Accelerator Physics in RHIC (Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider).

Accelerator Physics in RHIC (Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider).
Total Pages:
Release: 1988

RHIC (for Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider) is a colliding beam facility to be built at BNL in the tunnel system that was constructed for the defunct ISABELLE/CBA project. It is intended for the study of collisions between fully stripped ions of the same or different species with magnetic rigidities of up to at least 839.5 Tm, corresponding with an energy of 100 GeV/amu (amu for atomic mass unit) for particles with A/Z = 2.5, and 251 GeV for protons. There are six potential crossing regions, each with, initially, time average luminosities of up to a few times 1026 cm−2 sec−1 for Au, with luminosity life-times of 10 hours for Au, and longer for the lighter ions. The initial proton-proton luminosity will be about 1031 cm−2 sec−1. The rms length of the interaction diamond is 0.2 m when the beams collide colinearly, it is determined by the lengths of the colliding bunches. The diamond length can be reduced by having the beams cross at an angle, but this reduces the luminosity. The magnitude of the crossing angle is restricted geometrically in dependence of the energies and species of the interacting ions and possibly also by dynamic effects in the circulating beams. The distance between each crossing point and the nearest machine component is 9 m on each side, this space is available for experimental equipment. The performance quoted assumes that each ring contains 57 bunches, each bunch with 109 Au ions, resp 1011 protons and with invariant emittances of 10.pi., resp 20.pi. mm-mrad, and .beta./sub x/* = .beta./sub y/* = 3 m. The beam-beam tune-shift per crossing point at these intensities is 0.0025, resp 0.0037. 5 refs., 4 figs.

The RHIC (Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider) Project

The RHIC (Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider) Project
Total Pages:
Release: 1988

The Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider at Brookhaven will extend the present heavy ion capabilities of the AGS into an energy domain not available at any other laboratory within the foreseeable future. Operation of the AGS for heavy ion experiments started in October 1986 with the delivery of O/sup 8 +/ beams. Subsequently, the mass range was extended with the AGS delivering typically 2 x 108 Si/sup 14 +/ ions/pulse at a kinetic energy of 13.8 GeV/u. Completion of the AGS booster synchrotron in 1991 will extend the mass range to the heaviest ions, typically 179Au, with 238U a definite possibility. The acceleration of heavy ions to very high energies at Brookhaven was already considered for the ISABELLE/CBA project. After its cancellation, the realization of a dedicated heavy ion collider in the vacant tunnel became feasible and the design objectives were defined in 1983 by a Task Force on Relativistic Heavy Ion Physics. The study of such a heavy ion accelerator/collider was initially supported by generic RandD funds and later on as part of the Brookhaven Exploratory Research Program. The results of this multi-year RandD effort were presented in the May 1986 Conceptual Design Report (CDR). This document remains valid in most respects but progress resulting from two years of intensive RandD work, now supported with direct DOE funds, in the areas of accelerator physics and superconducting magnet technology resulted in a few design improvements. The present paper summarizes the major features of the RHIC design with emphasis on those aspects of particular interest to the future user and it concludes with a short discussion of the superconducting magnet RandD program. 10 refs., 15 figs., 3 tabs.


Total Pages: 4
Release: 2002

The Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) is the centerpiece of the nuclear physics program at Brookhaven National Laboratory. The physics program encompasses both heavy ion physics and spin physics with polarized protons. A series of three accelerators provide the ions for injection into the two counter-rotating RHIC accelerator-collider rings. A fourth machine, the proton linac, provides polarized protons to the injector chain. RHIC has been designed to accelerate and collide all ion species from protons to uranium. We are presently limited to a mass of gold by the tandem preinjector limitations. RHIC has accelerated and stored gold ions for data taking from the injection energy of 10 GeV/nucleon to a maximum of 100 GeV/nucleon. Polarized protons have been delivered at 100 GeV for physics data taking. Most of the design parameters of RHIC have been achieved. The number of beam bunches, emittances, energy, bunch length and inter-section region optics parameters have been achieved. Beam intensity is routinely available at 75% of design and the average luminosity is presently at 30% of design value.


Total Pages: 8
Release: 1999

The Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) is a high energy particle accelerator built to study basic nuclear physics. It consists of two counter-rotating beams of fully stripped gold ions that are accelerated in two rings to an energy of 100 GeV/nucleon. The rings consist of a circular lattice of superconducting magnets 3.8 km in circumference. The beams can be stored for a period of five to ten hours and brought into collision for experiments during that time. The first major physics objective when the facility goes into operation is to recreate a state of matter, the quark-gluon plasma, that has been predicted to have existed at a short time after the creation of the universe. There are only a few other high energy particle accelerators like RHIC in the world. The rules promulgated in the Code of Federal Regulations under the Atomic Energy Act do not cover prompt radiation from accelerators, nor are there any State regulations that govern the design and operation of a superconducting collider. Special design criteria for prompt radiation were developed to provide guidance for the design of radiation shielding.

