The Role of Energy Transit in Turkish Foreign Policy

The Role of Energy Transit in Turkish Foreign Policy
Author: Anna Krózser
Publisher: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
Total Pages: 80
Release: 2012
ISBN: 9783659261336

Turkey is a natural energy bridge between the European energy market and the energy rich regions of the Middle East, the Caucasus, Central Asia and Russia, and it fully intends to use this geo-strategic position to its advantage and become a major regional energy hub. This goal shapes its foreign policy making it more pragmatic and resulting in a regional opening as well. The changes in its foreign policy due to energy interests are apparent in the case of Turkish-Russian relations. Through this case study, this thesis seeks to explain the foreign policy of energy transit countries better by introducing energy considerations as an addition to existing explanations for foreign policy change. The argument presented here is that recent Turkish-Russian rapprochement is partly the result of changed Turkish foreign policy posture due to energy transit considerations.

The Role of Turkey in the European Energy Policy. Problems and Perspectives

The Role of Turkey in the European Energy Policy. Problems and Perspectives
Author: Nargiz Haciyeva
Publisher: GRIN Verlag
Total Pages: 47
Release: 2017-01-13
Genre: Science
ISBN: 3668379696

Research Paper (postgraduate) from the year 2016 in the subject Politics - Environmental Policy, grade: 1, Vytautas Magnus University (International Relations and Diplomacy), course: 2, language: English, abstract: Over the historical course, the EU’s growing demands for energy resources compel it to undertake significant steps regarding how to preserve energy security and procure the diversification of gas supplies from different countries for the future generation. It is an undeniable fact that the maintenance of energy security is one of the pivotal interests of Europe in the contemporary world. Currently, energy is significant to the process for both economic and social development in Europe. The diversification of energy supplies and even source countries was taken as the primary ambition by the EU. Over the historical periods, growing energy needs of the EU have put the strategic policies ahead toward other non-member states, especially resource-rich countries. In this part, Turkey and the EU relations in the energy field will be analyzed. Throughout the period, the relations between Turkey and the EU have undergone many ups and downs. Even today, the world is under the shadow of political turmoil, challenges, and crisis which have huge implications to Europe as well as other countries.

European Energy Security

European Energy Security
Author: M. Biresselioglu
Publisher: Springer
Total Pages: 209
Release: 2011-06-13
Genre: Political Science
ISBN: 0230306853

An exploration of Turkey's future role and impact on European energy security, looking at the connection between geopolitics, energy security and the EU's need for energy. The book focuses on Turkey's foreign and energy policies and importance as a natural funnel through which the EU can access hydrocarbons and renewables.

The “EU – energy – Turkey” Triangle. Does Energy really matter in Turkey’s Accession Process?

The “EU – energy – Turkey” Triangle. Does Energy really matter in Turkey’s Accession Process?
Author: Arianna Catalano
Publisher: GRIN Verlag
Total Pages: 21
Release: 2011-10-11
Genre: Political Science
ISBN: 3656025983

Scientific Essay from the year 2010 in the subject Politics - Topic: European Union, grade: A, Bilkent University , course: EU policies, language: English, abstract: The aim of this paper is to analyze the dynamics at the core of the relation between Turkey and the European Union (EU), in terms of energy-related issues. The prospect of Turkey’s accession to the EU is one of the most controversial issues affecting the wider European political space. This essay would like to shed light on the impact of energy considerations on Turkey’s process of accession exploring three inter-related dimensions. First of all, a brief account of the EU’s patterns of energy consumption and strategies adopted will be offered. Secondly, the relevance of Turkey as “energy corridor” linking Eastern energy resources to Western markets will be assessed. Finally, EU member states’ standpoints on Turkey’s accession will be investigated trying to isolate the impact of energy-driven calculations. A liberal-intergovernmental approach will spell out patterns of divergence or convergence on Turkey’s accession evaluating the impact of the energy factor on Turkey’s EU eventual membership. In conclusion, this article will show whether or not energy can be considered the determiner for Turkey’s accession, pointing out that the “energy card” should not be overplayed since the EU’s acknowledgement of Turkey’s energy strategic could not automatically lead to full-membership.

