Active Learning for Digital Transformation in Healthcare Education, Training and Research

Active Learning for Digital Transformation in Healthcare Education, Training and Research
Author: Miltiadis Lytras
Publisher: Elsevier
Total Pages: 246
Release: 2023-09-06
Genre: Science
ISBN: 0443152497

Active Learning for Digital Transformation in Healthcare Education, Training and Research discusses the potential of advanced training of health professionals as a contributing factor to improve treatment outcomes. By reading this book, professionals who deal with patients with low health literacy will be prepared to promote better access to digital tools, understand the habits of users of health services, and empower engagement. The book contains a set of techniques and instruments associated with health literacy, communication skills and personal development that will enable their application in good daily practices and assist healthcare professionals to promote digital transformation to patients. This is a valuable resource for researchers, graduate students and healthcare professionals who are interested in learning more about how they can be an effective agent of change in healthcare. Discusses the potential of patient education through the training of health professionals to improve patient engagement and adherence to treatment Presents techniques from real-world examples to demonstrate the efficacy of better communication between health professionals and patients, especially in the digital medicine era Outlines digital tools that can be used to strengthen the healthcare professional-patient relationship

The Brazilian New Economy

The Brazilian New Economy
Author: Diego Barreto
Publisher: Editora Gente
Total Pages: 188
Release: 2022-08-01
Genre: Business & Economics
ISBN: 6555441801

BRAZIL IS SILENTLY CHANGING. Globalization and the massification of technology generate opportunities for new business to emerge and for the transformation of the traditional business people into entrepreneurs. Startups and corporations that noticed this movement are shaping the New Economy, while the most traditional companies remain static, living in the past. The old Brazil allowed poor services and artificial results to perpetuate, but now the dynamic has changed. It seems obvious to say that the world has changed since we entered the information and telecommunication age. By scrolling our smartphone screen, we have the power to transform an entire battlefield. We are always one innovation away from finding out that everything we know has become obsolete. Data has turned into the most valuable coin for companies. This is the age of the New Economy. In this turbulent and dynamic scenario, remaining stuck to old practices and paradigms can mean being swallowed up by businesses aligned with the principles of constant innovation. Mastering the new rules will define who remains in the market. To avoid the risk of being undertaken by the avalanche of information in this new world, Diego Barreto, Finance and Strategy Vice President at iFood, will teach us how to navigate the New Economy and to use the new reality to our advantage. With this book, you will learn: What is the New Economy and why is it taking shape in Brazil; How to identify Old Economy practices that are harming your business; Why meritocracy of ideas, diversity & inclusion, sustainability, radical transparency and conscious capitalism are key factors to the success of companies; What are the

Business Models

Business Models
Author: Iwona Otola
Publisher: CRC Press
Total Pages: 202
Release: 2020-07-09
Genre: Business & Economics
ISBN: 1000097773

Since the beginning of time, running a business has involved using logic by which the business operates. This logic is called the business model in management science, which increasingly is focusing on issues surrounding business models. Research trends related to business models include value creation, value chain operationalization, and social and ecological aspects, as well as innovation and digital transformation. Business Models: Innovation, Digital Transformation, and Analytics examines how innovation, digital transformation, and the composition of value affect the existence and development of business models. The book starts by addressing the conceptual development of business models and by discussing the essence of innovation in those models. Chapters in the book investigate how: Business models can analyze digital transformation scenarios Individual business model elements effect selected performance measures as well as how the elements are significant for the enterprise value composition The environment effects the profitability of the high-growth enterprise business models Employer branding business models are perceived by the generation Z workforce To implement responsible business models in the enterprise Cyber risk is captured in business models Decision algorithms are important to business analytics This book is a compendium of knowledge about the use of business models in the context of innovative activities, digital transformation, and value composition. It attempts to combine the theory and practice and offers a look at business models currently used in companies, especially high-growth enterprises, in various countries of the world and indicates the prospects for their development.

GovTech Maturity Index

GovTech Maturity Index
Author: Cem Dener
Publisher: World Bank Publications
Total Pages: 165
Release: 2021-10-29
Genre: Business & Economics
ISBN: 1464817650

Governments have been using technology to modernize the public sector for decades. The World Bank Group (WBG) has been a partner in this process, providing both financing and technical assistance to facilitate countries’ digital transformation journeys since the 1980s. The WBG launched the GovTech Initiative in 2019 to support the latest generation of these reforms. Over the past five years, developing countries have increasingly requested WBG support to design even more advanced digital transformation programs. These programs will help to increase government efficiency and improve the access to and the quality of service delivery, provide more government-to-citizen and government-to-business communications, enhance transparency and reduce corruption, improve governance and oversight, and modernize core government operations. The GovTech Initiative appropriately responds to this growing demand. The GovTech Maturity Index (GTMI) measures the key aspects of four GovTech focus areas—supporting core government systems, enhancing service delivery, mainstreaming citizen engagement, and fostering GovTech enablers—and assists advisers and practitioners in the design of new digital transformation projects. Constructed for 198 economies using consistent data sources, the GTMI is the most comprehensive measure of digital transformation in the public sector. Several similar indices and indicators are available in the public domain to measure aspects of digital government—including the United Nations e-Government Development Index, the WBG’s Digital Adoption Index, and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Digital Government Index. These indices, however, do not fully capture the aspects of emphasis in the GovTech approach—the whole-of-government approach and citizen centricity—as key when assessing the use of digital solutions for public sector modernization. The GTMI is not intended to be an assessment of readiness or performance; rather, it is intended to complement the existing tools and diagnostics by providing a baseline and a benchmark for GovTech maturity and by offering insights to those areas that have room for improvement. The GTMI is designed to be used by practitioners, policy makers, and task teams involved in the design of digital transformation strategies and individual projects, as well as by those who seek to understand their own practices and learn from those of others.

