Three Essays in Asset Pricing

Three Essays in Asset Pricing
Author: Yoon Kang Lee
Total Pages: 157
Release: 2018
Genre: Arbitrage

This dissertation is comprised of three chapters that aim to understand how the interactions between various investors and instruments in financial markets are linked to asset prices.

Three Essays in Asset Pricing

Three Essays in Asset Pricing
Author: Alan Picard
Total Pages: 165
Release: 2015

Abstract This dissertation consists of three essays. My first paper re-examines the link between idiosyncratic risk and expected returns for a large sample of firms in both developed and emerging markets. Recent studies using Fama-French three factor models have shown a negative relationship between idiosyncratic volatility and expected returns for developed markets. This relationship has not been studied to date for emerging markets. This study relates the current-month’s idiosyncratic volatility to the subsequent month’s returns for a sample of both developed and emerging markets expanding benchmark factors by including both a momentum and a systematic liquidity risk component. My second essay contributes to the important literature on the topic of the small capitalization stocks historical outperformance over large capitalization stocks by investigating the hypothesis that the small firm premium is related to macroeconomic and financial variables and that relationship is driven by the economic cycle in the United States and Canada. More specifically, this study employs recent advances in nonlinear time series models to explore the relationship between the small firm premium, and financial and macroeconomic variables in the Canadian and U.S. economies. My third paper re-examines the findings of a recent research paper that suggested that market wide liquidity may act as a leading indicator to the economic cycle. Using several liquidity measures and various macroeconomic variables to proxy for the economic conditions, the paper presents evidence that stock market liquidity could forecast business cycles: A major decrease in the overall level of market liquidity could indicate weak economic growth in the subsequent months. However, the drawback in the analysis is that the relationship is investigated in a linear approach even though it has been proven that most macroeconomic variables follow non-linear dynamics. Employing similar liquidity measures and macroeconomic proxies, and two popular econometrics models that account for non-linear behavior, this study hence re-investigates the relationship between stock market liquidity and business cycles.

Three Essays on Asset Pricing

Three Essays on Asset Pricing
Author: Shi Li
Total Pages: 0
Release: 2020

This dissertation consists of three essays on asset pricing. The first essay examines the return information conveyed by a firm's dividend deviation, defined as the difference between a firm's actual dividend per share (DPS) and its target DPS. We find that underpaying stocks (i.e., stocks in the lowest dividend deviation quintile) provide 5.4% more annualized risk-adjusted return compared to overpaying stocks (i.e., stocks in the highest dividend deviation quintile). A dividend deviation factor carries a risk premium of 5.64% per annum and is a proxy for systematic risk that is not captured by existing factor models. Potential explanations include financial constraints and overinvestments. Compared with overpaying firms, underpaying firms are more financially constrained and thus generate higher returns. After large investments, underpaying firms significantly underperform compared to their peers while overpaying firms remain statistically indifferent from their peers. In the second essay, we examine the relationship between firms' individual disagreement and the aggregate disagreement. We find a commonality in firms' individual disagreements exists at the market level, industry level, and geographic level. This commonality increases with firm's asymmetric information, uncertainty, and the degree of coverage, but decreases with firm's accounting information quality. We find a positive relation between the commonality in disagreement and stock returns. A higher disagreement commonality may indicate lower usefulness of firm-specific information that strengthens the synchronicity between firm's stock return and market return. In the third essay, we examine the effect of macro disagreement on stock returns in an international context. All G7 countries except Italy show a significant local disagreement beta effect, which is robust with respect to both size and value effects. Moreover, the macro disagreement on the U.S. economy shows a strong spillover effect on all non-U.S. G7 countries. The degree of a country's spillover effect is largely and positively in line with the magnitude of its trading activities with the U.S. Our paper demonstrates the pervasiveness of a disagreement beta effect, suggesting that investors bet against each other on macro disagreement not only in the U.S., but also in other major G7 countries.