The term "biopolitics" had long been in use when it was brought into vogue in Academia by Michel Foucault to designate the liberal administration of health, hygiene, food, sexuality, the birth rate, etc., through various flexible and continuous measures such as insurance pressures, proposed hygiene rules, incentive policies, with a view to controlling individuals and populations. The French sociologist Jacques de Mahieu (1915–1990), who used it as early as in the 1950s, gives it a quite different meaning: "In the course of our research, we shall see that the ethnic problem, when it has been posed, has been too narrowly defined, or, to be more precise, that alongside the problem of races as such, there is a question of the same order, which is already hinted at in everyday language. We say of a human being, as we do of a horse, that it “has breeding”. This does not mean that he belongs to a particular ethnic group, but rather that he is distinguished by certain characters within his ethnic group. Once we have established that these characters are hereditary, we will have to admit, willingly or not, that within racial groups, there are categories of the same biopsychic nature as ethnic communities, in the true sense of the word. And once we have seen that these categories are of social importance, we will have to supplement ethnopolitics with genopolitics, and consider all hereditary processes, insofar as they play a part in the life of human communities. This is what biopolitics is all about." As a preamble to the presentation of genopolitics and ethnopolitics, a number of questions, which are also the subject of Julius Evola’s Elements of Racial Education, are addressed: the fact of race; the zoological concept of race; the fallacy of the "pure race"; heredity; the double effect of crossbreeding; mutation; heredity of acquired traits; hereditary memory; the action of the environment; the double effect of the environment; limits to environmental action; race creation. Ethnopolitics is about race classification; the melting-pot; the inequality of races; race and community polyethnic communities; racial specialisation in an organic society; slavery; segregation; race dialectics in a polyethnic community; dialectic of races in the world. Genopolitics studies biopsychology and social order; biopsychic social specialisation; the family, lineage; the social stratum, the origins of social stratification; hereditary differentiation and functional specialisation; natural selection; economic differentiation; backward selection; aristocracy and elites, etc. Population volume is about the demographic factor, population density, natural demographic balance, demographic composition, active and passive population, demographic pace, demographic pressure, living space, etc. Finally, the study of migrations involves examining emigration and immigration, their causes and consequences; biotypology of the emigrant; the process of assimilation; migration planning.