The Red Pony - Literature Kit Gr. 7-8

The Red Pony - Literature Kit Gr. 7-8
Author: Nat Reed
Publisher: Classroom Complete Press
Total Pages: 56
Release: 2007-02-01
Genre: Education
ISBN: 1553198972

Get a glimpse into the early life of John Steinbeck with this coming-of-age story of loss. A variety of activities are divided into pre and post-reading, with extra writing tasks that offer great options for work. Get to know the characters with multiple choice questions. Explain why Jody found it significant that his father and Billy Buck both wore flat-heeled shoes to breakfast. Predict what will happen to Gabilan's illness. Explore the concept of a 'refuge', and whether it is important to have. Imagine how Doubletree Mutt got his name. Answer true or false questions about the horses Gitano and Easter. Find examples from the novel that deal with sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell, and list them in an Observation Chart. Aligned to your State Standards and written to Bloom's Taxonomy, additional crossword, word search, comprehension quiz and answer key are also included. About the Novel: Steinbeck recalls four loosely connected episodes from his own childhood, weaving them together into an unforgettable classic. Growing up on a remote ranch in California, ten-year-old Jody Tiflin’s life is forever changed when his father gives him a beautiful red pony. With the help of his father’s hired hand—Billy Buck—Jody commits himself whole-heartedly to the raising of this wonderful colt. When the colt grows ill and dies, Jody’s world is shattered, as is his faith in Billy Buck, who had assured the boy that the pony would recover. Jody’s father promises him a colt that will soon be born to their mare, but dies at the birth. The stories weave together in effortless fashion, chronicling the coming-of-age-story of young Jody Tiflin.

Call It Courage - Literature Kit Gr. 7-8

Call It Courage - Literature Kit Gr. 7-8
Author: Lynda Allison
Publisher: Classroom Complete Press
Total Pages: 60
Release: 2015-10-29
Genre: Education
ISBN: 1771673982

Expose your students to face their fears and overcome obstacles. Encourage them to find themselves and grow into the person they're meant to be. Make teaching a breeze with ready-made activities and prompts to stimulate student comprehension. Identify statements about life in Mafatu's village as true or false. Find the synonyms to key vocabulary words found in the novel. Imagine how Mafatu's life would be different had his mother been alive. Predict whether Mafatu will survive on the island and return to his village a new man. Explain what Mafatu believed brought him to safety. Create a board game, using a map of the island as a base. Create a set of rules and cards with questions, then play the game in small groups. Aligned to your State Standards and written to Bloom's Taxonomy, additional crossword, word search, comprehension quiz and answer key are also included. About the Novel: Call It Courage is a Newbery Medal-winning story about a boy who tries to overcome his fear of the sea by facing it. Set in the Pacific Islands, the story follows Mafatu, the son of the chief of Hikueru Island. After watching his mother die, Mafatu develops a fear of the sea, which brings his father shame. In order to no longer be seen as a coward among his tribe, Mafatu takes a canoe out into the ocean. He ends up lost and deserted on an island, forced to fend for himself. During his encounters on the island, Mafatu slowly faces and overcomes his fears, eventually returning home a new man.

Wringer - Literature Kit Gr. 5-6

Wringer - Literature Kit Gr. 5-6
Author: Chad Ibbotson
Publisher: Classroom Complete Press
Total Pages: 60
Release: 2019-05-21
Genre: Education
ISBN: 0228304466

Find the power to stand up for yourself and what you believe in. Students will become highly-engaged in the activities presented in this resource. Make predictions about what will happen in the following chapters based on what you know of the characters so far. Describe how Palmer felt about pigeons based on his reactions from the first two Pigeon Days. Answer multiple choice questions about Palmer's experience with his friends. Retell Palmer's reasons for not wanting to be a wringer as he tells them to Dorothy. Create a poem that describes Palmer's actions throughout the story. Describe three important settings from the novel and discuss some of the important plot events that happened at each of them. Aligned to your State Standards, additional crossword, word search, comprehension quiz and answer key are also included. About the Novel: Wringer teaches students the importance of self confidence and standing up against bullying. Palmer LaRue dreads the day he will turn ten years old. When he was just four years old, he witnessed his first Pigeon Day—a yearly celebration that takes place during Family Fest in the small town of Waymer. On this day, five thousand pigeons are shot. Traumatized by what he saw, Palmer forever feared the day he would turn ten and become a wringer. A wringer is someone who wrings the neck of wounded pigeons. Nearing his tenth birthday, Palmer falls in with a group of bullies who hate pigeons more than anything. At first, Palmer is proud of his new friendship, but that all changes when he befriends a pigeon. Wringer highlights Palmer’s struggle between what his friends think and what he feels is right.

