Successfully managing challenges in German-Chinese logistics networks

Successfully managing challenges in German-Chinese logistics networks
Author: Durach, Christian F.
Publisher: Universitätsverlag der TU Berlin
Total Pages: 58
Release: 2016-11-09
Genre: Business & Economics
ISBN: 3798328307

The present study has been developed by the Kuehne Competence Center for International Logistics Networks at the Department of Logistics, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany. It is a report on intermediate results of a project funded by the Kuehne Foundation, Switzerland and conducted in cooperation with the Chair of International Logistics Networks and Services at the Tongji University, Shanghai, China. The study presents results from several years of work looking into successful Western firms’ operations in the Chinese market. It lists current and emerging logistical challenges in German-Chinese logistics networks and proposes a set of mitigation strategies. The study also gives in-depth insights into three case studies from the automotive, electronics and consumer goods industries. The China-specific nature of this study is exemplary for many culturally distinct bilateral trade relationships around the world. The entire study is enriched with up-to-date macro- and micro-economic data, as well as a study of seminal literature in the field; applied research methodologies include two group exercises with forty-two practitioners, several online questionnaires with over fifty respondents and three in-depth case studies. Die vorliegende Studie wurde vom Kompetenzzentrum für Internationale Logistiknetze am Fachgebiet Logistik der Technischen Universität Berlin, Deutschland, erstellt. Sie enthält die bisherigen Projektergebnisse eine Forschungsprojekts, welches von der Kühne-Stiftung, Schweiz gefördert und in Kooperation mit der Tongi Universität Shanghai, China durchgeführt wird. Die Studie präsentiert die Ergebnisse einer langjährigen Analyse erfolgreicher westlicher Unternehmen im chinesischen Markt. Sie stellt aktuelle und zukünftige logistische Herausforderungen in Deutsch-Chinesischen Logistiknetzen dar und erarbeitet Gegenmaßnahmen. Die Studie bietet außerdem Einblick in drei umfangreiche Fallstudien aus der Automotive-, Elektronik- und Konsumgüterindustrie. Der Fokus auf den Chinesischen Markt ist hierbei exemplarisch für viele kulturell unterschiedliche Geschäftsbeziehungen in internationalen Netzen. Die Studie enthält zudem aktuelle mikro- und makroökonomische Daten, sowie eine Analyse relevanter Literatur. Es werden verschiedene wissenschafliche Methoden angewand, dazu gehören Gruppenarbeiten mit 42 Praktikern, mehere Onlineumfragen und drei umfangreiche Fallstudien.

Knowledge Transfer from Germany to China

Knowledge Transfer from Germany to China
Author: Thomas M. Fasser
Publisher: BoD – Books on Demand
Total Pages: 101
Release: 2019-02-20
Genre: Business & Economics
ISBN: 3749406936

Many western companies went East and started subsidiaries also in China to use large costs reduction potentials and to get new market shares at potential 1.3 billion customers. This hype was justified with the resulting success of the companies and the raise of China to the world's biggest economy. Starting new business in China is not only related with success and increasing profit, because before being successful, a functional factory has to be set up. This includes the setup of a suitable and efficient Quality Management System (QMS) and the according Knowledge transfer. This sounds easy, but not all of the enthusiastic firms made it through the built-up phase. This Study researches the theoretical background of Chinese business environment, according to the High Level Structure needs of the ISO 9001, and then compares the culture and also investigates the individual network system. This theoretical analysis is then merged with the quantitative and qualitative results of an expert survey, of German experts of companies with comparable industrial products and QMS. The result is that the cultural differences are big enough to be considered, when making the strategy plan. Especially hierarchical and group social differences make it necessary that the right people have to be prepared to be send to the subsidiary for a certain period. For the Quality topics, the focus should be on the freedom for process adjustments, content of inspection plans, audit strategies, supplier management and failure analysis. Here has to be created and trained a more sensitivity not only to push colleagues or suppliers, but also to develop them. Cost pressure makes it necessary to produce also more complex products in China, why the suppliers also have to be fit for this new challenge. In the end it can be said that the successful startup mainly depends on the right people, placed in higher hierarchical positions, who train the new colleagues on site continuously and with great patience.

