Twin Flame Chaser Surrender

Twin Flame Chaser Surrender
Author: Silvia Moon
Publisher: Independently Published
Total Pages: 0
Release: 2019-07-07
ISBN: 9781079206579

After I went through the Dark Night of The Soul, I texted my Twin Flame one night and said: "I ACCEPT you, I feel you and I am here with you". I didn't understand why I said those words to him but I felt like I needed to. Once I echoed my deepest feelings, it released me and the resistance that I was putting up to feeling the connection faded.I transitioned into new feelings of Acceptance of my Twin Flame connection which pushed me into SURRENDER.I am at a phase where my Twin Flame and I are in the harmony phase of our shared energy. I feel harmonically aligned with him and there is no stress to our connection. It is indeed a beautiful feeling - none of us Chasing or Running from the connection.When both Twin Flames are healing, they both feel it no matter how far they are separated from each other. This is how you know the authenticity of the connection.For our Twin Flame relationship, I was first the runner, then I turned into the chaser and I tried to run a little more before I opened my heart to accept embracing the idea of a harmonious physical union with my Twin Flame.It's been such an emotional rollercoaster for sure.The shared energy of Oneness takes over within you. This is when you feel like one you are one energetic system you and your Twin Flame.When you are in chaser mode, your energy feels chaotic and imbalanced. The runner Twin Flame also feels the energetic imbalance because you are each other's support system.Once the Twin Flame Chaser Surrenders, the runner feels the change in energy because there is no running if no one is chasing. The runner feels the space in the connection because the chaser withdraws their energy to focus on their soul lessons.This throws the runner Twin Flame into another emotional crisis because they miss being chased as before. Also, the runner starts to wonder if their Twin Flame chaser is moving on from the connection.From my experience, it took me a while to get into the energetic alignment/balance because I could also feel my Twin Flame's emotional pain once I surrendered which made it challenging for me to completely surrender.I kept switching from the chaser energy to surrender and vice verse until I finally eased into letting go of controlling the relationship dynamic. After I surrendered and healed myself, it took me a while to ease into the feelings of healing and inner harmony. I still switched from healing to feeling like I wanted to run from the connection because I could feel that union was imminent.Finally, I eased into the shared Twin Flame energy of Oneness.As I struggled to ease into surrender or healing energies, I could feel my Twin Flame's energy also struggling on the other end.What brought the feelings of oneness is the fact that I could feel our shared energy healing and merging as we both went through the different phases of healing.After you meet your Twin Flame, you start to embrace who you are because life finally makes sense. This is why no matter what, you always wait for your Twin Flame, you never stop thinking of them and you always remember them because your connection originates from the soul.A Twin Flame connection doesn't fade but rather, it purifies itself as you progress into the energy merging with your Twin Flame to fully embody your Shared Energy of Oneness.I believe that union happens when you have reached that level of manifestation of the Soul Oneness.

Twin Flame Chaser Healing

Twin Flame Chaser Healing
Author: Silvia Moon
Publisher: Independently Published
Total Pages: 80
Release: 2020-06-08

Life has to go on whether you miss being with your Twin Flame or not. Whether you wish to reunite with your Twin Flame or not, finding inner harmony and peace is the most freeing experience because you finally let go and let your journey flow as it was meant to be without stressing about your Twin Flame's wellbeing. When you overcome the most stressful stages of the Twin Flame journey like the intense night of the soul, you learn that the essence of the Twin Flame process is learning to find inner peace. More so, once you find your calling in life or your life's mission, you focus on using the unconditional love that you feel for your Twin Flame to spread more love to the human collective. Surrender means that you trust the universe to be in control of your journey, and having the inner power to let go of trying to control your Twin Flame experience empowers you to have the freedom to focus on accumulating more happiness in your life. Of course, you will miss being with your Twin Flame every day but learning to free yourself from within makes your experiences easier to go through and life becomes more interesting even though you feel the chaos of the Twin Flame connection within you. How do you find inner freedom and peace as a Twin Flame Chaser? There is more in this simple book!

Twin Flame Chaser Pain

Twin Flame Chaser Pain
Author: Silvia Moon
Publisher: Independently Published
Total Pages: 140
Release: 2019-07-02
ISBN: 9781077731684

The unified energy between Twin Flames is the one I call the energy of Oneness. This phenomenon explains why Twin Flames are referred to as Two in One because this energetic vibration of oneness originates from the Soul. This is also why Twin Flames can easily anticipate each other's thoughts and feelings.So when you are healed as a Twin Flame partner whether as a pair or solo, you feel the energetic balance and harmony within yourself. If you or your Twin Flame partner is not yet healed, you also feel the chaos in the connection usually by feeling uncomfortable with unexplainable anger, depression, helplessness, intense longing coupled with emotional pain.Having discomfort within yourself about your Twin Flame connection is a sign of the existence of pain within yourself. Total healing within Twin Flames is reached when you are no longer feeling fear and emotional pain within yourself as a Twin Flame partner.This is also the reason why Twin Flames can heal each other energetically. If one of them is struggling to accept soul healing lessons, the progress and growth of the other Twin Flame partner can accelerate or motivate the growth of the other.I wrote down the experiences of my Twin Flame journey and I laid down easy and simple tips and methods to help you ease your Twin Flame journey. I hope that you find inspiration to keep doing a great job.

