Analysis and Development of a Three Body Heaving Wave Energy Converter

Analysis and Development of a Three Body Heaving Wave Energy Converter
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Release: 2005

A relative motion based heaving point absorber wave energy converter is being co-developed by researchers at the University of Victoria and SyncWave Systems Inc. To that end---this thesis represents a multi-faceted contribution to the development effort. A small scale two-body prototype wave energy converter was developed and tested in a wave tank. Although experimental problems were encountered, the results compare reasonably well to the output of a two degree of freedom linear dynamics model in the frequency domain. A two-body wave energy converter design is parameterized as a basis for an optimization and sensitivity study undertaken to illustrate the potential benefits of frequency response tuning. Further, a mechanical system concept for frequency response tuning is presented. The two degree of freedom model is expanded to three degrees of freedom to account for the tuning system. An optimization procedure, utilizing a Sequential Quadratic Programming algorithm, is developed to establish control schedules to maximize power capture as a function of the control variables. A spectral approach is developed to estimate WEC power capture in irregular waves. Finally, as a case study, the modeling, optimization, and spectral methods are applied to predict performance for a large scale wave energy converter deployed offshore of a remote Alaskan island. Using archived sea-state data and community electrical load profiles, a wave/diesel hybrid integration with the remote Alaskan community power system is assessed to be technologically feasible.

Analysis and Development of a Three Body Heaving Wave Energy Converter

Analysis and Development of a Three Body Heaving Wave Energy Converter
Author: Scott J. Beatty
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Release: 2009

A relative motion based heaving point absorber wave energy converter is being co-developed by researchers at the University of Victoria and SyncWave Systems Inc. To that end--this thesis represents a multi-faceted contribution to the development effort. A small scale two-body prototype wave energy converter was developed and tested in a wave tank. Although experimental problems were encountered, the results compare reasonably well to the output of a two degree of freedom linear dynamics model in the frequency domain. A two-body wave energy converter design is parameterized as a basis for an optimization and sensitivity study undertaken to illustrate the potential benefits of frequency response tuning. Further, a mechanical system concept for frequency response tuning is presented. The two degree of freedom model is expanded to three degrees of freedom to account for the tuning system. An optimization procedure, utilizing a Sequential Quadratic Programming algorithm, is developed to establish control schedules to maximize power capture as a function of the control variables. A spectral approach is developed to estimate WEC power capture in irregular waves. Finally, as a case study, the modeling, optimization, and spectral methods are applied to predict performance for a large scale wave energy converter deployed offshore of a remote Alaskan island. Using archived sea-state data and community electrical load profiles, a wave/diesel hybrid integration with the remote Alaskan community power system is assessed to be technologically feasible.

Conceptual Design of Wave Energy Converters

Conceptual Design of Wave Energy Converters
Author: Kush Bubbar
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Release: 2018

Despite presenting a vast opportunity as a renewable energy resource, ocean wave energy has yet to gain commercial success due to the design space being divergent. To facilitate convergence, this dissertation has proposed a method using the mechanical circuit framework to transform a linear representation of any wave energy converter into an equivalent single body absorber, or canonical form, through the systematic application of Thévenin's theorem. Once the canonical form for a WEC has been established, criteria originally derived to maximize power capture in single body absorbers is then applied. Through this process, a master-slave relationship was introduced that relates the geometry and PTO parameters of a wave energy converter device to one another and presents a new method to establish the best possible power capture in analytical form based on dynamic response. This method has been applied to reprove the power capture limits derived by Falnes and Korde for their point absorber devices, and proceeds to introduce a new analytical power capture limit for the self-reacting point absorber architecture, while concurrently establishing design criteria required to achieve the limit. A new technology, the inerter, has been introduced as a means to implement the design criteria. The method has been further developed to establish the generic optimal phase control conditions for complex WEC architectures. In doing so, generic equations have been derived that describe how a geometry control feature set is used to satisfy the required optimal phase criteria. Finally, this dissertation has demonstrated that applying this method with a generic reactive force source enacting the geometry control establishes analytical optimal conditions on the force source to achieve optimal power capture. This work revealed how the analytical equations defining the optimal force source reactance derived in this dissertation for self-reacting point absorbers represents a tangible design constraint prior to specifying how that constraint must be satisfied. As the force source is generic and conceptual, substitution with a physical embodiment must adhere to this constraint thus, steering technology innovation.

