Twin Flames

Twin Flames
Author: Shaleia Divine
Total Pages:
Release: 2018-08-03
ISBN: 9781951062002

Your Twin Flame was designed for you as your Ultimate Lover, perfect partner, friend, and everything you desire. You know them by the feeling you have in your heart. You may have already met, or just know deep down they exist, somewhere. This book will show you how to bring them from "out there," into your life and what to do once you are united.

Twin Flame Awakening

Twin Flame Awakening
Author: Silvia Moon
Total Pages: 456
Release: 2019-03-29
ISBN: 9781095967546

Since my Twin Soul Journey started, I have experienced the highest of the intensity of the best feelings of bliss, euphoria, and happiness to the lowest of feelings beyond grief, sadness, anxiety, numbness, and helplessness.This journal is just my story about how I navigated this alchemical process of soul purification and my growth process. I have also laid down very simple tips on how you can handle some phases of your experience so that it may ease your process of being in a Twin Flame Journey.These have been my tools for recovery too and I am at a stage where I am confident to open up my Twin Soul Journal to help those who are still searching for answers to ease their Journey.You are looking for a place of harmony, balance, peace, and bliss to rest your soul.I am not a professional at healing or a master at any spiritual guidance processes but I am just a simple human sharing my personal experience hoping that I can help someone out there struggling to find that place of peace in themselves as I searched too.I was so lost and confused when my soul triggered itself into this sudden process of change. I craved a change of my old self. This journey has brought me to my authentic self and I am so happy to share with you some of my discoveries.This Twin Flame Experience catches you by surprise and it is until you are already experiencing the process that you realize you are being transformed.Once I mastered the different ways to embrace the new change in my life, everything else about my Twin Flame experience became easy to go through.Healing begins with Acceptance.When I was triggered into a Spiritual awakening after my initial Twin Flame encounter, I had this negative thinking that the Twin Flame experience created unhappy relationships because of the difficulties and stress that are associated with the phase of physical separation. This is because I was very naive about every aspect of the Twin Flame process, and I was very overwhelmed with my feelings for my Twin Flame.I was so overwhelmed by the information that I read from different sources online because of the emphasis on the "Spiritual" nature of the Twin Flame experience, and I had no idea how to embark on a spiritual journey since I wasn't a "Spiritual person" to begin with -- everything about the Twin Flame experiences seemed difficult and painful to go through as a beginner.After going through constant lessons of unconditional love, I discovered that each Twin Flame relationship is special and unique because each connection is tailored to a specific Twin Flame couple. Therefore, it is a waste of energy to keep comparing your Twin Flame situation to another Twin Flame's experiences.The first lesson that I learned when I was new to this Twin Flame experience was to stick to my inner knowing as a guide or compass to understand the information that I was absorbing when I was trying to understand how the Twin Flame experience works.When you are new to the Twin Flame experience, it is overwhelming at first when you get to know about the complicated details entailed in experiencing the Twin Flame journey from those who are already embarking on their journey.This book is here to help you with a simplified perspective of managing the invigorating phase of the Twin Flame encounter.Doubting how you feel for your Twin Flame is a typical sign that you might be experiencing a different kind of relationship with that person -- so that means that it might not be a Twin Flame connection after all.I believe that the whole purpose of the Twin Flame experience amongst other things is finding personal healing. Healing happens both within ourselves and in the joint connection with our divine counterpart who is called the Twin Flame.The process of Soul awakening works away through both Twin Flames once they encounter each other once an instant recognition is initiated.I wish you Blessings and Love.

Twin Flame Romance

Twin Flame Romance
Author: Michelle S. Fondin
Total Pages: 206
Release: 2019-09-08
ISBN: 9781079294156

You weren't looking for romance, but a person appears in your life and turns your world upside down. Your heart beats uncontrollably, you have a deep sense of home, and you feel as if you could stare into their eyes forever. The person may not even be your type. In fact you may find that they are way older or younger than you. Upon knowing them you encounter huge obstacles such as religious, cultural, socio-economic, or martial status differences. Yet you both find something magical in this connection. Chances are you've met your twin flame. Twin flame romance is a crazy ride that can feel like insanity. Most have no idea of the relationship ride they're about to embark upon. Yet it's one that has been written in their heart since before they were born. Learn about what most twin flame couples encounter in this course of this love connection and the main purpose of the twin flame relationship. But most of all discover if you are, in fact, a twin flame and ways to reach twin flame reunion.