Hatchet - Literature Kit Gr. 5-6

Hatchet - Literature Kit Gr. 5-6
Author: Sarah Joubert
Publisher: Classroom Complete Press
Total Pages: 60
Release: 2010-01-01
Genre: Education
ISBN: 1553198875

A thrilling adventure of a plane crash in the Canadian wilderness to learn the basic needs for survival. Help students think deeper about the novel and offer a great jumping off point for class discussion. Demonstrate prior knowledge of the story's setting, including animals and terrain Brian may come across. Answer true or false questions about the turtle and its eggs that Brian encountered. Describe Brian's appearance as he saw himself in the lake. Finish sentences with vocabulary words from the story. Students imaging being Brian and come up with their own survival plan. Complete a chart detailing the events Brian survives, what his reactions were, and what he learned from them. Aligned to your State Standards, additional crossword, word search, comprehension quiz and answer key are also included. About the Novel: Hatchet is a Newbery Honor winning story about a boy surviving a plane crash in the Canadian wilderness. Miles off course, Brian must wait out the search for him while surviving in the harsh environment. With nothing but a hatchet his mother gave him, Brian soon discovers his greatest tool for survival is himself. A bear, porcupine, moose and even tornado threaten to hinder Brian’s attempt at survival; however, he manages to make a shelter for himself, weapons, and finally a fire. With these tools, Brian must hunt and gather food and water in order to stay alive while he waits for a rescue plane to find him.

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe - Literature Kit Gr. 5-6

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe - Literature Kit Gr. 5-6
Author: Chad Ibbotson
Publisher: Classroom Complete Press
Total Pages: 60
Release: 2018-06-22
Genre: Education
ISBN: 022830332X

Travel through a wardrobe to discover your destiny. The activity sheets are great for accountability of the information. Students put themselves in Peter's shoes and imagine how he feels about staying at the Professor's house. Get into the mind of Lucy and predict what she will do about what she learns of the wardrobe. Break down the conversation Peter and Susan have with the Professor to determine why it was so strange. Answer multiple choice questions about Narnia's history based on what was read in the novel. Create a map of the Witch's fortress. Draw and describe some of the creatures from the book. Aligned to your State Standards, additional crossword, word search, comprehension quiz and answer key are also included. About the Novel: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe mirrors the difficulties of war at home with conflict in a fantastical land. Lucy, Edmund, Peter, and Susan have been sent to live in the country to get away from the air-raids that are affecting London. They find themselves in the care of an old Professor in a large house. To spend the time, the children roam about the house, investigating every nook and cranny. In one particular room lies a large wardrobe filled with fur coats. It's inside this wardrobe that the children find themselves traveling to the magical land of Narnia. Here, the children are immediately plunged into a conflict between the inhabitants of Narnia and the Witch that have cursed them. The children learn that they are part of a prophecy that foretells two human boys and two human girls will defeat the Witch and bring peace to the land. The group meet up with Aslan before an epic battle that sees the children victorious and prosperous as the new Kings and Queens of Narnia. This magical tale allows children to gain control over their destiny and fight for the rights of others.

