Awakening of the Heart

Awakening of the Heart
Author: Thich Nhat Hanh
Publisher: Parallax Press
Total Pages: 546
Release: 2011-12-21
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 1937006115

A comprehensive, single-volume collection of the Buddha’s key sutras, translated with contemporary commentary by an internationally known Zen master An essential companion to Thich Nhat Hanh’s bestselling collection of meditation and mindfulness practices, Happiness, this book captures the heart of Buddhist wisdom and Thich Nhat Hanh’s unique talent to make the Buddha’s teachings accessible and applicable to our daily lives and times. This is a wonderful gift for anyone looking to deepen their practice and understanding of the teachings, as well as a unique resource to understand the fundamentals of Buddhism from its source. With a new introduction and updated commentary, Awakening of the Heart contains the following sutras: • Prajnaparamita Heart Sutra • Diamond Sutra • Sutra on Full Awareness of Breathing • Sutra on The Four Establishments of Mindfulness • Sutra on The Better Way to Catch A Snake • Sutra on The Better Way to Live Alone • Sutra on The Eight Realizations of The Great Beings • Discourse on Happiness • Teachings on the Middle Way

Two Treasures

Two Treasures
Author: Thich Nhat Hanh
Publisher: Parallax Press
Total Pages: 89
Release: 2003-01-09
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 1935209329

Two Treasures contains two sutras: The Sutra On The Eight Realizations Of Great Beings and The Discourse on Happiness. They explain in practical detail how to progress step-by-step towards realization of the Buddhist ideals of simplicity, generosity, compassion, and ultimately enlightenment. Entirely in accord with both the Mahayana and Theravada tradition, The Sutra On The Eight Realizations Of Great Beings contain eight essential subjects for meditation. Although simple in form, their content is extremely profound. With a new introduction by Thich Nhat Hanh (The Sutra On The Eight Realizations Of Great Beings was previously published as a stand-alone booklet, ISBN: 0-938077-07-4. The Discourse on Happiness was originally published as part of the Plum Village Chanting And Recitation Book, ISBN:0-938077-91-0).

The Flower Ornament Scripture

The Flower Ornament Scripture
Author: Thomas Cleary
Publisher: Shambhala Publications
Total Pages: 2759
Release: 1993-10-12
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 0834824094

A masterful translation of one of the most influential Buddhist sutras—the Avatamsaka Sutra—by one of the greatest translators of Buddhist texts of our time Known in Chinese as Hua-yen and in Japanese as Kegon-kyo, the Avatamsaka Sutra, or Flower Ornament Scripture, is held in the highest regard and studied by Buddhists of all traditions. Through its structure and symbolism, as well as through its concisely stated principles, it conveys a vast range of Buddhist teachings. This one-volume edition contains Thomas Cleary’s definitive translation of all thirty-nine books of the sutra, along with an introduction, a glossary, and Cleary’s translation of Li Tongxuan’s seventh-century guide to the final book, the Gandavyuha, “Entry into the Realm of Reality.”

The Scripture in 42 Parables

The Scripture in 42 Parables
Author: Chris Wen-chao Li
Publisher: Maison 174
Total Pages: 168
Release: 2014-07-24
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 1500627984