A Twin Flame Runner's Return to The Chaser

A Twin Flame Runner's Return to The Chaser
Publisher: Moon Publishing Media
Total Pages: 103
Release: 2024-03-13
Genre: Family & Relationships

"A Twin Flame Runner's Return to The Chaser: Unconditional Love Always Wins" is a heartfelt and compelling book by Silvia Moon that delves deep into the intricacies of the Twin Flame journey. In this book, Silvia Moon provides an honest and introspective perspective as a runner in a Twin Flame relationship, offering invaluable insights and guidance for both runners and chasers. The book emphasizes the transformative nature of the Twin Flame journey and explores themes of unconditional love, forgiveness, healing, and letting go of judgment. Silvia Moon aims to help readers confront their fears, embrace vulnerable feelings, and ultimately find their way back to their divine partner. With a sincere and empathetic approach, the book seeks to instill hope and understanding in those navigating the complexities of the Twin Flame connection.

Twin Flame Runner Awakening

Twin Flame Runner Awakening
Author: Silvia Moon
Total Pages: 124
Release: 2019-08
ISBN: 9781086813692

In this simple and easy to read a book, I am discussing with you my experiences of awakening to the love that I feel for my Twin Flame as a runner from the connection.Please allow me to use the Labels of "Runner" and "Chaser" because these are the generic terms that are mostly used to describe the energy dynamics that transpire during the process of energetic push and pull to and fro by the Twin Flames between themselves.Therefore, in this book the term "runner" label simply represents the Twin Flame who is denying the connection and they use all different kinds of methods to hide from their Twin Flame partner while the "chaser" label is representing the Twin Flame who is holding on to the connection and also left wondering why their Twin Flame partner is running from the connection.This simple book will answer some of the following mostly asked questions by Twin Flames: Do Twin Flame runners realize that the love they feel for their divine partner is genuine?What happens when a Twin Flame runner awakens to the connection?Does the Twin Flame runner still love their divine counterpart during the time of separation and silence?What happens when the runner Twin Flame tries to find other Karmic relationships or chooses to get married to someone else other than their Twin Flame partner?Does the Twin Flame runner still think of the chaser during the long quiet physical separation period?What experiences take place when the Twin Flame runner tries to reconcile with the Twin Flame partner?What is the Twin Flame chaser's response to the return of the runner counterpart?Does the Twin Flame runner ever return to their divine counterpart?This book will be answering all the above questions and many more that you have about the experiences of a runner Twin Flame.Stay Blessed

Edgar Cayce on Soul Mates

Edgar Cayce on Soul Mates
Author: Kevin J. Todeschi
Publisher: ARE Press
Total Pages: 216
Release: 1999
Genre: Family & Relationships
ISBN: 0876044151

Is there really such a thing as soul mates? According to Edgar Cayce, yes. But his definition of "soul mates," "twin souls," and "perfect partners" may differ from what you're expecting. For decades, Cayce provided thousands of individuals with insights into the nature of their personal relationships, the dynamics of soul attraction, and the universal laws at work that draw individuals together. What is unique about Todeschi's book is that it explores the development of relationships over time, played out within the framework of reincarnation. In addition to discussing soul mate relationships, their connection to the cyclic pattern of reincarnation, and the nature of loneliness, this book looks at the fundamentals of soul attraction and provides contemporary examples of the same principles discussed by Cayce.

Twin Flame Chaser Grief

Twin Flame Chaser Grief
Author: Silvia Moon
Total Pages: 92
Release: 2021-01-18

When you submit to healing and Surrender, you realize that you can be happy and joyful without needing the affirmation from your Twin Flame that you are loved. Self-love is indeed a magical weapon to use when fighting the battle within the self - The Twin Flame journey. You will always miss your Twin Flame. You will think of him or her all the time. You will sometimes wish that you never met a Twin Flame because it physically hurts missing them. You feel like you are missing a limb. You cannot disconnect or sever the bond because your love originates from the soul.There is a way around feeling the stress of physical separation. Your Twin Flame will not come back if the timing is not right. There is nothing that you can do to make your Twin Flame physically present themselves. Chasing is always fruitless.For you to become the authentic natural version of yourself, you must feel stable, secure, and complete psychologically, emotionally, spiritually, and physically. You both must be the authentic versions of yourselves to be in union with each other because, in essence, you are your Twin Flame. You must complete and complement each other in every aspect of your lives. If you feel separated from your Twin Flame in any way, it is because you still have blockages within yourself that are hindering you from feeling the energetic harmony and oneness. The work that you need to do is to move the blockages within yourself. The work that you need to do depends on the kind of blockages that you inhibit within yourself. To simply put it, the work that you need to do seeks you.More inspiring tips in this book.Stay Blessed!

