Unraveling Galaxy Evolution Using Numerical Simulations

Unraveling Galaxy Evolution Using Numerical Simulations
Author: Claire Kopenhafer
Total Pages: 0
Release: 2022
Genre: Electronic dissertations

One of the primary concerns in galaxy evolution is how galaxies form their stars: what keeps that star formation going over cosmic time, and what causes it to stop in a processes called "quenching". Galaxies with mass similar to our own Milky Way occupy a sweet spot between abundance and brightness that makes them easy to find in the sky, and such galaxies also populate a transitionary regime in behavior that make them interesting for studying galaxy evolution. Numerical modeling-from semi-analytic models to numerical simulations-are valuable tools for understanding the multiple intersecting physical processes that drive galaxy evolution. These processes act both within and around individual galaxies such that numerical models must necessarily encompass a range of spatial and temporal scales. Multiple approaches are commonly used in order for this modeling to be physically insightful. In this dissertation I will present my efforts to unravel the mechanisms of galaxy evolution affect Milky Way-like galaxies using a variety of numerical models.Addressing the issue of what causes galaxies to stop forming stars, I first investigate an unusual population of galaxies called the "break BRDs" (Tuttle and Tonnesen 2020). Within the dominant framework for galaxy quenching, galaxies first stop forming stars in their centers and later in their outskirts. This is the "inside-out" quenching paradigm. The break BRD galaxies possess observational markers that run counter to this narrative. We used the Illustris TNG cosmological simulation(Pillepich et al. 2018b) to find a set of simulated galaxies that are analogous to the observed breakBRDs in order to better understand their evolution. We found that the breakBRD analogues are galaxies that ultimately become fully quenched, but found no clear cause for the "outside-in" modality. This is not the dominant channel for quenching in the IllustrisTNG simulation, but roughly 10% of quiescent galaxies with 10

Star Formation in Galaxy Evolution: Connecting Numerical Models to Reality

Star Formation in Galaxy Evolution: Connecting Numerical Models to Reality
Author: Nickolay Y. Gnedin
Publisher: Springer
Total Pages: 375
Release: 2015-09-09
Genre: Science
ISBN: 3662478900

This book contains the elaborated and updated versions of the 24 lectures given at the 43rd Saas-Fee Advanced Course. Written by four eminent scientists in the field, the book reviews the physical processes related to star formation, starting from cosmological down to galactic scales. It presents a detailed description of the interstellar medium and its link with the star formation. And it describes the main numerical computational techniques designed to solve the equations governing self-gravitating fluids used for modelling of galactic and extra-galactic systems. This book provides a unique framework which is needed to develop and improve the simulation techniques designed for understanding the formation and evolution of galaxies. Presented in an accessible manner it contains the present day state of knowledge of the field. It serves as an entry point and key reference to students and researchers in astronomy, cosmology, and physics.

Probing Galaxy Evolution Through Numerical Simulations

Probing Galaxy Evolution Through Numerical Simulations
Author: Maan H. Hani
Total Pages:
Release: 2020