Twin Flame: Ways To Reach A Twin Flame Reunion

Twin Flame: Ways To Reach A Twin Flame Reunion
Publisher: Evelyn Cabrera
Total Pages: 199
Release: 2022-07-22
Genre: Family & Relationships

The book shares the issues couples experience and keeps a blissful love. You weren't searching for sentiment, yet an individual shows up in your life and flips around your reality. Your heart beats wildly, you have a profound feeling of home, and you feel as though you could gaze at them for eternity. The individual may not be your sort. You might observe that they are way more established or more youthful than you. After knowing them you experience immense impediments like strict, social, financial, or conjugal status contrasts. However, you both track down something otherworldly in this association. Odds are good that you've met your twin fire. Twin fire sentiment is an insane ride that can feel like madness. Most have no clue about the relationship ride they're going to set out upon. However, one has been written in their heart since before they were conceived. Find out about what most twin fire couples experience in this course of this adoration association and the fundamental reason for the twin fire relationship. Yet, in particular find on the off chance that you are, as a matter of fact, a twin fire and ways of arriving at a twin fire get-together

The Mystic of Twin Flame Relationship

The Mystic of Twin Flame Relationship
Author: Manjit Sargam Chawla
Publisher: Educreation Publishing
Total Pages: 86
Genre: Fiction

We encounter many soul mates whether Karmic, Companion mates in our reincarnated life from the time even before we take birth. These are our soul mates. They will help us to reunite with our twin flame-the mirror reflection of our soul-and intensify an unconditional divine love more powerful and profound than we can't imagine. Soul Mates & Twin Flames reveal the ultimate secret to discover our soul mate and our twin flame. But the mirror soul of our soul if met in this life span put the highest impact on our lives and mold us for good, make our soul spiritual awakened and we learn the true meaning of unconditional divine love. Twin Flames and numerous advanced souls are presently re-uniting across the planet to complete their soul's purpose of ONENESS at this reincarnation on Earthy plane. Humanity has long been trapped by the forces of illusion and hatred that have brought about much suffering and pain. The increasing numbers of souls awaken to their true purpose; to reconnect to their spiritual Formless almighty universe and to serve their fellow beings. Twin Flame soul relationship bear soul tearing and very painful term cycle consists of union, separation, crisis, runner chaser Phase, reunion and many more. If they are successful to raise their vibrational frequency then, they will transit to a higher dimension and will be spiritually Awakened.

Twin Flame Union 11

Twin Flame Union 11
Author: Silvia Moon
Publisher: Independently Published
Total Pages: 0
Release: 2020-11-25

You do not magically feel ready a union as the runner. From experience, the Twin Flame process works through you to the core of your being. You can run all you want from your Twin Flame partner but you cannot escape the love lessons and the inner transformation. When the process of self-refinery and rediscovery works through you, you start to relive your journey backwards. You go through a process of realizations and you remember the essence of your Twin Flame journey! It is happening to me right now. I do not know the right words to fully explain how I feel but I miss him terribly even though I don't crave his presence anymore. Sometimes I feel stuck with the Twin Flame connection because no matter where I go, I think of him whether I intend to or not. I feel a part of him within me and nothing can change that feeling. Feeling his essence with me all the time is a natural condition for me. I accepted it unconditionally. Even though I deny the truth, I know that I will be running into him soon. My intuition tells me to emotionally prepare myself because the inevitable reunion is coming soon. It is also because I recently moved to his hometown. I have so many mutual friends with him. I also know that he cannot move on with someone new if we do not confront our situation. We both need closure.

Twin Flames

Twin Flames
Author: Antera
Publisher: Balboa Press
Total Pages: 213
Release: 2015-12-15
Genre: Body, Mind & Spirit
ISBN: 150434443X

This is a remarkable, compelling story of True Love, the most divine union possible on Earth. When Antera and Omaran meet and discover they are not only soulmates but twin flames, separated thousands of years ago, they embark on a journey of profound spiritual awakenings and experiences. With constant help from Ascended Masters and angels, they overcome huge obstacles to reunite and stay together, as they begin their highest spiritual service.

The Twin Flame Journey

The Twin Flame Journey
Author: Silvia MOON
Publisher: Independently Published
Total Pages: 0
Release: 2020-04-02

