The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Volume 21

The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Volume 21
Author: Thomas Jefferson
Publisher: Princeton University Press
Total Pages: 605
Release: 2018-06-05
Genre: Biography & Autobiography
ISBN: 0691185271

The description for this book, The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Volume 21: Index, Vols. 1-20, will be forthcoming.

The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Volume 20

The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Volume 20
Author: Thomas Jefferson
Publisher: Princeton University Press
Total Pages: 801
Release: 2018-06-05
Genre: Biography & Autobiography
ISBN: 0691185263

This volume documents exhaustively for the first time Edmond Charles Genet's dramatic challenges to American neutrality and Jefferson's diplomatic and political responses. After welcoming Genet's arrival as the harbinger of closer relations between the American and French republics, Jefferson becomes increasingly distressed by the French minister's defiance of the Washington administration's ban on the outfitting of French privateers in American ports, the enlistment of American citizens in French service, and the exercise of admiralty jurisdiction by French consuls in American ports. Although the Supreme Court declines to advise the executive branch on neutrality questions that Jefferson prepares with the President and the Cabinet, he helps to formulate a set of neutrality rules to meet Genet's challenge.Unable to convince the impetuous French envoy to adopt a more moderate course, Jefferson works in the Cabinet to bring about Genet's recall so as to preserve friendly relations with France and minimize political damage to the Republican party, in which he takes a more active role to prevent the Federalists from capitalizing on Genet's defiance of the President. Grappling with the threat of war with Spain, Jefferson involves himself equivocally in a diplomatically explosive plan by Genet to liberate Louisiana from Spanish rule. In this volume Jefferson also plays a decisive role in resolving a dispute over the design of the Capitol and plans agricultural improvements at Monticello in preparation for his retirement to private life.

The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Volume 35

The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Volume 35
Author: Thomas Jefferson
Publisher: Princeton University Press
Total Pages: 886
Release: 2018-06-05
Genre: History
ISBN: 0691184860

For the first two months covered by this volume, Thomas Jefferson is residing at Monticello, avoiding the "rather sickly" season in the nation's capital. His mountaintop house finally has a roof and both daughters and their families come to stay with him. Using cowpox vaccine received from Benjamin Waterhouse, he undertakes what he calls "my experiment," the systematic inoculation of family members and slaves against the smallpox. In Washington, the construction of buildings for the nation's capital moves forward. The walls of the chamber of the House of Representatives now extend "up to the window heads," with only three feet more to go. Jefferson considers the erection of this chamber as well as completion of a "good gravel road" along Rock Creek as crucial for "ensuring the destinies of the city." The interior decoration of the President's House also progresses, with draperies, girandoles, and a chandelier furnishing the circular room. His carriage is ready to be shipped from Philadelphia. As the city takes shape, so too do the operating principles of Jefferson's administration. He dispatches a letter to his heads of department outlining "the mode & degrees of communication" for conducting their business. In mid-November, he enters a period of intense activity in the preparation of his first annual message to Congress, soliciting suggestions but personally drafting the document that he will submit in writing in early December.

The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Volume 44

The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Volume 44
Author: Thomas Jefferson
Publisher: Princeton University Press
Total Pages: 856
Release: 2019-12-10
Genre: History
ISBN: 0691194408

Aaron Burr fells Alexander Hamilton in a duel in July, but Jefferson, caring little for either adversary or for disruptive partisan warfare, gives the event only limited notice. He contends with the problem of filling the offices necessary for the establishment of Orleans Territory on October 1. He is constrained by his lack of knowledge about potential officeholders. Meanwhile, a delegation with a memorial from disgruntled Louisianians travels to Washington. In August, the U.S. Mediterranean squadron bombards Tripoli. The United States has uneasy relationships around its periphery. Jefferson compiles information on British "aggressions" in American ports and waters, and drafts a bill to allow federal judges and state governors to call on military assistance when British commanders spurn civil authority. Another bill seeks to prevent merchant ships from arming for trade with Haiti. Contested claims to West Florida, access to the Gulf of Mexico, tensions along the Texas-Louisiana boundary, and unresolved maritime claims exacerbate relations with Spain. Jefferson continues his policy of pushing Native American nations to give up their lands east of the Mississippi River. Yellow fever has devastating effects in New Orleans. Abigail Adams terminates the brief revival of their correspondence, musing that "Affection still lingers in the Bosom, even after esteem has taken its flight." In November, Jefferson delivers his annual message to Congress. He also commences systematic records to manage his guest lists for official dinners.

