The Gholan Gate

The Gholan Gate
Author: E.C. Tubb
Publisher: Gateway
Total Pages: 97
Release: 2011-09-29
Genre: Fiction
ISBN: 0575107790

DOORWAY TO UTOPIA "Beyond that curtain of darkness lies paradise." That was the promise of the doorway known as the Gholan Gate, a doorway so ancient that its makers had vanished millions of years before the first Earthly life crawled out of the primeval oceans. It was still functioning in the possession of its discoverers. To go through it was to enter a universe where all your dreams came true - where your every wish was obeyed, every fantasy became reality, where you could play God to your heart's content. But there was a price, for once beyond the Gholan Gate, you would live only in hopes for a second visit, and a third. . . . And to get the right for that return to paradise a man would sell his soul, his people, his world. Cap Kennedy entered THE GHOLAN GATE once . . . and the result became cosmic history.

Journey to Mars

Journey to Mars
Author: E.C. Tubb
Publisher: Gateway
Total Pages: 105
Release: 2011-09-29
Genre: Fiction
ISBN: 0575107413

All Verrill wanted to do was to get to Mars, to Port Mercham where a ship was getting ready to take the Big Jump to the stars. But he was stranded on Venus, without money, papers, or weapons, with nothing but a keep-sake between him and starvation and the revengeful fury of the powerful Brotherhoods - and charity was a forgotten word. How, with foreign papers, he fought and won the right to a berth, discovered a subtle plot to smuggle narcotics and defeated a mutiny. How he fought a desperate battle with the menace of the Sun and escaped from Mercury, and how, at last, he managed to reach his objective, make a story of high adventure. This is a fast-moving, hard-hitting tale of the future, of rocket ships and the men who guide them across the wastes of space, of the perils and dangers waiting at every turn. A story which paints bright colours across the pages of unwritten history, and brings to life the lives of those yet unborn.

World of Promise

World of Promise
Author: E.C. Tubb
Publisher: Gateway
Total Pages: 134
Release: 2011-09-29
Genre: Fiction
ISBN: 0575107014

Ascelius was an academic world, whose primary business was teaching the knowledge of the thousands of worlds, and housing great universities and colleges, populated by students and scholars from all over the galaxy. Such a world was surely the place to learn of the legendary planet called Earth. And Dumarest discovered that there had once indeed been a study-group of Earth lore. But to find the remnants of it was not easy. Not when the dreaded Cyber already had a toe-hold on Ascelius - and genetic engineering of man and monster was the latest fad. But Dumarest was not a quitter. Whatever the tests might demand, he would not give up . . . although it might mean death for others - or even for himself. (First published 1980)

The Terridae

The Terridae
Author: E.C. Tubb
Publisher: Gateway
Total Pages: 138
Release: 2011-09-29
Genre: Fiction
ISBN: 0575107030

Zabul was no ordinary world. It was a private religious sanctuary - location secret, visitors unwelcome. It was a world fanatically dedicated to one belief and to one goal. The belief that mankind originated on a single world . . . the goal was to find it. To find Earth was a goal that Earl Dumarest shared. But how much did he really have in common with the zealot Terridae, who slept in caskets decorated with the zodiacs and dreamed of soaring towers of crystal and floating cities? And what were their despotic Guardians really after? (First published 1981)

Symbol of Terra

Symbol of Terra
Author: E.C. Tubb
Publisher: Gateway
Total Pages: 134
Release: 2011-09-29
Genre: Fiction
ISBN: 0575107081

Clues from Angado, clues from the lady Govinda, all leading Dumarest on in his search for the lost Planet Earth. But first they lead him to a collector of ancient wisdom called Tama Chenault. But Chenault is not all that he seems, and Dumarest is forced to bargain for the information he seeks. In return he must pledge allegiance to Chenault's deadly plan . . . (First published 1984)

The Quillian Sector

The Quillian Sector
Author: E.C. Tubb
Publisher: Gateway
Total Pages: 136
Release: 2011-09-29
Genre: Fiction
ISBN: 0575106972

The Cyclan was the greatest concentration of intelligence in a thousand worlds - and yet Earl Dumarest continued to elude it. For too long. Bochner was the greatest hunter of a hundred worlds - a man more than wise to the wiles of beasts and men. And now he was on the trail of the most dangerous and most challenging quarry of his career: Earl Dumarest. While Dumarest searched for lost Terra, the Cyclan and Bochner searched for him. Of all the nightmare worlds of the universe, the hunt this time was to lead to the Quillian Sector. The Quillian Sector: the place where space goes mad... (First published 1978)


Author: E.C. Tubb
Publisher: Gateway
Total Pages: 132
Release: 2011-09-29
Genre: Fiction
ISBN: 0575106867

Earl Dumarest still seeks the mythical planet Earth . . . still roams alien and violent worlds. With him goes Mayenne, whose songs create joy and passion - or forgetfulness. Together they are cast up on Tormyle, a planet from another galaxy; a planet unique throughout the Universe. For Tormyle is sentient - the most powerful intelligence in the Cosmos, constantly recreating itself. Tormyle can be Paradise or Hell. Tormyle can manifest as a dragon or a knight on horseback, faceless behind the helmet. Tormyle understands nothing of humanity, of men and women, of emotion. And Tormyle will let no-one escape who cannot answer the unanswerable. (First published 1973)


Author: E.C. Tubb
Publisher: Gateway
Total Pages: 139
Release: 2011-09-29
Genre: Fiction
ISBN: 0575106875

'Earth is real,' Dumarest insisted. 'A world old and scarred by ancient wars. The stars are few and there is a great single moon which hangs like a pale sun in the night sky.' In the quest for his legendary birthplace, Earl Dumarest has traversed galaxies. Now, at least, he reaches Ourelle, a planet close to Earth - out along a far arm of the Milky Way. There he finds Jondelle, a boy who may hold the key to Earl's search. But then Jondelle is kidnapped. And Dumarest's pursuit of the imperilled boy leads him to a city of paranoiac killers - madmen whose terrible violence is always on a hair-trigger! (First published 1973)