Three Essays on Income Inequality

Three Essays on Income Inequality
Author: Anjan Kumar Saha
Total Pages: 224
Release: 2015

This thesis contains three essays on income inequality. The underlying theme is to investigate the relationship of income inequality with political instability, economic growth, and financial development. To this end, the first study aims to explore the relationship of income inequality with political instability. Motivated by the observation that politically unstable countries tend to have wide income gaps, the study explores the possibility that major source of political instability is income inequality, which can be traced back to the history of early development across the globe. Using data for 95 countries, the estimates provide support for the notion that before 1500 CE early development of our ancestors, and after 1500 CE colonization, and evolution of institutions can explain today's income inequality, which subsequently affects political stability of a country. Irrespective of the subsamples used, the results confirm highly significant impact of unequal income distribution on political instability. The second study investigates the endogeneity between income inequality and economic growth, which seems to be impregnable in the literature. Motivated by Spolaore and Wacziarg's (2009) influential idea that genetic distance of population between countries puts barrier to the diffusion of development, this work constructs weighted average growth of other countries as instruments for economic growth that can explain inequality across the countries. The weights come from genetic and geographic distances between two countries. Income growth per capita is instrumented to find growth's impact on the top income shares first, and then the residuals of the regression are used as instruments for the top income shares to identify the net impact of top income shares on economic growth in the subsequent regressions. Using top income data of fourteen OECD countries for around hundred years, the estimates provide support to the view that growth reduces top income shares; however, top income shares in turn enhances economic growth. The third study explores the possibility of financial development as a major determinant of top income shares in the OECD countries. In a century long panel of time series data of top income shares and financial development, the work attempts to capture the impact of financial development on the income distribution of the top income strata. Couple of dynamic models has been used to check the robustness of our hypothesis in favour of financial development as a major source of rise in the top income shares. The results show that a one standard deviation rise in financial development, measured by private credit-GDP ratio, is associated with an increase of the top 1% income shares by around 0.3 standard deviation of its own. The effects are also robust to the other measures of top income shares.

Essays on Financial Development, Inequality and Economic Growth

Essays on Financial Development, Inequality and Economic Growth
Author: Arshad Ali Bhatti
Total Pages:
Release: 2012

This thesis explores two important aspects of growth, namely the roles of financial development and inequality. The recent literature has indicated that both the finance-growth and inequality-growth relationships are complex and not well captured through conventional linear regression analyses. Thus, most of the existing empirical literature focuses on marginal or direct growth effects, ignoring the role of possible factors, conditions and thresholds that may alter our thinking about how financial development or inequality may affect economic growth. Further, it ignores the presence of outliers, especially in cross-sectional analyses which may hinder our understanding of these relationships. Therefore, Chapter 1 addresses the issue of outliers in finance-growth literature and provides a robust sensitivity analysis of some past studies and an updated data set. Chapter 2 focuses on whether R&D plays a role, potentially as a proxy for an omitted variable, for growth and whether it has important interactions with financial development. Chapter 3 then examines the role of inequality for growth, allowing the effects to differ depending on the level of human versus physical capital accumulation. The cross-sectional analysis of Chapter 1 employs the robust regression methods of median quantile regression and least trimmed squares. It shows that the findings of past studies are sensitive to outlier observations. Further, we find that the positive effect of financial development on growth disappears and even becomes negative once we use our extended data set of 86 countries over the period 1997-2006. This last finding is consistent with Rousseau and Wachtel (2011). Moreover, we investigate whether our understanding of the finance-growth relationship can further be improved by introducing a measure of R&D into the standard analysis. We note that our measure of R&D has a strong positive effect on growth and may proxy the role of an omitted variable which is highly correlated with economic growth. Chapter 2 also uses R&D and investigates its interaction with conventionally measured financial development. It employs a variety of panel data techniques for a panel of 36 OECD and non-OECD countries to show that the relationship between financial development and economic growth is not straightforward; rather, it is conditional upon the level of innovation or R&D. Further, we find that a high level of technological innovation or R&D is associated with a weak or negative effect of financial development on economic growth. It is also noted that R&D is associated with financial innovation and the results suggest that countries with a high level of R&D may have less regulated financial systems which can adversely affect the finance-growth relationship. The third chapter explores the relationship between inequality and growth in the context of a unified empirical approach suggested by the theoretical model of Galor and Moav (2004). Based on that model, we construct a new measure, the human capital to physical capital ratio, which is used to study threshold effects in the inequality-growth relationship. Methodologically, we use threshold regression with instruments, developed by Caner and Hansen (2004), which allows us to endogenously identify the threshold human capital to physical capital ratio that alters the inequality-growth relationship. Using data on 82 countries, our results show that there exist significant threshold effects, with a level of the human capital to physical capital ratio below which the effect of inequality on growth is positive and significant, whereas it is negative and significant above it. We also test the robustness of our results using different measures of the human capital to physical capital ratio. These results are consistent with the theoretical predictions of Galor and Moav (2004).

