The New BNL Polarized Negative Ion Source

The New BNL Polarized Negative Ion Source
Total Pages: 10
Release: 1991

A new ground state source of negative hydrogen ions with polarized nuclei ({rvec H}−) is being developed at BNL. Extensive developmental research has been aimed at improving each element of ({rvec H}−) production: cold H° beam, spin selection and focusing magnets, and ionizer. These elements have recently been integrated into a source. A first test with the accommodator nozzle cooled only to liquid nitrogen temperatures resulted in 5 [mu]A of H−. Tests at liquid helium temperatures are now beginning. 7 refs., 1 fig.

Negative Ion Source and Beam Development at BNL.

Negative Ion Source and Beam Development at BNL.
Total Pages:
Release: 1978

Neutral beam injector based on H− ions for Tokamak fusion reactors is gradually evolving from the accumulated research results at BNL. Progress is reported on both Penning and magnetron surface plasma ion sources for direct extraction of negative ions. Schemes for transporting and accelerating of the ion beam are also described. Test results of the gas jets for H− .-->. H° conversion are also included. The next generation of a high energy neutral injector test stand to be completed in the coming months is also presented.

Status and Future Plans for the BNL Polarized H− Source

Status and Future Plans for the BNL Polarized H− Source
Total Pages:
Release: 1983

In 1982, when Haeberli described the design and performance of his 3 .mu. A polarized negative hydrogen source, he predicted that the colinear colliding beam source had the potential to produce H− beam currents well in excess of 10 .mu. A. The recently constructed AGS source, which is similar to Haeberli's system, has reached peak beam currents in excess of 25 .mu. A, while operating in the pulsed mode. Standard operation of the AGS machine is 10 .mu. A in beam pulses of 0.5 ms each two seconds. These intense beams have been achieved by cooling the atomic beam from room temperature to 110°K and by increasing the cesium ion current from 2 to 3 mA to the 10 to 15 mA level. Higher polarized beam currents are expected with relatively simple modifications in the design.

25. Mu. A Pulsed Polarized H− Ion Source

25. Mu. A Pulsed Polarized H− Ion Source
Total Pages:
Release: 1984

A Haeberli-type pulsed polarized negative hydrogen source has been brought into operation at the BNL Alternating Gradient Synchrotron. It operates reliably at beam currents sometimes as high as 25 .mu. A and 20 keV in beam pulses of 500 .mu.sec with approximately 75% polarization. These beam intensities are about an order of magnitude higher than the original Haeberli source built at the University of Wisconsin. This improvement is caused by the higher densities of both the atomic hydrogen beam and the cesium beam, which are the basic ingredients in the charge exchange reaction. About half the beam (10 to 15 .mu. A) is accelerated in the 200 MeV linac and injected into the AGS. 3 references, 3 figures.

Highly Polarized Ion Sources for Electron Ion Colliders (EIC).

Highly Polarized Ion Sources for Electron Ion Colliders (EIC).
Total Pages:
Release: 2010

The operation of the RHIC facility at BNL and the Electron Ion Colliders (EIC) under development at Jefferson Laboratory and BNL need high brightness ion beams with the highest polarization. Charge exchange injection into a storage ring or synchrotron and Siberian snakes have the potential to handle the needed polarized beam currents, but first the ion sources must create beams with the highest possible polarization to maximize collider productivity, which is proportional to a high power of the polarization. We are developing one universal H-/D- ion source design which will synthesize the most advanced developments in the field of polarized ion sources to provide high current, high brightness, ion beams with greater than 90% polarization, good lifetime, high reliability, and good power efficiency. The new source will be an advanced version of an atomic beam polarized ion source (ABPIS) with resonant charge exchange ionization by negative ions. An integrated ABPIS design will be prepared based on new materials and an optimized magnetic focusing system. Polarized atomic and ion beam formation, extraction, and transport for the new source will be computer simulated.