The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Volume 41

The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Volume 41
Author: Thomas Jefferson
Publisher: Princeton University Press
Total Pages: 865
Release: 2018-06-05
Genre: History
ISBN: 0691185174

The Louisiana Purchase dominates the months covered in this volume. Jefferson departs for Monticello to enjoy a needed respite after the busy three and a half months he has just spent in the nation's capital. Shortly before leaving Washington, he has a last meeting with his cabinet, after which he issues a proclamation to reconvene Congress on 17 October, three weeks early. It is the "great and weighty" business of the French government’s stunning offer to transfer all of the Louisiana Territory to the United States that necessitates this important gathering. The event brings Jefferson enthusiastic congratulations from his friends and fellow Republicans. With Jefferson’s great success, however, comes the reality of getting the agreement with France approved and implemented. The boundaries of the territory ceded are not even clear. In private letters to his trusted advisers, Jefferson discusses the proper course of action. Should both houses of Congress be called to consider the French offer? Is it prudent to make the substance of a treaty public? And perhaps most vexing, does this executive action require an amendment to the Constitution? Some Federalists criticize the plan, but an expansion of the nation’s territory, proponents argue, will raise America’s stature in the eyes of the world. With the widening of the country’s borders, Jefferson’s project to send an exploratory party westward seems even timelier. William Clark accepts Meriwether Lewis’s invitation to join the expedition, and on the last day of August Lewis begins his journey down the Ohio River, the building of his boat finally complete.

The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Volume 46

The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Volume 46
Author: Thomas Jefferson
Publisher: Princeton University Press
Total Pages: 841
Release: 2022-12-13
Genre: History
ISBN: 0691242313

A definitive scholarly edition of the correspondence and papers of Thomas Jefferson Congress adjourns early in March, and Jefferson goes home to Monticello for a month. After his return to Washington, he corresponds with territorial governors concerning appointments to legislative councils. He peruses information about Native American tribes, Spanish and French colonial settlements, and the geography of the Louisiana Territory. He seeks the consent of Spanish authorities to a U.S. exploration along the Red River while asserting privately that Spain “has met our advances with jealousy, secret malice, and ill faith.” A new law extends civil authority over foreign warships in U.S. harbors, and he considers using it also to constrain privateers. Federalist opponents bring up “antient slanders” to question his past private and official actions. His personal finances are increasingly reliant on bank loans. He starts a search for a new farm manager at Monticello. Meriwether Lewis and William Clark write from Fort Mandan in April before setting out up the Missouri River. Jefferson will not receive their reports until mid-July. In the Mediterranean, William Eaton coordinates the capture of the port of Derna and Tobias Lear negotiates terms of peace with Pasha Yusuf Qaramanli to end the conflict with Tripoli. News of those events will not reach the United States until September.

