The Bible, "The Perfect Tool for the Devil" Now the Devil Is in the White House

The Bible,
Author: Larry D. Hall
Total Pages: 110
Release: 2020-01-28
ISBN: 9781728344874

One day Satan, the devil, came to the Garden of Eden. He told Eve she should eat the fruit of the tree of good and evil. Eve said God had told her and Adam not to eat it. Satan said the fruit was very good. He told Eve it would make her wise. She would know good and evil. Eve chose to eat the fruit. Eve told Adam she had eaten the fruit. She would have to leave the garden. She gave Adam some of the fruit. Adam ate it. God came to see Adam and Eve. They had not obeyed God. They were afraid. They ran and hid. According to one tradition, refuse was stored on the lowest of the ark's three decks, humans and clean beasts on the second, and the unclean animals and birds on the top; a differing interpretation described the refuse as being stored on the utmost deck, from where it was shoveled into the sea through a trapdoor. Precious stones, said to be as bright as the noon sun, provided light, and God ensured that food remained fresh. Some more unorthodox interpretations of the ark narrative also surfaced: the 12th-century Jewish commentator Abraham Ezra interpreted the ark as being a vessel that remained underwater for 40 days, after which it floated to the surface When Obama was age two, Barack Sr. left to study at Harvard University; shortly thereafter, in 1964, Ann and Barack Sr. divorced. (Obama saw his father only one more time, during a brief visit when Obama was 10.) Later Ann remarried, this time to another foreign student, Lolo Soetoro from Indonesia, with whom she had a second child, Maya. Obama lived for several years in Jakarta with his half sister, mother, and stepfather. While there, Obama attended both a government-run school where he received some instruction in Islam and a Catholic private school where he took part in Christian schooling. Trump began his political career by seeking the nomination for the Reform Party for the 2000 presidential race and withdrew; he again publicly announced he would be running for president in the 2012 election. However it wasn't until the 2016 election that Trump became the official Republican nominee for president and, defying polls and media projections, won the majority of electoral college votes in a stunning victory on November 8, 2016. Despite losing the popular vote to Hillary Clinton by almost 2.9 million votes, Trump's electoral win -306 votes to Clinton's 232 votes - clinched his election as the 45th president of the United States.

The Bible, "The Perfect Tool for the Devil" Now the Devil Is in the White House

The Bible,
Author: Larry D. Hall
Publisher: AuthorHouse
Total Pages: 108
Release: 2020-01-28
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 1728344883

One day Satan, the devil, came to the Garden of Eden. He told Eve she should eat the fruit of the tree of good and evil. Eve said God had told her and Adam not to eat it. Satan said the fruit was very good. He told Eve it would make her wise. She would know good and evil. Eve chose to eat the fruit. Eve told Adam she had eaten the fruit. She would have to leave the garden. She gave Adam some of the fruit. Adam ate it. God came to see Adam and Eve. They had not obeyed God. They were afraid. They ran and hid. According to one tradition, refuse was stored on the lowest of the ark's three decks, humans and clean beasts on the second, and the unclean animals and birds on the top; a differing interpretation described the refuse as being stored on the utmost deck, from where it was shoveled into the sea through a trapdoor. Precious stones, said to be as bright as the noon sun, provided light, and God ensured that food remained fresh. Some more unorthodox interpretations of the ark narrative also surfaced: the 12th-century Jewish commentator Abraham Ezra interpreted the ark as being a vessel that remained underwater for 40 days, after which it floated to the surface When Obama was age two, Barack Sr. left to study at Harvard University; shortly thereafter, in 1964, Ann and Barack Sr. divorced. (Obama saw his father only one more time, during a brief visit when Obama was 10.) Later Ann remarried, this time to another foreign student, Lolo Soetoro from Indonesia, with whom she had a second child, Maya. Obama lived for several years in Jakarta with his half sister, mother, and stepfather. While there, Obama attended both a government-run school where he received some instruction in Islam and a Catholic private school where he took part in Christian schooling. Trump began his political career by seeking the nomination for the Reform Party for the 2000 presidential race and withdrew; he again publicly announced he would be running for president in the 2012 election. However it wasn’t until the 2016 election that Trump became the official Republican nominee for president and, defying polls and media projections, won the majority of electoral college votes in a stunning victory on November 8, 2016. Despite losing the popular vote to Hillary Clinton by almost 2.9 million votes, Trump's electoral win —306 votes to Clinton's 232 votes — clinched his election as the 45th president of the United States.

The Wiles of the Devil

The Wiles of the Devil
Author: Dennesha K Frazer
Publisher: WestBow Press
Total Pages: 120
Release: 2011-10-21
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 1449728634

For many years the enemy has run unchecked or undefeated in the lives of many Christians. He has made a mess of many Christians lives and families. Many of us have been told what to do and what not to do as saints, but no one ever takes the time to tell us how to do right. Now, finally, the Lord has sent the word on how to counter the enemy, no matter what state or form he comes in. This book exposes the Devils devices and shows you how to leap over, dismantle and overcome them. With a fair mix of personal experience and Bible-based teachings, this book gives you the ammunition to win.

