
The editors' earlier book Delivering Family Justice in the 21st Century (2016) described a period of turbulence in family justice arising from financial austerity. Governments across the world have sought to reduce public spending on private quarrels by promoting mediation (ADR) and by beginning to look at digital justice (ODR) as alternatives to courts and lawyers. But this book describes how mediation has failed to take the place of courts and lawyers, even where public funding for legal help has been removed. Instead ODR has developed rapidly, led by the Dutch Rechtwijzer. The authors question the speed of this development, and stress the need for careful evaluation of how far these services can meet the needs of divorcing families. In this book, experts from Canada, Australia, Turkey, Spain, Germany, France, Poland, Scotland, and England and Wales explore how ADR has fallen behind, and how we have learned from the rise and fall of ODR in the Rechtwijzer about what digital justice can and cannot achieve. Managing procedure and process? Yes. Dispute resolution? Not yet. The authors end by raising broader questions about the role of a family justice system: is it dispute resolution? Or dispute prevention, management, and above all legal protection of the vulnerable?
Author | : International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy. World Congress |
Publisher | : Franz Steiner Verlag |
Total Pages | : 134 |
Release | : 2001 |
Genre | : Law |
ISBN | : 9783515079037 |
Burton M. Leiser: Preface Elspeth Attwooll / Annette Brockmoller: Preface Rafael Encinas de Munagorri: Les Problemes de preuve poses par l'evolution des sciences et des technologies Richard A. L. Gambitta / Gary S. Kitchen: Genetic Engineering and the Law Mariachiara Tallacchini: The Patentability of Human Biological Materials Joan C. Callahan: Liberalism, Reproductive Technologies, and Feminist Skepticism Gerry Maher: Future Trends in Computer-Generated Pornography: Ethical Principle and Legal Regulation of "Bespoke" Pornography Fernando Galindo: La puesta en practica de la regulacion de Internet por la Filosofia del Derecho comunicativa Richard T. De George: Business Ethics and The International Legal Coordination Problem Takao Katsuragi: On Multi-Value Structure or Market Ethics Francois Ost / Mark van Hoecke: From contract to transmission Robert Isaak: Philosophical Bases of "Green Logic"
Author | : Christoph Strecker |
Publisher | : Editorial Reus |
Total Pages | : 336 |
Release | : 2010-01-01 |
Genre | : Law |
ISBN | : 8429016244 |
La observación actual de las relaciones sociales permite advertir, en primer lugar, su creciente conflictividad y, en segundo lugar, la necesidad de enseñar a los ciudadanos a atender a la solución de los mismos, antes que fomentar su constante recurso a los órganos judiciales. En una sociedad moderna, tan expuesta al conflicto, se precisan instrumentos modernos y eficaces que puedan desactivarlo y ésta es la razón del creciente interés en Europa por fomentar la mediación, el arbitraje y la conciliación. No obstante, se precisa una convergencia de los modelos adoptados por los países miembros. Por este motivo, se considera de extraordinario valor el análisis comparado de la normativa y experiencias sobre estas vías extrajudiciales en los países de la Unión Europea. La experiencia ha demostrado el éxito de la aplicación de la mediación y el arbitraje en muchos campos, en los que, sin embargo, siguen existiendo ciertas carencias. En este contexto, multitud de aspectos relacionados con la resolución extrajudicial de conflictos, fueron objeto de debate en el Congreso Internacional de Resolución Alternativa de Disputas Civiles y Mercantiles, que se celebró en Santander del 17 al 19 de septiembre de 2009. La presente publicación tiene como origen las ponencias, comunicaciones y conclusiones presentadas en dicho Congreso. El análisis riguroso y las reflexiones de académicos y profesionales de distintas disciplinas que se pueden encontrar en esta obra, resultan una novedosa y enriquecedora aportación sobre la materia al sistematizar aportaciones muy variadas, tanto españolas como extranjeras, que ofrecen nuevas perspectivas (teóricas, prácticas, jurídicas, socio-económicas, psicosociales, etc.). Estas aportaciones se realizan con el interés común de los autores de establecer un andamiaje teórico y práctico que contribuya a la definitiva consolidación de estas figuras de resolución extrajudicial de conflictos, en constante expansión. ÍNDICE Nota preliminar. Leticia