Nitrous Oxide and Climate Change

Nitrous Oxide and Climate Change
Author: Keith Smith
Publisher: Earthscan
Total Pages: 247
Release: 2010
Genre: Political Science
ISBN: 1849775117

"Nitrous oxide, N2O, is the third most important (in global warming terms) of the greenhouse gases, after carbon dioxide and methane. As this book describes, although it only comprises 320 parts per billion of the earth's atmosphere, it has a so-called Global Warming Potential nearly 300 times greater than that of carbon dioxide. N2O emissions are difficult to estimate, because they are predominantly biogenic in origin. The N2O is formed in soils and oceans throughout the world, by the microbial processes of nitrification and denitrification, that utilise the reactive N compounds ammonium and nitrate, respectively. These forms of nitrogen are released during the natural biogeochemical nitrogen cycle, but are also released by human activity. In fact, the quantity of these compounds entering the biosphere has virtually doubled since the beginning of the industrial age, and this increase has been matched by a corresponding increase in N2O emissions. The largest source is now agriculture, driven mainly by the use of synthetic nitrogen fertilisers. The other major diffuse source derives from release of NOx into the atmosphere from fossil fuel combustion and biomass burning, as well as ammonia from livestock manure. Some N2O also comes directly from combustion, and from two processes in the chemical industry: the production of nitric acid, and the production of adipic acid, used in nylon manufacture. Action is being taken to curb the industrial point-source emissions of N2O, but measures to limit or reduce agricultural emissions are inherently more difficult to devise. As we enter an era in which measures are being explored to reduce fossil fuel use and/or capture or sequester the CO2 emissions from the fuel, it is likely that the relative importance of N2O in the 'Kyoto basket' of greenhouse gases will increase, because comparable mitigation measures for N2O are inherently more difficult, and because expansion of the land area devoted to crops, to feed the increasing global population and to accommodate the current development of biofuels, is likely to lead to an increase in N fertiliser use, and thus N2O emission, worldwide. The aim of this book is to provide a synthesis of scientific information on the primary sources and sinks of nitrous oxide and an assessment of likely trends in atmospheric concentrations over the next century and the potential for mitigation measures"--Publisher's description.

Measured and Daycent- Simulated Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Soil Planted to Corn in Dairy Cropping Systems

Measured and Daycent- Simulated Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Soil Planted to Corn in Dairy Cropping Systems
Author: Maria Ponce De Leon Jara
Total Pages:
Release: 2017

Crop rotations, organic nutrient amendments, reduced tillage practices, and integration of cover crops are practices that have the potential to increase the sustainability of crop production, yet they also impact nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions. Agricultural soil management has been estimated to contribute 79% of the total N2O emissions in the U.S., and inorganic nitrogen (N) fertilization is one of the main contributors. Nitrous oxide is a potent greenhouse gas that has a global warming potential which is approximately 298 times that of carbon dioxide (CO2) over a 100-year period and is currently the dominant ozone-depleting substance. Few studies have assessed the effects of organic N amendments on direct N2O within the context of a typical dairy forage cropping system. Most research has been limited to studying the effects of one or two sources of N inputs on N2O emissions; however, dairy forage cropping systems often apply manure and have more than two N sources that likely both contribute to N2O emissions. This study investigated how different dairy cropping practices that include differences in crop residues, N inputs (dairy manure and inorganic fertilizer), timing of N amendment applications and environmental conditions influenced N2O emissions from no-till soil planted to corn (Zea mays L.). A two-year field study was carried out as part of the Pennsylvania State Sustainable Dairy Cropping Systems Experiment, where corn was planted following annual grain crops, perennial forages, and a green manure legume crop; all were amended with dairy manure. In the corn-soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) rotation, N sources (dairy manure and inorganic fertilizer) and two methods of manure application (broadcasted and injected) were also compared.Chapter 1 reviews the scientific literature; describing the biotic and abiotic processes of N2O production in soils, summarizing current research on N2O emissions in agricultural systems, and emphasizing the main management and environmental drivers contributing to the emissions. This chapter reviews methods for matching N supply with crop demand, coupling N flow cycles, using advanced fertilizer techniques, and optimizing tillage management. Also, the applicability and limitations of current research to effectively reduce N2O emissions in a variety of regions are discussed.Chapter 2 analyzes the effect of corn production management practices and environmental conditions contributing to N2O in the Pennsylvania State Sustainable Dairy Cropping Systems Experiment. Significantly higher N2O emissions were observed 15-42 days after manure injection and 1-4 days after mid-season UAN application. Manure injection had 2-3 times greater potential for N2O emissions compared to broadcast manure during this time period. Integration of legumes and grasses in the cropping system reduced inorganic fertilizer use compared to soybean with manure or UAN, however, direct N2O emissions were not reduced. The Random Forest method was used to identify and rank the predictor variables for N2O emissions. The most important variables driving N2O emissions were: time after manure application, time after previous crop termination, soil nitrate, and moisture. These field research results support earlier recommendations for reducing N losses including timing N inputs close to crop uptake, and avoiding N applications when there is a high chance of precipitation to reduce nitrate accumulation in the soil and potential N losses from denitrification.Chapter 3 reports the comparison of N2O fluxes predicted with the biogeochemical model DAYCENT compared to measured data from the two-year dairy cropping systems study. Daily N2O emissions simulated by DAYCENT had between 41% and 76% agreement with measured daily N2O emissions in 2015 and 2016. DAYCENT overestimated the residual inorganic N fertilizer impact on N2O emissions in the corn following soybean with inorganic fertilizer and broadcast manure. Comparisons between DAYCENT simulated and measured N2O fluxes indicate that DAYCENT did not represent well organic N amendments from crop residues of perennials and legume cover crops, or manure application in no-till dairy systems. DAYCENT was generally able to reproduce temporal patterns of soil temperature, but volumetric soil water contents (VSWC) predicted by DAYCENT were generally lower than measured values. After precipitation events, DAYCENT predicted that VSWC tended to rapidly decrease and drain to deeper layers. Both the simulated and measured soil inorganic N increased with N fertilizer addition; however, the model tended to underestimate soil inorganic N concentration in the 0-5 cm layer. Our results suggest that DAYCENT overestimated the residual N impact of inorganic fertilizer on N2O emissions and mineralization of organic residues and nitrification happened faster than DAYCENT predicted. Chapter 4 highlights the impact of manure injection and the importance of timing organic N amendments from manures and/or crop residue with crop N uptake to mitigate N2O emissions. More research is needed to better understand the tradeoffs of these strategies in no till dairy cropping systems to help farmers in their operational management decisions. Improving the parametrization of DAYCENT for dairy cropping systems in no-till systems with high surface legume crop residues from perennials and cover crops, will make the model a more useful tool for testing different mitigation scenarios for farmers and policy-designer decision making.