Large observational surveys have compiled substantial galaxy samples with an array of different properties across cosmic time. While we have a broad understanding of how galaxies grow and build their observable properties, the details of galaxy growth and evolution pose a fundamental challenge to galaxy evolution theories. Nonetheless, galaxy evolution is ultimately regulated by the properties of the gas reservoir. In this thesis I use numerical simulations to answer key questions related to the galactic gas reservoir, and galaxy mergers: a major transformational process. In Chapter 2 I present an analysis of 28 simulated L* galaxies to understand the physical processes that shape the massive gas reservoir surrounding galaxies (i.e. the circum-galactic medium; CGM). I show that (1) the gas and metal content of the CGM is driven by galaxy growth and the strength/presence of feedback processes, and (2) the ionisation and internal structures of the CGM are shaped by galactic outflows, and active galactic nucleus luminosity. Albeit dependent on internal galactic properties and the physical processes that shape them, the CGM remains greatly diverse, thus posing a challenge for observational surveys. As a follow-up to my study of normal L* galaxy gas halos, in Chapter 3 I present a theoretical study of the effect of galaxy mergers on the CGM. I demonstrate that galaxy mergers can leave a strong imprint on the CGM's gas and metal content, metallicity, and size. The merger can increase (1) the CGM's metallicity by 0.2-0.3 dex within 0.5 Gyr post-merge, and (2) the metal covering fractions by factors of 2-3. In spite of the increase in the CGM's metal content, the hard ionising field during the merger can drive a decline in the covering fractions of commonly observed ions. In Chapter 4 I shift focus to star formation, particularly the effects of galaxy mergers on star formation. While the effects of galaxy mergers have been proven observationally, theoretical predictions are limited to small binary merger suites and cosmological zoom-in studies. I present a statistical study of 27,691 post-merger galaxies from IllustrisTNG to quantify the effect of galaxy mergers on galactic star formation. I report a dependence in the merger-induced star formation rate (SFR) on mass ratio, stellar mass, gas fraction, and galaxy SFR. I also track the evolution of the effects of galaxy mergers demonstrating their decay over ~500 Myr. In Chapter 6, I leverage galactic scaling relations to extend my work on the effects of galaxy mergers to resolved scales. However, before using the simulated resolved scaling relations, I first examine their existence and robustness. In Chapter 5, I demonstrate the emergence of the kpc-scale star forming main sequence (rSFMS) in the FIRE-2 simulations. Nonetheless, the slope of the rSFMS is dependent on the (1) star formation tracer's timescale, and (2) observed resolution, which I propose is caused by the clumpiness of star formation. I develop a toy model that quantitatively captures the effects of clumpy star formation. I then illustrate how the model can be used to characterise the mass of star-forming clumps. Having demonstrated the existence and robustness of known scaling relations in numerical simulations, I explore the effects of galaxy mergers on resolved scales in Chapter 6. I generate synthetic observations for 1,927 post-mergers in IllustrisTNG and examine the radially-dependent merger-driven SFR enhancement, and metallicity suppression in post-mergers. Galaxy mergers preferentially boost star formation in the centres and suppress metallicities globally. The effects of the merger depends on galaxy properties such as stellar mass, SFR, mass ratio, and gas fraction.

Galaxy Formation and Evolution

Galaxy Formation and Evolution
Author: Houjun Mo
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Total Pages: 841
Release: 2010-05-20
Genre: Science
ISBN: 0521857937

A coherent introduction for researchers in astronomy, particle physics, and cosmology on the formation and evolution of galaxies.

Numerical Models of Galaxy Evolution

Numerical Models of Galaxy Evolution
Author: Jackson Eugene DeBuhr
Total Pages: 322
Release: 2012

This thesis explores two topics in contemporary galaxy evolution using numerical models and N-body simulation: feedback in active galactic nuclei and the heating of stellar disks. Two numerical models of feedback from active galactic nuclei are developed and applied to the case of a major merger between two disk galaxies. Accretion into central black holes is modeled via a subgrid prescription based on angular momentum transport on unresolved scales. Feedback from black holes is modeled in two ways, both of which deposit a momentum [tau] L / c into the surroundings, where L is the luminosity of radiation produced by the galactic nucleus. In the first model, the momentum is divided equally among the nearby gas particles to model processes like the absorption of ultraviolet light by dust grains. The second model deposits the same amount of momentum into the surroundings, but it does so by launching a wind with a fixed speed, which only has a direct effect on a small fraction of the gas in the black hole's vicinity. Both models successfully regulate the growth of the black hole, reproducing, for example, the MBH-[sigma] relationship, albeit for large amounts of momentum deposition (large [tau]). This regulation is largely independent of the fueling model employed, and thus is d̀emand limited' black hole growth, rather than a s̀upply limited' mode. However, only the model that implements an active galactic nucleus wind explicitly has an effect on large scales, quenching star formation in the host galaxy, and driving a massive galaxy-scale outflow. In a separate set of calculations, a method for including a stellar disk in cosmological zoom-in simulation is presented and applied to a set of realistic dark matter halos taken from the Aquarius suite of simulations. The halos are adiabatically adjusted from z = 1.3 to z = 1.0 by a rigid disk potential, at which point the rigid potential is replaced with a live stellar disk of particles. The halos respond to the disks, in every orientation simulated, by contracting in their central regions and by becoming oblate instead of prolate. The resulting disks, with few exceptions, form large bars which contain a fair fraction of the mass of the disk. These bars buckle and dominate the dynamics of the disk, increasing not only the scale height of the disk, but also the vertical velocity dispersion. During the simulations, the disks tumble coherently with their host halo, but can leave the outermost edges of the disk behind, creating streams that are far out of the plane of the disk. Some first steps are taken to relate the evolution of the disk to the substructure in the halo, but the situation is complicated by the massive bar.