Collected in this volume are three of the most widely-disseminated shorter canonical texts of East Asian buddhism, namely The Scripture in Forty-Two Parables, The Eight Revelations from the Realm of Higher Beings, and The Heart of the Virtue of Wisdom, presented in a new domesticated translation based on a literary reading of the Chinese source texts. The Scripture in Forty-Two Parables (a.k.a. The Sūtra in Forty-Two Sections, The Sūtra in Forty-Two Parts, or The Sūtra of Forty-Two Chapters), dating to A.D. 67, is believed by many to be the earliest work of buddhism to be introduced from India into China, and as such is afforded special status in Chinese buddhism and folklore. The scripture is divided into forty-two sections, consisting for the most part of direct quotes from the Buddha addressing an audience of entry-level initiates. In the scripture, explanation of buddhist concepts is done in colloquial language, and vivid metaphors are created to relate core beliefs to such daily concerns as family, marriage, charity, wealth, ambition, temptation, and sex. References to The Scripture in Forty-Two Parables appear in such Chinese historical records as the Annals of the Later Han, and play a central role in the martial arts novel The Deer and the Cauldron by cult author Louis Cha. The Scripture in Forty-Two Parables is regarded as one of three canonical legacy teachings of the Buddha in the Zen buddhist traditions of China, Japan and Korea. The Eight Revelations from the Realm of Higher Beings (a.k.a., The.Sūtra of the Eight Realizations of Great Beings or The Eight Great Awakenings Sūtra) is another of the Buddha’s three legacy teachings of the East Asian Zen tradition, similarly directed at an audience of initiates and written in the vernacular style characteristic of early buddhist transmissions to China. The Eight Revelations from the Realm of Higher Beings takes as its subject the impermanence of the psycho-physical world and the illusory nature of sensory experiences, pointing out that attachment and desire lie at the heart of these illusions, and, in the latter half of the scripture, goes on to prescribe methods to see past these illusions. With a similar emphasis on the illusory nature of reality is the third text in this series, The Heart of the Virtue of Wisdom, better known as the Prajñāpāramitā Heart Sūtra (Prajñāpāramitā. Hṛdaya Sūtra)—arguably the most revered and most commonly chanted scripture in all of the world’s buddhist traditions. In its brief length, the Heart Sūtra touches upon virtually all of the core concepts of buddhist philosophy, including the five skandhas, the twelve āyatanas, the eighteen dhātus, and the twelve nidānas, along with dukkha and the Four Noble Truths, explaining eventually that all such dogmatic teachings, along with the psycho-physical world we live in and the sensory stimuli we experience, are illusory in nature, and must be understood as such before one can move on to a higher level of understanding (anuttarā samyak-saṃbodhi) and approach the blissful state of nirvāṇa. The sūtra ends atypically with a transliterated dhāraṇī mnemonic for chanting, a verse which, in many regional buddhist traditions, is believed to be imbued with spiritual or transcendental powers. The method of translation adopted this volume differs somewhat from that found in most existing buddhist translations into English. In this collection, the Chinese originals are treated as literary in nature, and a structuralist reading is applied to arrive at the meaning of the text. A domesticating strategy is then used to render the cultural elements of the narrative in an attempt to create dynamic equivalence between the experiences of source and target language audiences.

Nothing To It

Nothing To It
Author: Brother Phap Hai
Publisher: Parallax Press
Total Pages: 300
Release: 2015-09-08
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 1941529011

In Nothing To It, Brother Phap Hai brings his characteristic warmth and humor to explore the many different gates to transformation offered by Buddhism. A gate is a teaching, practice, or way of looking at things. Each gate is an invitation to consider a new frame of reference through which we can consider our situation, an opportunity to look at things differently. Readers who enjoyed Bhante Gunaratana's Mindfulness in Plain English will delight in this new explanation from the Australian-born senior monk of Deer Park Monastery in Escondido, California. There are fifty-eight gates explored in Nothing To It, arranged in ten traditional groups, with one chapter exploring each gate. Based on a series of talks given by Phap Hai in 2013, the book is designed to be equally valuable when read through at leisure or used as the text for a ten week self-guided course. Each chapter includes questions for reflection, additional reading suggestions on the topic, and writing exercises. The gates can be explored in order or investigated at random. Phap Hai’s charming blend of ancient wisdom, Dharma scholarship, and contemporary applications will offer all who read Nothing To It a new way of seeing the extraordinary opportunities for transformation in everyday life.

Peace Is Every Step

Peace Is Every Step
Author: Thich Nhat Hanh
Publisher: Bantam
Total Pages: 162
Release: 1992-03-01
Genre: Body, Mind & Spirit
ISBN: 0553351397

In the rush of modern life, we tend to lose touch with the peace that is available in each moment. World-renowned Zen master, spiritual leader, and author Thich Nhat Hanh shows us how to make positive use of the very situations that usually pressure and antagonize us. For him a ringing telephone can be a signal to call us back to our true selves. Dirty dishes, red lights, and traffic jams are spiritual friends on the path to “mindfulness”—the process of keeping our consciousness alive to our present experience and reality. The most profound satisfactions, the deepest feelings of joy and completeness lie as close at hand as our next aware breath and the smile we can form right now. Lucidly and beautifully written, Peace Is Every Step contains commentaries and meditations, personal anecdotes and stories from Nhat Hanh’s experiences as a peace activist, teacher, and community leader. It begins where the reader already is—in the kitchen, office, driving a car, walking a part—and shows how deep meditative presence is available now. Nhat Hanh provides exercises to increase our awareness of our own body and mind through conscious breathing, which can bring immediate joy and peace. Nhat Hanh also shows how to be aware of relationships with others and of the world around us, its beauty and also its pollution and injustices. The deceptively simple practices of Peace Is Every Step encourage the reader to work for peace in the world as he or she continues to work on sustaining inner peace by turning the “mindless” into the mindFUL.

