The Eruption of Insular Identities

The Eruption of Insular Identities
Author: Brianna Medeiros
Publisher: Liverpool University Press
Total Pages: 281
Release: 2020-06-21
Genre: History
ISBN: 1782846921

The Eruption of Insular Identities explores themes common to the literatures of the Azores and Cape Verde, two isolated archipelagos in the former Portuguese empire but contemporaneously in the Portuguese-speaking world. In the 1930s, writers from both archipelagoes initiated projects to explore acorianidade and caboverdianidade, firmly placing narratives within their respective regional spaces, a tradition that would be continued by following generations. Despite vast differences in the realities in the two archipelagos in terms of race and politics, the insularity lent itself to two bodies of literature with striking similarities. The authors aim is to set out these similarities as a means to understanding the differences in rhetoric and treatment of this commonality. Earlier scholarly work has suggested the comparison, but this book is the first extensive study comparing the literatures of the two archipelagoes. Within the field of Lusophone studies, the study of Lusophone African literatures are gaining international literary appeal. Cape Verdean writer Germano Almeida won the Premio Camoes in 2018, one of the most prestigious awards for Portuguese-language authors. His work is explored extensively in the volume. The Eruption of Insular Identities provides a perspective on Cape Verdean literature that brings to the fore the nations social reality and literary production its individual insularity which distances it from most of the other Lusophone African nations. And it provides an in-depth comparison to the second region under study, the Azores.

Embracing the Past, Designing the Future

Embracing the Past, Designing the Future
Author: Luciano Aronne de Abreu
Publisher: Liverpool University Press
Total Pages: 228
Release: 2020-01-01
Genre: History
ISBN: 1782846727

Embracing the Past, Designing the Future provides an historical overview of Brazilian authoritarianism and social/economic development during the political era (1930-45) of Getulio Vargas as viewed and understood by Oliveira Viana and Azevedo Amaral, two of the principal intellectuals and ideologues of the regime at the time. Oliveira Vianna was one of the main authors of the corporatist labour legislation and Azevedo Amaral remained an important publicist who was associated with the regimes propaganda apparatus. the heart of the discussion is the legitimacy of authoritarian modernisation. Brazil's contemporary uncertainty has deep parallels with the earlier period: unruly and un-democratic political debate coupled with economic stagnation. It was during the Vargas era that the power bases and fundamental principals of the construction of modern Brazil were defined in terms of its political administration and its economy and industry. These features may still be perceived in the country today, albeit claimed or rejected by political leaders such as Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and Fernando Henrique Cardoso. Linkage between authoritarianism and the economic development of Brazil is strong, whether viewed through the lenses of history, sociology or political science. Both periods of exceptional national economic and social growth were associated exactly to its two governmental authoritarian periods in the twentieth century the Vargas era and the military dictatorship (196485). This volume addresses a complex of ideological difficulties that go to the heart of what the Brazilian nation stands for: its racial construction; its colonial heritage; the fractured nature of the relationship between society and state; the role of corporatism, and its sometime political rejection; and the dangers of political personalisation, to the detriment of the nation.

The Portuguese Revolution of 1974-1975

The Portuguese Revolution of 1974-1975
Author: Maria Inácia Rezola PhD
Publisher: Liverpool University Press
Total Pages: 288
Release: 2023-11-17
Genre: History
ISBN: 183764117X

As Portugal is celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Carnation Revolution, this book conveys a global and differentiating perspective on the aims and actions of its three main protagonists – the Armed Forces, the political parties and mass social organizations – by close examination of original archival documentation; oral and written primary sources; and government records.

On Guard Against the Red Menace

On Guard Against the Red Menace
Author: Rodrigo Patto Sá Motta
Publisher: Liverpool University Press
Total Pages: 333
Release: 2020-02-01
Genre: Political Science
ISBN: 1782846603

This book focuses on the values, beliefs, fears and actions of Brazilian groups that throughout the twentieth century fought the red menace. It is based on broad and diversified documentary sources, including police files, archives of political leaders, traditional press periodicals, newspapers and brochures of right-wing organizations, monuments, caricatures, and photographs. The work is a major contribution to better understanding the political impact of right-wing movements in Brazil and the justifications made for the authoritarian coups of 1937 and 1964. The author explains the intricacy of the political movements, leaderships and organizations that gathered around the fight against communism, as well as the ideas and images used to disseminate their arguments, including international sources of inspiration. The argument presented is not one of mere condemnation, but as dictatorship has reared its head post-1964 an assessment is long overdue in order to understand the political impact of anti-communist movements which have contributed to enable the longstanding police-military repressive machine of the Brazilian State. The current return of anti-communism to the Brazilian political scene is evidence of the book's thesis that this phenomenon took root in Brazilian society during the first decades of the twentieth century. On Guard Against the Red Menace helps to understand why a candidate of military origin who promises to rid the country of the reds won the October 2018 elections in Brazil, by adopting a discursive strategy that represents the appropriation of the anti-communist tradition analyzed in this book.