Comparing Simulations and Observations of Galaxy Evolution

Comparing Simulations and Observations of Galaxy Evolution
Author: Cameron Bryce Hummels
Total Pages:
Release: 2012

First, we create a method for producing synthetic photometric images of grid-based hydrodynamical models for use in a direct comparison against observations in a variety of filter bands. We apply this method to a simulation of a cluster of galaxies to investigate the nature of the red-sequence/blue-cloud dichotomy in the galaxy color-magnitude diagram. Second, we implement several subgrid models governing the complex behavior of gas and stars on small scales in our galaxy models. Several numerical simulations are conducted with similar initial conditions, where we systematically vary the subgrid models, afterward assessing their efficacy through comparisons of their internal kinematics with observed systems. Third, we generate an additional method to compare observations with simulations, focusing on the tenuous circumgalactic medium. Informed by our previous studies, we investigate the sensitivity of this new mode of comparison to hydrodynamical subgrid prescription. Finally, we synthesize the results of these studies and identify future avenues of research.

Stability of Collisionless Stellar Systems

Stability of Collisionless Stellar Systems
Author: P.L. Palmer
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
Total Pages: 358
Release: 2013-06-29
Genre: Science
ISBN: 9401730598

Recent advances in our understanding of instabilities in galactic type systems have led to an unravelling of some of the mysteries of what determines the form galaxies take. This book focuses on the mathematical development of the subject, assuming no prior knowledge of it, with a strong emphasis on the underlying physical interpretation. This framework is used to discuss the most relevant instabilities which are believed to be closely involved in the way galaxies are formed, in a model independent manner. The relevant observed properties of galaxies that may be used to establish the role of these physical mechanisms are discussed. The book also includes a chapter discussing numerical simulation techniques, with attention paid to their limitations and to recent advances in this approach. It is demonstrated that recent developments in computer hardware enable a detailed comparison of simulations with analysis. Thus the simulations extend our physical understanding beyond the limitations of the analysis. The book is intended for use by postgraduate students and researchers in the areas of cosmology, extragalactic astronomy and dynamics.

Galaxy Evolution Across the Hubble Time (IAU S235)

Galaxy Evolution Across the Hubble Time (IAU S235)
Author: International Astronomical Union. Symposium
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Total Pages: 480
Release: 2007-05-17
Genre: Science
ISBN: 9780521863445

This last decade has witnessed a revolution in our observations of galaxies; in particular deep imaging with HST and spectroscopy with 10m-class ground-based telescopes have uncovered many objects that are difficult to place along the Hubble sequence. High resolution spectroscopy of extremely faint objects has enabled the study of the kinematic evolution and, hence, the mass assembly of galaxies to unprecedented look-back times for direct comparison with cosmological structure formation scenarios. Thus, it is now possible to study all three aspects of galaxy evolution - their morphological-dynamical, chemical and spectral evolution out to redshift larger than six, exploring more than 95% of the age of the universe. These Proceedings of the IAU Symposium 235 report the considerable progress made in recent years on galaxy formation and evolution, and look forward to the expected breakthroughs in the domain of remote galaxies, with ALMA, the ELT and the next generation space telescopes.