Teachings and Commentary on the Sutra of Infinite Meanings(無量義經講述)

Teachings and Commentary on the Sutra of Infinite Meanings(無量義經講述)
Author: 釋證嚴
Publisher: 靜思人文
Total Pages: 708
Release: 2021-08-01
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 6269503620

Teachings and Commentary on the Sutra of Infinite Meanings is compiled from the teachings expounded during the seven-day Buddhist retreats in 1972 and 1973. Master Cheng Yen explained the sutra word by word, verse by verse, and complemented it with many analogies and real-life stories, connecting matters to principles.The book is organized as follows: The first volume includes the Preface, which describes the background of the teachings and Master Cheng Yen’s karmic affinity with the Sutra of Infinite Meanings, as well as her commentary on the first chapter of the sutra, “Chapter on Virtues.” The second volume includes the commentary on the second and third chapters of the sutra, “Chapter on Expounding the Dharma,” and “Chapter on the Ten Merits.” As for the last passage in the “Chapter on the Ten Merits,” “At this time, Great Magnificent Bodhisattva-Mahasattva and the eighty thousand bodhisattva-mahasattvas then rose from their seats” to, “At this time, all in the assembly rejoiced. They paid their respects to the Buddha and accepted and upheld the teachings as they departed,” the audio tape of Master Cheng Yen’s teaching on this section has been lost. Therefore, only the sutra passages have been kept without any additions.《無量義經講述》編纂依據一九七二年及一九七三年佛七開示《無量義經》內容,證嚴上人逐字逐句講述經文,輔以較多譬喻、生活點滴,事理相應。此書章節編輯,將上人與《無量義經》因緣、背景等段落,輯成「前言」一章,而〈德行品〉、〈說法品〉、〈十功德品〉,則各自獨立成章。第一冊包含了「前言」以及〈德行品〉;第二冊則包含了〈說法品〉以及〈十功德品〉。唯〈十功德品〉最後一段經文「是時大莊嚴菩薩摩訶薩,與八萬菩薩摩訶薩,即從坐起,……爾時大會皆大歡喜,為佛作禮,受持而去」,因錄音帶佚失,闕漏當時開示此段經文的內容,故僅保留經文未作增補。

Sutra of the Wise and the Foolish

Sutra of the Wise and the Foolish
Publisher: Library of Tibetan Works and Archives
Total Pages: 260
Release: 2006-01-01
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 8185102155

One of the great treasures of Buddhist literature, is mDo-mdzangs-blun or the Sutra of the Wise and the Foolish as it is known to the Mongols. The text was translated to Mongolian from Tibetan as the Üliger-ün Dalai or Ocean of Narratives. It is one of the most interesting, enjoyable and readable Buddhist scriptures. For centuries, it has been an inexhaustible source of inspiration, instruction and pleasure for all who have been able to read it. The history of this unusual scripture is still uncertain. Legend has it that the tales were heard in Khotan by Chinese monks, who translated them (but from what language?) into Chinese, from which it was translated into Tibetan, then into Mongolian and Oirat. The Narratives are Jatakas, or rebirth stories, tracing the causes of present tragedy in human lives to events which took place in former lifetimes. The theme of each narrative is the same: the tragedy of the human condition, the reason for this tragedy and the possibility of transcending it. But unlike Greek tragedy, Buddhist tragedy is never an end in itself, i.e. a catharsis, but a call to transcend that which can be transcended and need not be endlessly endured. The people we meet in the Sutra of the Wise and the Foolish, although supposedly living in the India of the Buddha’s time, might also be living at present in New York City, a small rural town or Leningrad, and the problems they face are the same problems that men have had to face always and everywhere. Herein lies the timeless appeal of this profound Buddhist scripture.