Old Yeller - Literature Kit Gr. 5-6

Old Yeller - Literature Kit Gr. 5-6
Author: Chad Ibbotson
Publisher: Classroom Complete Press
Total Pages: 60
Release: 2019-05-21
Genre: Education
ISBN: 0228303710

Discover the power behind the friendship of a boy and his dog. The easy-to-use format allows for lots of variety in activities to go along with the book. Enter the mind of Travis as he explains his feelings after shooting the deer. Identify statements about the novel as true or false. Describe how Travis' attitudes change towards certain characters from the story. Predict what will become of Old Yeller based on events from previous chapters. Conduct a study on women settlers and describe how you would feel if put in their position. Categorize the different dangers Travis faces throughout the novel on a graphic organizer. Aligned to your State Standards, additional crossword, word search, comprehension quiz and answer key are also included. About the Novel: Old Yeller tells the story of a boy, his dog, and the events that lead to their unlikely friendship. Travis Coates has no need for a dog, regardless of what his father tells him. Instead, he wants a horse. Travis’ father promises to bring one home for him if he is able to step up and take care of the farm while his father is away. The 14-year-old takes this newfound responsibility to heart and sets out to prove that he deserves the title of “man of the house”. A short time after Travis’ father leaves the farm, a stray dog wanders onto their property. The Coates family name him “Old Yeller” in part because of his filthy yellow fur. Travis wants no part of this nuisance dog. He comes to change his mind when Old Yeller saves Travis’ younger brother from a bear. From then on, Travis and Old Yeller become inseparable, leading to Old Yeller helping Travis keep up his duties on the farm. The story progresses in this manner until one task threatens the health of them both.

Charlotte's Web - Literature Kit Gr. 3-4

Charlotte's Web - Literature Kit Gr. 3-4
Author: Brenda Rollins
Publisher: Classroom Complete Press
Total Pages: 60
Release: 2008-02-01
Genre: Education
ISBN: 1553198603

Step out on a farm and learn the true meaning of friendship among the animals. Use a variety of true or false, fill-in-the-blank and multiple choice questions to check comprehension. Sequence events from the story in the order that they happened. Students share their opinions on the lifespan of animals on a farm. Write the vocabulary word from the book next to its meaning. Write the name of the character next to their quote from the novel. Describe how Wilbur tried to make himself look 'radiant'. Predict what Charlotte's 'masterpiece' will be. Describe Templeton's character using examples from the book. Complete a Spider Web Map to list the main ideas of the story. Aligned to your State Standards and written to Bloom's Taxonomy, additional crossword, word search, comprehension quiz and answer key are also included. About the Novel: Charlotte’s Web is a magical story about childhood, friendship, and loyalty. An eight-year-old girl named Fern saves the life of a newborn piglet named Wilbur and the adventure begins. Soon, Wilbur and the other animals in the barn cellar are a great part of Fern’s life. Wilbur notices that everyone in the barn is busy except him. He becomes lonely and sad. A sweet voice comes out of the darkness of the barn cellar and says, “I’ll be a friend to you.” The voice belongs to a small gray spider named Charlotte A. Cavatica. Charlotte turns out to be a wonderful friend. She listens to Wilbur and enjoys his child-like ways. Soon he finds out what might happen to him when the cold weather comes. Charlotte promises to find a way to save his life. Through the wondrous writings in her web, Charlotte does save Wilbur’s life. And because he is her true friend, Wilbur saves Charlotte’s future.

Fantastic Mr Fox - Literature Kit Gr. 3-4

Fantastic Mr Fox - Literature Kit Gr. 3-4
Author: Michelle Jensen
Publisher: Classroom Complete Press
Total Pages: 60
Release: 2014-11-25
Genre: Education
ISBN: 1771673699