The Twin Flame journey is indeed a battle within the self. You feel the process refining itself within you. When you chase a Twin Flame, you feel the emptiness within you. You know that you have issues to confront within yourself. I struggled with accepting my pain; I had abandonment issues, insecurity, fear, core wounding, and accumulated past pain to confront. I had to find inner peace. I had to unite myself from within. I had to accept the nature of my Twin Flame situation. I surrendered to the divine to guide me through the course of my journey. I embraced unconditional love within my life. I accepted that my life will never be the same after our initial encounter. Before you pursue a physical Union with your Twin Flame, you have to first confront yourself. The Twin Flame process opens you up -- It sheds light in every part of your Soul. It exposes parts of yourself that you had hidden away both from yourself and the world. You have to confront parts of yourself that you thought were unlovable. You have to travel back within yourself and hug your inner child. You stare into the darkest parts of yourself. You purge emotional pain lodged within you. You embrace yourself. You heal your core wounding. You feel a reckoning. I found it challenging to confront my pain at first. I was scared of confronting my fears. I felt very uncomfortable going back into myself. I was overwhelmed by the vulnerability that I felt. I felt disarmed. This is also partly the reason why I ran from my Twin Flame. I wished that I was never triggered into the Spiritual Awakening. I was experiencing all kinds of emotional chaos. I partly blamed my Twin Flame for triggering the pain that I felt. I was naive about Twin Flames. It does not matter whether you accept or deny the nature of your Twin Flame process. You will experience an Awakening in every aspect of your life. You will transform Spiritually, Energetically, Psychologically, and Emotionally. You will evolve into your authentic self. A Twin Flame Union first takes place within you. You are the center of your Twin Flame experiences. Everything revolves around you. You are the answer to all the questions that you have. You possess the inner power to feel in control of yourself. You are capable of self-love and so much more. You are love. You are light. When I finally healed my core wounding. I felt free of fear. I felt united within. My new energetic vibration instantly boosted the connection to my Twin Flame. It also improved our energetic vibration. I felt an upset in our energetic vibration as well. My Twin Flame was struggling to balance his energy within himself. It affected my emotional wellbeing. I was thrown into a quick phase of energetic cleansing on behalf of my Twin Flame. I also cleansed any residue of pain within me from my previous healing process. Sometimes I felt his pain. I would feel heartaches. Sometimes I could burst into tears to relieve the pain. I learned that when his pain came through me, I had to let it pass. The Twin Flame energy is an ebb and flow: You balance each other. You both operate as a single energetic unit. My Twin Flame healed his energy finally. It took over six months of emotional turbulence. When my Twin Flame balanced his energy within himself, I felt the energetic harmony. Our hearts started radiating love towards each other. We merged in energy. I felt the Oneness. You are already in Union with your Twin Flame in the Soul. Twin Flame separation is an illusion indeed. Both Twin Flames have first balance their energy within themselves to feel the Inner Union of the shared energy. Stay Blessed!

Meeting My Twin Flame

Meeting My Twin Flame
Author: Dagmar Oktabcova
Publisher: Spiritual Healer
Total Pages: 260
Release: 2014-03-06
ISBN: 9780615977775

Ever wonder how you would recognize someone dear to you from another life? This is my personal account of meeting my twin flame, literally the other half of my soul. Initially our meeting struck penetrating fear into my heart. Simultaneously my powerful draw to him had me wondering if I had a death wish. Ultimately the intensity of our encounter catapulted me into spiritual awakening and a journey of self discovery. This is a true story of soul connection, past life remembrance, spiritual awakening and multidimensional healing. I hope it will inspire you to find the deeper meaning in your relationships and encourage you to view your life in a different light. For to view your life as an epic story, a piece of art, is to recognize the play of the universe in it and uncover its significance.

Twin Flame Obstacles

Twin Flame Obstacles
Author: Silvia Moon
Publisher: Independently Published
Total Pages: 0
Release: 2020-05-06

An obstacle is a thing, an object, action, or situation that can obstruct to make it impossible for Twin Flames to be together in a harmonious physical relationship. A Twin Flame Reunion is the coming together of Twin Flames after a distinct period of separation. You come back together as a unified whole. A Twin Flame sometimes comes back to you to trigger you into another healing phase. Sometimes a reunion is temporary if you both need more healing in yourselves. The perfect scenario is when you both feel healed, and balanced within. When you come together, you feel ready to physically unite with each other. A Union is when you both pursue a harmonious relationship. You work together to move any obstacles standing in your way as a team. You work as a single energetic unit that you already are. You both set goals that align with your marriage or matrimony. You seek to unite forever in love and happiness. The Twin Flame journey continues after you physically merge in harmony. You take another phase by going through shared experiences as a whole. You align in the physical, and Spirit. You operate as a Soul. You are one. Obstacles are also impediments or hindrances that get in the way of a Twin Flame relationship making it impossible for Twin Flames to freely express the love they feel for each other. Obstacles make the Twin Flame journey very intriguing and exciting because they exist for a reason; particularly to help you learn different love lessons and also to challenge you to grow and embrace change as you progress on your journey. If you do not have any obstacles between you and your Twin Flame, that means that you are happily enjoying being in a Union. But, remember that if achieving goals and overcoming obstacles were easy, every Twin Flame pair would be in a harmonious union quickly and without difficulty. Even if your vision for your Twin Flame journey is very clear and you can articulate a detailed destiny with your Twin Flame, there are always obstacles along the path as you progress further on your journey. Twin Flame obstacles are not blocks to your Union but rather a test to your commitment to your connection and faith in love. Stay Blessed!