The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Volume 33

The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Volume 33
Author: Thomas Jefferson
Publisher: Princeton University Press
Total Pages: 810
Release: 2018-06-05
Genre: History
ISBN: 0691184844

Under normal circumstances, Thomas Jefferson would have had more than two months to prepare for his presidency. However, since the House of Representatives finally settled a tied electoral vote only on 17 February 1801, he had two weeks. This book, which covers the two-and-a-half-month period from that day through April 30, is the first of some twenty volumes that will document Jefferson's two terms as President of the United States. Here, Jefferson drafts his Inaugural Address, one of the landmark documents of American history. In this famous speech, delivered before a packed audience in the Senate Chamber on March 4, he condemns "political intolerance" and asserts that "we are all republicans: we are all federalists," while invoking a policy of "friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with none." Jefferson appoints his Cabinet members and deals with the time-consuming process of sifting through the countless appeals and supporting letters of recommendation for government jobs as he seeks to reward loyal Republicans and maintain bipartisan harmony at the same time. Among these letters is one from Catharine Church, who remarks that only women, excluded as they are from political favor or government employment, can be free of "ignorant affectation" and address the president honestly. Jefferson also initiates preparations for a long cruise by a squadron of American warships, with an unstated expectation that their destination will probably be the Barbary Coast of the Mediterranean.

The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Volume 47

The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Volume 47
Author: Thomas Jefferson
Publisher: Princeton University Press
Total Pages: 800
Release: 2023-11-21
Genre: History
ISBN: 0691248176

A definitive scholarly edition of the correspondence and papers of Thomas Jefferson Jefferson continues his pattern of returning home to Monticello for the summer months. He makes a brief visit to Poplar Forest in Bedford County to plan the development of that property. James Hubbard, a young enslaved worker at Monticello, escapes but is captured in Fairfax County. Another slave who has fled, James Hemings, rejects efforts to persuade him to return and disappears. Receiving news of the end of the conflict with Tripoli, Jefferson states that although it is “a small war in fact, it is big in principle.” He devotes much of his attention to relations with Spain. He considers alliance with Great Britain to force a resolution with Spain, then chooses instead to negotiate with France for the purchase of Florida and settlement of matters in dispute with Spain. He drafts bills to organize the militia by age and create a naval militia. Specimens sent by Lewis and Clark arrive. Jefferson calculates that the United States has recently acquired cessions of well over 9 million acres of land from Native Americans. He meets with visiting Creek leaders. Answering a query, Jefferson states that Patrick Henry was “the greatest orator that ever lived” but “avaritious & rotten hearted.”

The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Volume 31

The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Volume 31
Author: Thomas Jefferson
Publisher: Princeton University Press
Total Pages: 739
Release: 2018-06-05
Genre: History
ISBN: 0691185360

As this volume opens, partisan politics in the United States are building to a crescendo with the approach of the presidential election. Working for a Republican victory, Jefferson consults frequently with Madison, Monroe, and others to achieve favorable results in state elections. He corresponds with controversial journalist James T. Callender. Sifting information from published rumors and private letters, he follows events in Europe, including Bonaparte's unexpected rise to power in France, and sees the value of his tobacco crop plummet as U.S. legislation cuts off the French market. Jefferson grows concerned at Federalist promotion of English common law in American jurisprudence and at proceedings in the Senate against William Duane, printer of the Philadelphia Aurora. Drawing heavily on British legislative practice, however, as well as advice from Virginia, he begins in earnest to compile a manual of parliamentary procedures for the Senate. As president of the American Philosophical Society, Jefferson calls for reform of the United States census. He publishes an appendix to Notes on the State of Virginia defending his account of the Mingo Indian Logan's legendary 1774 speech. And Jefferson consults Joseph Priestley and Pierre Samuel Du Pont de Nemours about the curriculum for a projected new university in Virginia. While continuing the reconstruction of Monticello, he mourns the death of the infant girl of his younger daughter, Mary Jefferson Eppes.

The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Volume 45

The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Volume 45
Author: Thomas Jefferson
Publisher: Princeton University Press
Total Pages: 862
Release: 2021-03-16
Genre: History
ISBN: 0691203652

"The Papers of Thomas Jefferson is a projected 60-volume series containing not only the 18,000 letters written by Jefferson but also, in full or in summary, the more than 25,000 letters written to him. Including documents of historical significance as well as private notes not closely examined until their publication in the Papers, this series is an unmatched source of scholarship on the nation's third president."--Publisher description.