Samuel Hodgdon to Henry Knox Reporting on the Progress of the Forwarding of Ordnance, 20 October 1781

Samuel Hodgdon to Henry Knox Reporting on the Progress of the Forwarding of Ordnance, 20 October 1781
Author: Samuel Hodgdon
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1781

Reports on the progress of ordnance being forwarded to Henry Knox. Mentions that some items left in Baltimore had been rejected by Major Sebastian Bauman. Comments on fixes made to munitions made by a Mr. Johnson that were cast without the necessary staples. Plans to send some of the repaired shells to Knox for approval. Indicates some specific items and their quantities that were already in transit. Claims that he has been working expeditiously and that he has done everything in his power to prevent a shortage. This ordnance transport was possibly one that Knox asked the Board of War & Ordnance to have Hodgdon superintend on 23 September 1781 (see GLC02437.01188). Hodgdon was the commissary general of military stores. The siege of Yorktown ended the day before this letter was written. See also GLC02437.01263.

Henry Knox to Samuel Hodgdon about Sending Ordnance for the Siege of Yorktown, 26 October 1781

Henry Knox to Samuel Hodgdon about Sending Ordnance for the Siege of Yorktown, 26 October 1781
Author: Henry Knox
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1781

Responds to Hodgdon's letter about sending ordnance from Baltimore for the siege of Yorktown (see GLC02437.01249) and hopes news of Lord Cornwallis' surrender reached him before the ships set sail. Asks that the shell and shot be sent to Head of Elk, Maryland instead. Hodgdon was the commissary general of military stores appointed by the Board of War & Ordnance.

Report Written by Henry Knox Sent to the Board of War and Ordnance, 9 September 1781

Report Written by Henry Knox Sent to the Board of War and Ordnance, 9 September 1781
Author: Henry Knox
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1781

Reports that almost all the stores are embarked at Head of Elk, Maryland. He has not yet received a full account of ordnance sent from Philadelphia from Samuel Hodgdon, the commissary general of military stores, so he does not know if the Board's directions have been fulfilled. Knox will ensure full compliance. The supplies were needed for the upcoming siege of Yorktown.

Samuel Hodgdon to Henry Knox about Weapons and Supplies, 18 July 1781

Samuel Hodgdon to Henry Knox about Weapons and Supplies, 18 July 1781
Author: Samuel Hodgdon
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1781

Hodgdon, Commissary General of Military Stores, discusses weapons, supplies, and other details. Reports on the repair of muskets previously delivered to his post. Implores Knox to send pistols and muskets Hodgdon has been expecting as soon as possible. Encloses an invoice from a load of stores (not included). Forwarded one Continental standard to Knox while planning to procure five more.

David Humphreys to Henry Knox about Forwarding Ordnance, 26 October 1781

David Humphreys to Henry Knox about Forwarding Ordnance, 26 October 1781
Author: David Humphreys
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1781

Communicates request from General George Washington that Knox forward him the return of ordnance and ordnance captured from the British in the siege of Yorktown. Washington intends to send the return with a letter to Congress. Colonel Humphreys was an aide to George Washington. GLC02437.10031 is Knox's copy of the report sent in response to this letter.

Samuel Hodgdon to Henry Knox Listing Ordnance for the Upcoming Siege of Yorktown, 8 September 1781

Samuel Hodgdon to Henry Knox Listing Ordnance for the Upcoming Siege of Yorktown, 8 September 1781
Author: Samuel Hodgdon
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1781

Sends a sheet listing ordnance sent for the southern operation, referring to the upcoming siege of Yorktown. Colonel John Lamb will deliver the enclosed spirit levels. Explains some of the munitions information. Samuel Hodgdon was the commissary general of military stores. Account of Ordance stores accompanied the letter (GLC02437.01172).

Reply from the Board of War and Ordnance to Henry Knox's Request for Artillery Supplies, 6 October 1781

Reply from the Board of War and Ordnance to Henry Knox's Request for Artillery Supplies, 6 October 1781
Author: Richard Peters
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1781

Responds to Knox's request for armaments with assurances that the Board of War and Ordnance is working expeditiously to fulfill his request. Explains the recent activities of Samuel Hodgdon, the commissary general of military stores appointed by the Board. Knox needed the ordnance for the siege of Yorktown. Peters was the Secretary of the Board of War and Ordnance.

Request for More Shot and Shells from Henry Knox to the Board of War and Ordnance, 23 September 1781

Request for More Shot and Shells from Henry Knox to the Board of War and Ordnance, 23 September 1781
Author: Henry Knox
Total Pages: 0
Release: 1781

Believes that the provisions of shot and shells will be inadequate for the siege of Yorktown. Requests additional ordnance be sent to Head of Elk, Maryland. Asks that Samuel Hodgdon, the commissary general of military stores, be ordered to superintend the transport. Signed twice, once at close of letter and once after postscript. (See also GLC02437.01249.).