City Wedding

City Wedding
Author: Joan Hamburg
Publisher: Universe Publishing(NY)
Total Pages: 290
Release: 2002
Genre: Reference
ISBN: 9780789308566

Joan Hamburg of WOR's The Joan Hamburg Show and the annual WOR Bridal Show provides an all-in-one resource guide to planning a wedding in New York City - from gowns and tiaras to florist and photographers. This completely revised second edition has many new entries.

City Wedding

City Wedding
Author: Joan Hamburg
Publisher: Random House Puzzles & Games
Total Pages: 244
Release: 2006-01-10
Genre: Reference
ISBN: 9780789313843

Joan Hamburg provides an all-in-one resource guide to planning a wedding in the city, from gowns and tiaras to florists and photographers.

Like a Bride Adorned

Like a Bride Adorned
Author: Lynn R. Huber
Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing USA
Total Pages: 233
Release: 2007-06-10
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 0567349578

The phrase "like a bride adorned" is one of the ways Revelation describes the new Jerusalem which descends from heaven. This phrase can also be read as describing one of the ways interpreters historically have understood the relationship between Revelation and its metaphorical language. In contrast to views that suggest Revelation's metaphorical language is simple adornment, Huber argues that Revelation's persuasive power resides within the text's metaphorical nature and she articulates a method for exploring how Revelation employs metaphor to shape an audience's thought. In order to gain a sense of how metaphorical language works in Revelation's highly metaphorical text,"Like a Bride Adorned:" Reading Metaphor in John's Apocalypse engages one set of conceptual metaphors in relation to Revelation's literary and social-historical milieu. Specifically, Huber explores the conceptual metaphors undergirding Revelation's nuptial or bridal imagery. Positioned at the culmination of the text's, nuptial imagery serves as one the text's final and arguably one of its most important characterizations of the Christian community. Examining the function of Revelation's nuptial imagery involves investigating how the text redeploys conventional metaphorical constructions used in the writings of the Hebrew prophets and how its imagery engages Greco-Roman depictions of women, weddings, and brides. Discourse about marriage and family was such an important part of Revelation's historical context, especially as it was shaped by the Roman Empire, that any discussion of the text's nuptial imagery must examine how it reflects and responds to this discourse. By addressing these questions, we see that Revelation's nuptial imagery serves to further the text's goal of shaping Christian identity in opposition to the social demands of the Roman Empire. Moreover, exploration of the conceptual metaphors undergirding Revelation's "bride adorned" reveals how John seeks to shape Christian identity as a transitional identity. Through metaphor, Revelation encourages its audience to envision the Christian community as a bride who constructs "her" own identity as she transitions into a new role in relation to God and the Lamb. Through the process of exploring Revelation's nuptial imagery with insights gained from conceptual metaphor theory, we uncover the ways that John employs metaphorical language to persuade his audience's thought about themselves and about others. Consequently, this work contributes both to our understanding of the text's nuptial imagery and to our knowledge of how Revelation employs metaphor as tool for persuasion.

The City of God, the Bride of Christ, and the Second Death According to Revelation of John

The City of God, the Bride of Christ, and the Second Death According to Revelation of John
Author: Victor Pierobon
Publisher: Victor Pierobon
Total Pages: 108
Release: 2018-12-18
Genre: Bibles
ISBN: 0463464923

The true consolidation of this book and 'How to Believe in Christ According to the Gospel of John' are both consolidated in "The Way, the Truth, and the Light According to the Gospel and Gospel and Revelation of John" which is FREE to download from here and others online. This is a sequel to "How to believe in Christ According to the Gospel of John". Revelation affirms reincarnation, that we are judged by our works, and describes the City of God as half the size of the planet Mercury - a volume able to accommodate more than 47,000 trillion apartments. It chronicles the redemption of Adam's lineage by the incorporation of God in Christ, and Christ in Adam's human lineage. The Second Death is mentioned four times in Revelation. It describes the Final Judgment of all souls, including the unforgivable souls and followers of Satan that are not in the Book of Life and other books regarding their works. The bad souls are cast into the Lake of Fire, assumed to perish, as Christ said in Matthew [10:28]: “And fear not them who kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.” Matthew [13:30-40 ] lays out Revelation's plot: “Let both [the good and the evil] grow together until the harvest:... He that sows the good seed is the Son of man; 38 The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom, but the tares are the children of the wicked one; 39 The enemy that sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels. 40 As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire [same as the second death's lake of fire in Revelation]; so shall it be in the end of this world.” And in comparison, Revelation [22:10-12] “Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at hand. [11] He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still. [12] And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.” The analysis of John's Gospel and his Revelation vision is closely tied to Genesis, forming a non-contradictory system of beliefs. Pure Christianity is by far the toughest religion to follow. The true early Christians did not passively submit to torture and death because they liked it, but by believing in and following the teachings and example of Christ. It required a suppression of all of their survival instincts, procreation instincts, social approval and status, wealth, and worldly pleasures and passions. For example, it requests that followers to be celibate, give up worldly goods, turn the other cheek, give their shirt off their back, hate/deny their worldly life, avoid the honor of men, serve and feed all in need, seek martyrdom, and more. Yet it is also a most rewarding religion based on its ideals in the pureness of body, heart, mind, will, and awareness it advocates in the spirit. Unfortunately, very few can, and even those who spoke and saw Jesus directly had a very hard time following his teachings and example. Yet billions currently believe themselves to be true Christians. All true knowledge should be obtained internally by your own subjective effort and by the Holy Spirit of Truth and not just by reading, and if it were not so, Christ would have written copious works for us to be saved with just an easy read.

The Virginia City Bride

The Virginia City Bride
Author: Cynthia Woolf
Publisher: Firehouse Publishing
Total Pages: 138
Genre: Fiction
ISBN: 195015257X

If Jared Winslow didn't have bad luck, he wouldn't have any. Forced to leave his home in Chicago or face the hangman's noose, he's supposed to lay low and stay out of trouble. He's not supposed to become a U.S. Marshall in The Nevada Territory. And he's not supposed to order himself a mail-order-bride. But Jared wants a real life. A home. A family. And he's not going to allow Lady Luck, or false allegations against him stop him from living his life. When Angelica Riley arrives, he's smitten. She's kind, beautiful and generous. She wants what he does, a family, stability. A home. But he isn't the only one who finds her allure impossible to resist. A local troublemaker has decided that Angelica will be his. Her loyalty to Jared--and the promise she made him to become his wife--only angers a man who is used to taking anything he wants. Obsession turns deadly and a woman with an uncanny resemblance to Angelica is violently murdered. Jared knows his enemy will stop at nothing to take his new bride. The question now is can Jared stop him or will his past--and Lady Luck--take everything from him this time, not only his life, but the woman he has grown to love.