The Great Controversy Between Christ and Satan: From the Destruction of Jersualem to the End of the Controversy

The Great Controversy Between Christ and Satan: From the Destruction of Jersualem to the End of the Controversy
Author: Ellen G. White
Publisher: Yesterday's World Publishing
Total Pages: 100
Release: 2020-02-20
Genre: Body, Mind & Spirit
ISBN: 9781912970070

"The Lord has shown me that Satan was once an honored angel in heaven, next to Jesus Christ. His countenance was mild, expressive of happiness like the other angels. His forehead was high and broad, and showed great intelligence. His form was perfect. He had noble, majestic bearing. And I saw that when God said to his Son, Let us make man in our image, Satan was jealous of Jesus. He wished to be consulted concerning the formation of man. He was filled with envy, jealousy and hatred. He wished to be the highest in heaven, next to God, and receive the highest honors. Until this time all heaven was in order, harmony and perfect subjection to the government of God."-Ellen G White

Satan's Study Bible: The Gospel of Mark

Satan's Study Bible: The Gospel of Mark
Author: Crucifigetus
Total Pages: 170
Release: 2014-10-26
Genre: Bibles
ISBN: 9781931608251

Satan's Study Bible is the most controversial book ever written. In the Holy Bible, God and his only Begotten Son, Jesus the Christ, have made their case against Satan. For two thousand years, the Devil has taken the blame for the Plague, witchcraft, the deaths of the young, war, famine, pestilence, Ad nauseam. He has taken it all with remarkable silence. Christians continue to slander and libel him with all the lies printed in the Bible and spoken from the pulpit. Now, after two millennia of silence, Satan, once the prosecutor in God's court (Job 1:6), offers his rebuttal in the case against Christ, through his most damnable council - Satan's Study Bible: The Gospel of Mark. We wish all devout Christians, lapsed Christians, and curious non-believers to approach Satan's Study Bible with an open mind and a soul in ready preparation for salvation in Jesus Christ through blasphemy! What you read in Satan's Study Bible will turn your stomach, offend your intellect, and wound your very soul. But only through a thorough understanding of the enemy of God's beliefs, can you shield yourself with a true understanding of God's Most Holy Scripture. A literate believer is a Christian armed with the Word of God. A well-versed Christian is the enemy of every charlatan in the cloth of the priesthood!

To Hell with the Devil

To Hell with the Devil
Author: Gary Randall Wallace
Publisher: Christian Faith Publishing, Inc.
Total Pages: 55
Release: 2022-02-09
Genre: Religion
ISBN: 109808991X

The devil (Satan) has been able to fool the church and Christians ever since the early church went to bed with Rome around AD 330 under Emperor Constantine, who supposedly had a conversion to Christianity. The pagan religion brought all the false teachings and false gods all the way back to Egypt. And that system is just as false today. Repeatedly God warned the Jews in the Old and New Testaments that there are no gods but He alone. Yet we're still taught that by a rebellion Lucifer and Satan fell from heaven, which would make them gods. But the scripture verse in 1 Samuel 15:23 states specifically "For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft." And there is absolutely no sin in the third heaven or there would be death in heaven. So the title To Hell with the Devil: It's Time to Blow the Lid Off Lucifer's Coffin. This will certainly make Satan uncontrollable mad and upset if this book comes to publication. He does not like being exposed as the complete liar that he has been from the beginning. Unfortunately, because of the past presidential election of 2020, he has managed to get his foot in the door of the US government. But he won't be satisfied until he takes over the entire USA. And as long as Christians and Patriots remain silent, it will all be over but the shouting. What I have written from the word of God only is the absolute truth. But as our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ said to those Serpents (Sadducees and Pharisees) in John 8:40, "But now you seek to kill me, a man that has told you the truth which I heard of God." And as the apostle Paul said in 2 Timothy 4:3-4, "For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine but after their own lusts shall heap to themselves teachers having itching ears and they will turn from the truth and shall and shall be turned unto fables." That is certainly what has happened in our time. But Satan's ultimate goal is the complete destruction of God's church.

What Satan Doesn't Want you to Know

What Satan Doesn't Want you to Know
Author: Felix Wantang
Publisher: Felix Wantang
Total Pages: 220
Release: 2022-06-02
Genre: Bibles

This book reveals the limitations of Satan, how to resist him, and the tools that you need to spiritually draw closer to God through Jesus Christ. When you read this book, you will come to understand the crafty schemes that Satan uses to operate in the world and why you should never be afraid of him. This book will help you look at Satan through the eyes of Jesus Christ and come to the realization that Satan is afraid of humanity. In life, in order to fight and successfully defeat your enemies, you must first understand your enemies and their limitations. You must use weapons capable of destroying the forces of your enemies; otherwise, you will be fighting a lost battle. Jesus Christ is the light of God; in the garden of Eden, Satan disguised himself when he deceived Eve because he knew the strength and weakness of Eve; he also knew that to destroy Adam, you must go through Eve. Adam and Eve on the other hand were oblivious of Satan’s true identity, strength, and limitations which explains why they failed and subsequently gave birth to the sins of the world. In the wilderness, Satan did not try to disguise himself when he tempted Jesus Christ because Jesus was cognizant of Satan’s true identity, limitations, his source of strength, and what it takes to humiliate or resist him; Jesus knew exactly when and how to tell Satan to back off. When the giant Goliath attacked the Israelites, the young David with no warfare experience decided to confront Goliath because he knew and understood the limitations of the giant. From a supernatural standpoint, David knew that nothing is more powerful than the true living God. The truth is that Satan doesn’t want you to know that he is vulnerable, inferior to you, and afraid of humanity; he also doesn’t want you to know that he is fighting a lost battle. God has given you everything you need to resist and humiliate Satan because the battle was fought on the cross and Jesus Christ has overcome the world. “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33. When you read this book, you will come to the conclusion that Satan is afraid of you. Jesus loves you.


Author: Christopher
Publisher: Pearl Publishing LLC
Total Pages: 562
Release: 2006
Genre: Beast of the Apocalypse
ISBN: 0978526414