García Villaluenga, Jorge Tomillo Urbina y Eduardo Vázquez de Castro 7 Prólogo. José Vicente Mediavilla Cabo 9 II. ARBITRAJE Sobre la prevención de los conflictos y el sometimiento a arbitraje de la superación de la controversia. Agustín Luna Serrano 17 1. La prevención y la solución de los conflictos 17 2. La apreciación en el pensamiento del legislador de la solución de los conflictos mediante la decisión arbitral 19 3. Las concepciones sobre el arbitraje: de la consideración civilista de la figura a su progresiva procesualización 21 4. La creciente tendencia a la profesionalización del arbitraje 26 Conflictos transfronterizos y arbitraje internacional. Domingo Bello Janeiro 29 1. Concepto de arbitraje 30 2. El convenio arbitral 30 3. Antecedentes de la actual legislación 31 4. El arbitraje de derecho administrativo 32 5. Leyes que prevén sistemas arbitrales 34 6. Principios del procedimiento arbitral 35 7. Caracteres del arbitraje 36 7.1 Arbitraje internacional 36 7.2. Flexibilidad: capacidad y designación de árbitros 37 7.3. Eficacia: fuerza ejecutiva del laudo 39 8. Principios básicos del arbitraje 40 9. Fomento de la cultura del arbitraje 41 10. El arbitraje institucional 42 11. El arbitraje internacional de inversión 45 Cuestiones flexibles en materia de Arbitraje de Consumo. Carlos J. Maluquer de Motes Bernet 49 1. Fundamento 49 2. Instrumento de calidad al servicio de todos (consumidor/empresario) 42 3. La voluntariedad del arbitraje en relación con la parte empresarial: la Oferta Pública de sometimiento al Arbitraje (art. 25) 53 4. Responsabilidad 54 5. Las citaciones 55 6. La idea de árbitro único 55 7. La brevedad de los plazos (son demasiado cortos) 56 8. Arbitraje de derecho o Arbitraje de equidad 57 9. La mediación 57 La aplicación de los principios UNIDROIT y los PDCE como lex contractus en la práctica judicial y arbitral. Sonia Martín Santisteban 59 I. Introducción 59 II. El soft law 61 1. Los principios UNIDROIT sobre contratos comerciales internacionales de 1994-2004 62 2. Los principios de Derecho contractual europeo (PECL/PDCE) 64 3. El borrador del marco común de referencia (DCFR/BMCR) 67 III. La aplicación de los principios UNIDROIT y los PDCE como ley reguladora del contrato 68 1. La aplicación de los principios UNIDROIT y los PDCE por los tribunales nacionales 69 2. La aplicación de los principios UNIDROIT y los PDCE por las cortes de arbitraje 73 IV. Conclusiones 80 El arbitraje de consumo en España: un recorrido histórico. Jorge Tomillo Urbina 81 I. Preliminar: el siglo de las ADRs 81 II. Soporte legal y constitucional del Sistema Arbitral de Consumo 82 III. Improvisaciones y lagunas de la legislación estatal: el derecho autonómico como instrumento corrector 88 IV. El acceso de los consumidores a la justicia en Cantabria y en el resto de España 94 V. El consumidor a la luz del derecho del Estado y del derecho autonómico cántabro 94 VI. La protección jurisdiccional de los derechos de los consumidores y usuarios 99 VII. La insuficiencia e incapacidad endémica de las vías tradicionales 100 VIII. El agotamiento del modelo introducido por el Real Decreto 636/1993, de 3 de mayo 104 IX. El Real Decreto 231/2008, de 15 de febrero, por el que se regula el Sistema Arbitral de Consumo 108 X. A modo de conclusión/decepción 113 La experiencia del arbitraje de consumo en materia de vivienda en la Junta Arbitral de Cantabria. Vicente Gozalo López 117 I. Consideración general del arbitraje 118 II. El fundamento de la responsabilidad en la compraventa de vivienda 119 II.1. Responsabilidad contractual: el cumplimiento defectuoso 119 II.2. La responsabilidad decenal: el concepto de «ruina» 123 II.3. La responsabilidad por vicios ocultos del Código Civil 129 II.4. El sistema de la Ley de Ordenación de la Edificación 130 Uncovering the dangers lurking below the surface of european consumer arbitration. Christine Riefa 135 La Administración como parte en el arbitraje. Fernando José de la Fuente Ruiz 149 III. RESOLUCIÓN EXTRAJUDICIAL DE CONFLICTOS La resolución alternativa de disputas en línea. Ramón Alzate Sáez De Heredia 169 Precisiones terminológicas 169 1. Introducción 171 2. Configuración de la resolución de disputas en línea 176 3. Condiciones de uso de la RDL 178 Introducción a la conflictología. Eduard Vinyamata Camp 183 1. Cómo desarmar sin violencia 189 2. El Barrio de Paz de Guayaquil 190 3. Los conflictos familiares 191 Fallo y arreglo de conflictos – Propuestas para una tipología de conflictos y formas de intervención. Christoph Strecker 