Analysis Of The ‘‘New’’ Turkish Foreign Policy

Analysis Of The ‘‘New’’ Turkish Foreign Policy
Author: Dr. C. Uğur ÖZGÖKER - Korhan ATAMAN
Publisher: Gündoğan Yayınları
Total Pages: 244
Release: 2013-09-01
Genre: Geopolitics
ISBN: 9755202528

The book examines Turkey’s new foreign policy operating in the new international system. Especially with the AKP government, Turkish foreign policy principles have been changed and/or modified radically. Therefore, new foreign policy mentality has to be analyzed in detail. The book also focuses on the “strategic depth” paradigm of Prof. Dr. Ahmet Davutoglu. In his book, Davutoglu inspects the Turkey’s place within the world politics and its relations neighboring countries through historical-religious lense. In order to understand this new mentality in the Turkish foreign policy, historical developments of the Ottoman Empire and the Turkish Republic has been covered. The book mainly focuses on following subjects: analysis of Turkish foreign policy framework, changes in Turkish government’s foreign policy paradigm, reflections of new approaches in the Turkish foreign policy, Turkey’s shifting foreign policy and the new Turkish foreign policy’s future, continuity and change in Turkish foreign policy and lastly implications of Turkey’s new foreign policy doctrine. Türk dış politikası uzun yıllar gündem yaratma yerine, başka aktörlerin oluşturduğu gündemleri takip etme ve müttefiklik adı altında ülke çıkarları ile örtüşmeyen, hatta zaman zaman çelişen seçeneklerin peşine takılma çizgileri arasında sıkışıp kalmıştır. Özellikle son on yılda Türk dış politikasındaki önceliklerin değiştiğine, Türkiye'nin pasif dış politika gömleğini üzerinden çıkardığına tanıklık ediyoruz. 2002 yılından itibaren onu uluslararası sistemde düzen kurucu merkez bir ülke konumuna taşıyacak alt yapının inşa edildiği siyasi istikrar yanında kaydedilen ekonomik büyüme ve kalkınma Türkiye'nin kendine güvenini artırdı. Başbakan Recep Tayyip Erdoğan'ın sık sık altını çizdiği "kendine güven" vurgusu dış politika kararlarının alınmasında önemli bir dayanak oldu. Avrupa Birliği, ortak bir dış politika inşasında üyeleri arasındaki belirsizliklerle ve ekonomik krizlerle mücadele ederken, ABD başlattığı ve sürdürdüğü savaşların aşındırdığı imajını tamir etme çabası sürdürürken, Türkiye kaybettiği yılları Afrika, Balkanlar ve Güney Amerika açılımlarıyla telafi etmeyi başardı. Stratejik derinlik, merkez ve düzen kurucu ülke olmak, komşularla sıfır sorun, proaktif dış politika gibi kavramları siyasete dönüştüren ve uygulamaya koyan yeni Türk dış politikasının tasarımcısı Dışişleri Bakanı Ahmet Davutoğlu, gündemi takip eden değil önceden belirleyen bir liderlik sergilemektedir. Dış politika tutumlarına göre ülkeler iddialı ve iddiasız olarak basitçe ikiye ayrılabilir. Tahmin edileceği üzere ikinci grup hayli kalabalık olduğu halde, birinci gruba ABD gibi, Rusya gibi, Çin gibi sayılı ülkeler girer... Türkiye'nin son on yılda izlediği dış politika tutumu ve hamleleri ikinci gruptan çıkıp birinci gruba girme çabası içinde değerlendirilebilir. Türkiye’nin tarihi, coğrafyası, sahip olduğu kültürel değerler onu böyle bir konuma doğal olarak itmekle beraber, Dışişleri Bakanı Ahmet Davutoğlu’nun danışman olduğu dönemden beri savunduğu ''stratejik derinlik'' felsefesi bu kabul üzerine oturuyor. Türkiye'nin getirmiş olduğu yeni dış politika anlayışı sayesinde bölgesinde artan jeoekonomik etkinliğini hisseden Arap ülkeleri, komşularla sıfır problem modelinin açmış olduğu fırsat alanlarına nüfus etmeye başlamışlardır. Türkiye, Ürdün, Lübnan ve Suriye'yi içine alan Yüksek Düzeyli Stratejik İşbirliği Konseyi tesis edilmesi ve bu ülkeler arasında serbest ticaret ve dolaşım alanı oluşturulması ve vizelerin kaldırılmasının altında bahsetmiş olduğumuz yeni güvenlik kültürünün dinamizmi yatmaktadır. Bu tür girişimler ilişkilerin doğasını sıfır toplamlı oyun politikasından kazan kazan politikasına dönüştürmektedir. Özellikle ülkeler arası ekonomik bağımlılığın artması ise bizi ilerde yaşanacak olan bölgesel krizlerin çabuk ve düşük maliyetlerle aşılmasını sağlayacak mekanizmalar geliştirmesine zemin hazırlayacak ve potansiyel çatışma alanlarının devreye girme ihtimalini miminuma çekecektir. Bu anlamda Türkiye'nin son dönemde jeo-ekonomik anlamda kazanmış olduğu dinamizmin bölgesel aktörler tarafından dikkatle izlendiği bilinmektedir.