Design and Analysis of a Novel Wave Energy Converter with a Tension Leg Platform and Oscillating Proof Masses

Design and Analysis of a Novel Wave Energy Converter with a Tension Leg Platform and Oscillating Proof Masses
Author: Franklin J. Zhang
Total Pages: 0
Release: 2022

A design of novel wave energy converter with an oscillating proof mass and an electromagnetic power takeoff mechanism was considered. The wave energy converter has two parts, a tension leg platform connected by tether lines to the sea floor and inside of it, proof mass oscillators with motions which are coupled to those of the tension leg platform. In order to simplify the analysis, the system was constrained to only oscillate in the direction of surge. Complex hydrodynamic forces caused by ocean waves will excite the system and the surge motion of the proof mass relative to the tension leg platform will generate power via the electromagnetic power takeoff mechanism. First a model of the system with a linear restoring force exerted on the proof mass is analyzed using linear theory. Following the development of the linear theory, a more complex model with a nonlinear restoring force was considered. Using both a frequency-domain approach and a time-domain simulation, the average power of these systems were calculated. To further maximize power, a control circuit and control law are introduced which increase the average power by multiple factors. By introducing nonlinear restoring force and a control law, the performance of the system was shown to be further improved.

A New Methodology for Frequency Domain Analysis of Wave Energy Converters with Periodically Varying Physical Parameters

A New Methodology for Frequency Domain Analysis of Wave Energy Converters with Periodically Varying Physical Parameters
Author: Mark Mosher
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Release: 2012

Within a wave energy converter's operational bandwidth, device operation tends tobe optimal in converting mechanical energy into a more useful form at an incidentwave period that is proximal to that of a power-producing mode of motion. Pointabsorbers, a particular classification of wave energy converters, tend to have a relativenarrow optimal bandwidth. When not operating within the narrow optimal bandwidth, a point absorber's response and efficiency is attenuated. Given the wide rangeof sea-states that can be expected during a point absorber's operational life, thesedevices require a means to adjust, or control, their natural response to maximize theamount of energy absorbed in the large population of non-optimal conditions. In thefield of wave energy research, there is considerable interest in the use of non-linearcontrol techniques to this end. Non-linear control techniques introduce time-varying and state dependent controlparameters into the point absorber motion equations, which usually motivates a computationallyexpensive numerical integration to determine the response of the device- important metrics such as gross converted power and relative travels of the device'spieces are extracted through post processing of the time series data. As an alternative, the work presented in this thesis was based on a closed form perturbation basedapproach for analysis of the response of a device with periodically-varying controlparameters, subject to regular wave forcing, in the frequency domain. The proposed perturbation based method provides significant savings in computationaltime and enables the device's response to be represented in a closed formmanner with a relatively small number of solution components - each component iscomprised of a complex amplitude and oscillation frequency. This representation ofthe solution was found to be very concise and descriptive, and to lend itself to the calculationof gross absorbed power and travel constraint violations, making it extremelyuseful in the automated design optimization process; the methodology allows largenumber of design iterations, including both physical design and control variables, tobe evaluated and conclusively compared. In the development of the perturbation method, it was discovered that the device'smotion response can be calculated from an in nite series of second order ordinary differentialequations that can be truncated without destroying the solution accuracy. It was found that the response amplitude operator for the generic form of a solutioncomponent provides a means to gauge the device's response to a given wave input andcontrol parameter variation, including a gauge of the solution process stability. It isunclear as of yet if this is physical, a result of the solution process, or both. However, for a given control parameter set resulting in an unstable solution, the instability wasshown to be, at least in part, a result of the device's dynamics. If the stability concerns can be addressed through additional constraints and updatesto the wave energy converter hydrodynamic parameters, the methodology willexpand on the commonly accepted boundaries for wave energy converter frequency domainanalysis methods and be of much practical importance in the evaluation ofcontrol techniques in the field of wave energy converter technology.

Self-reacting Point Absorber Wave Energy Converters

Self-reacting Point Absorber Wave Energy Converters
Author: Scott J. Beatty
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Release: 2015

A comprehensive set of experimental and numerical comparisons of the performance of two self-reacting point absorber wave energy converter (WEC) designs is undertaken in typical operating conditions. The designs are either currently, or have recently been, under development for commercialization. The experiments consist of a series of 1:25 scale model tests to quantify hydrodynamic parameters, motion dynamics, and power conversion. Each WEC is given a uniquely optimized power take off damping level. For hydrodynamic parameter identification, an optimization based method to simultaneously extract Morison drag and Coulomb friction coefficients from decay tests of under-damped, floating bodies is developed. The physical model features a re-configurable reacting body shape, a feedback controlled power take-off, a heave motion constraint system, and a mooring apparatus. A theoretical upper bound on power conversion for single body WECs, called Budal's upper bound, is extended to two body WECs.


