Synthesis of Logic Circuits Having Bilateral Or Unilateral Transmission Functions

Synthesis of Logic Circuits Having Bilateral Or Unilateral Transmission Functions
Total Pages: 87
Release: 1962

Procedures for syn hesizing logic networks in an orderly and simple form are highly important. Methods have been developed for the synthesis of combinational-relay-circuits, diode-voltagelevel logic circuits and transistor NOR and NAND logic circuits. It is the purpose of this research to extend some of these methods to allow the use of different types of lements in the same circuit. To this end, it is shown how the diode may be treated as a directional variable in relay circuits and how the location of relays in different positions in diode-level-logic blocks affects the logical function of the block. Hohn and Schissler's method is ext nd to include a unilateral device, the diode As a result, a new synthesis procedure using two parallel unilateral transmission networks is evolved. These networks are then simplified to form a single two-terminal bilateral network. Scheinman's method of relay synthesis is adapted to the synthesis of NOR and NAND logic circuits. The me ho i hen broaden d to allow e traction of multiple variables at each level of the logic circuit. Further, extension of the method to multiple output circuits is shown o i volv no additional comple ity in applying the synthe i procedure. (Aut or).