Turkey and the EU in an Energy Security Society

Turkey and the EU in an Energy Security Society
Author: Dicle Korkmaz
Publisher: Springer Nature
Total Pages: 260
Release: 2020-10-31
Genre: Political Science
ISBN: 3030457745

This book explores Turkey-EU relations in the context of natural gas. Utilising the English School theory and narrative policy analysis, the author examines EU narratives on Turkey’s role in European energy security in the sphere of natural gas, as well as narratives of Turkish actors on natural gas pipelines and the liberalisation of the natural gas market. The book discusses the extent to which the positions held by Turkish actors on natural gas and energy security constrain and/or enable its integration with the EU. Accordingly, it compares the narratives of the EU and Turkish actors to ascertain how references to the content and scope of the integration varied between January 2001 and July 2019. In the context of this book, "integration” does not necessarily mean Turkey’s full membership in the EU. Rather, it refers to different types of relations, which are classified as energy security societies.

Turkish Foreign Policy

Turkish Foreign Policy
Author: Pınar Gözen Ercan
Publisher: Springer
Total Pages: 364
Release: 2017-04-07
Genre: Political Science
ISBN: 3319504517

Rich in its spatial scope, this edited collection provides an extensive and detailed overview of contemporary Turkish foreign policy. From the founding principles of foreign policy in the early republic to changing patterns during the second half of the 20th century, this text not only charts underexplored periods in Turkish foreign policy history, but also offers a fresh analysis of recent events, with new challenges ever-emerging in this region. This volume is essential reading for students, scholars and professionals of International Relations, foreign policy and international law who would like to study Turkish foreign policy.

The Role of Energy in Iran-Turkey Relations

The Role of Energy in Iran-Turkey Relations
Author: Omid Shokri Kalehsar
Publisher: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
Total Pages: 136
Release: 2013
Genre: Energy industries
ISBN: 9783659490019

This book examines the fundamental reasons for the Iranian-Turkish energy rapprochement from 1996 to the AKP administration, . in an attempt to find out whether the ongoing reconciliation points toward Turkey's rearrangement rationalization in the international system. It applies a strict qualitative analysis in considering the perceptions of the decision-makers throughout the intergovernmental partnership process with Iran on major energy policies: energy security, economic relations and Iran's nuclear program. Further to this, the book aims to counterbalances the main arguments of foreign policy and energy analysts. The findings of the study reveal that the Iranian and Turkish governments need each other in the energy field, due on the one hand, to the fact that Iran needs Turkey to export and transit its oil and natural gas into the European market, and on the other, that Turkey requires Iran in order to diversify its energy resources. Turkey's energy demand is increasing rapidly due to major industrialization in certain parts of Turkey. Thus, Turkey has an ardent desire to supply this demand from a reliable resource.

Interdependence Between Energy and Foreign Policy

Interdependence Between Energy and Foreign Policy
Author: Remziye Yilmaz
Publisher: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
Total Pages: 164
Release: 2011-01
ISBN: 9783843382373

Since energy has an impact on economy and security of countries, there is a direct link between energy and foreign policy. Energy is perceived as a way to make national foreign policy goals achieved. Therefore, energy relations between countries in the world take place at a larger context rather than just an energy issue. Analyzing the reasons behind the 1973 oil embargo clearly shows how energy can be used as a political weapon to achieve foreign policy goals. Russia is a very important actor in the field of energy. It is currently being accused of building energy leverage over the importing and transit countries in order to regain power and reputation which it lost since the Cold War. Turkey is a crucial energy transit country because it is so close to large energy supplier and consumer countries. Turkey is considered that it uses its geostrategic position as leverage to be a hegemony player in the region. While the approach of using energy as a political tool may seem successful in short time, it has been considered as very risky for long term period.