Waste Minimization and Pollution Prevention Initiatives Within Argonne National Laboratory-East (ANL-E) Boiler House Operations

Waste Minimization and Pollution Prevention Initiatives Within Argonne National Laboratory-East (ANL-E) Boiler House Operations
Total Pages: 3
Release: 1996

The mission of ANL-E Plant Facility and Services-Utilities and Systems (PFS-US) is to operate and maintain utility services in a cost-effective manner, while utilizing new and innovative methods whenever possible. PFS-US operates an on-site coal burning boiler plant that generates steam for use throughout the Laboratory as a source to heat buildings, as well as for use in research experiments. In the recent past, PFS-US has embarked upon a series of initiatives to improve operating efficiency of boiler house operations. The results of these projects have had the following impacts on boiler house performance and operations: (1) boiler house efficiency and operations have improved, (2) boiler house operating costs have been reduced, (3) specific operating and maintenance costs have been avoided or eliminated, and (4) the amount of waste and pollution generated has been reduced. Through the implementation of these initiatives, over $250,000 of revenue and cost savings have been incurred by ANL-E. In addition, the Laboratory and DOE will benefit annually from revenues, cost savings, and the reduction of environmental liability resulting from these initiatives.

Compliance, Assurance, and Pollution Prevention at Argonne National Laboratory-East (ANL-E) - Process and Operations

Compliance, Assurance, and Pollution Prevention at Argonne National Laboratory-East (ANL-E) - Process and Operations
Total Pages: 13
Release: 2000

Argonne National Laboratory-East (ANL-E) is a multi-program laboratory operated by the University of Chicago for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). ANL-E has incorporated its environmental compliance functions and pollution prevention (P2) activities into its processes. Examples of this include standard project and experimental reviews, targeted process analysis, and regulatory and oversight audits. ANL-E's implementation process has allowed them to meet regulatory drivers as well as internal goals with minimal resources. This paper reviews these processes and implementation of the environmental and pollution prevention requirements which have led to an award winning P2 program.

Development and Pilot Demonstration Program of a Waste Minimization Plan at Argonne National Laboratory

Development and Pilot Demonstration Program of a Waste Minimization Plan at Argonne National Laboratory
Total Pages: 25
Release: 1991

In response to US Department of Energy directives, Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) has developed a waste minimization plan aimed at reducing the amount of wastes at this national research and development laboratory. Activities at ANL are primarily research- oriented and as such affect the amount and type of source reduction that can be achieved at this facility. The objective of ANL's waste minimization program is to cost-effectively reduce all types of wastes, including hazardous, mixed, radioactive, and nonhazardous wastes. The ANL Waste Minimization Plan uses a waste minimization audit as a systematic procedure to determine opportunities to reduce or eliminate waste. To facilitate these audits, a computerized bar-coding procedure is being implemented at ANL to track hazardous wastes from where they are generated to their ultimate disposal. This paper describes the development of the ANL Waste Minimization Plan and a pilot demonstration of the how the ANL Plan audited the hazardous waste generated within a selected divisions of ANL. It includes quantitative data on the generation and disposal of hazardous waste at ANL and describes potential ways to minimize hazardous wastes. 2 refs., 5 figs., 8 tabs.

Waste Minimization and Pollution Prevention Technology Transfer

Waste Minimization and Pollution Prevention Technology Transfer
Total Pages: 38
Release: 1998

The Airlie House Pollution Prevention Technology Transfer Projects were a series of pilot projects developed for the US Department of Energy with the intention of transferring pollution prevention technology to the private sector. The concept was to develop small technology transfer initiatives in partnership with the private sector. Argonne National Laboratory developed three projects: the microscale chemistry in education project, the microscale cost benefit study project, and the Bethel New Life recycling trainee project. The two microscale chemistry projects focused on introducing microscale chemistry technologies to secondary and college education. These programs were inexpensive to develop and received excellent evaluations from participants and regulators. The Bethel New Life recycling trainee project provided training for two participants who helped identify recycling and source reduction opportunities in Argonne National Laboratory's solid waste stream. The pilot projects demonstrated that technology transfer initiatives can be developed and implemented with a small budget and within a short period of time. The essential components of the pilot projects were identifying target technologies that were already available, identifying target audiences, and focusing on achieving a limited but defined objective.