Elevated Carbon Dioxide

Elevated Carbon Dioxide
Author: M.B. Kirkham
Publisher: CRC Press
Total Pages: 406
Release: 2016-04-19
Genre: Science
ISBN: 1439855056

Between 1958 and 2008, the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere increased from 316 to 385 ppm. Continued increases in CO2 concentration will significantly affect long-term climate change, including variations in agricultural yields. Focusing on this critical issue, Elevated Carbon Dioxide: Impacts on Soil and Plant Water Relations presents research

Measuring Continuous Nitrous Oxide Emissions with an Automated Flux Chamber System in an Agricultural Field from a Cover Crop and Winter Wheat System

Measuring Continuous Nitrous Oxide Emissions with an Automated Flux Chamber System in an Agricultural Field from a Cover Crop and Winter Wheat System
Author: Alicia Iwanicki
Total Pages:
Release: 2020
Genre: Air

Globally, agroecosystems contribute approximately 60% of total anthropogenic N2O emissions, a potent greenhouse gas (GHG), mainly due to excessive application of nitrogen (N) fertilizer to croplands. High spatiotemporal resolution flux measurements are necessary for improving our understanding of the episodic and microscale behavior of soil N2O emissions and the complex biogeochemical processes that trigger them. This study used two Li-Cor 8100A Automated Soil CO2 Flux Systems coupled with laser spectroscopic Los Gatos Research (LGR) N2O analyzers to measure continuous soil GHG fluxes from an automated closed static chamber system. A small-scale study plot in an agricultural field was divided into 16 microplots and a chamber was installed on each one, ensuring high-spatial coverage. The system monitored CO2 and N2O fluxes from a cover crop (CC) study from 15 May - 23 August 2019, where four treatments with four replications were established on the microplots as a randomized block design. The treatments were: lynx winter pea (WP), verdant winter barley (WB), a WP+WB 50-50 mix, and fertilized WB (WBfert; 112 kg N ha-1 fertilization rate). Combined mean cumulative emissions from the CC study were 78 ± 21 g N2O-N ha-1 d-1. Daily emissions were generally low, however, a few N2O pulses were observed following drying/rewetting cycles, which were likely nitrification driven. Mean cumulative emissions from the WBfert microplots were higher than mean cumulative emissions from all unfertilized microplots by 34%. Following CC termination, a fertilized winter wheat (WW; 168 kg N ha-1 fertilization rate) treatment was implemented on each microplot and monitored from 16 October 2019 – 29 February 2020. Mean combined cumulative N2O emissions were 1217 ± 99 g N2O-N ha-1 d-1, which were predominantly attributed to high denitrification rates driven by high moisture soil conditions following rainfall and snowmelt. During both studies, soil moisture and N availability were the main drivers of N2O emissions. Overall, the automated flux chamber system provided high-quality long-term flux data that effectively captured the high spatial and temporal variability of N2O fluxes from various cropping treatments, which is important for determining regional N2O budgets and mitigating emissions through improved N use efficiency in agroecosystems.