The Sacred Writings of Saint Athanasius (Annotated Edition)

The Sacred Writings of Saint Athanasius (Annotated Edition)
Author: St. Athanasius
Publisher: Jazzybee Verlag
Total Pages: 1968
Release: 2012
ISBN: 3849621189

"The Sacred Writings Of ..." provides you with the essential works among the Christian writings. The volumes cover the beginning of Christianity until medieval times. This volume is accurately annotated, including * an extensive biography of the author and his life Contents: Editorial Preface Preface Prolegomena Against the Heathen On the Incarnation of the Word Deposition of Arius Introduction to Epistola Eusebii Council of Nicaea Excursus A Introduction to Expositio Fidei Statement of Faith Introduction to in Illud ‘Omnia,’ Etc. On Luke X. 22 (Matt. XI. 27) Introduction to the Encyclical Epistle to the Bishops Throughout the World Circular Letter Defence Against the Arians De Decretis or Defence of the Nicene Definition On the Opinion of Dionysius Life of Antony To the Bishops of Egypt Defence Before Constantius Defence of His Flight History of the Arians Four Discourses Against the Arians. Councils of Ariminum and Seleucia Tome or Synodal Letter to the People of Antioch To the Bishops of Africa Letter of Ninety Bishops of Egypt and Libya Including Athanasius I. Festal Letters II. Personal Letters

The Sacred Writings of Saint Basil (Annotated Edition)

The Sacred Writings of Saint Basil (Annotated Edition)
Author: St. Basil
Publisher: Jazzybee Verlag
Total Pages: 754
Release: 2012
ISBN: 3849621502

"The Sacred Writings Of ..." provides you with the essential works among the Christian writings. The volumes cover the beginning of Christianity until medieval times. This volume is accurately annotated, including * an extensive biography of the author and his life Contents: Preface Prolegomena- Sketch of the Life and Works of Saint Basil I. Life II. Works. The Book of Saint Basil on the Spirit. Introduction to the Hexaemeron. The Hexaemeron Letters (more than 300)

The Sacred Writings of Eusebius Pamphilus (Annotated Edition)

The Sacred Writings of Eusebius Pamphilus (Annotated Edition)
Author: St. Pamphilus
Publisher: Jazzybee Verlag
Total Pages: 983
Release: 2012
ISBN: 3849621529

"The Sacred Writings Of ..." provides you with the essential works among the Early Christian writings. The volumes cover the beginning of Christianity until before the promulgation of the Nicene Creed at the First Council of Nicaea. This volume is accurately annotated, including * an extensive biography of the author and his life This edition comprises the following works: 'The Church History' or 'Ecclesiastical History' - Eusebius and Pamphilus wrote the first surviving history of the Christian Church as a chronologically-ordered account, based on earlier sources complete from the period of the Apostles to their own epoch. This "historical account" has much of Eusebius's own theological agenda intertwined with the factual text including his view on God, Christ, the Scriptures, the Jews, the church, pagans, and heretics. 'The Life of Constantine' (Vita Constantini) is a eulogy or panegyric, and therefore its style and selection of facts are affected by its purpose, rendering it inadequate as a continuation of the Church History. As the historian Socrates Scholasticus said, at the opening of his history that was designed as a continuation of Eusebius, "Also in writing the life of Constantine, this same author has but slightly treated of matters regarding Arius, being more intent on the rhetorical finish of his composition and the praises of the emperor, than on an accurate statement of facts." The work was unfinished at Eusebius' death. Some scholars have questioned the Eusebian authorship of this work. 'Oration in Praise of Constantine', an eulogy.

The Sacred Writings of Origen (Annotated Edition)

The Sacred Writings of Origen (Annotated Edition)
Author: Origen
Publisher: Jazzybee Verlag
Total Pages: 962
Release: 2012
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 3849621456

"The Sacred Writings Of ..." provides you with the essential works among the Christian writings. The volumes cover the beginning of Christianity until medieval times. This volume is accurately annotated, including * an extensive biography of the author and his life This edition contains Origen's main works, "Origen De Principiis" and "Origen against Celsus".

The Sacred Writings of Dionysius the Great (Annotated Edition)

The Sacred Writings of Dionysius the Great (Annotated Edition)
Author: Dionysius the Great
Publisher: Jazzybee Verlag
Total Pages: 186
Release: 2012
ISBN: 3849621146