Introduction to Accelerator Dynamics

Introduction to Accelerator Dynamics
Author: Stephen Peggs
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Total Pages: 219
Release: 2017-08-07
Genre: Science
ISBN: 1108293603

How does a particle accelerator work? The most direct and intuitive answer focuses on the dynamics of single particles as they travel through an accelerator. Particle accelerators are becoming ever more sophisticated and diverse, from the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN to multi-MW linear accelerators and small medical synchrotrons. This self-contained book presents a pedagogical account of the important field of accelerator physics, which has grown rapidly since its inception in the latter half of the last century. Key topics covered include the physics of particle acceleration, collision and beam dynamics, and the engineering considerations intrinsic to the effective construction and operation of particle accelerators. By drawing direct connections between accelerator technology and the parallel development of computational capability, this book offers an accessible introduction to this exciting field at a level appropriate for advanced undergraduate and graduate students, accelerator scientists, and engineers.

Heavy Ion Program at BNL

Heavy Ion Program at BNL
Total Pages:
Release: 1987

With the recent commissioning of fixed target, heavy ion physics at the AGS, Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) has embarked on a long range program in support of relativistic heavy ion research. Acceleration of low mass heavy ions (up to sulfur) to an energy of about 14.5 GeV/nucleon is possible with the direct connection of the BNL Tandem Van de Graaff and AGS accelerators. When completed, the new booster accelerator will provide heavy ions over the full mass range for injection and subsequent acceleration in the AGS. BNL is now engaged in an active R and D program directed toward the proposed Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). The results of the first operation of the low mass heavy ion program will be reviewed, and future expectations discussed. The expected performance for the heavy ion operation of the booster will be described and finally, the current status and outlook for the RHIC facility will be presented.


Total Pages: 45
Release: 2002

This review discusses the design and initial operation of the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC), noting the novel features of a heavy ion collider that are distinct from conventional hadron colliders. These features reflect the experimental requirements of operation with a variety of ion species over a wide energy range, including collisions between ions of unequal energies and polarized protons. Other unique aspects of RHIC include intrabeam scattering, interaction-region error compensation, and transition crossing with a slow ramp rate. The RHIC facility has just completed the second physics run after beam commissioning in 2000.

Status of the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider

Status of the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider
Total Pages: 10
Release: 1990

Accelerator Physics issues, such as the dynamical aperture, the beam lifetime and the current--intensity limitation are carefully studied for the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider at Brookhaven National Laboratory. The single layer superconducting magnets, of 8 cm coil inner diameter, satisfying the beam stability requirements have also been successfully tested. The proposal has generated wide spread interest in the particle and nuclear physics. 1 ref., 4 figs., 3 tabs.

The Physics and Experimental Program of the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC).

The Physics and Experimental Program of the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC).
Total Pages:
Release: 2005

The primary motivation for studying nucleus-nucleus collisions at relativistic and ultrarelativistic energies is to investigate matter at high energy densities ([var-epsilon] [much-gt] 1 GeV/fm[sup 3]). Early speculations of possible exotic states of matter focused on the astrophysical implications of abnormal states of dense nuclear matter. Field theoretical calculations predicted abnormal nuclear states and excitation of the vacuum. This generated an initial interest among particle and nuclear physicists to transform the state of the vacuum by using relativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions. Extremely high temperatures, above the Hagedorn limiting temperature, were expected and a phase transition to a system of deconfined quarks and gluons, the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP), was predicted. Such a phase of matter would have implications for both early cosmology and stellar evolution. The understanding of the behavior of high temperature nuclear matter is still in its early stages. However, the dynamics of the initial stages of these collisions, which involve hard parton-parton interactions, can be calculated using perturbative QCD. Various theoretical approaches have resulted in predictions that a high temperature (T [approximately] 500 MeV) gluon gas will be formed in the first instants (within 0.3 fm/c) of the collision. Furthermore, QCD lattice calculations exhibit a phase transition between a QGP and hadronic matter at a temperature near 250 MeV. Such phases of matter may have existed shortly after the Big Bang and may exist in the cores of dense stars. An important question is whether such states of matter can be created and studied in the laboratory. The Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) and a full complement of detector systems are being constructed at Brookhaven National Laboratory to investigate these new and fundamental properties of matter.