Transformação Digital

Transformação Digital
Author: Alexandre Boschi
Publisher: Editora Dialética
Total Pages: 135
Release: 2023-12-13
Genre: Technology & Engineering
ISBN: 6527002092

A transformação digital é um dos maiores desafios que as empresas enfrentam para iniciar sua jornada. Diversas questões são normalmente apresentadas e para muitas não há respostas. Executar uma disrupção inclui olhar de dentro para fora a partir da sua estratégia de negócio e elaborar uma estratégia digital com base em objetivos. A transformação digital não se refere exclusivamente ao uso de tecnologias oriundas da Indústria 4.0. Ela depende de diversos fatores para direcionar sua jornada. Entender o nível de maturidade da organização ou da cadeia de suprimentos é parte do processo e deve ser utilizado como uma ferramenta de avaliação e priorização. O livro traz todo esse conceito, explicando a teoria da transformação digital, iniciada com a digitização (passagem do analógico para o digital), a digitalização (em que os processos são executados de forma digital), a otimização e a inovação. O livro apresenta ainda uma pesquisa com profissionais ligados ao tema da transformação digital e propõe um método, ou guia, para que as empresas possam utilizá-lo na construção da sua jornada. Boa leitura e boa sorte na sua jornada!

Transformação Digital

Transformação Digital
Author: Edney Souza
Publisher: DVS Editora
Total Pages: 117
Release: 2023-12-08
Genre: Business & Economics
ISBN: 6556951110

Navegando na Nova Era Digital Em um mundo em constante mudança, a capacidade de se adaptar e de inovar é mais essencial do que nunca. Este livro mergulha fundo na evolução da transformação digital, traçando desde as primeiras revoluções industriais até as expectativas das tecnologias emergentes. Ao se debruçar sobre as nuances da mentalidade digital, este guia oferece insights práticos sobre a desmaterialização, deslugarização e a essência de pensar digitalmente. Por meio de abordagens como design thinking e jobs to be done, o leitor é guiado na jornada de entender e priorizar o cliente. O livro ilustra, com exemplos práticos, como o caso do McDonald's, a importância de definir e atender às necessidades do cliente de maneira eficaz. Ao navegar pela mentalidade de programador e marketing, a obra destaca a importância da automação e da arte de contar histórias no mundo digital. No coração desta transformação está a cultura digital. O livro explora a transição de modelos tradicionais para novas estruturas, como as redes sociais e o trabalho remoto, e oferece insights sobre como gerenciar equipes remotas e lidar com desafios emergentes como privacidade versus transparência. A exploração dos negócios digitais revela as facetas da inovação, desde modelos incrementais até abordagens radicais, utilizando técnicas como SCAMPER e brainswarming. O leitor também é apresentado ao mundo das startups, às metodologias ágeis e ao conceito de Growth Hacking, com exemplos reais, como Hotmail e Dropbox. Por fim, a liderança digital é examinada à luz dos desafios contemporâneos. Habilidades como flexibilidade cognitiva, pensamento crítico e inteligência emocional são abordadas, preparando o leitor para liderar na era digital. Esta obra é mais do que uma análise teórica; é um guia prático que equipa os leitores com as ferramentas necessárias para navegar, liderar e prosperar na era digital. Com as metodologias apresentadas, você estará preparado para assumir um papel de liderança na transformação digital, destacando-se e obtendo resultados visíveis.

Gestão de tecnologia, inovação e transformação digital

Gestão de tecnologia, inovação e transformação digital
Author: Gustavo Cândido
Publisher: Editora Senac São Paulo
Total Pages: 168
Release: 2024-05-07
Genre: Computers
ISBN: 8539649888

A Série Universitária foi desenvolvida pelo Senac São Paulo com o intuito de preparar profissionais para o mercado de trabalho. Os títulos abrangem diversas áreas, abordando desde conhecimentos teóricos e práticos adequados às exigências profissionais até a formação ética e sólida. Gestão de tecnologia, inovação e transformação digital aborda os processos de transformação digital que revolucionam a maneira como as empresas operam, se posicionam no mercado e se relacionam com os consumidores. As tecnologias digitais mais atuais, que impactam diretamente os negócios e hoje são essenciais para inovar e garantir a competitividade, também estão presentes na obra. O objetivo do livro é proporcionar ao leitor uma visão geral sobre a importância da transformação digital e o investimento em tecnologia na criação de uma cultura de inovação nas organizações e como a junção desses elementos pode gerar o crescimento sustentável de uma empresa, seja qual for o seu segmento de atuação.