Demonstrate the power of determination with this tale about a clever Fox who outsmarts the surrounding farmers to feed his family. Our consistent vocabulary, comprehension and short-answer format makes this resource easy to use. Written in such a way so educators can choose to use a small part as supplemental material with their existing unit. Introduce students to grade-level words they will come across during their reading. Test comprehension by answering true or false questions about the farmers. Find a quote in the novel that demonstrates foreshadowing. Become a news reporter and come up with 10 questions to ask the farmers about why they dig up the ground. Complete a character sketch of Mr Fox by identifying what he thinks, hears and loves. Aligned to your State Standards and written to Bloom's Taxonomy, additional crossword, word search, comprehension quiz and answer key are also included. About the Novel: Fantastic Mr Fox is the classic story by Roald Dahl of a fox who outsmarts a few farmers to steal food from them. Mr Fox lives underground with his wife and children. At night, Mr Fox visits his neighboring farmers and robs them of their livestock. The farmers retaliate by waiting for Mr Fox by his hole, ready to ambush him when he leaves. When that fails, the farmers then try to dig up Mr Fox's home. When that fails, they decide to starve out the Fox family. Mr Fox then comes up with a plan to get food. He gets the help of his friend Badger, and the pair dig their way to the farmers' food. Their success leads to Mr Fox creating an underground neighborhood where all the animals can all live together in safety.

My Side of the Mountain - Literature Kit Gr. 5-6

My Side of the Mountain - Literature Kit Gr. 5-6
Author: Chad Ibbotson
Publisher: Classroom Complete Press
Total Pages: 60
Release: 2017-07-20
Genre: Education
ISBN: 1773449974

Discover the loneliness that comes with a solitary and independent life. The quizzes and activity pages make this resource accessible for all students. Students choose their own animal to become their faithful companion, much like Frightful is to Sam. Elaborate on Sam's realization that he is low in vitamin C by researching other vitamins and explaining what they provide to the human body. Test comprehension with multiple choice questions that ask about how Sam spends Christmas on the mountain. Predict how long it will be before Sam sees his father again. Identify the different relationships Sam makes with both animals and other people during his time in the Catskill Mountains. Aligned to your State Standards, additional crossword, word search, comprehension quiz and answer key are also included. About the Novel: My Side of the Mountain follows one boy's journey into the wilderness and the most unlikely realization he finds there. Sam Gribley is an adolescent boy who lives in a small New York City apartment with eight brothers and sisters. He hates feeling trapped and dreams of living in the wide open space that only the wilderness can provide. He decides then to run away to his grandfather's abandoned farm in the Catskill Mountains. On the way, Sam recounts how he survives a snowstorm and befriends a falcon and weasel. He learns many skills from people he meets on his journey that will help him to survive his independent lifestyle. However, Sam finds his solitude more lonesome than he thought, and soon yearns for human interaction. This coming-of-age story follows the mental and physical growth of a young boy as he discovers who he really is.

Esperanza Rising - Literature Kit Gr. 5-6

Esperanza Rising - Literature Kit Gr. 5-6
Author: Chad Ibbotson
Publisher: Classroom Complete Press
Total Pages: 60
Release: 2017-11-22
Genre: Education
ISBN: 0228303249

Experience the hardships of starting over during the Great Depression. The activities act as a great jumping-off point for teaching in a student-guided manner. Students put themselves in Esperanza's shoes and describe her changing viewpoints as she becomes exposed to the lives of those poorer than she once was. Determine whether a strike will cause conflict later in the story based on what is already known. Put events in order as they happen immediately following the death of Esperanza's father. Make predictions on the outcome of Esperanza's attempts to get a job. Compare the mythological story of the phoenix to that of Esperanza. Compare the different settings of the book, from Esperanza's home in Mexico to the work camps in California. Aligned to your State Standards, additional crossword, word search, comprehension quiz and answer key are also included. About the Novel: Esperanza Rising tells the story of a young girl who's world gets turned upside-down, and must flee to America to start a new life. Esperanza Ortega grew up in luxury on her father's ranch in Mexico. She had servants, nice clothes and lavish parties. Her sheltered life comes crashing down when her father is killed by renegades while tending to a broken fence on his property. Their home is left to Esperanza and her mother, but the land is left to her father's stepbrothers. After their home is burned down, Esperanza, her mother and a few loyal servants flee to America to start better lives. Unfortunately for them, it's the Great Depression and their new lives won't be so great. Esperanza is immediately flung into poverty and struggles to adjust. When they make it to the States, Esperanza falls into a deep depression. When her mother becomes sick, Esperanza must grow up and learn to appreciate what she has. This riches-to-rags story shows that it's not what you possess that bring you happiness, but the people you share it with.