Answers To Twin Flame Chaser Questions

Answers To Twin Flame Chaser Questions
Author: Silvia Moon
Publisher: Independently Published
Total Pages: 0
Release: 2021-07-26

This next set of questions is carefully curated from my online Twin Flame Community with over 14.5 Million content views to assist any Twin Flame newbies looking for answers. This book is also handy for any Twin Flame who is struggling with the Running and Chasing phase of your journey. After going through some of the questions that other Twin Flames ask, you will not feel alone anymore. You will realize that other Twin Flames are fighting their own battles as much as you are fighting yours. My dream is for all of us Twin Flames to work together to assist each other to grow, transform, and evolve into our best possible selves -- Our true Authentic selves. May this simple book inspire you to have a fresh perspective on how to advance further on your Twin Flame journey. I wish you blessings and love. Here are some of the questions to be answered: What stage comes after surrendering? Why did my twin flame block me from everything? What are the special signs that your twin flame is missing you? Can you not have dreams while on separation from your twin flame? What are good tips on how they get through the longing for DM in 3D? Why did my body go through a drastic physical change after meeting my twin flame? Is it possible to get over a twin flame? Why could I be doing so well and suddenly feel a strong pull towards my twin flame then it stops? What is happening? It has been 4 months since my twin flame last contacted me. I have been trying to not focus too much on him, but it is so unbearable. I find my heart aching sometimes, I want to numb the pain so much. What should I do? Has anyone started following their soul but then start following their head in the twin flame journey? If so, what happened next? How do I take my energy back from a Twin Flame? What does it mean when I no longer feel the need to contact my TF and don't feel the push and pull only at peace with him when I see him but still dream of him? How do you know if your twin flame runner is awakening? Why did a little fight between me and my twin flame cause separation, and could this fight lead to years of separation? It's been almost a year since my twin flame and I spoke. Within the past few weeks, we're talking a little here and there, but it feels robotic and flat. No chemistry or emotion is so strong when we do not face to face. Is this normal? Can twin flames feel each other's pain? Has the chaser ever almost united with their twin flame but something makes them run, or are they always unconditional and doormats for others? Stay Blessed!

Twin Flame Chaser Bliss

Twin Flame Chaser Bliss
Author: Silvia Moon
Publisher: Moon Publishing Media
Total Pages: 76
Release: 2024-03-11
Genre: Body, Mind & Spirit

Are you tired of feeling lost and consumed by the pursuit of your twin flame? Do you long to end the relentless chase and find peace within yourself? If this resonates with you, then "Chasing the Twin Flame" could be the guide you've been yearning for. This book delves into five crucial blocks designed to help you overcome the challenges associated with pursuing your twin flame. It offers insights on how to relinquish the chase and place trust in the universe, strike a balance between social media and your personal journey, and provide practical tips for navigating the complexities inherent in a twin flame connection. Additionally, you will gain valuable insights into maintaining a sense of hopefulness, discerning between a twin flame and karmic relationships, and understanding the importance of self-work for fostering personal growth. By the time you reach the end of this book, you will not only have gained a deeper understanding of your journey but will also have made significant strides toward attaining inner peace and cultivating genuine self-love. Join the many twin flames who have discovered comfort and direction within the pages of "Chasing the Twin Flame." Embrace your journey and step towards a future brimming with blessings and love. Stay blessed as you embark on this transformative path!


Author: Silvia Moon
Publisher: Moon Publishing Media
Total Pages: 50
Release: 2024-03-14
Genre: Body, Mind & Spirit

"Welcome to the 'Twin Flame Chaser Rule Book: 15 Ways To Enjoy Separation.' In this book, I provide practical guidance for navigating the challenging separation phase with grace and resilience. As the chaser twin flame, it's common to feel disoriented and lost, but this book offers insights to help you find your center and grow from the experience. Within these pages, you'll discover advice on adapting to life changes, growing into your best self, and managing the emotional impact of separation. I also share affirmations to boost your energy, tips for finding inner happiness, and methods for developing self-love and reconnecting with your true essence. My hope is that this book will equip you with the tools and inspiration to embrace your journey, grow, and eventually reunite with your twin flame. May you find peace, personal growth, and authenticity on your path. Best wishes!"