195 Los mecanismos alternativos de resolución de litigios (ADR) en el ámbito de los contratos internacionales de construcción. Aurora Hernández Rodríguez 205 I. Introducción 205 II. La resolución no jurisccional de litigios en los contratos internacionales de construcción 208 1. Consideraciones generales 208 2. Mecanismos alternativos de resolución de litigios y contratos internacionales de construcción 210 A) El Partnering 211 B) La mediación 212 C) Los «mini-trials» 213 D) El peritaje técnico internacional 214 E) Los DRB 218 III. Conclusiones 220 La autorregulación y sus ventajas como mecanismo alternativo de resolución de conflictos en el ámbito publicitario. Julio Álvarez Rubio 223 I. Introducción 224 II. Presupuestos y funcionamiento del jurado como órgano de resolución de conflictos 224 1. Especialización e independencia 225 2. Funciones 226 3. Legitimación 227 4. Organización y procedimiento 228 III. El copy advice como mecanismo de prevención de conflictos 231 1. Procedimiento 231 2. Efectos y alcance 233 IV. Ventajas del código de conducta publicitaria respecto de las previsiones legales 237 1. Concepto 237 2. Publicidad contraria a la dignidad de la persona y a los valores y derechos consagrados en la Constitución 243 L’azione di classe nell’ordinamento italiano. Francesco Rizzo 247 Risoluzione alternativa delle controversie e tutela del consumatore. Lorenzo Mezzasoma 271 1. Premessa 271 2. Il Codice del consumo e l’accesso alla giustizia 275 3. Le ADR ed il Codice del consumo 281 4. Novità nel sistema italiano 286 5. Conclusioni 289 Resolución extrajudicial de conflictos sanitarios: manifestaciones jurídico-positivas y posibilidades de futuro. Joaquín Cayón de las Cuevas 293 1. Preliminar 294 2. Resolución extrajudicial de conflictos por defectuosa asistencia sanitaria 298 2.1. Planteamiento 298 2.2. Conciliación y mediación en materia de asistencia sanitaria 299 2.3. Arbitraje en materia de asistencia sanitaria 302 2.3.1. Posibilidades teóricas de articulación 302 2.3.2. El problema del carácter público del prestador de servicios sanitarios 312 3. Resolución extrajudicial de conflictos de aseguramiento en el ámbito sanitario 315 3.1. Conflictos en materia de seguros de enfermedad, de asistencia sanitaria y de responsabilidad civil 315 3.2. Un supuesto específico: el arbitraje en materia de aseguramiento de la asistencia sanitaria derivada de accidentes de tráfico 319 4. Resolución extrajudicial de conflictos en el ámbito de la publicidad sanitaria 320 5. Algunas experiencias concretas en el derecho comparado 324 5.1. El sistema de mediación sanitaria de Francia 324 5.2. El sistema de mediación sanitaria de Hungría 325 5.3. El sistema de «responsabilidad sin falta» de Suecia 326 5.4. El sistema de mediación sanitaria obligatoria de Chile 326 5.5. El sistema integral de resolución extrajudicial de conflictos de México 327 5.6. El sistema privado de mediación, conciliación y arbitraje de Argentina 328
Author | : José María Peiró |
Publisher | : Psychology Press |
Total Pages | : 376 |
Release | : 1995 |
Genre | : Psychology |
ISBN | : 9780863773945 |
This text presents a selection of contributions to the Sixth European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology held in Alicante (Spain) in April 1993, some of which have been previously published in the European Work and Organizational Psychologist. The contributions selected to appear in this volume focus on some of the principal questions scholars and professionals concerned with work and organizational psychology are tackling in Europe. The range of topics, theoretical approaches, methodologies, and orientations discussed illustrate the richness and variety of ideas currently studied in the discipline. The topics addressed in this text have a clear significance for the current European scene of work and organizational psychology. Although they are not the only ones, the areas discussed present important trends and interests within the discipline. The main sections include contributions which deal with psychological characteristics and processes of individuals at work, work experiences and their relationship with psychological well-being, the study of work entry and work socialization, the study of teamwork in organizations, the study of leadership in organizations, new forms of work and organization, and the phenomenon of work in a social context. This book is intended to be of relevance and interest to both academics and practitioners in the field of work and organizational psychology.
