Three Essays on Mutual Funds

Three Essays on Mutual Funds
Author: Xuemei Guo
Total Pages: 312
Release: 2017

This dissertation investigates the determinants of mutual fund flows and mutual fund performance. The first chapter examines the response of fund investors to style volatility and the impact of style volatility on the flow-performance relationship. Three main empirical findings are obtained using both a portfolio approach and a multivariate regression approach. First, I find that there is a significant positive relationship between the style volatility and the subsequent fund flows to mutual funds. This finding can be interpreted as either fund managers having style timing ability or fund managers catering to investors preferences or tastes. Second, the positive relationship between past style volatility and fund flows is less pronounced for funds with superior past performance. Lastly, fund style volatility has a dampening effect on the flow-performance relationship: the flow-performance sensitivity weakens by 12% when the past style volatility increases by one standard deviation. It is likely that performance is perceived as a less informative signal of investment ability for fund managers who follow inconsistent styles over time. The second chapter studies how the response of fund investors to past risk varies over business cycles. I employ the NBER boom indicator, the Consumer Sentiment Index, and the National Activity Index to proxy for economic conditions. I find that mutual fund investors react differently to risk across economic environments. Funds with more volatile past returns discourage fund investors. The investors’ demand for actively managed funds is higher under good market conditions. Fund flows are less responsive to risk during expansionary economic periods. This finding may indicate that fund investors are risk averse and become less risk averse in good market states. The third chapter empirically examines whether mutual fund performance is affected by prior family performance. I propose two testable hypotheses: the information and resource sharing hypothesis and the cross-fund subsidization hypothesis. The empirical findings suggest that there is a significant positive relationship between prior family performance and subsequent fund performance. This finding is consistent with the hypothesis that mutual funds in the same family share informational resources. This positive relation also justifies the finding in the mutual fund flow literature that fund flows are higher for funds with higher past family performance. Furthermore, I find that the predictive power of the prior family performance is stronger in larger fund families.

Two Essays on Mutual Funds

Two Essays on Mutual Funds
Author: Anna Agapova
Total Pages: 102
Release: 2007
ISBN: 9781109966190

The second essay examines implications of substitutability of two similar financial assets: conventional index mutual funds and exchange traded funds (ETFs). I seek to explain the coexistence of these fund types, since both offer a claim on the same underlying index return process, but have different organizational structures. This study compares conventional open-end index funds with matched ETFs on various underlying indexes. Aggregate flows are used to detect substitution and clientele effects. I show that conventional funds and ETFs are substitutes, while ETFs have smaller tracking errors and lower fund expenses. However, I find that these fund types are not perfect substitutes, and their coexistence can be explained by a clientele effect that segregates them into different market niches.

Essays on Mutual Funds

Essays on Mutual Funds
Author: Xiang Kang
Total Pages: 270
Release: 2020

This dissertation is composed of two empirical studies on mutual funds. Chapter 1 studies the implication of the timing of mutual fund entry for subsequent long-term fund performance. As fund companies choose when to open new funds and what investment styles they practice, these choices may be informative about the fund qualities. I empirically explore the relation between entrant fund performance and past style performance. By examining a sample of 2,801 mutual fund entrant during the period of 1991--2015, I find that entrant funds with investment styles that have recently performed well tend to underperform in the future. The post-entry performance of hot style entrants is worse than both the post-entry performance of cold style entrants and the concurrent performance of incumbents in the same style categories. The empirical findings are unlikely to be driven by stock-level return reversals or competition among mutual funds, but consistent with fund investors practicing style investing and extrapolating their beliefs on style returns, leading to lower entry thresholds for fund managers in hot investment styles. Chapter 2 includes my joint work with David Xiaoyu Xu on how regulations in the Chinese stock market can affect investor behavior in the mutual fund market. We show that trading suspension, a regulatory policy on stock trading activities, gives rise to stale mutual fund NAVs and indirectly affects fund investors' behavior. Using a sample of 3,205 long-term trading suspension events in China during 2004--2018, we find that opportunistic investors combine firm-specific news and fund portfolio reports to make investment decisions. Quarterly fund flows positively respond to suspended portfolio stocks' unrealized impact on fund NAVs. Such responses are stronger for impactful good news, and portfolio disclosure plays a key role in this mechanism. Our findings suggest the need for a better integrated financial regulatory framework in emerging markets

Essays on Closed End Funds

Essays on Closed End Funds
Author: Gary Paul McCormick
Total Pages:
Release: 2006
Genre: Closed-end funds

Closed end funds provide a unique asset class for academic research due to that fact that they typically trade at a price different from the Net Asset Value (NAV). This is known as the discount. The first essay examines that voluntary change from weekly to daily NAV reporting. Surprisingly, this additional information generates greater information asymmetry. This supports the theory that a skilled subset of investors can exploit public information by processing it into private information and/or opinion. The result is that these funds are riskier, have greater transaction costs. The second essay examines the hypothesis that discount is the price investors are willing to pay for future performance. Earlier work found that the hypothesis is true for equity funds but not bond funds. The findings here are that the relation has changed over time. The hypothesis now holds for international funds (bond and equity) but not domestic funds. The third essay studies the timing ability of fixed income closed end fund managers. Fund flows may hamper (open) mutual fund managers' performance. Fixed income portfolio management should be more an issue market and interest timing due to the fact that bonds of the same characteristics (yield, duration, coupon and credit rating) are close substitutes. The findings are of no timing ability, but also, no evidence of the perverse that is common in the literature.

Essays on Mutual Fund Activeness and Sustainability as a Flow Determinant

Essays on Mutual Fund Activeness and Sustainability as a Flow Determinant
Author: Sebastian Fischer
Total Pages:
Release: 2019

This dissertation contributes to two recent debates in the mutual fund literature: The impact of sustainability on mutual fund flows and the connection between fund activeness and mutual fund performance. In March 2016, Morningstar, one of the leading information providers in the mutual fund industry, introduced its mutual fund Sustainability Rating. The Rating provides investors with an easy-to-understand measure to identify funds that invest in accordance with high environmental, social, and governance standards. Chapter 1 investigates the effect of this Rating on mutual fund flows. An average high-rated retail fund receives up to USD 10.1 million higher net flows and an average low-rated retail fund suffers from up to USD 3.5 million lower net flows than an average-rated fund during the first year after the publication of the Rating. This result stresses the importance of sustainability as an investment criterion and the impact of the Sustainability Rating as a source of information to private investors. Chapters 2 through 4 examine whether the trading activity of a fund manager or fund activeness, that is the deviation of a fund portfolio from its benchmark, is linked to future performance. The fund literature has identified various activity measures that can predict fund returns. Chapter 2 shows that two of the most important measures, Active Share and the R2 selectivity measure, have not been good predictors after 2003 when controlling for different benchmark indices and alternative risk factors. Chapter 3 examines the investment performance of funds whose exposures to the risk factors of the Carhart model vary significantly over time. The analysis shows that funds with volatile factor weights achieve on average lower returns than funds with stable factor exposures. After testing for alternative explanations, this result provides evidence that fund managers fail to time risk factors. This finding also contributes to the current debate on whether risk factors can be timed. Chapter 4 addresses the question whether fund managers trade more in times of large market mispricing and, therefore, whether fund turnover is positively correlated to the subsequent fund performance. The results confirm respective findings from earlier research for an international mutual fund sample. They additionally show that this turnover-performance relationship is particularly strong in countries with highly skilled fund managers, who trade more in times of high market opportunities. Furthermore, the effect is stronger in markets with a low performance persistence.