China Champions

China Champions
Author: Lutz Kaufmann
Publisher: European Management Publications
Total Pages: 225
Release: 2005
Genre: International business enterprises
ISBN: 3938877006

Navigating international supply chains

Navigating international supply chains
Author: Nitsche, Benjamin
Publisher: Universitätsverlag der TU Berlin
Total Pages: 80
Release: 2019-12-18
Genre: Business & Economics
ISBN: 379833109X

Future logistics managers will face a multitude of complex tasks and they will be required to develop efficient management concepts at short notice. University teaching – as well as further education – has the ability to prepare those logistics managers for future tasks by enabling them to transfer theoretical knowledge to practical problems. To contribute to more practice-oriented teaching approaches, the Competence Center for International Logistics Networks at the Chair of Logistics at Berlin University of Technology conducted 10 on-site case studies at leading manufacturing companies in the consumer goods, automotive, and machinery industries, as well as at logistics service providers. This case collection covers a wide range of topics such as supply chain transparency, lead time management, network planning, volatile customer demand, risk management, behavioral management, organizational alignment and many others. TO provide assistance for instructors that seek to apply those cases in class, guiding questions are also provided. Zukünftige Logistikmanager stehen vor einer Vielzahl komplexer Aufgaben und sind gefordert, kurzfristig effiziente Managementkonzepte zu entwickeln. Die Hochschullehre – ebenso wie die Weiterbildung – ist in der Lage, diese Logistikmanager auf zukünftige Aufgaben vorzubereiten, indem sie diese in die Lage versetzt, theoretisches Wissen auf praktische Probleme zu übertragen. Um zu praxisorientierteren Lehransätzen beizutragen, hat das Kompetenzzentrum für Internationale Logistiknetze am Fachgebiet Logistik der Technischen Universität Berlin zehn Fallstudien vor Ort bei führenden produzierenden Unternehmen der Konsumgüter-, Automobil- und Maschinenbauindustrie sowie bei Logistikdienstleistern durchgeführt. Diese Fallstudiensammlung deckt ein breites Themenspektrum ab, wie z. B. Transparenz in Lieferketten, Lead Time Management, Netzwerkplanung, volatile Kundennachfrage, Risikomanagement, Verhaltensmanagement, organisatorische Ausrichtung und viele andere. Um Lehrenden, die versuchen, diese Fallstudien im Unterricht anzuwenden, zu helfen, werden zudem Leitfragen zur Verfügung gestellt.

Pathway of digital transformation in logistics

Pathway of digital transformation in logistics
Author: Junge, Anna Lisa
Publisher: Universitätsverlag der TU Berlin
Total Pages: 70
Release: 2019-12-17
Genre: Business & Economics
ISBN: 3798330948

The research study “Pathway of Digital Transformation in Logistics” deals with today’s logistics challenges, which are increasing speed and the integration of real-time information for data-driven services, implementing new organizational and leadership structures as well as the need for finding approaches for cooperation with new actors such as start-ups or tech companies. Therefore, the study examines four thematic building blocks central to current developments in logistics: technologies, including platforms, and data-driven services as tools and leadership and organization, as well as open innovation as enablers. The research approach is twofold. First, we investigate the four topics by means of an online questionnaire answered by 120 international participants. Second, a Delphi workshop with 32 logistics experts from industry and LSP reveals further evaluations of success factors and barriers for future developments in logistics. The study describes findings how companies move forward on the path of digital transformation towards smart logistics by presenting and discussing best practice concepts and future developments in logistics. Die Forschungsstudie "Pathway of Digital Transformation in Logistics" beschäftigt sich mit aktuellen Herausforderungen in der Logistik: zunehmende Geschwindigkeit und die Integration von Echtzeitdaten für datengetriebene Services, Implementierung neuer Organisations- und Führungsstrukturen sowie die Notwendigkeit, Ansätze für die Zusammenarbeit mit neuen Akteuren wie Start-ups oder Technologieunternehmen zu finden. Daher untersucht die Studie vier thematische Bausteine, die für aktuelle Entwicklungen in der Logistik zentral sind: Technologien, einschließlich Plattformen, und datengesteuerte Services als Werkzeuge und Führung und Organisation sowie Open Innovation als Enabler. Der Forschungsansatz ist zweigeteilt. Zunächst untersuchen wir die vier Themen anhand eines Online-Fragebogens, der von 120 internationalen Teilnehmenden beantwortet wurde. Zweitens ergibt ein Delphi-Workshop mit 32 Logistikexpert/innen aus Industrie und Logistikdienstleistung weitere Erkenntnisse über Barrieren und Erfolgsfaktoren für zukünftige Entwicklungen in der Logistik. Die Studie präsentiert Ergebnisse, wie Unternehmen auf dem Weg der digitalen Transformation zur intelligenten Logistik voranschreiten, indem sie Best-Practice-Konzepte und zukünftige Entwicklungen in der Logistik vorstellt und diskutiert.

Internationalisation of Logistics Systems

Internationalisation of Logistics Systems
Author: Frank Straube
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
Total Pages: 89
Release: 2008-10-14
Genre: Technology & Engineering
ISBN: 3540769846

Over the past decades the world economy has reached an unprecedented level of global integration. As markets are being liberalised and trade barriers continuously being removed, companies are in an ongoing process of internationalisation. For the internationalisation of business activities, Global Logistics Systems play a significant role. The motivation of this survey is to review companies’ internationalisation procedures from a logistics perspective. This is one of the first comprehensive surveys on global logistics. The poll which forms the basis of the analysis was carried out simultaneously in China and Germany.