The Portuguese at War

The Portuguese at War
Author: Nuno Severiano Teixeira
Publisher: Liverpool University Press
Total Pages: 279
Release: 2019-05-28
Genre: History
ISBN: 1782846573

From war campaigns to peacekeeping operations, The Portuguese at War presents an overview of the conflicts, wars and revolutions in which Portugal was involved from the nineteenth century to the present day. From the French invasions to the civil wars, from the African Empire to the wars of decolonisation, from belligerence in the First World War to neutrality in the Second, from participation in the Atlantic Alliance to peacekeeping operations in Kosovo, East Timor, Lebanon and Afghanistan. The book addresses the military interventions in politics and the role of the countrys political regimes in military reform: from the Liberal Revolutions to the Republic, from the military dictatorship and authoritarian regime to the 25th of April Revolution and the transition to democracy. The historical record of Portugals war involvement is not only closely aligned to international and European circumstance but to internal factors: the economy, society, public opinion and political/military power. A historical perspective must of necessity link Portuguese war excursions with the military institutions in place at the time: their recruitment system, social composition and organisation of the army, navy and air force; the military ethos; the evolution of equipment, weapons and military technologies; strategic military doctrine and how this impacted on tactics and military operations; and of course the war outcomes. Special attention is given to the effects of international isolation after the Estado Novo, and post-Cold War europeanisation. The book does not eschew the plurality of interpretative theories. Rather, it seeks to combine historical accuracy of the Portuguese at war within a highly readable literary narrative aimed not only at undergraduate and research levels, but at a broader public audience interested in the complex reach and role of Portugal in world history.

The Global History of Portugal

The Global History of Portugal
Author: Carlos Fiolhais
Publisher: Liverpool University Press
Total Pages: 727
Release: 2021-12-06
Genre: History
ISBN: 1802071334

For thousands of years, Portugal has been the point of arrival and departure for peoples, cultures, languages, ideas, fashions, behaviours, beliefs, institutions and produce. While its miscegenation and global multimodal activity enriched the world in many ways, it also provoked violence, war, suffering and resistance. The Global History of Portugal contains 93 chapters grouped into five parts: Pre-history, Antiquity, Middle Ages, Early Modern period and Modern World. Each chapter begins with an event, interpreted in the light of global history. Each part opens with an introduction, offering a perspective of the period in question. The three Editors, five Scientific Coordinators (João Luís Cardoso, Carlos Fabião, Bernardo Vasconcelos e Sousa, Catia Antunes and António Costa Pinto) and ninety Contributors offer a critical and analytical synthesis of the history that originated in Portuguese territory or passed through it, stimulating the process of encounter and dis-encounter in todays global world. The history presented gives special attention to the world that moulded Portugal and the Portuguese, and to the ways Portugal configured the world. It seeks to identify and understand the transversal entanglements of historic impact and the impulses these gave to the construction of Portugal and the world. Contemporary reflection and academic scholarship on the global history of leading nations has stimulated a rethinking of the past and a more comprehensive recognition of legacy. Historians can no longer overlook the wider world with which their country of investigation has interacted. Portugal's role in the dynamic circulation of peoples and ideas makes it global history not only unique by way of what took place but also in terms of a potential academic template for better understanding of how the past shapes the present, and more particularly the importance of acknowledging a country's past historic mis-steps and how these are dealt with by contemporary populations.

The First Portuguese Republic

The First Portuguese Republic
Author: Miriam Pereira
Publisher: Liverpool University Press
Total Pages: 216
Release: 2019-02-20
Genre: History
ISBN: 1782846255

The first Portuguese Republic stood between 1910 and 1926. A characteristic of the Republican period was the strong civil participation, particularly by the urban population. Freedom of press and of association became constitutional rights and incentivized a powerful and very diversified associative movement in which trade unions and friendly societies stood out in the political spectrum as they promoted popular education and culture. The time-span studied is characterized by Portugals colonial expansion in Africa, an important factor in Portugals involvement in the Great War. As changes in education, in the concept and structure of family and in the status of women linked with the new politics, so emerged a different relationship between State and Church, new avenues for the development of economic activity, an increased focus on better labour conditions, and emigration to Brazil. Miriam Halpern Pereira provides a clear overview of the Republics many achievements and the internal political and wider international limitations resulting in its downfall. The political, social and cultural causes of the military overthrow of the first Portuguese Republic are analyzed against the backdrop of the concomitant rise of fascist regimes in other European countries in the years preceding the 1929 Depression. The work provides a much needed updated synthesis of the myriad circumstances of the period, and is intended for both the general public and students of modern Europe. In a clear and concise style Between Liberalism and Democracy sheds new light on a controversial epoch of Portuguese history.