Three Essays on Growth and Development with Financial Market

Three Essays on Growth and Development with Financial Market
Author: Inka Brahmantyo Yusgiantoro
Total Pages: 128
Release: 2013

The objective of this dissertation is to understand the role of financial market in economic development, particularly its economy-wide impact on income inequality, poverty, and employment. To accomplish this task, a dynamic computable general equilibrium (FCGE) model with linkage to the financial market is constructed, which conforms to the specific developing economy analyzed in this dissertation. In the first chapter, I construct the model to evaluate the distribution and poverty impact of saving and investment imbalances. I apply the model framework to a financial social accounting matrix data from Indonesia, an open market economy that has experienced persistent trend of excessive domestic savings since the 1997 East Asia financial crisis. The model is calibrated for 2006-10 such that the equilibrium solutions reproduce benchmark data on key macroeconomic indicators. Counterfactual scenarios are simulated to derive conclusions about the implication of excess saving on macroeconomic performances and welfare. The results indicate that when banks increase their portfolio share of risk-free financial assets, credit channeled to private sector's investment is reduced, which leads to higher income inequality, slower pace of poverty reduction, and higher rate of unemployment. I conclude that an expansionary monetary policy offers an effective way to respond an excess saving trend in order to achieve sustainable and equitable growth. The second chapter examines rebalancing strategies for sustainable and inclusive growth in Indonesia. It has been revealed in the previous chapter that excess saving trend in the aftermath of the 1997 financial crisis has ripple effects on income distribution, poverty reduction, and employment creation. Therefore, policy options that emphasize the quality and growth of both private and public investment should be of utmost importance to improve saving and investment imbalances in the economy. Further rebalancing efforts should also include promoting more public spending in rural areas, enhancing good governance on public outlays, increasing economic efficiency and productivity, sharpening comparative advantage, and expanding intra-regional trade. Finally, counterfactual scenarios are experimented with the use of dynamic FCGE model to highlight the significance of developing Indonesia's capital goods industries in order to reduce reliance on imports and increase employment in productive sectors. In the third chapter, an extended version of the dynamic FCGE model is employed to examine asset price bubble and evaluate its policy implication. Using general equilibrium as a basis for analysis, I generate an endogenous stock price bubble in the model economy through balance sheet adjustments. If corporate sector were to limit its leverage activities, excessive asset growth could be avoided and stability of the macroeconomic performances would be maintained. However, such case does not typically apply to low interest rate condition and strong business cycle trend, so I investigate policy simulations for fiscal restriction, monetary contraction, and policy mix to mitigate the impact of potential repercussions that stock price bubble can generate in the economy. The results indicate that standalone monetary policy is the most favorable option to implement corrective measures in preserving the natural growth of output, consumption and investment while minimizing the deteriorating welfare impact of policy enactment.

Essays on Financial Markets, Inequality and Economic Development

Essays on Financial Markets, Inequality and Economic Development
Author: Joaquin Blaum
Total Pages: 128
Release: 2012

In Chapter 1, I study the effects of wealth inequality on economies where financial markets are imperfect. I exploit the idea that inequality should have a different effect across sectors. Using a difference-in-difference strategy, I show that sectors that are more in need of external finance are relatively smaller in countries with higher income inequality. I then build a model in which sectors differ in their fixed cost requirement, agents face collateral constraints, and production is subject to decreasing returns. A calibrated version of the model is consistent with the documented facts on inequality and cross-sector outcomes. At the calibrated parameters, wealth inequality exacerbates the effect of financial frictions on the economy. Quantitatively, wealth inequality can generate losses of up to 46 percent of per capita income. In Chapter 2, co-authored with Claire Lelarge and Michael Peters, we explore the ingredients that a model of import behavior should have in order to be consistent with the firm level evidence. We build a model where firms are heterogeneous in their factor neutral productivity, and prices, fixed costs and input qualities are common across firms. Using a comprehensive dataset of French firms, we test the qualitative predictions of such model. The model fares well in describing firm's expenditure across imported varieties, but fails to account for the pattern of expenditure between domestic and foreign inputs. We conclude that a mechanism inducing firm-level heterogeneity in the relative price of domestic varieties is needed to model import demand. In Chapter 3, I study the effects of financial frictions on the pattern of cross-industry growth rates. I document two facts: (i) externally dependent sectors tend to grow faster along the economy's development path, and (ii) externally dependent sectors grow disproportionately faster in countries with better financial institutions. I argue that financial frictions can account for these facts. I build a dynamic two-sector model in which sectors differ in their liquidity requirement and agents face collateral constraints. Financial frictions generate faster growth in the sector with higher liquidity requirement. I identify conditions under which financial development leads to higher excess growth in the externally dependent sector.