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Release: 2020

Abstract : In this dissertation, we address the optimal control and shape optimization of Wave Energy Converters. The wave energy converters considered in this study are the single-body heaving wave energy converters, and the two-body heaving wave energy converters. Different types of wave energy converters are modeled mathematically, and different optimal controls are developed for them. The concept of shape optimization is introduced in this dissertation; the goal is to leverage nonlinear hydrodynamic forces which are dependent on the buoy shape. In this dissertation, shape optimization is carried out and its impact on energy extraction is investigated. In all the studies conducted in this dissertation the objective is set to maximize the harvested energy, in various wave climates. The development of a multi-resonant feedback controller is first introduced which targets both amplitude and phase through feedback that is constructed from individual frequency components that comes from the spectral of the measurements signal. Each individual frequency uses a Proportional-Derivative control to provide both optimal resistive and reactive elements. Two-body heaving pointer absorbers are also investigated. Power conversion is from the relative have oscillation between the two bodies. The oscillation is controlled on a wave-by-wave basis using near-optimal feed-forward control. Chapter 4 presents the dynamic formulation used to evaluate the near-optimal, wave-by-wave control forces in the time domain. Also examined are the reaction-frame geometries for their impact on overall power capture through favorable hydrodynamic inter-actions. Performance is evaluated in a range of wave conditions sampled over a year at a chosen site of deployment. It is found that control may be able to provide the required amounts of power to sustain instrument operation at the chosen site, but also that energy storage options be worth pursuing. Chapter 5 presents an optimization approach to design axisymmetric wave energy converters (WECs) based on a non-linear hydrodynamic model. The time domain nonlinear Froude-Krylov force can be computed for a complex buoy shape, by adopting analytical formulas of its basic shape components. The time domain Forude-Krylov force is decomposed into its dynamic and static components, and then contribute to the calculation of the excitation force and the hydro-static force. A non-linear control is assumed in the form of the combination of linear and non-linear damping terms. A variable size genetic algorithm (GA) optimization tool is developed to search for the optimal buoy shape along with the optimal control coefficients simultaneously. Chromosome of the GA tool is designed to improve computational efficiency and to leverage variable size genes to search for the optimal non-linear buoy shape. Different criteria of wave energy conversion can be implemented by the variable size GA tool. Simulation results presented in this thesis show that it is possible to find non-linear buoy shapes and non-linear controllers that take advantage of non-linear hydrodynamics to improve energy harvesting efficiency with out adding reactive terms to the system.

Design and Development of Triboelectric Nanogenerators for Water Wave Energy Harvesting

Design and Development of Triboelectric Nanogenerators for Water Wave Energy Harvesting
Author: Zia Saadatnia
Total Pages: 0
Release: 2019

Mechanical energy harvesting from the motion of water waves is a very promising direction toward the replacement of batteries and fossil fuels with a clean and sustainable energy resource. Triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG) has been introduced recently as a novel and potent technology for this purpose, and the use of TENG for water wave energy harvesting has been investigated to some extent. However, there are two main challenges in this path including: A) design of advanced TENG systems for effective wave energy harvesting, and B) development of novel methods and materials for improving the performance of TENG systems. This research addresses the two challenges in three directions including development and analysis of advanced structural designs for TENG-based wave energy harvesters, development of a surface modification technique for the TENG improvement, and development of advanced materials for high performance TENG systems. For the advanced structural design direction, initially a comprehensive analysis is carried out on the performance of a hybridized TENG and electromagnetic (EMG) wave energy harvester based on the duck-shaped structure. Then, a hybridized TENG-EMG wave energy harvester is developed and analyzed based on the heaving point absorber mechanism. Lastly, the heaving hybridized TENG-EMG is fabricated and experimentally evaluated to demonstrate the application of proposed design. For the surface modification direction, a novel and facile method is developed for improving the surface morphology of polymeric layers which are embedded into the TENG. This method is based the hot embossing of polymers on self-assembled micro particles which can effectively boost the output performance of TENG systems. For the advanced materials direction, highly porous polymeric aerogels namely polyimide and polyurethane aerogels are developed and synthesized to be used as the main contact materials in the TENG which can remarkably enhance the TENG electrical output characteristics. In overall, this research provides guidelines toward design and development of high performance TENG-based systems for wave energy harvesting.