Frei Betto

Frei Betto
Author: Evanize Sydow
Publisher: Liverpool University Press
Total Pages: 303
Release: 2020-07-31
Genre: History
ISBN: 1782846883

The Biography includes a Preface by Cuban Commander Fidel Castro Frei Bettos roles as a revolutionary Christian, popular educator, social movement articulator, and journalist/writer provide insight into the political and religious history not only of Brazil, but of Cuba and former socialist countries of Eastern Europe. His lifepath is one of engagement with the revolutionary struggle against the Brazilian military dictatorship in favor of social transformation. His arrest in 1969 for coordinating the safe departure of political militants from Brazil, and his concern to eliminate hunger and suffering from the poorer classes, were strong credentials as he promoted dialogue between political bodies, the religious establishment and the population at large. Strongly influenced by the propositions of Liberation Theology, a defining thread of its activities was to seek an understanding, an accommodation, between Christianity and socialism. Friar Betto maintained close relations with former Brazilian President Lula da Silva and Fidel Castro and the Cuban revolutionary government, and wrote about how the internal dynamics of the Cuban religious universe could be applied to other countries and to different political circumstances. His writings on socialist countries, especially Paradise Lost, are aimed at promoting understanding on several levels: between the Church and the communists; between the military and politicians; between religious leaders and the people. Frei Bettos biography is an invitation to understand five decades of a personal pursuit of revolutionary ideals through the prism of religious tolerance and the pursuit of socialism. The Portuguese edition was a finalist in the biography section of Jabuti the prestigious national literary prize granted by the Brazilian Book Chamber (CBL).

Politics and Religion in the Portuguese Colonial Empire in Africa (1890-1930)

Politics and Religion in the Portuguese Colonial Empire in Africa (1890-1930)
Author: Hugo Goncalves Dores
Publisher: Liverpool University Press
Total Pages: 253
Release: 2020-12-01
Genre: History
ISBN: 1782846212

The Portuguese authorities balanced missionary and political dynamics as they sought to strengthen their claims over African territories in an imperial and colonial world that was becoming increasingly internationalized. This book sets out to investigate how missionary authorities reacted to national challenges from the monarchical and republican regimes, and rising competition within the Catholic world, as well as the Protestant threat, at the international level. To what degree were religious and missionary projects a political instrument? Was this situation similar in other colonial empires? The 1890 British Ultimatum was part of a process of conflicting religious competition in Africa (among Catholics, and between Catholics and Protestants) in parallel with inter-imperial disputes. The Portuguese authorities saw missionary presence as a potentially useful political weapon, but it cut two ways: in favour of or against its colonial rule. Foreigner missionaries in what was considered the Portuguese empire were viewed as threats since they could act as political bridgeheads for other imperial powers or could influence the native populations against Portuguese colonial presence. Anglo-Portuguese competition in Africa, the native uprisings against Portuguese rule, the attempts to negotiate a concordat with the Holy See, the Portuguese First Republic, and the aftermath of the First World War had powerful effects on the direction of Portuguese statehood, and were reflected in substantive internal debate and political disagreement. The overview of missionary experience in the Portuguese empire provided in this book is a major contribution to the international historiography of missions and empires.

Fernando Pessoa

Fernando Pessoa
Author: Dr Jerónimo Pizarro
Publisher: Liverpool University Press
Total Pages: 250
Release: 2020-07-10
Genre: Biography & Autobiography
ISBN: 1782846964

A Critical Introduction proposes a new didactic and dynamic way of reading the great twentieth-century poet Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935). The aim is to present a holistic vision of this complex poet, promoting his literary geniality in order to better understand his orthonymic-heteronymic poetry. A guiding motif is Pessoa's own Be as plural as the universe. In leading the reader through the poet's published literary work, Jerónimo Pizarro allows an intimate perspective, alongside an academic one, to better understand the workings of Pessoa's mind and life. Discussion centres on the dilemmas an editor faces when editing posthumously. A prime question revolves around the genesis of Pessoa's heteronyms and orthonyms. Understanding is revealed by a critical perspective on the unity that exists in all of Pessoa's literary work. Interpretations of the poems; explanation of the profundity of The Book of Disquiet; and his isms of Paulism, Caeirism, Intersectionism and Cessationism, are discussed and analysed. The issue of Pessoa's astrological predictions his birth year and the effects of this event on Portuguese national history is debated. A chapter is devoted to the effect that translating Omar Khayyám's Rubáiyát had on the poet. The work contains eleven texts written by Pessoa in English (including an autobiographical note from 1935), a substantive dual language bibliography, and is highly illustrated with facsimiles of the poet's own written material. A Critical Introduction is essential reading for all scholars and students of Pessoa's literary output and life circumstances. The work has been written to appeal to cultural studies (arts and aesthetics) enthusiasts in general at both undergraduate and postgraduate level, but given the engagement of new critical material it also provides a structured resource for future research.