The Complete Green Hornet Comics Book Ten Scsc

The Complete Green Hornet Comics Book Ten Scsc
Total Pages: 0
Release: 2022-12-12

This is the final book in our Green Hornet collection. It contains issue #43 to 47 of theGreen Hornet by Harvey Comics. The series changed its name to Green Hornet,Racket Buster for issues #44 to 47. Back up features for these issues included DottyDripple by Buford Tune and Kerry Drake, written by Allen Saunders and drawn byAlfred Andriola. Of course, all the issues centered around the exploits of the GreenHornet and Kato with most, if not all of the art for those stories by Al Avison.Also included in this volume are issues #13 and 14 of All-New Comics which hadGreen Hornet stories in each comic along with Ham Fisher's Joe Palooka . Simon &Kirby's Stuntman is the third feature in All-New #13 and, a Man in Black story by BobPowell was in #14This volume collects Green Hornet #43, Green Hornet Racket Buster #44-47 and AllNew Comics #13 & 14. This book is available in both hard cover and trade paperback editions as well as infull color and black & white.

The Complete Green Hornet Comics Book Five Scsc

The Complete Green Hornet Comics Book Five Scsc
Total Pages: 0
Release: 2022-12-12

With its bountiful page count, anthology comics in the Golden Age were all the rage- and why not? In addition to the unquestioned star of the magazine, the readerwas served a host of creative and exciting characters and features. While namedfor its primary character, GREEN HORNET COMICS (Temerson 1940-41 & Harvey1942-1949) was the home of dozens of long-running popular characters (and few ?well, not so much). No one would deny, though, that the reason kids ploppeddown their dimes was the playboy Britt Reed and his secret identity as thecrimefighting criminal, GREEN HORNET.THIS BOOK: GREEN HORNET COMICS #18 to 21Also available in black & white and hard cover formats

The Complete Green Hornet Comics Book Six Scsc

The Complete Green Hornet Comics Book Six Scsc
Total Pages: 0
Release: 2022-12-12

With its bountiful page count, anthology comics in the Golden Age were allthe rage - and why not? In addition to the unquestioned star of themagazine, the reader was served a host of creative and exciting charactersand features. While named for its primary character, GREEN HORNETCOMICS (Temerson 1940-41 & Harvey 1942-1949) was the home of dozensof long-running popular characters (and few ? well, not so much). No onewould deny, though, that the reason kids plopped down their dimes wasthe playboy Britt Reed and his secret identity as the crimefighting criminal,GREEN HORNET.THIS BOOK: GREEN HORNET COMICS #22-27 Also available in hardcover and black & white editions

The Complete Green Hornet Comics Giant-Size Book Five Scsc

The Complete Green Hornet Comics Giant-Size Book Five Scsc
Total Pages: 0
Release: 2023-01-04

It's another challenge for the Green Hornet. This GIANT-SIZE volume collects issues #39 to47 of the Green Hornet series by Harvey Comics. The series actually changed its name toGreen Hornet, Racket Buster for issues #44 to 47. Back up features for these issuesincluded Dotty Dripple by Buford Tune and Kerry Drake, written by Allen Saunders anddrawn by Alfred Andriola. Of course, all the issues centered around the exploits of theGreen Hornet and Kato with most, if not all of the art for those stories by Al Avison.Also included in this volume are issues #13 and 14 of All-New Comics which had GreenHornet stories in each comic along with Ham Fisher's Joe Palooka . Simon & Kirby'sStuntman is the third feature in All-New #13 and, a Man in Black story by Bob Powell wasin ALL-NEW #14This book is available in both hard cover and trade paperback editions as well as in fullcolor and black & white.

The Complete Green Hornet Comics

The Complete Green Hornet Comics
Total Pages: 0
Release: 2023-01-25

It's another challenge for the Green Hornet. Green Hornet Giant-Size Volume TWOhas an all star line up of talent. Jerry Robinson, Alex Schomburg, Bob Powell, BobFujitani, Al Avison and Art Helfant are only a few of the amazing talents whose workgrace these pages. There are stories of the Blonde Bomber, The Spirit of '76, the Zebraand of course, the Green Hornet and Kato. Great stories, art and characters all in onemassive collection.This book is available in both hard cover and trade paperback editions as well as infull color and black & whiteA special thank you to Sheila Ann Vanderbeek for sponsoring this book

The Complete Green Hornet Comics Giant-Size

The Complete Green Hornet Comics Giant-Size
Total Pages: 0
Release: 2023-01-15

It's another challenge for the Green Hornet. Green Hornet Giant-Size VolumeTWO has an all star line up of talent. Jerry Robinson, Alex Schomburg, BobPowell, Bob Fujitani, Al Avison and Art Helfant are only a few of the amazingtalents whose work grace these pages. There are stories of the BlondeBomber, The Spirit of '76, the Zebra and of course, the Green Hornet andKato. Great stories, art and characters all in one massive collection.This book is available in both hard cover and trade paperback editions as wellas in full color and black & white.