Author | : |
Publisher | : Editorial Elearning, S.L. |
Total Pages | : 438 |
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Author | : Klaus J. Hopt |
Publisher | : Oxford University Press |
Total Pages | : 1424 |
Release | : 2018-12-13 |
Genre | : Law |
ISBN | : 0191669350 |
Mediation provides an attractive alternative to resolving disputes through court proceedings. Mediation promises just results in the interest of all parties concerned, a reduction of the court caseload, and cost savings for the parties involved as well as for the treasury. The European Directive on Mediation has given mediation in Europe new momentum by establishing a common framework for cross-border mediation. Beyond Europe, many states have tried in recent years to answer the question whether, and if so, how mediation should be regulated at a national and international level. The aim of this book is to promote the understanding and discussion of regulatory issues by presenting comparative research on mediation. It describes and analyses the law and practice of mediation in twenty-two countries. Europe is represented by chapters on mediation in Austria, Bulgaria, England, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal and Spain. The world beyond Europe is analysed in chapters on mediation in Australia, Canada, China, Japan, New Zealand, Russia, Switzerland and the USA. Against this background, further chapters on fundamental issues identify possible regulatory models and discuss central principles of mediation law and practice. In particular, the work considers harmonisation and diversity in the law of mediation as well as the economic and constitutional problems associated with privatising civil justice. To the extent available, empirical research is used as a point of reference in the critical analysis.
Author | : Zvi H. Bar-Niv |
Publisher | : Martinus Nijhoff Publishers |
Total Pages | : 594 |
Release | : 2000-02-29 |
Genre | : Law |
ISBN | : 9789041113634 |
The "International Labour Law Reports" is a series of annual publications of labour law judgements by the highest courts in a number of jurisdictions. "ILLR" is intended primarily for the use of judges, labour law practitioners, industrial relations specialists and students who need or desire ready access to authoritative information of a comparative nature on problems arising in the field of labour law and industrial relations. Each judgement reprinted in "ILLR" is accompanied by Headnotes and in practically all cases by an Annotation which sets forth, among other things, the legal issues involved, the basic facts of the case (if not included in the judgement itself), the relevant statutory provisions and judicial precedents, the labour law and industrial relations context in which the case arose and the significance of the judgement in the development of the law. As a rule, judgements are printed "in extenso"; editorial discretion has been relied upon to delete or to summarize portions of judgements that are purely technical or only of marginal interest. This series unquestionably fills a void in the field of comparative labour law. Volume 18 covers the period 1 October 1997 to 30 September 1998.
Author | : Rick Strassman |
Publisher | : Simon and Schuster |
Total Pages | : 317 |
Release | : 2008-03-27 |
Genre | : Body, Mind & Spirit |
ISBN | : 1594779996 |
An investigation into experiences of other realms of existence and contact with otherworldly beings • Examines how contact with alien life-forms can be obtained through the “inner space” dimensions of our minds • Presents evidence that other worlds experienced through consciousness-altering technologies are often as real as those perceived with our five senses • Correlates science fiction’s imaginal realms with psychedelic research For thousands of years, voyagers of inner space--spiritual seekers, shamans, and psychoactive drug users--have returned from their inner imaginal travels reporting encounters with alien intelligences. Inner Paths to Outer Space presents an innovative examination of how we can reach these other dimensions of existence and contact otherworldly beings. Based on their more than 60 combined years of research into the function of the brain, the authors reveal how psychoactive substances such as DMT allow the brain to bypass our five basic senses to unlock a multidimensional realm of existence where otherworldly communication occurs. They contend that our centuries-old search for alien life-forms has been misdirected and that the alien worlds reflected in visionary science fiction actually mirror the inner space world of our minds. The authors show that these “alien” worlds encountered through altered states of human awareness, either through the use of psychedelics or other methods, possess a sense of reality as great as, or greater than, those of the ordinary awareness perceived by our five senses.