Incident Energy Dependence of P[sub]t[/sub] Correlations at RHIC.

Incident Energy Dependence of P[sub]t[/sub] Correlations at RHIC.
Total Pages:
Release: 2005

We present results for two-particle transverse momentum correlations, ?pt,i?t,j, as a function of event centrality for Au+Au collisions at √(sNN) = 20, 62, 130, and 200 GeV at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider. We observe correlations decreasing with centrality that are similar at all four incident energies. The correlations multiplied by the multiplicity density increase with incident energy and the centrality dependence may show evidence of processes such as thermalization, jet production, or the saturation of transverse flow. The square root of the correlations divided by the event-wise average transverse momentum per event shows little or no beam energy dependence and generally agrees with previous measurements at the Super Proton Synchrotron.

Study of High Transverse Momentum Charged Particle Suppression in Heavy Ion Collisions at LHC

Study of High Transverse Momentum Charged Particle Suppression in Heavy Ion Collisions at LHC
Author: Andre Sungho Yoon
Total Pages: 284
Release: 2012

The charged particle spectrum at large transverse momentum (PT), dominated by hadrons originating from parton fragmentation, is an important observable for studying the properties of the hot, dense medium produced in high-energy heavy-ion collisions. The study of the modifications of the PT spectrum in PbPb compared to pp collisions at the same collision energy can shed light on the detailed mechanism by which hard partons lose energy traversing the medium. In this thesis, the transverse momentum spectra of charged particles in pp and PbPb collisions at [square root of]Snn = 2.76 TeV measured up to PT = 100 GeV/c with the CMS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) are presented. In the transverse momentum range PT = 5-10 GeV/c, the charged particle yield in the most central PbPb collisions is suppressed by up to a factor of 7 compared to the pp yield scaled by the number of incoherent nucleon-nucleon collisions. At higher PT, this suppression is significantly reduced, approaching roughly a factor of 2 for particles with PT in the range PT = 40-100 GeV/c. A simple modeling of the parton energy loss applied to the PYTHIA Monte-Carlo (MC) reveals that the charged particle spectrum with the pQCD-motivated fractional parton energy loss can describes the shape of the measured suppression well in the range PT = 5-100 GeV/c.

Non-photonic Electron at High Transverse Momentum in Au+Au Collisions and Bottom Quark Production in P+p Collisions at Sqrt(sNN)

Non-photonic Electron at High Transverse Momentum in Au+Au Collisions and Bottom Quark Production in P+p Collisions at Sqrt(sNN)
Author: Wenqin Xu
Total Pages: 172
Release: 2012

A new form of matter with de-confined quarks and gluons, named the "Quark Gluon Plasma" (QGP), is predicted by Lattice Qutantum Chromodynamics to exist at high temperatures and/or high baryon density regions in the QCD phase diagram. Experimental evidence indicates that the QCD matter created in high energy Au+Au collisions at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) in Brookhaven National Lab is a strongly-coupled Quark-Gluon Plasma. One of the central goals of heavy ion physics is to understand the QGP through quantitative comparisons between theoretical calculations and experimental measurements. Heavy flavor quarks are believed to be a unique probe for this task, because they are dominantly produced in the initial hard scatterings, where the production rate can be well calculated by perturbative-QCD(pQCD). When heavy favor quarks traverse the QGP medium, they bear the imprints of the medium via their interactions with the medium. Dynamical models have been developed to calculate the interactions between heavy quarks and the QGP medium to quantitatively extract the medium properties. This dissertation presents a series of experimental studies with the electrons produced in the semi-leptonic decays of heavy flavor quarks in Au+Au and p+p collisions, which serve as the proxies for heavy flavor quarks. These electrons are referred to as non-photonic electrons (NPE), to be differentiated from the main background of photonic electrons. The production of NPE at high pT is found to be highly suppressed in central and semi-central Au+Au collisions, compared to binary-collision scaled production in p+p collisions. The azimuthal anisotropy of NPE is found to be finite at high pT, and the azimuthal correlation between high pT NPE and low pT hadrons exhibits a broadening in the away-side, both of which strengthen the evidence for a strong coupling between heavy flavor quarks and the QGP medium. In addition, the bottom quark production cross-section in p+p collisions is obtained based on the measured spectrum of NPE and the ratio of bottom/charm decay electrons.