"The Sacred Writings Of ..." provides you with the essential works among the Christian writings. The volumes cover the beginning of Christianity until medieval times. This volume is accurately annotated, including * an extensive biography of the author and his life Contents: Part I.-Containing Various Sections of the Works. I.-From the Two Books on the Promises. II.-From the Books on Nature. III.-From the Books Against Sabellius. On the Notion that Matter is Ungenerated. IV.-Epistle to Dionysius Bishop of Rome V.-The Epistle to Bishop Basilides. Part II.-Containing Epistles, or Fragments of Epistles. Epistle I.-To Domitius and Didymus. Epistle II.-To Novatus. Epistle III.-To Fabius Bishop of Antioch. Epistle IV.-To Cornelius the Roman Bishop. Epistle V., Which is the First on the Subject of Baptism Addressed to Stephen, Bishop of Rome. Epistle VI.-To Sixtus, Bishop. Epistle VII.-To Philemon, a Presbyter. Epistle VIII.-To Dionysius. Epistle IX.-To Sixtus II. Epistle X.-Against Bishop Germanus. Epistle XI.-To Hermammon. Epistle XII.-To the Alexandrians. Epistle XIII.-To Hierax, a Bishop in Egypt. Epistle XIV.-From His Fourth Festival Epistle. Elucidations. Exegetical Fragments. I.-A Commentary on the Beginning of Ecclesiastes. II.-The Gospel According to Luke. III.-On Luke XXII. 42, Etc. IV.-An Exposition of Luke XXII. 46, Etc. V.-On John VIII. 12. VI.-Of the One Substance. VII.-On the Reception of the Lapsed to Penitence. Footnotes

The Sacred Writings of Gregory the Great (Annotated Edition)

The Sacred Writings of Gregory the Great (Annotated Edition)
Author: Gregory the Great
Publisher: Jazzybee Verlag
Total Pages: 780
Release: 2012
ISBN: 3849621316

"The Sacred Writings Of ..." provides you with the essential works among the Christian writings. The volumes cover the beginning of Christianity until medieval times. This volume is accurately annotated, including * an extensive biography of the author and his life This edition contains all 14 book of Gregory's epistles.

The Sacred Writings of St. Anselm (Annotated Edition)

The Sacred Writings of St. Anselm (Annotated Edition)
Author: St. Anselm
Publisher: Jazzybee Verlag
Total Pages: 377
Release: 2012
ISBN: 3849621545

"The Sacred Writings Of ..." provides you with the essential works among the Christian writings. The volumes cover the beginning of Christianity until medieval times. This volume is accurately annotated, including * an extensive biography of the author and his life The present volume of St. Anselm’s most important philosophical and theological writings contains: (1) The Proslogium (2) the Monologium, (3) the Cur Deus Homo, and (4) by way of historical complement, an Appendix to the Monologium entitled In Behalf of the Fool by Gaunilon, a monk of Marmoutiers.

The Sacred Writings of Peter, Bishop of Alexandria (Annotated Edition)

The Sacred Writings of Peter, Bishop of Alexandria (Annotated Edition)
Author: Peter of Alexandria
Publisher: Jazzybee Verlag
Total Pages: 109
Release: 2012
ISBN: 3849621464

"The Sacred Writings Of ..." provides you with the essential works among the Early Christian writings. The volumes cover the beginning of Christianity until before the promulgation of the Nicene Creed at the First Council of Nicaea. Every single volume is accurately annotated, including * an extensive biography of the author and his life This edition consists of fragments of St. Peters writings as well as a collection of fourteen canons issued by Peter in the third year of the persecution dealing chiefly with the lapsi, excerpted probably from an Easter Festal Epistle. The fact that they were ratified by the Council of Trullo, and thus became part of the canon law of the Eastern Church, probably accounts for their preservation. Many MSS. contain a fifteenth canon taken from writing on the Passover. The cases of different kinds of lapsi were decided upon in these canons.

The Sacred Writings of Novatian (Annotated Edition)

The Sacred Writings of Novatian (Annotated Edition)
Author: Novatian
Publisher: Jazzybee Verlag
Total Pages: 109
Release: 2012
ISBN: 3849621448

"The Sacred Writings Of ..." provides you with the essential works among the Christian writings. The volumes cover the beginning of Christianity until medieval times. This volume is accurately annotated, including * an extensive biography of the author and his life Contents: Introductory Notice to Novatian, a Roman Presbyter A Treatise of Novatian Concerning the Trinity. On the Jewish Meats. Footnotes

The Sacred Writings of the Pastor of Hermas (Annotated Edition)

The Sacred Writings of the Pastor of Hermas (Annotated Edition)
Author: Pastor of Hermas
Publisher: Jazzybee Verlag
Total Pages: 223
Release: 2012
ISBN: 3849621618

"The Sacred Writings Of ..." provides you with the essential works among the Early Christian writings. The volumes cover the beginning of Christianity until before the promulgation of the Nicene Creed at the First Council of Nicaea. Every single volume is accurately annotated, including * an extensive biography of the author and his life The book consists of five visions, twelve mandates, or commandments, and ten similitudes, or parables. The whole book is thus concerned with the Christian virtues and their exercise. It is an ethical, not a theological, work. The intention is above all to preach repentance. A single chance of restoration after fall is given to Christians, and this opportunity is spoken of as something new, which had never been clearly published before. The writer is pained by the sins of the faithful and is sincerely anxious for their conversion and return to good works.